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Name: Mona

Date: 25/11/2021
Score:……/ 8 pts

Activity: 1.27
Use the diagram in Figure 1.10 from the coursebook page 38 to help you decide which one of the Individual Report
questions in each pair is better. Choose one and try to give reasons for your decision.

Questions. Write your choice here and explain why.

1a. Is trade and aid important? A. Yes, because aid could save lives. And people can
1b. Can fair trade help to ensure a global food work and donate together with heart and care. Then
security? trades won’t always be fair but, they are important
to provide the country’s needs and they could
advertise that in the country and get companies.

B. Yes fair trades, won’t take more than enough or a

fair offer from that country, so the government or
country won’t lose as much as some unfair trades.
So they could help their people. It would improve
food securities and risks. Fair trade seeks to 2enable
farmers to achieve better market access.
2a. Can genetically modified foods help towards A. Yes, it could grow more and bigger food/crops.
sustainable living globally? Some product that were containing more nutrition
2b. Are genetically modified foods bad? or something that’s good for our bodies.
B. No, but if it was consumed in a huge amount, it
would not be too safe. Or if there’s too much
modification chemicals there to consume.
3a. Is the continued existence of the Amazon A. Yes, because amazon rainforest was the part in
regulating the world's oxygen and carbon cycle .
rainforest important globally?
B. The rainforests help protecting floods I n Indonesia
3b. Why does Indonesia need the rainforest?

4a. Has global use of the Internet changed the way A. Yes, we can now communicate with devices. And
we communicate? don’t need to be face got face, it was quite easier to
4b. Is digital technology important? communicate with internet. We can contact with
people or company on the internet or with internet
B. Yes digital technology is important. To achieve
business success, efficiency and productivity are vital.
Digital technology can help improve communication,
collaboration, content management, access to
analytics data and social networking as well as staff
and customer experience.

In my opinion and perspective, I think trading and aids was the most important.
Because without those we couldn’t share or trade for anything new from other
countries, such as new technologies, food, products, machines (etc). And helps
are definitely important for all countries. Let’s see trading a fair trade we can
keep a sustainable deal. With all those we can trade knowledges, services and
anything, basic needs for humans.

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