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Approach to and

Management of Adverse
Drug Reactions
Mercedes E. Arroliga and Nicola M. Vogel

S E C T I O N  1 
Adverse reactions to drugs are unintended or undesired effects of a penicilloylamine, penilloate, and other simple chemical products of
drug therapy that may significantly influence management deci- penicillin.7 Immediate reactions following penicillin administration

sions.1 The incidence may be as high as 15% in hospitalized patients.2,3 are mediated through IgE antibodies against the major determinants,
Budnitz and colleagues, in a study of emergency department visits the minor determinants, or both.
for outpatient adverse drug reactions, reported that such reactions
accounted for 2.5% for all unintentional injury and 0.6% of the Risk Factors
estimated visits for all causes.4
Predictable adverse drug reactions are common. These reactions The risk of penicillin sensitization is increased with multiple short
are dose dependent or related to the pharmacology of the drug and courses of antibiotics and can occur with any route of administra-
include overdose, side effects, secondary or indirect effects, second- tion.7 Anaphylactic reactions to penicillin occur most commonly in
ary effects related to underlying disease, and drug-drug interac- persons between 20 and 49 years old. However, they can occur in
tions.1,5 Unpredictable drug reactions are less common and occur in children and in the elderly. Race, gender, personal or family history
a small subset of patients. These reactions are not related to the dose of atopic disease, and allergy to other drugs or to the mold Penicil-
or the pharmacology of the drug. Unpredictable reactions include lium are not predisposing factors.7
drug intolerance, idiosyncratic reactions, pseudoallergic reactions,
and immunologic reactions.1,5 Testing for Penicillin Allergy
Based on the mechanism involved, immunologic reactions can be
classified as immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated (type 1) and non– The presence of IgE antibodies to penicillin can be detected through
IgE-mediated reactions. IgE-mediated reactions usually develop a skin test to penicillin, a radioallergosorbent test (RAST) to penicil-
within minutes following the administration of the drug but can lin, or the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The skin
occur up to 72 hours later. These reactions include but are not test for penicillin is the most reliable way to demonstrate the presence
limited to anaphylaxis, urticaria, asthma, angioedema, and hypoten- or absence of specific IgE antibodies to major and minor penicillin
sion. Non–IgE-mediated reactions can be further classified into determinants. However, it does not predict the future development
antibody-mediated (type 2), immune complex-mediated (type 3), of IgE-mediated reactions during subsequent courses of penicillin or
and T-lymphocyte-mediated (type 4) reactions. Non–IgE-mediated the development of non-IgE-mediated reactions caused by other
reactions include erythema multiforme, serum sickness, hemolytic immune mechanisms, such as cytotoxic antibody-mediated reac-
anemia, drug fever, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, thrombocytopenia, tions, antibody-antigen immune complex-mediated reactions, and
and toxic epidermal necrolysis.6 delayed-type cell-mediated reactions.10
This chapter summarizes current understanding of drug reac- Penicillin skin testing is performed using benzylpenicilloyl poly-
tions, with emphasis on IgE-mediated reactions to penicillins and lysine (Pre-Pen), penicillin G, and minor determinants (if available)
cephalosporins, adverse reactions to local anesthetics, and angio- to detect the presence of IgE antibodies to the major and minor
edema due to angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and determinants. Because the minor determinant mixture is not com-
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). mercially available, penicillin G at a concentration of 10,000 U/mL
has been recommended as a partial source of minor determinants.
PENICILLIN Methods of preparation of the minor determinants have been pub-
lished elsewhere.11,12 Unfortunately, Pre-Pen, the source of major deter­
Penicillin is commonly prescribed because of its effectiveness and ­minants, has been withdrawn from the market and is not available.
low toxicity.7 However, adverse reactions to penicillin are common Both percutaneous and intradermal tests are performed using
and often complicate medical therapy. Up to 20% of patients admit- diluted penicillin G at a concentration of 10,000 U/mL, Pre-Pen at
ted to the hospital claim to have penicillin allergy.1 These patients full strength, and minor determinant mixture (if available). Hista-
are usually treated with more expensive, more toxic, and sometimes mine and saline skin tests are used as positive and negative controls,
less effective antibiotics. Although the exact prevalence of allergic respectively. Percutaneous testing is done, and the results are read at
reactions to penicillin is unknown, allergic reactions are estimated to 15 minutes. If the percutaneous test findings are negative, intrader-
occur in approximately 2% of patients treated with penicillin.1 Most mal testing is performed. The skin test is positive if it produces a
of these reactions are skin rashes, such as maculopapular or urti- wheal more than 3 mm larger than the wheal produced by the nega-
carial eruptions.1 However, the penicillins are one of the most tive saline control (Fig. 1).
common causes of drug-induced anaphylactic reactions,8 and fatali- Up to 99% of patients tolerate penicillin if skin testing is negative
ties have been reported.9 for penicillin using major determinants (benzylpenicilloyl) and a
Penicillin is a chemical hapten, with a low molecular weight of mixture of minor determinants and penicillin G. Approximately
300 daltons, that needs to bind to a tissue macromolecule, usually a 97% of patients tolerate penicillin if skin testing is negative using
protein, to become immunogenic.7 The major breakdown product benzylpenicilloyl and penicillin G (as the sole source of minor deter-
of penicillin is the penicilloyl group (approximately 85%-90%), minants).13 However, a few patients who are at risk for anaphylactic
known as the major determinant.7 The reminder of the breakdown reaction are missed with this testing method because penicillin G
products are minor determinants, so called because they are formed does not contain all the minor determinants.13 Patients with a history
in smaller quantities.7 The minor determinants include penicilloate, of penicillin allergy and negative penicillin skin test have a low risk 43
44 Approach to and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions

quinolones.20,21 These antibiotics, when used extensively, are associ-

ated with the emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens and
increased morbidity and mortality.

Most patients labeled allergic to penicillin do not have penicillin-
specific IgE antibodies as detected by skin test and can safely be given

penicillin. However, patients with a history of penicillin allergy are

more likely to experience a reaction on subsequent courses than
those without such history.10
The evaluation of adverse drug reactions begins with a detailed
history. However, many patients do not clearly recall the drug to
which they reacted, the type of reaction that occurred, or the dura-
tion of drug exposure. In addition, up to 33% of patients with a vague
history of penicillin allergy have a positive penicillin skin test.18
Therefore, it is recommended that even patients who have a vague
history of penicillin allergy and who require penicillin have skin
testing to determine the presence of penicillin-specific IgE antibodies
before it is assumed that the patient will tolerate penicillin.13 Some
clinicians suggest that the penicillin skin test needs to be repeated
before each course of penicillin, especially for patients with a history
of IgE-mediated reaction who received intravenous penicillin,

because of the risk of resensitization.1 However, Solensky and col-

leagues have reported that none of 46 patients with a history of
S E C T I O N  1 

penicillin allergy and a negative penicillin skin test were resensitized

Figure 1  Positive skin test to Pre-Pen.  Gindicates penicillin G result; after receiving three courses of oral penicillin V.22
P indicates Pre-Pen result; S indicates saline result; H indicates histamine Because of the lack of commercially available penicillin minor
result. determinants for skin testing, some authorities recommend a test-
dose challenge in patients with a history of penicillin allergy and
negative skin tests to major determinants and penicillin G.6 A test-
of developing an IgE-mediated reaction following administration of dose challenge might be done using 0.01 of the therapeutic dose
penicillin. At our institution, we found a reaction rate of 1.7% in a (0.001 of the therapeutic dose if the previous reaction was severe),
group of 596 patients with a history of penicillin allergy and negative followed by 0.1 of the dose, and then the full therapeutic dose if there
skin tests.14 Similar to the findings in our study, low rates of adverse is no reaction.6 If a reaction occurs during the test-dose challenge
reactions also have been reported by other clinicians.15-17 and the drug is essential for treatment, penicillin desensitization is
The RAST and the ELISA detect only IgE antibodies to the major recommended.6
penicillin determinant. Therefore, these tests are less sensitive than
the skin test.13 If a patient has a positive history and a positive skin test Treatment
to penicillin, there is a 50% or greater chance of an immediate IgE-
mediated reaction if penicillin is received again.13 Similarly, a positive If the penicillin skin test is positive and the treatment with a penicil-
RAST or ELISA demonstrates the presence of IgE antibodies to peni- lin antibiotic is essential, desensitization is needed. Oral and intrave-
cillin, and these patients should be considered at risk for immediate nous protocols for penicillin desensitization have been published.5,6,8,23
IgE-mediated reactions to penicillin.15 These patients should receive Oral desensitization is safer than parenteral desensitization.23
an equally efficacious alternative antibiotic or be desensitized. The basic principle for oral or parenteral (intravenous) desensi-
The detection of IgE antibodies to penicillin by a skin test is tization is similar. The initial dose is very small, usually 0.0001 of the
affected by the amount of time between the original allergic drug recommended dose. The dose is usually doubled every 15 minutes
reaction and the skin test. Many patients with documented IgE anti- until the full therapeutic dose is achieved.
bodies to penicillin by skin test lose the sensitivity with time. It is Adverse reactions can occur during and after the desensitization
estimated that up to 80% of patients with a history of immediate procedure.22 Most of these reactions are mild, such as pruritus,
reactions to penicillin will have a negative skin test at 10 years.18 rhinitis, wheezing, and urticaria.23 These reactions require symp-
However, these patients may be at increased risk of sensitization to tomatic treatment, and the dose of penicillin should be repeated until
penicillin on subsequent administration compared with the rest of tolerated. Severe reactions, such as laryngeal edema, require rapid
the population.17 treatment until the patient is stable and a reduction of the next
penicillin dose by one third or more of the previous provoking
Safety of the Skin Test dose.6 When desensitization is achieved, continuous treatment with
penicillin is required to avoid the return of the IgE-sensitive state. A
If done properly, the skin test is safe, with a rate of systemic reaction time lapse greater than 12 to 48 hours can allow such sensitivity to
of less than 1%.14,19 Nevertheless, severe reactions such as anaphylaxis return.6
and death have occurred. Serious reactions to the penicillin skin test
are usually a result of violations of the skin test protocol, such as CEPHALOSPORINS
administering a dose that is too high or performing intracutaneous
testing without prick or puncture testing beforehand.13 Like penicillins, cephalosporins are commonly used. Cephalosporins
share a common beta-lactam ring with the penicillin (Fig. 2).
Additional Uses of the Penicillin Skin Test However, they have a dihydrothiazide ring instead of the thiazolide
ring of the penicillin molecule. Various adverse reactions to cepha-
Penicillin skin testing can also serve as a way to decrease the necessary losporin have been described including eosinophilia, serum sickness,
dose of broad-spectrum antibiotics such as vancomycin and fluoro- febrile reactions, interstitial nephritis, and hemolytic anemia.24 Urti-
Approach to and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions 45

S CH3 similar side chains. Similar side chains are present in cefadroxil and

R NH amoxicillin, ceftazidime and aztreonam, and cephalexin and amoxi-

N CH3 cillin.24 It can be appreciated that reactions to cephalosporin can
O COOH occur even with a negative penicillin skin test.
If a patient has a history of penicillin allergy and needs a cepha-
A losporin antibiotic, the following approaches have been recom-
mended10: First, use a non–beta-lactam antibiotic. Next, consider
RJNH S administration of a cephalosporin (preferably second or third gen-

S E C T I O N  1 
eration) if the patient has a history of mild reaction. Although the
O JOJR1 risk of life-threatening reaction is low, severe adverse reactions can
occur. This approach has been discouraged in published guidelines
OH O on the diagnosis and management of drug hypersensitivity.10 Finally,
B perform a penicillin skin test. If the skin test is negative, the patient
may receive the cephalosporin with a low risk of developing an aller-
Figure 2  A, Penicillin molecule. B, Cephalosporin molecule. gic reaction.

If a patient in need of a penicillin antibiotic has a history of a
cephalosporin allergy, the penicillin skin test can identify those at
caria, rash, exanthema, and pruritus are estimated to occur in risk for IgE-mediated reaction to penicillin. If the skin test is nega-
approximately 1% to 2.8%.24 Although anaphylactic reactions after tive, penicillin may be given. If the skin test is positive and penicillin
cephalosporin administration are rare,25 death has been reported.26,27 is needed, the patient should undergo desensitization.
Unlike penicillin, cephalosporin determinants have not been well Carbapenems (e.g., imipenem) should be considered cross-
identified or studied. Therefore, the positive and negative predictive reactive with penicillin and cephalosporin because of the presence of
values of cephalosporin skin testing are unknown. A negative skin test a similar beta-lactam ring.10,13 On the other hand, aztreonam (a
does not rule out the presence of IgE antibodies to these drugs. On the monobactam) rarely cross-reacts with penicillin, possibly because
other hand, a positive skin test suggests the presence of drug-specific of the lack of a second nuclear ring structure.10,13 However, ceftazi-
IgE antibodies. These patients should be considered at increased risk dime and aztreonam share the same side chains, and clinical cross-
for IgE-mediated reaction on administration of the specific drug. reactivity can occur.1
They should receive an alternative antibiotic or undergo desensitiza- The presence of IgE antibodies to penicillin can be determined by
tion. Nonirritant concentrations of commonly used antimicrobial the use of the penicillin skin test. This test can help us to identify
drugs that can be used for skin testing have been published.8,28 patients who have a history of penicillin allergy and can receive
If the patient needs a cephalosporin and has a history of cepha- penicillin or cephalosporin with a low risk for immediate hypersen-
losporin allergy, the treating physician can choose one of the follow- sitivity reactions, and it can identify patients who should avoid using
ing approaches: choose a non–beta-lactam antibiotic, give a graded these drugs. In spite of the importance of penicillin skin testing,
dose challenge with a cephalosporin with a different side chain from Pre-Pen was withdrawn from the market because of manufacturing
the one to which the patient reacted, or perform a cephalosporin skin problems. Without this preparation, a reliable diagnostic test for
test with a nonirritating concentration.24 If the skin test is positive, managing drug hypersensitivity has been lost.
the patient can be desensitized or tested for another cephalosporin
with a different structure.1 Protocols for cephalosporin desensitiza- ALLERGIC REACTIONS TO LOCAL ANESTHETICS
tion are published elsewhere.24 Because the negative predictive value
of a cephalosporin skin test is unknown, it is preferable that a nega- Local anesthetics have been used worldwide in different medical
tive skin test be followed by a provocative graded-dose challenge, if procedures since procaine (Novocaine), the first synthetic local anes-
a challenge is favorable from a risk-to-benefit standpoint.1 thetic agent, was developed.
Local anesthetics reversibly block the generation and conduction
CROSS-REACTIVITY BETWEEN PENICILLINS   of nerve impulses by decreasing the permeability of excitable mem-
AND CEPHALOSPORINS branes to sodium through interaction with one or more specific
binding sites within sodium channels.31 The duration of anesthesia
The rate of cross-reactivity between penicillins and cephalosporins depends on plasma protein binding and the addition of vasoconstric-
is unknown. Clinical cross-reactivity between penicillins and cepha- tors such as epinephrine. Vasoconstrictors decrease the rate of
losporins appears to be low, especially for second- and third- absorption of local anesthetics, localizing the anesthetic to the desired
generation cephalosporins.10 However, patients with a history of site and allowing its rate of destruction to keep pace with its rate of
penicillin allergy appear to be at increased risk for severe IgE- absorption into the circulation.31
mediated reactions to cephalosporin, including anaphylaxis. The structure of local anesthetics has three segments: a lipophilic
A penicillin skin test can help to determine which patients are at or aromatic group, an intermediate chain linkage, and a hydrophilic
increased risk for severe IgE-mediated reactions when receiving a or amine group. Based on their intermediate chain linkage, local
cephalosporin. A review of 11 studies concluded that the risk for anesthetics are classified into two major groups: the benzoic acid
reaction when receiving cephalosporin in a patient with a positive esters or group 1 and the amides and miscellaneous or group 2.
skin test to penicillin was approximately 4.4%.25 Pumphrey and Group 1 anesthetics include benzocaine, butamben picrate, cocaine,
David reported that 3 of 12 anaphylactic deaths following adminis- procaine, tetracaine, proparacaine. Group 2 anesthetics include
tration of cephalosporin occurred in patients known to be allergic to bupivacaine, dibucaine, dyclonine, etiodocaine, levobupivacaine,
penicillin.29 lidocaine, mepivacaine, prilocaine).31,32
Some patients who react to beta-lactam antibiotics other than Different types of adverse reactions to local anesthetics have been
penicillin have antibodies directed to side-chain structures rather reported. Most of these appear to be vasovagal, anxiety, and toxic
than to the beta-lactam ring, and cross-reactivity among cephalospo- reactions.33 Case reports have suggested that adverse reactions to the
rins could be explained by the presence of these antibodies.1 Such preservatives in local anesthetics, including methylparaben and sul-
antibodies can cause anaphylaxis.13 Figure 3 shows an extensive list fites, can also occur.34,35
of cephalosporins and their structures, including similarities and Following absorption, local anesthetics may be associated with
differences of side-chain structures (indicated by R1 and R2).30 Cefa- central stimulation manifested by restlessness, tremor, and seizures.
mandole, cefalothin, cepaloridine, cephalotin, and penicillin G have Central stimulation is followed by depression, and death is due to
46 Approach to and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions

R1− −R2 R1− −R2
Ceftizoxime N C H


Cefotaxime N C CH2OCOCH3

Cefaclor H2N

NH2 Cefpodoxime N C CH2OCH3

Cefadroxil H2N
Ceftriaxone N C N N

Cephaloglycin N

Ceftazidime N C CH3


S CH2–N+
S E C T I O N  1 


Cefamandole CH3
Cefoxitin1 N N

Cefmetazole1 CH3


Cefazolin N N N Cefotetan1 CH3

1Cephamycin with an α-methoxy group (-OCH3) at the 7-position.

Figure 3  Similarities in the side chains of different cephalosporins.  From Baldo BA: Penicillins and cephalosporins as
allergens-structural aspects of recognition and cross-reactions. Clin Exp Allergy 1999;29(6):744-749. Used with permission.

respiratory failure.33 Palpitations, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and ven- cated, they must decide whether to undergo surgery without anes-
tricular arrhythmias have also been described.31,32,36 thesia, have a procedure with general anesthesia, or forgo benefits of
Hypersensitivity reactions to local anesthetics are uncommon. the surgical procedure.
Contact dermatitis mediated by sensitized lymphocytes is the most The role of the allergist or immunologist is to rule out IgE-
common, and it accounts for up to 80% of reactions reported to local mediated (allergic and anaphylactic) potential to group 1 and group
anesthetics.37 Patch testing is available for patients with a history of 2 agents. Different protocols for evaluating patients with a history of
contact dermatitis. Although IgE-mediated reactions to local anes- adverse reactions to local anesthetics have been described.6,32,40,41
thetics are extremely rare, cases have been reported.37 de Shazo and Based on the information obtained from patch-test studies, the
Nelson evaluated 90 patients with a history of adverse reaction to benzoic acid esters usually cross-react with each other but not with
local anesthetics, and only one patient had a positive test by the the amides and the other agents in group 2. The amides and the other
intradermal method; the other 89 had a negative challenge.38 Gall and agents in group 2 do not appear to cross-react with each other.6
colleagues reported negative skin-test results in 177 patients evalu- One approach to managing these patients begins with identifying
ated for adverse reactions to local anesthetics. Three patients reacted the agent that caused the previous untoward reaction. If the drug is
after a provocative dose challenge with the causative drug, two a benzoic acid ester (group 1), an amide or a drug from group 2 may
patients had immediate-type reactions to articaine and lidocaine, and be used. If the drug is an amide, another amide may be used and no
one patient had a delayed reaction to mepivacaine.39 In a large series further evaluation is needed. If the drug is unknown, skin-prick
of 236 patients reported by Berkun and colleagues, all subjects had testing with the undiluted local anesthetic to be used can be per-
negative skin test results, and only one patient had a positive pro- formed. A negative test can be followed by intradermal testing with
vocative dose challenge.40 0.1 mL of a 1 : 100 dilution of the same agent. If both tests are nega-
Patients with a history of adverse reactions to local anesthetics are tive, the next step is a provocative dose challenge with 1 mL subcu-
usually advised to avoid them in the future. When surgery is indi- taneous injection of the undiluted agent.
Approach to and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions 47

Positive and negative controls should be used with all prick and related to the accumulation of bradykinin and other vasoactive pep-
intradermal testing. Local anesthetics used for skin testing should not tides. ACE catalyzes the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin
contain epinephrine, because false-negative results can occur.41 Skin II, which is a vasoconstrictor that can increase blood pressure. ACE
testing may be performed with preservative-free local anesthetics or also degrades bradykinin, a vasodilator that opposes the effects of
with local anesthetics containing preservatives. However, if the result angiotensin II. With ACE inhibition, subsequently increased levels
is positive with a local anesthetic containing preservative , skin of bradykinin can induce angioedema through vasodilation and
testing should be repeated with a preservative-free agent. Another increased vascular permeability. In some patients with ACE inhibi-
positive skin test might indicate the presence of IgE antibodies, and tor–associated angioedema, an active metabolite of bradykinin,

S E C T I O N  1 
a different local anesthetic should be considered. des-Arg9-BK, may be abnormally degraded and lead to increased
True IgE-mediated reactions to local anesthetics are extremely bioavailability of bradykinin.58 Dipeptidyl peptidase IV might also
rare. Allergy and immunology evaluation is useful for patients with play a role in angioedema. Decreased levels of this enzyme can lead
suspected local anesthetic allergy, because it can identify local anes- to increased amounts of substance P, which can be associated with
thetic agents that can be tolerated without elevated risk of IgE- increased vascular permeability and leakage of plasma proteins.59
mediated reaction.

AND ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR BLOCKERS The approach to a patient with a history of an adverse reaction to an
ACE inhibitor or ARB should begin with a detailed medical history
Adverse drug reactions to ACE inhibitors are common and include including a list of all medications, indication for each medication,
cough in up to 35% of patients and angioedema in approximately dose, date of initiation, and duration of therapy. The clinical mani-
0.1% to 2.2%.42-45 Angioedema has also been reported in association festations of the reaction, including associated symptoms, should
with angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). also be reviewed. Additional history to obtain is whether the patient
had a prior exposure to the same or other ACE inhibitor or ARB
Cough medications, the effect of drug discontinuation, and the treatment of
the prior reaction. Other factors that may be related to the develop-
Cough associated with ACE inhibitors often develops within the first ment of urticaria and angioedema should be considered, including
2 weeks of starting an ACE inhibitor and generally is a dry, nonpro- infections; collagen vascular diseases; malignancy; physical factors
ductive cough. Cough may be accompanied by bronchospasm, such as pressure, vibration, or exposure to heat, cold, or sunlight;
although this does not occur more often in asthmatics than in non- and family history of angioedema suggesting C1-inhibitor deficiency.
asthmatics.46 Cough is more common in women and nonsmokers.47
The pathogenesis of ACE inhibitor–associated cough is not com- Treatment
pletely understood. The mechanism might involve increased levels
of prostaglandins, kinins (including bradykinin), and substance P. Treatment of angioedema should be tailored to each patient and may
Bradykinin and substance P are degraded by ACE, and prostaglandin include antihistamines, oral or intravenous corticosteroids, or intra-
production may be increased by bradykinin. Potential mechanisms muscular or subcutaneous epinephrine for severe airway compromise.
involve bradykinin-induced sensitization of airway sensory nerves or No studies support the effectiveness of treatment with antihistamines
activation of bradykinin receptors.48,49 or corticosteroids. Symptoms generally resolve within 48 hours after
Treatment options include discontinuing the medication and treatment is initiated and the ACE inhibitor or ARB is discontinued.
using alternative medications. The American College of Chest Physi- There is no valid skin or blood test to establish a diagnosis of ACE
cians (ACCP) Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines recom- inhibitor–associated or ARB-associated angioedema. Desensitiza-
mend discontinuing the ACE inhibitor.44 Cough associated with ACE tion, a process of administering incremental doses of a drug over
inhibitors usually resolves within a few days of discontinuing the hours to days and conversion of a drug allergy to a state of drug
medication but can take up to several weeks.44,50 Cough often recurs tolerance, is not indicated for patients who have angioedema associ-
with the same or different ACE inhibitor. Cough has not been ated with ACE inhibitors or ARB because the reaction is not an
reported in association with ARBs, and the ACCP guidelines recom- IgE-mediated process.
mend ARBs as a treatment alternative.44 In patients in whom the All ACE inhibitors carry the same risk of developing angioedema.
benefits of treatment with an ACE inhibitor outweigh the risks of a Patients who experience angioedema related to one ACE inhibitor
recurrence of the cough, a repeat trial of ACE inhibitor might also are at risk for more severe and frequent episodes with other ACE
be indicated.44 inhibitors.60 The best approach for a patient with ACE inhibitor–
associated angioedema is to avoid other ACE inhibitors and use
Angioedema alternative, equally efficacious, medications.
Although patients with ACE inhibitor–associated angioedema
Although the onset of angioedema associated with ACE inhibitors might tolerate ARBs, ARBs should be used with caution because
often occurs during the first week or first month after initiating treat- these patients can also develop angioedema associated with ARB.
ment in 25% to 60% of patients, it can occur at any time.42,51 This Studies estimate that the incidence of experiencing ARB-associated
unpredictable characteristic of ACE inhibitor–associated angio- angioedema varies from 0% to 32% in patients with a history of ACE
edema can lead to a delay in identifying the association. The newer inhibitor–associated angioedema.51,54-56 The largest of these studies
ARBs, often used as an alternative to ACE inhibitors, have also been involved more than 2000 patients with congestive heart failure.
associated with angioedema.51-53 Studies estimate that the incidence Either an ARB (candesartan) or placebo was given to patients with a
of ARB-associated angioedema varies from 0% to 32% in patients history of adverse reaction to ACE inhibitors. In the treatment group,
with a history of ACE inhibitor–associated angioedema.51,54-56 39 of 1013 patients previously experienced angioedema or anaphy-
Women, African Americans, and patients with a history of either laxis from an ACE inhibitor. Of these 39 patients, only 3 (7.6%)
idiopathic angioedema or C1 inhibitor deficiency are at higher risk developed angioedema associated with candesartan. More studies are
for angioedema.42,57 Angioedema associated with either ACE inhibi- needed to evaluate the incidence of developing ARB-associated
tors or ARBs generally affects the head and neck, and pruritis and angioedema in patients with ACE inhibitor–associated angioedema.
urticaria generally do not occur. Any patient with a history of ACE inhibitor–associated angioedema
Similar to the pathogenesis of ACE inhibitor–induced cough, the prescribed an ARB should be counseled regarding the possible risk
pathogenesis of ACE inhibitor–associated angioedema may be of developing angioedema.
48 Approach to and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions

Summary Further Readings

Alvarez del Real G, Rose ME, Ramirez-Atamoros MT, et al: Penicillin skin testing in
l The incidence of adverse drug reactions may be as high as patients with a history of β-lactam allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol
15% in hospitalized patients. 2007;98:355-359.
l Adverse reactions to penicillins and cephalosporins are Berkun Y, Ben-Zvi A, Levy Y, et al: Evaluation of adverse reactions to local anesthetics:
common and complicate medical therapy. Experience with 236 patients. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2003;91:342-345.
l Penicillin skin testing can reliably identify patients with a
Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and
Immunology, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and the
history of penicillin or cephalosporin allergy who can

Joint Council of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: Executive summary of disease

safely take penicillin. management of drug hypersensitivity: A practice parameter. Ann Allergy Asthma
l Patients with positive skin tests can use equally Immunol 1999;83:665-700.
Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and
effective alternative antibiotics or undergo Immunology, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and the
desensitization. Joint Council of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: The diagnosis and management
l Penicillin skin testing can decrease the use of broad- of anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998;101 (Pt 2):S465-S528.
spectrum antibiotics such as vancomycin and Kelkar PS, Li JT: Cephalosporin allergy. N Engl J Med 2001;345:804-809.
Mendelson LM: Adverse reactions to β-lactam antibiotics. Immunol Allergy Clin North
fluoroquinolones. Am 1998;18:745-757.
l Hypersensitivity reactions to local anesthetics are
Sogn DD, Evans R III, Shepherd GM, et al: Results of the National Institute of Allergy
uncommon. and Infectious Diseases Collaborative Clinical Trial to test the predictive value of
l A board-certified allergist or immunologist can identify skin testing with major and minor penicillin derivatives in hospitalized adults. Arch
Intern Med 1992;152:1025-1032.
local anesthetics that can be used without elevated risk of Soto-Aguilar MC, de-Shazo RD, Dawson ES: Approach to the patient with suspected
immunoglobulin E-mediated reaction in patients with a local anesthetic sensitivity. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am 1998;18:851-865.
history of allergy to local anesthetics.
l Common adverse drug reactions to ACE and ARBs include

cough and angioedema. References

l Alternative medications should be considered.

For a complete list of references, log onto
S E C T I O N  1

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