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Sec on: What is Digital

0.1 Identify which of the following scenario is Digital (Select all applicable]

1.‹ Helps in serving customers “proactively”, just when they need it.
2 i•’ Helps in “predicting”.
g i•' Replaces and/or automates manual work
z i•' Inserts a piece of technology into an existing process

0.2 TechM's digital definition comprises af — (Selecc all applicablej

1 ‹• Enabling customer to re-design business (business models, business process and new services/products)
2 Usage of Digital technologies
3 ‹• Deliver entire spectrum of solutions and service lines of digital
transformation z i•’ Impact customers by transforming end customer

0.Z Far digital transformation of an organization. defining its current and future
views is a recommended
approach(Select all applicable)

1. ‹. Business View
2. ‹
Technology View g i••
Commercial View

i•’ Creation of new business designs

2. › Blurring the Digital and physical world
3. ›• Unprecedented convergence of pe business and things

0.5 ’One of our customers has implemented an iPad in their warehouse where the manager can key in inventory
levels into the iPad instead of the physical registry - this is an example of business"

1. 'r Digital
2. '. Non-Digital

0.6 Digital has the ability to reach out customer with the help of technology and customer data

1 '•. TRUE
2' FAL3E

a.7 speedy execution is the essential key element of Digital

1. 'r. TRUE

2. ' .. FAL6E

0.8 Digital has the ability to get 360 degree view of a customer

1 '°. TRUE
1.'.•.' TRUE
g '. .' FALSE

0.8 Digital has the ability to get 360 degree view of a customer

1.'.•.' TRUE
g '. .' FALSE

0.9 Digital is driven by

1 '.•.' "Inside out" perspective

g '. .' "Outside in" perspective

O. 10 SMAC stands for

1 '.•.
g '. .' 9ecure,MobiIity,Analytics,Compute
3 '. '
4 '. 9ecurity,Mobile,Analyse,Compute

are?ous HOme

ue ngsa e
peu se pp s e

1 ›• Interactive Advertising
g i•' Digital Retailing
$ i Mass Mailing

0.12 Which of the follmving is/are examples af wireless connecdvity technology fselect all applicable]

1 "*'. WI-Fi
2 ZigBee
g i•'. Blutooth
z i Ethernet

0.13 Social technologies are changing the business by (l3elecc all applicableJ

1 ›• Adding additional customer touch points

g i•' Changing traditional selling to 'Social selling'
g i•' Real Time customer enagement
zi None of the above

B.14 Autonomous technologies help in achieving (Select all applicable)

1 ›• Speed of Delivery
g i•' Responsiveness to changi ng
needs g i•' Consistent quality
O.15 Social Media. Crowdsourcing and Collaborabons are a few enablers of capability af disruptive digital

1.'. Think
g •. Connect
$ . Communicate
z . Visualize

0.16 Big Oata. Ana@cs, AI, Cognitive Analysis are a few enablers of capabiIit;y af disruptive digital technologies.

1' 8ense
g •. Think
3 ' Connect
z . Communicate

O. t7 Robotics/Boss. RPA. M9M and Drones are a few enablerg of capability of digrupciVe digital technologies.

1.'.. Connect
g . Communicate
3. 'r Visualize

z' . Act

0.1B Augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it.

'.•.' True
g' ' False
3 '. .' Can't Say

0.19 Business Qbjecdve that can be leveraged using Analytics are

'. .' Quicker Response to Market Trends

Identified real-time cost optimizations
3.'...' Autonomic Business Processes Management
4. '• All of the above
5 '. .' Only 1 and 2

0.20 Connectivity enabled by Digital technologies is creaking new business possibilities -

Quick one-tap connectivity to information, websites and location

g '. .' Evolving mobile & e-business
3.'. Reduced human interference & Seam less data exchange between business
functions 4 '. .' Increased operational Efficiency
5 i• All of the above

Prevous Home
O. Z1 Whim:h of the following cen be potential benefits from Enterprise Digital Transformations (SeIecE all eppliceble]

1. • Front end differentiation 8 new revenue generation

< customer centricity improvement
¿ Operations improvement & Cost Optimization

0. ZZ rvices is disruptive business model

1. The Free Model

The “as a service" Model
¿ The Access/Rental Model
4 • The On-demand Model

Q.23 Google, Facebook are example of disruptive business model

1. • The Freemium or Free Model

g The Hyper-personalized Model
g The Access/Rental Model
q The On-demand Model

0.E4 Which of the following can be hot spoLs for digital disruptions.

1 New P roduct & Services

g Di+ferentiated Business Model s
Reimag ined Busi ness
4 • All o+ the above

0.US Which of the following could be examples of business models?

1 Subscription m odel
g The Hyper-personalized Model
The Hypermarket Model
4 . • All o+ the above

GL26 Emerpriee can em ize wkh tf›e customer through experience driven Digi4magination by understanding
cuatoma' needs.[SeIecc all applicable)

j @ Expressed wishes
2 e unarticulated wishesMn-fathomed wishes
3.D None of the 8bOVg

Gr27 are a few fundamental ahilte happening in busk›eee modelB ae an impacc of Enterprise Digkal
Trans&rmation.tick oil oppleobkl

j @ Products to Servioes
2.B Products to Platforms
3.B Ownership to Access
q @ Products to Data

D28 GMART produoa Seleet all applicable]

j @ Can monitor/report conditiordenvironment

y @ Do predictive analysis
3.B • •rm self diagnosis
4.g Remain with undetected faults

GL29 Eurocom haa reoentty been able to maka good recovery of long ozlatandkig paymerlla , by enabling mobile
payrrenls. Which buainees proceea haB been made this efficieM?

payments. Which buaineaa prooeae hBB been made chie efficierc?

j @ Customer onboarding
2.e Deiivery/Payment
3.e customer servicing
4.e customer retention
s.e cii of the above

0.SD ABC Bank free reduced zt›e zlme zo on•board e cuozomer to less than 5CI% by digkéing the docurnem handling
proseas. WNch business prooees haa kthroyed here.

j @ Customer
onboarding 2 e
3.e customer servicing
4.e customer retention
s.e cii of the above

GL31 Adopfing digital technologies on tzad4zonal enterprise to cleliver grauXh, profitabi€ty erxl customer ceroioky

‹.e Enteprise Digital Transformation

2.e Digital Revolution
s e Entepri«e erfonuance
g '. . The "as a service" Model
g The Access/Rental Model
z • The Platform Model

0.33 In the OigiLal era, traditional products turn into smart products by adding key capabilities in them like :

1.'.. Intelligence
g '. . Connectednes
3 '.r. Both 1 and 2
x '. . klone of the above

0.34 To empathize wkh customer's journey and to capture expressed. unarticulated and un-fathamed needs is

1.'. Experience Driven Digi-imagination

2.'. Efficiency Driven Digi-imagination
g • Both 1 and 2

0.35 Amazon is an exrnple of

1 '. Subscription model

g '. . The Hyper-personalized Model
3 '. The Hypermarket Model
x i.•. All of the above

0.36 Digital Journey consists of [Select all applicable]

1 i•’ Building Digital Vision

2 ‹• Identifying Digital Impacts
3 ‹•. USA Digital Framework
4 ‹. Heat-map & Radar

0.37 The follou/ing srep involved in "Oigital Journey framework* focuses on running Digital operation 6 benefits
realization while continuously identifying next "delLa" improvemeM and/or new apportunices

1 . Identify
2 Build
3 Prove
4 BF8tB

§ • All of the above

0.38 The follou/ing srep involved in "Oigital Journey framework* focuses on building desired Digital stack, developing
internal capabilities and building agility & speed irco technology managemerc

1 Identify
2 Build
3 Prove
4 BF8tB

¿ • All of the above

2 Build
3 Prove
4 ' Operate
s t All of the above

0.39 The following step involved in "Digital Journey framework* focuses on Identifying product/ services &
business model differentiation opportunities

1 Identify
2 Build
3 Prove
4 ' Operate
s t All of the above

0.40 Digit;al is not touch point for a customer but it's a Journey

1 't TRUE
2 ' ' FALSE


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