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I-S-M.Ed(PC-1)-IES (13) Full Marks : 70 Time : As in the Progra The figures in the right-hand margin indicate# Answer all the questions. 1. "Education is an evolving and dynamic process as it is expected to keep pace with the emerging social needs and demands." Justify the statement with reasons. 14 Or Suggest a framework of the aims of education in the present context of new challenges and aspirations in Indian society. 2. State the nature of education as a discipline alongwith its multifacet character. 14 Or What is multidisciplinary approach? Discuss how the disciplines of Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science and Psychology are related to Education. ‘ 4+10 [Turn over] 3. Explain with examples how teaching-learning~ processes and human relationship in school @= greatly influenced by socio-cultural context. 14 Or Discuss how learning of an individual largely “depends upon the psychological attributes possessed by him/her. 4. "Vision of education as enshrined in the Upanisads centres around the issues of liberation, ideal thoughts, values and righteous action in order to enable one to lead a perfect life." Elucidate. 14 Or Discuss the educational plan ‘as envisaged by Rousseau for Emile highlighting its universal significance. 5. Explain how Paulo Freire's ideas on education have potential for bringing about social transformation. 14 Or What arguments are presented by Illich for deschooling society? Discuss the alternatives suggested by him. 747 nares 1-S-M.Ed(PC-D-IES (13) [2]

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