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Resume Builder Application

Batch Number: 3

K. Mounika-CSE-08R01A0598


Rohit Agarwal-CSE-08R01A05B8

Table of Contents:

1. Abstract of the project

2. Keywords

3. Software requirements.

4. Hardware Requirements.

5. Requirements and Specifications.

6. Low level designing

7. High level designing.

8. Database designing.

9. Milestones and Timelines.

Abstract of the project:

          Developing an application for automating the process of Resume Writing. This would be facilitating
the employees to make their resumes in a proper format. In addition, it will be facilitating the higher
management to search the employees depending upon their skills sets and other attributes. The Basic
Requirement is to have a centralized repository of all the skill-holders in the organization so that an
employee with a particular skill set can be immediately found in case of urgent requirement.


Generic Technology keywords

           Databases, Programming

Specific Technology keywords

           MS-SQL server, HTML, Active Server Pages, C#

Project type keywords

           Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, User Interface

Software Requirements:

Operating System    : Any Graphical OS

Language                 :  C#

Front End                 : HTML

RDBMS/Back End   : MS-Access / SQL Server

Hardware Requirements:

PC with 2 GB hard-disk and 256 MB RAM.

Manpower requirements:

Project Duration:  3months

Project team-size: 3


Requirements and Specifications(RS):

Essential / Description of the

No. Requirement Remarks
Desirable Requirement
A login box should
The system should have The logins are assigned by
RS1 Essential appear when the system
a login registrations.
is invoked.
Help about the various
Some tips on writing a neat
The system should have features of the system
RS2 Essential resume can be given in the help
help screens should be provided in
Since the application is going to be
The system should ‘lock’
This feature will improve used only by the employees of the
the login id if wrong
RS3 Desirable the robustness of the organization, this feature is not
password is entered 3
application essential. However, if time is
times in a row
there, this will be implemented.
The System Should
This feature is necessary Logout option should be there
RS4 enable the user to Essential
for the Security purpose. after logged in.
The System should show Making the Application
The application should never hang
RS5 proper error messages in Desirable Robust and more User
due to an unhandled error.
case of  an error friendly.
A form should be
This page should be
provided for registered The information which is required
displayed when the
RS6 user to enter their Essential to prepare a resume should be
employee wants to
information that is simple.
prepare a resume
required for resume
After editing the resume,
An edit option should be This helps employees to update
RS7 Essential the new data should
there to edit resumes. their resumes.
replace the old data.
When urgent
The system administrator
requirement is there
should have search The search option is given to only
RS8 Essential then the administrator
option to search the administrator.
can search the
employees using skill set.
employees by skill set.
The user interface should
be such a way that it
This feature will make As it gives the additional features,
should facilitate all the
RS9 Desirable the application more user if time is there, this will be
friendly. implemented.

RS10 The database should be Essential All the tables in the The tables in the database should
designed as the login is database are designed be designed by considering all the
database driven. related to applications. requirements.
The table should have
All the fields in the Memory management should be
RS11 the all the fields required Essential
database are specified. considered.
to get a resume.
The Application is a web
site and is deployed
under the server The server should have
The web server should be in
RS12 machine and worked on Essential respective framework
working condition.
and the database.
from the remote systems
by clients.
As it is the web
application, a network A network is required to
RS13 should be there to Essential invoke the application The network should be simple.
connect the server and from the client systems.
The system should have Print option makes the
A correct format should be
RS14 print option to print their Desirable application more user
decided to get printed.
resumes. friendly.
The resume should be
A format is decided to The appropriate format can be
RS15 displayed in a proper Essential
view the resume. selected from many formats.
The resume format can
Different formats for the The employee can select any one
RS16 be selected 2 or more Desirable
resume can be seen among them.
formats by the employee
The administrator must
check for the validity of
RS17 Password verification Essential  
the password and user id
from the database.
When the web page is
accessed using the
Product browser
RS18 Essential. URL, the user can browse  
through the products
available on the website.

Terms and conditions will
be displayed, which on
Terms and conditions Desirable accepting by the user will
RS19 complete the  

RS20 A web template should Desirable By using a template, the The selected template should
look and feel of the
be selected for the
application can be increase the look and feel.
By using this, the
Automatic spell check efficiency of the
RS21 Desirable  
can be implemented application can be
Extra information like
The passport details of an
passport and visa details
RS22 Essential particular employee can  
can be filled in the
be found
By providing validations, For suppose the email of the
Validations should be the data entered by the employee should be in a email
RS23 Essential
given to data entries. employee will be in format. Like this validations
correct format. should be given to all fields


Low Level Designing:

             It is an application which facilitates the employees to make their resumes in a proper format. In
addition, it will be facilitating the higher management to search the employees depending upon their
skills sets and other attributes. The different modules it can have

1. Login Module
2. Employees module
3. Interface for filling up the information in the resume.
4. System Administrator module
5. Interface for searching a student on various attributes.\

High Level Designing:

1. Login Module:

                      This is for login which accepts the username and password as input from the logging in user.
It validates the data and redirects the control to the specified or respective module. It also provides
the                  new user with a self registration facility.

2. Employees:

                     This module is for the registered users who on logging in can maintain the information about
them, they can prepare and edit their resumes.

3. Interface for filling up the information in the resume:

                     This module gives the interface for the employees to fill the information in their resumes. It
gives another option to edit their resume or update the resume. This interface can have
the                                          following information.

                   a) Personal Information

                   b) Educational Information

                   c) Skill sets

                   d) Training

                   e) Visa Details

4. System Administrator module:

          This module is for the HR of the organization who can login to the system and get the information
about the employees. The system administrator can search for an employee with a particular skill set
can be immediately found in case of urgent requirement.

5. Interface for searching a student on various attributes:

           The HR of the organization can search for employees based on their requirement. If they have
requirement for a specified technology, they can search for the employees by using skill set of the

Database Designing:
Range of valid values for the field
No. Field Name Remarks
This is the key field of the database as it is
Employee unique for an employee in the
1 1 to 1000
Number organization. This will also serve as the
login for the system.
Special characters like underscore are not
2 Name Up to 15 characters in length.
3 Date Of Birth The data type for it is date. The DOB should be entered in date format.
The reporting hierarchy is based on the role
Pre-defined set (like of the person. For example, an engineer
4 Role
engineers/managers/etc) reports to a manager, a manager reports to
a business manager etc
This field should also be unique for a
Up to 25 characters in length (including
5 Email Id person because no two employees in an
the domain name)
organization can have the same email id.
This would be a structure (or an array of
structures, if needed) containing the
following fields:



Educational Year Passed This field gives the information related to

Information education.

Each of the fields will have its own range

of valid values.

7 Skill Set Up to 300 characters in length Each employee can not have same skill set.
Special characters like underscore are not
Professional allowed.
8 Up to 15 characters in length
The employees who have extra activities
9 Extra Activities Up to 500 characters in length
can fill this field.

Milestones and Timelines:



Number Week
  Milestone Description Remarks
Milestone Name
from the
of the
Complete specification of the
system (with appropriate Attempt should be made to
assumptions) including the add some more relevant
1 information to be present in the 1 functionality other than those
Resume. A document detailing that are listed in this
the same should be written and a document.
presentation on that be made.
The presentation should be
from the point of view of being
Technology Understanding of the technology
2 2-3 able to apply it to the project,
familiarization needed to implement the project.
rather than from a theoretical
A database of at least 100 entries It is important to finalize on
of employees of all grades and all the database at this stage itself
3 Database creation possible technical skill-set should 4 so that development and
be created. A Database design testing can proceed with the
document should be made. actual database itself.
Listing down all possible scenarios
(like Entering resume The scenarios should map to
information, Searching Resume the requirement specification
High-level and
4 based on several criteria) and 5 (i.e., for each requirement that
Detailed  Design
then coming up with flow-charts is specified, a corresponding
or pseudo code to handle the scenario should be there).
5 Implementation of Implementation of the main 6 During this milestone period, it
the front-end of screen giving the login, screen would be a good idea for the
the system that follows the login giving team (or one person from the
various team) to start working on a
test-plan for the entire system.
, screens for each of the options This test-plan can be updated
(resume building, resume as and when new scenarios
come to mind.
searching etc).
The front-end developed in the
earlier milestone will now be able
to update the employee leave
Integrating the
database. Other features like mail
6 front-end with the 7  
notification etc should be
functional at this stage. In short,
the system should be ready for
integration testing.
Another 1 week should be
The system should be thoroughly
there to handle any issues
tested by running all the test
7 Integration Testing 8 found during testing of the
cases written for the system
system. After that, the final
(from milestone 5).
demo can be arranged.
During the final review of the
project, it should be checked
Issues found during the previous
that all the requirements
milestone are fixed and the
8 Final Review 9 specified during milestone
system is ready for the final
number 1 are fulfilled (or
appropriate reasons given for
not fulfilling the same)

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