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7 EXERCISE 2 – Extraction of aluminium, titanium and


1) Explain why aluminium is not extracted by reaction of its oxide with

Aluminium is more reactive than carbon and so cannot be displaced
by it.

2.Explain why aluminium oxide is dissolved in molten cryolite.

The melting point of pure aluminium oxide is very high

dissolving it allows the electrolysis to be carried out at a lower

3 .Write half-equations for the reactions at each electrode, and write

an overall equation for the reaction.

Anode : 2O2-  O2 + 4e-

Cathode : Al3+ + 3e-  Al
Overall equation : 4Al3+ + 6O2-  3O2 + 4Al

4.State what each electrode is made of.

Both electrodes are made of graphite.

5.Explain why the anodes need to be regularly replaced.

The graphite reacts with oxygen at the anode.

6. Explain why the elctrolysis of aluminium oxide is expensive.

a large amount of energy is required
to supply electricity for the electrolysis
and to melt the cryolite

7. Explain why aluminium is recycled although aluminium oxide is

in plentiful supply. ( 3 marks )

Expensive electrolysis or lots of electricity needed to

extract Al (from Al2O3) (1)
Recycling Al from scrap means only heat needed or
requires less energy (1)
Pollution by either no need to dispose of Al scrap (e.g.
by landfill)
or less extraction of Al2O3, less holes
or less red mud waste
or A1 or fluoride or cryolite toxicity/health
risk (1)
Aluminium oxide is a non-renewable source.
Do not allow cheaper or less expensive 3

8. State two essential conditions used for the electrolytic extraction

of aluminium from aluminium oxide.

Molten ( 1 mark ) cryolite , Na3AlF6 (1 mark )

9. Name two impurities contained in bauxite ( aluminium oxide )

i) Silicon (IV) oxide
ii) Iron (III) oxide
9. Explain why titanium dioxide cannot be reduced by electrolysis.
Titanium dioxide is not ionic / is a covalent compound - does not
contain mobile / free-moving ions.

10. Explain why titanium dioxide cannot be reduced by reaction

with carbon (give an equation).
it forms titanium carbide and not pure titanium

11. Explain how titanium dioxide is converted into its chloride (give
an equation).

12. Describe two ways in which titanium tetrachloride is reduced to

titanium (give two equations).

13. Explain why an atmosphere of argon is required in the

reduction process.

14. Explain why this process is so expensive.

15. Write an equation to show how titanium is extracted from its

oxide and give the main hazard associated with this process.
16. Give the three main problems normally associated with

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