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Issue 1 | June 2011

a publication of Fulcruum Publishing

Escaping the echo chamber

of noise and nonsense
from the publishers
What do you want to be when you grow up? 4
feature Demystifying Creative Phenomena
Interview with Todd Henry 7 pu b l i s h e r

Inside a Treehouse
Interview with Thom Chambers 14
Why being an addictive brand isn’t an option
Analysis of brand addictivity by Abby Kerr 18
Sweet Symbiosis of creativity and health
Interview with Chris Downie of SparkPeople 22
To Niche or Not to Niche
y o u
Niche debate between Mars Dorian and Jonathan Wondrusch

p o w e r o f
The power of you
The world through your eyes 35 the
How many times were we asked that question as a child? Remember
the imagination you would let loose at the invitation to say whatever
was on your mind?
How few of us actually grew up to become what we wanted to?
I now wonder how many adults ask children this question for ideas
that could lead to possible career changes. Somewhere along our
journeys, we began to make our answers align more with what
we perceived to be “realistic” dreams. Instead of astronauts and
firemen, many settle for assistant manager; instead of ballerinas
and marine biologists, how many have become lost in the sea of
factory workers.
The imagination we possessed as a child gave way to a world where
many become cogs in a giant machine. Standing amidst the noise
and nonsense, so many merely repeat what those around them are
saying. Voices echo without the need for canyon walls since everyone

From the Publishers is repeating the same thing. The sound of our words coming back to
us in different voices tells us that what we are saying must be true;
that those things we repeat in the echo chamber are laws of the
universe and that only certain people ever get to live their dreams.
But not everyone stays trapped in those echo chambers.

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This select group of escape artists have taken it personally that their
dreams were called unrealistic. They are offended at the concept of
“Can’t”. Where others see walls, they see possibilities and a future. This, our flagship issue of Brilliance, is both a tribute to those who
They know of the echo chamber, but they don’t call it home. are escaping the echo chamber and a call to arms for those still
in it. It is a testimony that what we are saying is true; if two career
When I was in high school, the internet did not exist outside of the renegades who have never met face to face can create something
educational channels that it was born into. My adult life has been that would have been impossible a decade ago, then maybe all
spent watching the internet grow up. From my first interactions with those others dreams are possible also.
a purely text based BBS, to the immersive world it has become as it
extends from our desktops to our pockets and beyond, the internet As we launch a new company side by side with a new magazine,
has changed us all. Matt Gartland and myself are choosing to step outside of the echo
chambers we found ourselves in.
Many of those who have escaped the echo chamber have used this
technology to change their answers to the question “What do you With our eyes on our dreams of the future, we worked backwards
want to be when you grow up?” to design our journey. The result was our new boutique publishing
company Fulcruum and its first publication Brilliance Magazine.
Career changes that would have been unrealistic a decade ago are
common place for those who realize the monumental significance Fulcruum is focused on leveraging the power of you, the individual,
of the technology that surrounds us today. Want to leave the while Brilliance Magazine is meant to be a light for those still in
corporate world behind and travel the world doing what you’ve need of escape and a beacon for others who are already living their
always dreamed of? I know of dozens of people doing it right now. lives of freedom.
Want to stay home with your family and work around their hours We look forward to the road ahead and thank you for joining us in
instead of fitting them around a 9 to 5 job? People are doing it. this journey, this escape.
We live in a world full of opportunities to change what you are doing Hopefully you too are escaping.
to more closely align with your heart’s desire of what you wanted to
be when you grew up.
There are countless millions who populate the echo chamber
rendering them insignificant among the masses. Yet there is a world
desperately in need of the unique contributions of those willing to
escape it.

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While creative grit is
universally admired, it’s
usually abandoned for the

Todd Henry easier path...

that of the victim.
Being an addictive brand isn’t an option. I didn’t write “no
longer an option” because I’m not sure there was ever a

Building a business requires

time when a business could thrive
without ardently wonover fans. Abby Kerr
that you know what your
business is, otherwise

Jonathan Wondrusch you’re a

Blogging and tweeting and emailing and Skypeing are all
brilliant ways to build a community and can be immensely
fun, but they’re also wonderful ways to avoid doing the work

Believe what you say, and say

of actually building a business or a product
or a service that’s going to work for you. Thom Chambers
what you believe. If you get
that right, you have unlimited

Mars Dorian opportunities in

building your brand.
Who among us doesn’t wish,
if only secretly, to be celebrated for their genius?
Who wouldn’t welcome the reverence for triggering the next huge
fashion trend, technology breakthrough, or lifestyle reform?
Put succinctly, who among us doesn’t want to create a marvelous
Anyone who says “not I” is a liar. That, or they aren’t a proud and self-
identifying creative entrepreneur who has forsaken conventional
enclosures for opportunistic green fields. In these fertile pastures,
being remarkable isn’t an option. Purple cows be praised.
Alas, true phenomena are rare creatures - unique in their
composition and mysterious in their origin. But their nature is not
random. Is U2’s international prestige a fluke? Harry Potter mania
is pure luck, right? And, of course, Apple’s gadgets are gifts from

The glamorous veneer of these iconic
phenomena masks the truth - that they
aren’t creative accidents of fate, but rather
accidental byproducts of a deliberate
discipline. Or, as this article’s esteemed
guest says, “you must be intentional if you
want accidental creativity to flourish.”
Malcolm Gladwell, right?
“Why would
Smart guess, but no (though if left incognito
you might just swear my interviewee was
none other). The premise of accidental
you celebrate a
failure? There’s
creativity does, however, possess a certain
Gladwellian vibe. For one thing, it indirectly
glances off of tipping points and outliers.
Accidental creativity is Todd Henry’s
brainchild. Todd is an unassuming genius,
though he doubtlessly will refute that. His
no reason to
humility aside, the Accidental Creative
(AC) mindset he pioneers is perhaps the
best framework with which to comprehend
celebrate failure;
the nature of creative phenomena. And to
cultivate your own remarkable ingenuity you
must first comprehend its laws of nature. you should be
All natures teem with wonders and dangers
alike. The creative ecosystem is no different.
And with any adventure into the wild, it’s
celebrating your
often smartest to begin preparations by
concentrating on the dangers.
That’s where Todd starts our voyage to
demystify creative phenomena such that
we might navigate the terrain and produce
them ourselves.

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Into Dark Places
“Jason Fried talks a lot about how the present that all of us have to search ourselves and ask via the vices that Todd has helped us identify. Failure-
culture of celebrating failure is really something ‘where am I at accepting and living with limits, praising and victim-playing serve as bookends to
that we should be very cautious of. It’s become boundaries, or assumptions that are false or this vicious cycle; each begetting the other.
a common thing people talk about in the blatantly false that I am using as a crutch to prop
world of entrepreneurs: ‘well, I failed and I’m up my self esteem or my pride because I’m afraid An obvious question that may already be ricocheting
going to celebrate my failure.’ Wait, why would to engage in the work that’s in front of me?’ I think within your mind is, “So what?” So what if a creative
you celebrate a failure? There’s no reason to in many cases such an attitude is an excuse that doesn’t produce the next phenomenon, or any
celebrate failure; you should be celebrating your we lean on to not have to face up to our fear of phenomenon, ever? I agree. So does Todd. In my
successes.” falling short.” words, manifesting a phenomenon does not a
creative entrepreneur make. And in Todd’s...
Many transformative phenomena likely die before It’s inconceivable to think that Bono, JK Rowling,
ever being born, or so it would seem from Todd’s or Steve Jobs ever seriously entertained such “It’s fine if you want to say, ‘You know what? At this
(and Jason’s) view. How could phenomenal limits, boundaries, or assumptions - or, more point in my life I really just don’t have anything else
success abound if the entrepreneurial community improbably, that they ever balked at the hard work to give and I’m just going to settle in.’ That’s fine so
is quick to praise an entrepreneur’s failures? Is looming before their eyes. Their transcendent long as you’re being honest with yourself. I don’t
the wrong behavior being conditioned here? creations prove as much. see any reason that there’s anything wrong with
Perhaps, and our upbringing may be responsible. And yet, while creative grit is universally admired,
As Todd explains, “some people grow up in it’s usually abandoned for the easier path - that Todd takes his case further. “The point of life is
a household where the world is seen as very of the victim. Todd helps to put this paradox into not to go out and beat yourself against the wall
dangerous. You have to be very careful and not perspective... and try to consistently create something new. Not
take risks because what’s going to happen if you everybody is wired like that - to want to start things
can’t earn a living? I think people hear those “It is a lot easier to blame someone else for your and to be an entrepreneur. I don’t think everybody
messages and that does definitely condition their lack of ability to engage in great work than it is wired that way to take those kinds of risks. But
environment.” is to actually do the work itself. It’s the excuse you can’t complain about it if you choose that life.”
that you give so that you can ease the pain of
Sadly, failure-praising and ultra-conservative not doing your best work - to point to other That punchline is essential to the core premise of
risk aversion aren’t the only degenerates that people and say ‘well, they won’t let me do it’, or creative phenomena. Todd hammers it home by
risk imploding brilliant ideas. In fact, they aren’t ‘my circumstances are conspiring against me.’ emphasizing that “you forfeit your right to complain
even the deadliest. “The worst thing that could It’s just an easy way out; it’s an easy excuse to about your lack of ability to express yourself if you’re
happen is people are apathetic toward what mitigate the pain of failure and mediocrity.” not willing to do something about it.”
they’re doing,” says Todd, mindful that apathy is Assuming that you choose not to forfeit, let’s now
a short step from ignorance. A paradox indeed because to be creative is by
definition to nurture phenomenal ideas, hopes, exit the darkness of damnations and enter the light
Todd describes this perilous step thusly, “I think and dreams. But many self-sabotage their efforts of creative synthesis.

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the light of renewable creative energy
Todd has interacted with and interviewed just circling around the ground that we’ve taken.
numerous creatives from various walks of life. He The people who seem to be doing consistently
does so as a function of his engaging Accidental brilliant work are the ones who are saying ‘Okay.

“The one
Creative studio and podcast. Such access to the Yes. We’ve taken ground. But it’s time to take new
inner workings of brilliant minds has allowed Todd ground rather than becoming obsessed with what
to further demystify creative phenomenon. His we’ve already done.’”
distillations reveal clear patterns and repeatable
behaviors for breakthrough success. Not only is this a new perspective but it’s one

Welcome to the wonders of the creative ecosystem.

that requires a new kind of focus. Cultural
instincts make it acceptable to fall back on your
past achievements as a lavish excuse for risk
As Todd illustrates, it all starts with the forward
lean. “The one attribute common amongst all
brilliant thinkers is a very forward leaning mindset.
management (or avoidance). We’ve all done it at
one point or another, yours truly included. common amongst
They’re all looking at (and often obsessed with) But Todd asserts that those who produce
possibilities. It’s about what’s possible versus
what’s practical. I think that’s the tension that
most creatives really wrestle with, the tension
phenomena are concerned far less with what
they’ve already done and far more with what
they intend to do. “I like to describe it as a lot of
all brililant
thinkers is a
between possibilities and pragmatics.” people spending their lives walking backwards,”
Todd exclaims. “They’re looking at their past
This tension is often over-simplified and under- accomplishments and recognitions as their
appreciated. Simply put, pursuing possibilities present source of comfort.”
requires more than just an active imagination. It
requires a fervent assault upon the unconscious
limitations of one’s own “reality.” And it demands
“Conversely, the people who do brilliant work
seem to be the ones who are walking forward
very forward
leaning mindset.
that forward motion never stop. instead of looking back while they’re walking.
Instead of embracing their past experiences as
I agree with Todd that all creatives struggle to their present source of comfort, they would say
embrace this perspective, to varying degrees of ‘No. Comfort is not for me. I’m going to push on
course. For those that need it (I did), he offers a and try to do something new even if it’s risky. It’s
vivid metaphor to help latch on to the idea... more painful for me just to stay here and try to
“All creatives begin as an advancing force and guard this territory that I’ve already taken than it is
end up as an occupying force. We begin with an for me to go out and risk possibly losing it by trying
assault on the beach of apathy and often end up something new.’”

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Gear-shifting your walking shoes into the opposite direction
is an important piece of the accidental creative paradigm
shift. But Todd presses that it isn’t the only adjustment to

“We can increase

your focus that’s necessary to spark brilliance.
Indeed, if you aspire to forge phenomena, you must first
pick yourself to do so.

our likelihood
Todd reminds us that as “Seth Godin says, ‘No one is going
to pick you. Pick yourself.’ People no longer have to wait
to be picked because the technology lets them express
themselves. The barriers to entry are very low.”

of experiencing Seth’s message resonates with me. But it disproportionally

favors the benefits from the costs. The truth is that

creative accidents
ubiquitous freedom is not a free lunch. Conventional
challenges and excuses may dissolve but are readily
exchanged for a new set. We trade ‘not being picked’ with
‘not being noticed.’

if we’re willing to And really, that’s the whole point - to engineer some art
so remarkable that it achieves escape velocity from the
weighty echo chamber of noise, nonsense, and knockoffs.
be a little bit more Like it or not; accept it or not - the digital explosion of
products, services, and content is suffocating.

purposeful in how Todd’s already shown that the absentminded won’t survive
in this harsh environment. Sorry, but rah-rah freedom-
fighting won’t save you. If you lack magnificent substance
then you will perish. Let’s call it natural selection.
we structure Who then possesses the most favorable odds of surviving,
thriving, and manifesting phenomena in these rather

our life.
turbulent times?
The accidental creatives.

June 2011 | Brilliance Magazine 11

Rise of the Accidental Creatives
To repeat Todd’s mantra: “you must be intentional if you Todd phrases it, who among us these days doesn’t feel like
want accidental creativity to flourish.” “we’re running ourselves to death; stacking our lives and
going from thing to thing to thing without being cognizant of
But what is accidental creativity really? And how is it the best

“Cover bands
energy management.”
framework with which to engineer creative phenomena?
Salvation from our go-go mania may seem unattainable (or
“What I’ve discovered from interviewing and studying brilliant certainly untenable). Todd disagrees and suggests that the
minds (plus experimenting with my own creative teams) solution is ripening in voluptuous vineyards, ready for our
is that with a little bit of infrastructure and an underlying harvesting.
rhythm to our life and creative process, we can structure
our lives so that we experience more frequent creative “In a vineyard there’s a practice called pruning. One of the
‘accidents.’ These ‘accidents’ are those ah-ha moments
right when we have creative insights that seem like they
main functions of a vine keeper is to go in on a regular basis
and prune out areas of new growth on the vine. Even though don’t change
came out of nowhere. In fact, it’s multiple things coming brand new fruit is growing they will prune out that fruit
together converging into a serendipity that’s like ‘Oh wow! I because it’s stealing resources from the older, more mature
have a great idea.’” fruit bearing parts of the vine. I think we need to implement
Creativity and logic are traditionally viewed as opposites; the
right and left brains respectively. So Todd’s marriage of the
a similar practice in our life.”
If you buy into Todd’s analogy that fostering creativity is like
the world.
two (a logical structure stimulating a creative response) may pruning grape vines, then you well appreciate the value
incite some cognitive dissonance. But isn’t the ingenuity of a of manual intervention in an otherwise mystical process.
whole mind greater than the sum (or not) of its parts? Forging a new creative phenomenon (like tilling nature’s
land for life) requires the delicate care that only human
Todd’s not through arguing his position... hands and brainpower can provide.
“We can increase our likelihood of experiencing creative This is what it means to be intentional. And for those that
accidents if we’re willing to be a little bit more purposeful are - deeply and truly - remarkable accidents will abound
in how we structure our life. If you want a brilliant idea, you aplenty. It’s a symbiotic relationship of the first order; a
need to begin far upstream from the moment you need that genuine circle of life.
idea. And you do that by building structure in five areas –
focus, relationships, energy, stimuli, and hours.” As it is, if phenomenon manifesting requires accidental
creativity, and if accidental creativity is an intentional
Todd goes on to state that energy is unquestionably the function, then excellence demands repetition. Or, as Todd
element that most creative teams and entrepreneurs says...
struggle with. This, at least, I believe most will agree with. As

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“I think entrepreneurs are made by trial and
error. The life of being a creative entrepreneur
- of trying new things and being an artist in
that sense - is really a life of doing everything
wrong with the right attitude of trying to get
it right.”
That’s surely the driving attitude of U2, JK
Rowling, and Steve Jobs - each a forward
leaning creative (or creative team) just trying
to get it right. Their phenomenal successes,
purposefully nurtured, highlight the essential
“Cover bands don’t change the world.”
U2 does.

Check out Todd’s latest book The Accidental

Creative. Also make sure to visit his website and blog.

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Thom Chambers might just be the most intriguing bloke
you’ve never heard of.
He’s the British gent behind In Treehouses magazine,

a digital micro-publication dedicated to helping micro-
business reach their 1,000 true fans. As Thom writes,
“lots of micro, basically.”

Thom has stepped proudly into the new dawn of
publishing. As writer, editor, designer, and publisher of
In Treehouses, he is at the epicenter of the revolution.
He’s dually inspired by Seth Godin and Kevin Kelly,
living legends in their own rights and prime contributors
to Thom’s In Treehouses concept. Seth supplied the
engine (by way of support) for the mico-magazine form,
Kevin the rocket fuel in the form of the landmark 1,000
true fans paradigm.

Dreaming of Pixels and Publishing Thom is, however, very much his own man - standing
perhaps upon the shoulders of giants but uniquely
original and remarkable nonetheless. The wit and
wisdom of his words are moving to say the least. And
the elegant sophistication of his essays leave many
wanting more of their own compositions.
Words aside, the imagery of his publications are striking.
Design, a subject we broach in our chat, is paramount
to the In Treehouses methodology and tantamount to its
popularity. It’s here, in the blissful realm of pixels, that
new publishing kings are crowned. Sir Thom indeed.
On the whole, Thom has quickly achieved that which
many content creators continue to lust for - a notable
brand easily recognized and highly respected apart
from the echo chamber of lesser content proliferation.
As we insert ourselves squarely and fully into the Matt: The rise of the digital micro-magazine is in variety in what’s published - which keeps it interesting
melee of digital publishing, it was only proper to ask its infancy. In Treehouses is among the few proud for readers, who aren’t faced with the same format over
Thom to contribute his insights into our inaugural pioneers of this evolutionary medium. As both and over.
edition. He kindly obliged. In fact, his commentary evangelist and trailblazer, what are your hopes for
the future of micro-magazines (collectively) and for In As for In Treehouses, it’s now my full-time work. I left my
was so well-versed that we deemed it an injustice old job at the end of April. As a result, I’ll be able to explore
Treehouses (specifically)?
not to share in long form. the possibilities of the magazine in greater depth than
Thom: For me, both answers come back to the individual, before. My main project for the coming months, though,
Hence, please enjoy our lively chat with Thom as it
and the individual’s power to publish online. is setting up a digital publishing house. In Treehouses
unfolded. is going to be one of a number of publications from that
As more people come to recognise the ease with which imprint, which will roll out in stages over the course of
they can start and run a micro-magazine, I think we’re the summer. Stay tuned...
going to see a lot of experimentation with the form and
a lot more uptake. Sure, there are still barriers in terms David: Magazines in-and-of themselves aren’t original.
of the software and design skills needed to assemble a In fact, they’re a legacy channel for quality content,
magazine, but other than that it’s a pretty open medium if done correctly. How then, given the dynamics of
for individuals to embrace. digital media, are you pushing the envelope of creative
originality for In Treehouses with the endgame being
The real constraint may be in the terminology; the thought a publication that stands out and gets noticed apart
of publishing a magazine seems a little daunting when from the echo chamber of superfluous content?
you’ve only ever lived with monthly print versions that
churn out issues on a monthly basis. As an individual, Thom: I’ve only scratched the surface of the micro-
how do you find the time or the finances to mimic that? magazine format thus far, which makes me excited for
The solution, really, is not to try to imitate the print the possibilities of the medium. It’s a delicate balance
model at all but instead to embrace the possibility and right now between producing something that embraces
flexibility that having a small, focused audience affords the possibilities of the digital medium without alienating
you. That’s why I think the terminology is important - those who don’t have certain platforms or tools. You
I’ve started called each new In Treehouses as the latest know where you are with a PDF, but what about a Kindle
‘edition’, to take the emphasis away from the traditional edition? Or an iPad edition? The list goes on.
magazine-issue idea.
My current focus is on getting the content up to a
When you’re faced with the prospect of printing a digital standard with which I’m happy, whilst experimenting
edition, you’re no longer thinking about how to make it with the possibilities of the medium. As long as the
like an old fashioned magazine. It frees you to make content is of a high quality, readers will return - that’s
it 10 pages long or 100, to publish it twice a year or a more important than the bells and whistles.
dozen times, to have it contain one interview or ten. My
hope is that, as more people take up micro-magazines, As for standing out from the ‘echo chamber’... I have
they appreciate that freedom and explore it. Not only a real concern with only creating self-perpetuating
does it help free up the creator, it also leads to a bigger content - for example, the old thing about people who

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make money blogging about how to make before, with the most talented designers university lecturer; they both probably cool stuff once a week make you a curator.
money blogging. Don’t get me wrong, I have and artists in the world giving you the know the exact same things and have the It’s a position earned over time, involving a
no problem with creating some products content and the advice and the tools to same amount of great ideas on their topic, lot of dedication and an obsessive passion
like that (or with other bloggers who make make your work better than you ever could but the bestselling author knows how to for your industry. You’re going to be out
an income that way), but I’d like that to be have imagined. You don’t have to ask package those thoughts. How to present there, finding new content for your readers,
a byproduct rather than the main product. Getty for your images any more - you can them in an appealing way that engages the exploring and discovering and judging and
just hop over to the Creative Commons reader. The lecturer might write a solid choosing. More than that, you’re going to
Take 37signals, for example. They have a and get work for free. You don’t textbook, but he doesn’t view the be leading. Just putting up content isn’t
successful blog and they wrote a couple have to limit your images ‘show’ as part of his work. So sufficient - you need to connect the dots, to
of books that taught people how they because you’re not paying your blog or your magazine say, “hey, this and this are great, and this is
do things, but those aren’t their main
business. They make software - the rest is
for the ink. You don’t
have to learn Photoshop I believe or your business might
be brilliant, but if you
why, and this is what you can learn from it”.
a byproduct of that. I’d like to follow that There is also room, though, for a more
model more - there’s a central, undeniable
for yourself when you
can just borrow from that the web view the packaging as
something superfluous casual curator - perhaps editor is a better
product that you make, then your word for this. You rely on the content of
information is a byproduct that you can
Premium Pixels.
wants to be o r unnecessary,
going to lose.
others but repackage and recreate it,
sell if you choose. To paraphrase myself The benefits of this for or make sense of it in terms of your own
from previous interviews, I’d like to have a the passionate amateur beautiful. David: Much of your publication. That’s why I’m the editor of In
business that’s supported by a blog, rather are obvious: you can make recent ‘We’re All Treehouses rather than a curator. I produce
than a business that totally relies on a your work better than it ever Publishers Now’ issue is some original content and then edit other
blog. Perhaps that’s a little old-fashioned, could have been if you were dedicated to the role of content into a coherent whole. I think the
but it’s one way of standing out. working alone. And, as you hint in editors and curators. You say that curator’s role is more clinical, and less
the second part of your question, that’s “with more and more content appearing reliant on original creation.
Matt: You’ve written that “we’re in the becoming necessary. I’m sure I’m not online each day, the value of editors and
middle of a visual revolution” - that “print alone in saying that I have no patience with curators is rising.” Just how indispensable Matt: It’s clear from your publications that
and paper are being replaced by pixels, ugliness online any more. If your WordPress do you believe these roles to be? And you possess an acute talent for identifying
and one of the most exciting results of theme sucks, I’m gone in seconds - no what are the telltale characteristics of a others with inspiring originality.
this is the new freedom to use words and matter how great your content. Derek skilled, helpful, and accomplished editor Conversely, you’re inspired by those that
pictures at a lower cost than ever before.” Sivers is beloved and respected by millions, and/or curator? radiate supreme ingenuity, such as Seth
Why does this visual freedom excite you but it took me about a dozen visits to his Godin. In my view, this places you in a
so? And why do you feel that harnessing site to bring myself to read his work fully. Thom: They’re not indispensable, but they rare position to observe the chemistry
it is so essential to those aspiring to have It’s a hideous site to visit. And most people are valuable. of original thinking in action. From this
their content rise above the obfuscating aren’t Derek Sivers, so most people don’t vantage point, what have you learned
noise? ‘Curator’ is a word being thrown around a about the art (and science) of fostering
get that second chance. lot at the moment, so it’s being mis-used creative breakthroughs? What mindsets
Thom: I believe that the web wants to be Look at it this way - it’s part of the work, quite a lot. Just because you choose a few and behaviors are most common and vital
beautiful. now. It’s like the difference between interviewees for a blog series doesn’t make to the process?
a bestselling non-fiction author and a you a curator. Nor does choosing some
You can paint on a bigger canvas than ever
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Thom: Work. Work is all. Sit down, shut up, and work.
It’s the old inspiration / perspiration thing about which
Edison spoke - you need to put in the hours, not just to
create something, but so that you push yourself
into the right frame of mind. We’ve all
had brilliant flashes of creativity whilst

brushing our teeth, or whilst in the
shower, but the truth is that, as the
saying goes, sometimes you can’t
wait for the spirit to move you - you
have to move the spirit.

This is one of my biggest concerns

Work is all.
Sit down, shut
about viewing blogging as the best way
to start a business. Blogging and
tweeting and emailing and Skype-
ing are all brilliant ways to build a
community and can be immensely
up, and work.
fun, but they’re also wonderful ways to
avoid doing the work of actually building
a business or a product or a service that’s going
to work for you.

I think it’s a dangerous mindset whenever I hear someone

say that they’re going to shut down Twitter for a little while You can enter Thom’s treehouse by
to do some work. It implies that the default status is to be visiting his website, where you can
connected and chatting, and that work is something that subscribe to the InTreehouses magazine
for free. And don’t overlook his Free
you need to make time to do. The attitude really needs Fans Kit, his latest gem.
to be the opposite - working, with occasional forays onto
Twitter or Skype. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the
most productive people - those who are creating products
and making money and building businesses - tend to be
among the quietest in terms of social media. There’s a
reason for that.

June 2011 | Brilliance Magazine 17

Truly addictive brands have their claim on us - mind,
body, and soul. You already know which ones I’m thinking of: Starbucks.
Chipotle. Apple. Nike. Disney.
Even if these brands and what they purvey aren’t your personal cup of tea, you’re well
aware of their leagues of indefatigable fans. You’ve experienced the power of these brands’
reach, even if from the periphery. They’re unmissable, virtually unmatchable, and seemingly

In short, big, famous consumer brands are addictive. They have what I call the addictability
factor. They have the power to “addictify” their right people.
Undoubtedly, there are brands you’re addicted to right now. You love their stuff. You dig their
vibe. You’re totally tuned in to what they’re doing next. You’re a brand evangelist. If none of the
five in my opening list are one of them, then you can supplant your own favorites as an example.

Such irresistible brands (and they are few) stand tall well above the obfuscating noise of lesser
brands (and they are many). They possess an elusive juju that allows them to outshine and
overpower all the would-be mega brands.

Abby Kerr How do they magic such enchantment? And what can you, the addictive fan, learn from their
iconic examples to infuse similar addictability into your own brand/business?

Let’s start with the essential characteristics.

Characteristics of Addictive Brands
Addictive brands know who they are. doing business so much so that they’re brands are so, in large part, because they over that four dollars. Marketing cynics
They take time developing their own brand duplicate-proof . Imitations, climbers, and understand the power of staying on-brand. can laugh at people like me for being such
identity – from core values to visual brand wannabes’ efforts fall far short of addictive brand groupies, as Starbucks laughs all the
Addictive brands are compelling
identity to marketing message to social brands’ original real deal. way to the bank.
and inspiring. I like how I feel when I hold
media strategy to ambassador attitudes.
Addictive brands are emotionally a Starbucks cup in my hand. I like being a Addictive brands earn privileged
And they leverage their idiosyncrasies as
invigorating. Have you ever teared up part of the world Starbucks evokes for me. space inside their right people’s
an asset. Every decision originates from
during a Disney cartoon? Addictive brands When I’m craving a Caramel Macchiato, heads. They recognize the value in each
an awareness of their identity. They evolve
like Disney have the power to draw people it’s about so much more than the flavor individual client or customer and don’t take
without overhauling and stay the course
into the fictive dream they create. Each for me. I like the sensory experience of the it for granted. They never assume that they
without stalemating.
brand is a universe unto itself; a universe drink, but I like even more the ethos I feel have the edge. They keep pushing toward
Addictive brands are the anti- informed and nurtured by a community, I’ve bought into when the batista hands me the next smartest, more desirable, more
dime a dozen. You can analyze Apple’s and communities within communities, my drink. I feel like a youthful, intelligent, valuable iteration of their brand concept
business model from the outside in but it’s and mores, and values, and taboos, and a tuned-in citizen-voyager of the world. and their offer.
tough to replicate that je ne sais quoi; that shared language, and biases, and signals.
I immediately feel a bit friendlier toward You can probably think of one or two of
certain something that evokes so much
Addictive brands invest great brainpower everyone I encounter when I’m holding that your favorite brands that fit the above
more than a business plan can describe.
into making sure the signals they’re sending cup. I feel just a touch more humanitarian. characteristics. And as an entrepreneur,
Addictive brands cultivate their point-of-
set the tone they mean to. Addictive I’m a little bit happier for having handed you should care deeply about your own
view and individuate their approach to
brand’s addictability factor.

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Being Addictive As a Prime
In short, big,
behaviors that you must respect and adopt people and your business will be off in a
Directive if you are to succeed in creating a brand ditch before you know it.
Being an addictive brand isn’t an option. I gravitational pull. Here are five such habits
This law of brand magnetism demands

famous consumer
didn’t write “no longer an option” because that will help you get your branding on the
you create opportunities to survey your
I’m not sure there was ever a time when a path to addictability.
right people. Dig for the finer points of how
business could thrive without ardently won-
Brand identity and accompanying they’re experiencing your brand. Pinpoint

brands are
over fans.
guiding message precedes all those essential elements of your brand
These days, in an age of increasingly other operational and tactical that are indispensable to them. Then, once
insistent media infiltrating nearly every decisions. Most businesses build what you’ve deeply drunk on their read of you,
aspect of our existence, becoming and
remaining addictive is a survival strategy.
they think is a viable concept and then slap
an “identity” on it – color palette, logo, copy.
walk away, shut the door, and trust your
gut. Not even your right people know what addictive. They
Addictive brands have staying power, What addictive brands know is that the they want all the time until you show it to
enabling them to win the branding wars of
brand identity and the underlying message
are the concept.

No moment or movement is too

have what I call
So how does a brand pull People receive messages visually and small to advance your addictability
it off?
First, let’s acknowledge what you’re smart
experientially before they receive them
intellectually. They buy in order to align
factor. Micro-attention to micro-choices
pay off in macro-ways. Don’t underestimate
the addictability
enough to already know. themselves with an experience they want. how much the smallest actions contribute to

There are no five easy steps to becoming and

remaining addictive as a brand. There is no
Consumers can feel the foundation your
brand is built on. (Remember my Starbucks
the overall effect. Gothic horror writer Edgar
Allan Poe said, “In the whole composition factor. They have
there should be no word written, of which
citizen-voyager experience? Not just all in
the power to
blueprint. Being an addictive brand takes an
the tendency, direct or indirect, is not to the
almost supernatural level of understanding my head, buddy.)
one pre-established design.”
into what motivates people to buy and buy
Listen to your right people as if
in. It takes higher order listening skills, and And so it is with business decisions. Non-
it takes a degree of meta-cognition that
most people aren’t willing to spend much
they were oracles sent to you
from Zeus, and then trust your gut.
addictive brands lose market share every
day due to lack of attention to the details.
“addictify” their
The most important part of this mindset is
time in. Addictive brands win every second by being

right people.
rightly identifying your right people. Listen
hyper-focused on the small stuff.
That said, there are still fundamental to your almost right people or your wrong

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Play to win...
Love trumps bravado every time. Love is power. Love your customers.
Love your decisions. Love your enemies and competitors. When you’ve flubbed,
admit to it. Ask for forgiveness. Make it up to your people in exceedingly
awesome ways. Being lovely trumps being cool. But if you can’t be lovely, be
cool. Cool trumps milquetoast. But love trumps all.

Watch the market obsessively. If you’re the entrepreneur behind an

and win big!
addictive brand, the market and its vagaries are your high school crush. You
stalk your market and are all over its every move. You are at once obsessive
about and protective of its interests. It is your darling. You analyze it, Your Two Options
deconstruct it, and write poems about it. You get up early, and stay up late, to There are two options in business these days: Be addictive. Or languish.
watch it do its thing. And when it’s time to woo, you woo with the best of them.
Let’s be clear - becoming addictive is hard work. Languishing is easy. Playing
As you can see, none of the above mindsets are a clear-cut strategy or tactic the victim is easy. Winning is hard. But winners know this, accept this, and
for upping the addictability factor of your brand. But each habit positions you exploit this. Winners get off the sidelines, get in the game, take the hits, and
closer to addictability as a stronger possibility. keep playing.

After enough time on the field you’ll realize a simple truth - being addictive
is about harnessing the human element. Fancy tactics and complicated

There are two options in strategies don’t help in this arena. It’s all about understanding and
appreciating the inner desires of your right people, and putting yourself fully
into that intimate space. This requires guts on your part. But you’re not in this

business these days: game to simply qualify, right?

Play to win...and win big.

Be addictive. Visit Abby’s website and make sure to check out her fantastic Lustermaker service.

Or languish.
June 2011 | Brilliance Magazine 21
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The best of life is often revealed when forces of nature
unite. Protons with electrons. Adam with Eve. Peanut butter with
banana. Need I say more?
Tragically, many embrace a reductionist mindset despite the obvious dualities (and pluralities) “I had two goals when
that enrich life. Delicate symbioses are fractured into derivatives; lesser fragments that are either
sanctified or condemned. Our daily lives are littered with examples - wealth has become all about
money; productivity about an empty inbox; culture about rules.
I started SparkPeople:
The net effect is inescapable - our collective dogmas. They don’t preach fad diets or advocate number one was to
obsession with monoculture has perversely fitness gimmicks. They don’t have flashy marketing
ordained over-simplification as gospel, spawning campaigns or celebrity endorsements. help millions of people
abundant myopia. And they don’t charge you anything - they’re
Optimal health and creativity are among the
collateral damage.
totally free!
What they do have is a governing belief that
in an authentic way
Conventional wisdom teaches us that health genuine wellness is the vehicle for sustainable,
is all about vanity and creativity all about the holistic health. In their own words, “Our weight reach their goals, and
epiphany. Little attention is offered to the magical loss program teaches people to stop dieting
symbiosis linking the two in their natural forms. and transition to a permanent, healthy lifestyle. number two was to see
And where ignorance exists abuse is quick to Far beyond just weight loss, SparkPeople helps
follow. Deflated true health and creative potential everyone learn to eat better and exercise regularly— if we could build one
are the mutilated outcomes of such negligence. for life.”
Chris Downie is no stranger to these offenses.
And as the founder and CEO of SparkPeople, he’s
The proof is in the sugar-free pudding: over
10 million people have joined the SparkPeople
of the best corporate
actively doing something about it.
SparkPeople is America’s #1 weight-loss
cultures ever.”
SparkPeople’s success isn’t just
and fitness website. This achievement is nothing
existential. It’s equally personal to the few,
short of unbelievable when you consider that
SparkPeople is contrarian to all populist ‘health’
proud members of the Spark team. And it’s here Chris Downie
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within the happy belly of the SparkPeople decided to combine things that help your SparkPeople was born several years later -
company that an active rebellion is being body like nutrition and fitness with things after Chris’ newly forged confidence had led
waged against the unhealthy and uncreative that help your mind like goal setting, him out of P&G and into entrepreneurialism.
rituals of personal lifestyles, national health, leadership, and consistency that I began Interestingly, SparkPeople is his second
and organizational culture. making breakthroughs.” venture. The first was a start-up he co-founded
More on the healthy imagination of Nutrition and fitness. Goal setting and that became an early eBay rival. eBay soon
the Spark team in a moment. Chris “the consistency. The body and the mind. Each gobbled it up, freeing Chris’ to unleash his
Spark Guy” Downie, however, deserves the is a profound symbiotic relationship that enhanced talents and new wealth into the
spotlight first because had it not been for ladders into an even more prodigious one - arena of health, his true passion.
his childhood trials and tribulations there’d health and creativity. A timeless recognition This leads us back to the Spark team, its
likely be no SparkPeople today. is hence reestablished: that the whole is creative culture, and the healthy imagination
“As a kid I had shyness and anxiety greater than the sum of its parts. alive therein.
that I ended up finding runs in my family,” This revelation propelled Chris to an “From day one,” Chris says, “I had two
explains Chris. “I really didn’t like it; I felt exercise streak lasting seven hundred goals when I started SparkPeople: number
like an outgoing person trapped in a shy consecutive days. He engineered his one was to help millions of people in an
person’s body. Then, almost by accident, I challenge to be fun; a healthy form of authentic way reach their goals, and number
started figuring this out, first by focusing on creative energy if there ever was one. two was to see if we could build one of the
fitness.” The effects of his “little experiment” were best corporate cultures ever.” Chris certainly
Chris’ forward lean into the challenges of unpredicted and everlasting. “It just really isn’t lacking of ambition, but neither of
his health and identity wasn’t easy. “I made changed my life in completely unexpected humility when he emphasizes that “we just
a lot of mistakes like doing a roller coaster ways,” Chris recalls. “I was hoping that this really try to live our brand.”
fitness program, which is very similar to a plan would help me stay healthy and fit Through my conversation with Chris,
yo-yo diet program where I would train really while I was working in corporate America at it’s evident to me that the SparkPeople
hard for a time period and then something P&G. But what it really did that was more ecosystem is one erected upon reverence
in life would happen and I’d fall off the important is it started making me feel more for freedom, fairness, and fun. With that
wagon. You just keep going up and down.” in control of my destiny. I became a lot more right-brain mindset and corporate America
Unsatisfied with his progress, Chris self-confident at work. And I got better at background, one could easily think that Chris
knew he needed to get more creative and speaking to other people. It was just this would have orchestrated the Spark culture
unconventional. And so he did. virtuous cycle of mental benefits begetting perfectly from square one.
Chris reflects that “it wasn’t until I physical benefits.” Not quite.

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“At one point we started putting rules in of team problems is the symbiotic dynamics more lives? Here’s what Chris shared when
place,” admits Chris, describing a myopic simple personality of healthy teams. “For pressed on the subject...
reaction to a few team members that issues. Say, for example,
When it comes to me, the creative value “We are really interested to get into other
weren’t jelling with the culture. “But then somebody is so tired creativity and problem of doing fitness is an platforms like more books [they already
the team pushed back and said no. So we that they make a dumb intellectually simple have one, The Spark], branded fitness
ended up severing ties with a few of our comment to someone solving, I’d say that a lot equation. If you’re sitting products, and branded apparel. Overall,
people because they weren’t a good culture else. Predictably, this
of times I come up with in front of your computer we’re genuinely trying to create a new and
fit. That experience made us really realize other person gets mad. for ten or twelve hours a different type of brand that’s built on top of
that you have to find great people that fit A lot of this behavioral my best ideas when day then you’re going to our belief in authentically helping people. I
so that you can continue not having rules psychology you can get tired, causing your really want SparkPeople to stand for getting
that restrict people. That’s what eventually boil down to how kids
I’m outside bouncing productivity to slowly healthy and reaching goals in all areas of
transforms your culture into a really great operate. Essentially, if on the mini-trampoline. drop. Instead, get up life. That mission may lead us into offering
place to work, which is going to attract the you’re getting quality and go exercise, even for a personal finance program or different
top caliber of people.” sleep and you’re Yes, I’m still doing work five or ten minutes. This platforms.”
Here again is the symbiotic relationship healthy, then you’re
while I’m working out. activity is going to get The Spark team also has the Hollywood
between health and creativity at play. Not more likely to be happy your blood flowing. It’s twinkle in its eyes. They aspire to bring
at first, of course; they made a monoculture and positive in the work going to reinvigorate you. their mission to television in a format that
mistake - rules. But when they self-corrected environment. That will You may even come up showcases the amazing stories of their
they discovered that nurturing a healthy increase your chances of having better with solutions to problems. So, in the very Spark devotees. Given categorically-similar
culture attracts the right kind of creative team collaborations.” short term of one day, you’re going to have hits like the Biggest Loser, not to mention
talent naturally (no artificial ingredients And what is Chris’ exercise escape of better productivity if you exercised than if their automatic audience of millions, this
necessary, thank god). It’s much like an choice? In true big kid fashion, “when it you haven’t worked out. More meaningfully, dream isn’t at all far-fetched.
environmental ecosystem in fact: the comes to creativity and problem solving, I’d if you project out what that means over the And yet, despite their growth prospects
indigenous fruits of the land lure those say that a lot of times I come up with my course of a few months or a few years, then and caviar dreams (is caviar healthy?),
species that are best equipped to thrive in best ideas when I’m outside bouncing on the productivity and creativity gains are just SparkPeople is and shall remain first and
that environment. the mini-trampoline. Yes, I’m still doing work enormous for both the individual and the foremost about, well, the people.
Much of this creative culture while I’m working out.” team.” The people, or more accurately the
rationalization may sound emotionally A mini-trampoline? Seriously, how relationships with and among the people,
So, how is SparkPeople utilizing all of their
oriented. True. But Chris isn’t without wicked cool is that?! are the genesis of their sweet symbiosis.
naturally brewed creativity to diversify their
his logical calculus. “The largest source Chris offers a final logical insight into They’ve cultivated a powerful network effect
business, expand their reach, and improve
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through harmony of health and creativity, house. In time her health began to return,
both internally and externally. In a world that slowly. The confidence gains were enough,
celebrates division, they honor unity. however, to spark her motivation in writing
This spirit couldn’t be clearer when Chris a forth novel.
illustrated their big picture focus. “It’s not By the time she finished her forth novel
just about losing weight,” he proclaims. “We she was so healthy, happy, and confident
want to help people make a true, healthy that she self-published the book online and
lifestyle change where they’re setting and executed her own online book tour. Within
reaching health goals. But then, at the weeks she was picked up by the William
same time, they’re really learning how to Morris Talent Agency. Soon after that, she
reach any goal in life. They can then use that was offered a two-book deal worth seven
success as a springboard to reach goals in figures.
all areas of your life, whether its in parenting Concluding this inspiring story, Chris said
or career or finance or whatever else. For “you really can change the entire trajectory
us, really, the health goals are just a part of of your life if you get some of these things
everything involved in being a great person. right and get to have experiences that
That’s one thing that sets us apart.” you’ve maybe never thought possible. It’s
what happened to me. And I’ve seen this
There’s no doubt that millions of
replicated with other people.”
people agree, including a particular
Derivatives be damned, indeed.
Spark woman that Chris profiled during our
conversation. This woman had written three
books in her life and had three different
Stop in at Chris’ site and see the symbiosis in action.
agents. But her passion wasn’t enough, nor
apparently the efforts of the agents. She
was never published.
Depression quickly set in and invited its
malicious symbiotic partner - obesity.
But then the woman ventured a try with
SparkPeople. She began with a humble
goal, a daily walk around the hills by her
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A lot of this behavioral
psychology you can
boil down to how kids
operate. Essentially, if
you’re getting quality
sleep and you’re healthy,
then you’re more likely to
be happy and positive in
the work environment.

Chris Downie

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To Niche
s D or i an an d J onat han Won d rTo Niche
us c h
That is the Question
M ar
Should Shakespeare be alive today to behold the booming

at e b et
A deb
digital age, he surely would exclaim such a statement. His

Matt G ar t l an d gaze would absorb the hand-to-hand combat of market forces

struggling to be heard, to be seen, to be accepted. Alas, which is
more advantageous - to niche or not to niche?
As with any war, the conflict between niche strategies and anti-
niche ones is blanketed in a dense fog. The front lines are cast
in uneven terrain rife with each parts methodology and madness.
Each side has an arsenal of arguments - some valid, others duds.
The validity of such arguments you must decide (and decide appealed to me and the people I wanted to connect with.”
quickly) for there is no neutrality or safe harbor here. The
middle ground is a no-mans-land where all who venture are Many online these days appear to empathize with
laid to waste by the crossfire of timidity and appeasement. Mars’ story. They desire freedom of expression and the
opportunity to connect with like-minded lifestyle advocates.
This orientation is as much personal branding as business
Jonathan Wondrusch and Mars Dorian know this terrain model, or so it would seem.
well. Both are staunch proponents for their respective
positions - to niche for Jonathan and not to niche for Mars. Jonathan has an equally potent history, one however that
There’s no confusing their points of view; they’re firmly has led him to a far different conclusion.
entrenched on opposing sides. So who better than these “Choosing to build a brand around and within a niche
two stalwarts to debate and (hopefully) demystify the has always seemed to be a strategic no-brainer.
mechanics and merits of this most fundamental business Building a business requires that you know what
conundrum. your business is, otherwise you’re a hobbyist.
Before entering the fray, it’s vital to note that Jonathan The moment that I had decided what my
and Mars are friends of each other and of us. The war business was going to be, I had securely
metaphor is apt but can easily be abused. So let’s keep placed myself in a niche.
this exchange in it’s true perspective, which is one of If you spend time floating between many
constructive discourse. No friendships were harmed in the areas of interest in your business,
making of this essay. people may think you’re the coolest
Now, let me introduce our two esteemed guests - Jonathan kid in school, but they’re not going
Wondrusch and Mars Dorian - who will share first their to come to you when they need
personal history and story to root our debate. something done by a professional.
They’re going to go to the person they
Views From the Front Lines of the Niche know is an expert in what they need.”
/ Anti-Niche Struggle Such early insights raise a curious
“When I started out, I was all about the niche because that’s thought experiment - does a niche
what everyone advised. I followed that advice like a blind strategy favor logic where an anti-
sheep. Then, about five months into the game, I found out niche one favors emotion?
that having a niche was garbage - it shackles you, forcing
you to write and talk about the same insights ad nauseam. Mars may agree, for as he says, “Since
So, I abandoned the niche in favor of a specific belief (“the abandoning the niche model, I have
world needs you - become a creative entrepreneur”) that attracted a passionate community

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that rides the wavelengths of my beliefs. I can write and As I focused and dedicated myself to learning everything Is Freedom Finite?
talk about anything that fits this belief. The enjoyment I could about animation, my skills in animation started And Other Paradoxical Questions
is a thousand fold because it grants more liberty than to progress exponentially. Six weeks out of college, I The debate whether to niche or not to niche rages on.
sticking to a specific niche and boring the crap out of landed my dream job as a professional animator. Focus
people.” pays off.” With their positions now affixed, Jonathan and Mars
wrestle with some of the pressing questions of the
These are powerfully emotional sentiments about the Jonathan’s success is meritorious, as is Mars’. Are day. These issues torment many an entrepreneur with
undercurrents of his platform. It’s hard to rebuff them they completely different however, prosperous alien seemingly endless possibilities. No ambitious self-
on such sentimental grounds alone. But is such ardent creatures from different origins? Thus far, we may starter is immune to these trials. You will come face-to-
emotion hollowed of logic? conclude yes. But perhaps the reality is more complex. face with them, that is if you haven’t already.
Consider Jonathan’s next argument...
This surely isn’t a black and white matter. But I find
the contrast with Jonathan’s arguments fascinating. “I’ve learned that choosing a niche, while absolutely Whether you’re pro-niche or anti-
Jonathan continues his position by explaining that, critical to long term success, pales in comparison to niche, creatives desire the autonomy
“Besides losing out on potential clients because you your ‘why’ - what inspires you to do what you do - and to pursue new avenues of imagination
haven’t positioned yourself as a niche expert, you’re how you do it - the style that you bring to your niche. and invention. Why do you feel that a
also limiting your own potential.” niche (or anti-niche) strategy affords
It’s important to have a niche so that people know exactly
His calculus feels more algebraic than artistic. That’s what you’re doing and they can find you when they need more creative autonomy as compared
certainly no put-down against Jonathan’s inner-artist to. But your business (and your niche) to its opposite?
given the talents that he has been honing for years. As will grow as you do. Being focused
he says... and flexible will get you to where “People always say that picking a niche is a great way to
you want to be.” stand out. I completely disagree. Picking a niche doesn’t
“My background is in 3D Animation. When I first began make you any different. It’s the skills that you bring to
to dabble in computer graphics, I had no idea what I Jonathan’s emphasis on a the table that make you stand out.
wanted to focus on. I wanted to do everything. I explored business’ essence - its why, or
every area of the production pipeline. reason for being - is pure emotion. You differentiate your brand by establishing a compelling
No doubt Mars would agree with such a n mission (the driving force behind your brand and
I dabbled and learned to press the buttons that would opinion. Could this then be the beginning of a peaceful business) and creating offerings that are remarkable.
make the software do what I wanted it to do. Then, I accord? If you don’t have a niche, you have much more freedom
moved on to the next thing that caught my interest. It in expressing this brand creation. You can go any
was fun, but I never progressed to any level of skill that Perhaps, but we’re not out of the fog yet, as Jonathan direction you want - the only thing you must worry about
could be called art. and Mars are only just getting warmed up. is being authentic. Believe what you say, and say what
It wasn’t until a mentor sat me down and told me that you believe. If you get that right, you have unlimited
if I wanted to take this to a professional level, I had to opportunities in building your brand.”
focus on just one area. I chose animation.

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Mars raises noteworthy points, specifically in the realms Jonathan’s final insight on this question offers a clue
of sharp talents, remarkable value, and authentic self. as to why...
No thinking person would dare risk their credibility to
assert otherwise. But is the anti-niche vessel the “In the long run, a niche focus will lead to autonomy
most advantageous one to the entrepreneur’s because the better you get at something, the more
ultimate goal - attention. lifestyle sustaining it becomes. The world pays for
expertise. The path of mastery leads to a place where
Interestingly, Jonathan takes a similar line of your options are more numerous because your life is
thought, but it leads him to a noticeably different well supported by your focus.”
Focus: perhaps the quintessential divide segmenting
“Beyond autonomy (who doesn’t want to the ideals of skilled craftsman and master craftsman.
do whatever the hell we want?), creatives
desire mastery. There is very little that is The online marketing universe is a very
fulfilling about flitting from fad to fad and fluid environment. What are the top
becoming passingly decent at it. It’s much three reasons why you believe a highly
more challenging, rewarding and emotionally niche (or anti-niche) brand helps in this
satisfying to ascend to the level of master.
evolving ecosystem?
Following a niche strategy is one way to
dedicate yourself to the path of mastery. The “First, you only have a moment to grab people’s attention.
beautiful thing is that when you set out to Second, reputation matters. And third, creativity needs
explore a niche, the entire world within that boundaries.”
niche completely unfolds for you. You get Jonathan’s short list is compelling. The focus theme
to explore the entire iceberg, not just the permeates these ideas, which themselves are very
snowy white caps that float above the acute. He goes on to situate these parameters into
surface.” context...
Jonathan and Mars praise similar Regarding attention, “your entire presence must be
ideals (skills with mastery, mission tailored to tell people who you are and what you’re doing
with fulfillment) as the divine as quickly as possible. Internet users scan more than
elements of creative autonomy. they read. If you and your message are unclear, then
And yet the constructs you will not stand a chance of holding their attention. A
they support remain niche gives you a focus to build around and a reason for
oceans apart. Perhaps people to stay.”

June 2011 | Brilliance Magazine 31

If content is king, then attention is the holy floating in the wind as not.” instinct is perhaps the defining quality equally attractive and tenable. It seems
grail of which all kings seek. This axiom of the human condition. And yet, though on this front no one is gaining any ground.
persists in any marketplace, online or Boundaries and adaptability, not good a simple tenet of humanity, it becomes
off. If a business can’t cement an outlet bedfellows on the surface. Jonathan contorted when applied to business. Perhaps the next face-off will yield some
in the minds of perspective customers, contends otherwise, that boundaries advantage.
then doomed they shall be. provide a tethering essential to one’s Mars’ believes an anti-niche approach is
liberties. This theme appears to be a the best option for straightening out this Where do you foresee the arc
This mental perception seems to play major front in the niche vs anti-niche war, enigma. Like Jonathan, he postulates of branding bending towards
into Jonathan’s second point around as Mars’ opinions demonstrate... three reasons as to why... in the future? What should we
reputation. As he puts it, “It’s hard be aware of today that will be
enough to gain a great reputation “If you are all about the niche then you “First, you are fluid like water. Second,
by being amazing at one thing. It’s are stuck and cannot adapt. Let’s say you you can enjoy great variety. And third, you of prime importance in years to
impossible to gain a great reputation for are all about minimalism, and you have can reach a larger audience.” come?
being amazing at everything. The higher that term in your domain name. After a
year or two, being a minimalist may not Mars has his own context to offer... Mars maintains his overarching belief
people’s opinions of you, the easier it is in an anti-niche vision, one that “will
to go with the flow and adapt. They trust be trendy anymore. Now what? Concerning fluidity, “as long as you stay
congruent with your beliefs, you can become more and more important in
that you’re going to deliver, no matter You are stuck like a bullet in the body; the future.” He highlights the growing
what.” your whole digital past spent on building choose whatever topic is right for you.
That’s what I call true freedom.” On ability to engineer “micro-businesses,”
From Jonathan’s vantage point, such the brand around minimalism. Now you operations that are “able to do business
don’t give a crap anymore because the variety, “if you are un-niche, you can talk
a trustworthy reputation is impossible and write whatever you like to talk and with the whole world from wherever you
without boundaries. momentum has died. You can’t simply want.”
change because the term is still in your write about, just so as long as it fits your
“When you give an artist unlimited domain. And everything people associate style.” This solo-preneur mentality, I think, is
colors of paint and a canvas of unlimited with you is minimalism. Lastly, about audience, “If your topic Mars’ driving force for broad creative
dimension, what do you get? A mess. To is broader, you can attract a variety of freedoms. The emphasis, and thus
thrive and create ingenious art, an artist If you had chosen to be an un-niche, you responsibility, is on the single person
would have just moved on. You would different people. And broader doesn’t
needs boundaries. mean generic or boring; you can still be more than ever. Thus, to Mars, that single
have said ‘good bye minimalism, I need person “becomes an entire company by
A niche provides boundaries that to evolve now. Let’s move on.’ And it edgy and deter those that don’t gel with
your philosophies. But if you appeal to a himself, and that’s why it’s incredibly
business person explores and innovates would have worked, because your brand important to brand yourself right from
within. When the time comes for a is beyond the niche.” larger audience, you have more potential
of attracting the “right” audience that the get-go.”
change of strategy (as it always does), a
solid niche foundation gives you a stable Wow. The energy on this subject is quick loves what you do.” Mars concludes with a somewhat
Point A from which to reach a new Point to overwhelm the senses. No one chooses ominous foreshadowing, that “creating
a cage. Everyone wants to be free. This If Jonathan hit the bulls-eye then Mars
B. Without a niche, you’re as likely to be just split his arrow. Both positions are a compelling vision, building your

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trademarks, and developing a (unique
visual) style for your brand will determine “The most prescient advice I’ve seen To Niche or Not to Niche
whether you will prosper or vanish into recently regarding the future of branding
oblivion.” “Branding on an individual level is A Tragic Ending?
and business is Gary Vaynerchuk’s already becoming more and more
wisdom from The Thank You Economy. I think not (sorry Shakespeare).
Jonathan, not surprisingly, reads the tea about relationships. Community growth
leaves differently. He describes how early twentieth century and collaboration are accelerating Perhaps this war won’t result in
businesses and brands were built at a dizzying pace. The scale of our the conqueror and the conquered.
on relationships. Later, corporations opportunities will directly mirror the Perhaps a monoculture of niche
dictated the conversation - if you didn’t quality of our relationships.” or anti-niche isn’t healthy to the
like it, good luck finding another option. delicate systems alive within the
Today, we dictate the rules. The world Solo-preneurs vs hyper-local creative universe. Maybe, just
dances at our collective fingertips.” relationships, another tectonic divide if maybe, both can co-exist, even
there ever was one. if regulated into their separate
Gary Vaynerchuk might be the
trump card on this question. No While Mars certainly doesn’t discount the corners.
doubt Gary is an ingenious need for community (he has nurtured a Jonathan and Mars have been
entrepreneur blessed vibrant one), his inclinations hinge upon noble sports for undertaking this
with an abundantly the individual (or more accurately, the commonly divisive subject. Their
creative mind, not to individual brand). And while Jonathan insights cast from their entrenched
mention an ironclad will. doesn’t discount the importance of the positions help all of us to better
leader (he’s a devout one himself), his weigh the merits and misuses of
But Jonathan backs up his proclivities are anchored in relationships
case with more than a fancy (especially narrowly concentrated social branding strategies. Certainly there
name-drop. He weaves in the ones). is no tragedy there.
rising influence of “hyper- But the debate thunders on towards
local” relationships thanks to Yet again, Jonathan offers a potential a distant horizon. And yet, while
the wonders that are Twitter, olive branch, noting... the matter may never be settled
Facebook, and the like. Or, in - remaining adrift beyond any
“Whether we build brands as individuals
his own words... anchorage - we’d each be wise to
or as a business, the interactions will
continue to trend towards the personal. moor our businesses and brands
Whether you position yourself in a niche in a steadfast strategy. Thus, the
or not, who you are is more important paradox remains...
than ever.” To niche or not to niche, that is the

June 2011 | Brilliance Magazine 33

Leverage the power of you.
The process of designing a magazine involves
countless hours of searching through images.
Despite the fact that numerous images are used
for design, inspiration, and as visual counterparts
to the text the reader encounters, they are only
a tiny fraction of the images reviewed before
publish date.
Of these multitudes, there are always images
striking in their own right that do not fit into the
context of the articles being reviewed. We felt it
was a shame to completely ignore these images
THE POWER OF YOU highlights some of these amazing
images and gives you, the reader, the opportunity
to contribute in a unique way.
It is our hope that you find these as inspirational
and moving as we do.

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IC 100 at Chicago
Union Station
Photo by vxla

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Medal of Honor - Staff. Sgt. Salvatore Giunta Photo Credit Courtesy of US Army
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Kill the Children
Photo by Nathan Hayag

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La Barre des Ecrins vue du Dôme de la Lauze
Photo by Rémi Bridot

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Little Wave
Photo by José Moutinho

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You are more than a cog in a giant factory.
More than your yearly evaluation.
More than your paycheck.

You are your own secret weapon.

Indispensable. Uniquely creative.

You are remarkable!

And us?

We are YOUR competitive advantage.

Leverage the power of you.

publishers David Crandall & Matt Gartland
content director Matt Gartland
creative director David Crandall
Contributors Todd Henry
Chris Downie
Abby Kerr
Thom Chambers
Mars Dorian
Jonathan Wondrusch
Cover Photo Ernest (Flickr: Viernest)
Power of You Photos Links to photographers’ pages listed with photos Thank you to the amazing people who contributed to this issue of Brilliance Magazine.

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