CC Grade 11 Chemistry Energetics CW

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Campion College

Subject: CSEC Chemistry

Date: / 01 / 22 Grade: All You Need to Know!

Topic: Energy and Energetics Worksheet

1. Which of the following statement best describes an endothermic reaction?
A. The enthalpy of the reactants is greater than the enthalpy of the products
B. Energy is released to the surroundings
C. The enthalpy change is negative
D. The temperature of the surroundings decreases

2. When sodium hydroxide is added to water at 28 ˚C, the temperature of the solution increases to

40 ˚C
A. The enthalpy change is positive
B. Energy is released to the surroundings
C. The reaction is endothermic
D. More energy is absorbed to break the ionic bonds between the Na + ion and OH-

3. Which of the following processes releases energy?

I. breaking of a bond
II. solvation of an ion
III. formation of a bond
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. III only

4. The diagram below shows the energy profile diagrams of reaction. Which letter in diagram
represents the energy necessary for the reaction to take place?
5. Consider the following equation for the reaction between sodium hydroxide and phosphoric acid

3NaOH(aq) + H3PO4 (aq) → Na3PO4 (aq) + 3H2O (l) ΔH = - 168.9 kJ

Which of the following statement is incorrect?

A. The reaction is exothermic

B. The heat of neutralization is – 168.9 kJ mol -1
C. The temperature of the surroundings would increase
D. The reactants have more energy than the products

6. When 0.2 mol of sodium nitrate dissolved in 100 cm3 of water, the temperature decreased by

7.2˚C. Assuming that the specific heat capacity of the solution is 4.2 J g-1 ˚C-1 , the heat of
solution of sodium nitrate is:
A. 604.8 J mol -1
B. 3024 J mol -1
C. 15.12 kJ mol -1
D. 151.2 kJ mol -1

7. Using an alkali to neutralize an acid is

A. Explosive
B. Endothermic
C. Exothermic
D. A displacement Reaction

8. Endothermic reactions:
A. Produce heat
B. Take very long
C. Are more common than exothermic reactions
D. Result in a fall in temperature in the surroundings

9. Activation energy is the:

A. Minimum energy needed to start a reaction
B. Energy changes that occur during a neutralization activity
C. Heat evolved at the start of a reaction
D. Heat of solution

10. A calorimeter is used in experiments that:

A. Measure pH
B. Measure energy changes
C. Measure the change in concentration of a solution
D. Only involve acids
11. i) 25.0 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide and 50.0 cm3 of 1.0 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid, both at

30.0˚C, are mixed together in a Styrofoam cup. On mixing the temperature rises to 38.9 ˚C.

i) Calculate the heat of neutralization for the reaction in kJmol -1.

Use the following information in your calculation:

 Heat evolved = mass (g) x specific heat capacity, C (Jg-1 ˚C-1) x change in temperature

 C = 4.2 Jg-1 ˚C-1

 Density = 1 g cm-3
ii) Draw a labelled energy profile diagram to illustrate the reaction above.

12. It is observed that whenever a strong acid (such as HCl or HNO3) is completely neutralized
by a strong base (such as NaOH or KOH), the heat of neutralization (in kJ mol-1 ) is the same.
Account for this observation.

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