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Smart Professional Surveillance System 8VHU¶V


Version 2.00.0
Table of Contents

1. OVERVIEW AND ENVIRONMENT..............................................................................1

1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 SmartPSS Interface............................................................................................................. 1

2. LOGIN ...............................................................................................................................3

3. DEVICES ..........................................................................................................................5

3.1 Auto Search ........................................................................................................................ 5

3.2 Manually Add ...................................................................................................................... 6

3.3 Batch Import and Add Device ............................................................................................. 8

3.4 Modify IP ............................................................................................................................. 8

4. PREVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 11

4.1 Live ciew ........................................................................................................................... 11

4.2 E-Map................................................................................................................................ 16
4.2.1 e N w pM a .................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.2 e N w to H o enZ ............................................................................................................ 18

4.3 Config IVS Channel........................................................................................................... 20

4.4 Smart Track Config (Fi sheye+Dome) ................................................................................ 23

4.5 Smart Track Config (Dome+Fixed).................................................................................... 25

4.6 PTZ ................................................................................................................................... 28

4.6.1 Prset ........................................................................................................................ 30
4.6.2 r u To ........................................................................................................................... 30
4.6.3 S cna .......................................................................................................................... 31
4.6.4 Patnre ....................................................................................................................... 31

4.7 Fisheye View Mode ........................................................................................................... 32

5. TOUR & TASK ............................................................................................................. 34

6. PLAYBACK .................................................................................................................. 38

6.1 Playback ........................................................................................................................... 38

6.2 Playback Device Record ................................................................................................... 41

6.3 Export Device Record ....................................................................................................... 41

6.4 Playback Device Picture ................................................................................................... 43

6.5 Export Device Picture ....................................................................................................... 44

6.6 Playback Local Record ..................................................................................................... 44

6.7 Export Local Record ......................................................................................................... 45

6.8 Playback Local Picture ..................................................................................................... 47

7. LOG SEARCH .............................................................................................................. 49

7.1 Search Client Log ............................................................................................................. 49

7.2 Search Device Log............................................................................................................ 49

8. SYSTEM CONFIG ....................................................................................................... 51

9. USER.............................................................................................................................. 54

9.1 Role Info ........................................................................................................................... 54

9.2 User .................................................................................................................................. 55

10. DEVICE CONFIG ..................................................................................................... 58

11. EVENT CONFIG....................................................................................................... 61

11.1 Event Type .................................................................................................................... 61

11.2 Event Alarm Link Config ............................................................................................... 63

11.2.1 Likn toicNe ................................................................................................................. 63
11.2.2 Likn oVeid .................................................................................................................. 64
11.2.3 Lin k Almra O tup ....................................................................................................... 66
11.2.4 Arm im Te ................................................................................................................... 67

11.3 Event View .................................................................................................................... 68

12. VIDEO WALL............................................................................................................ 69

12.1 Video Wall ..................................................................................................................... 69

12.2 Set Video Wall and Output ............................................................................................ 71

12.3 Scheme Tour on Video Wall.......................................................................................... 74

12.4 Playback on Video Wall ................................................................................................ 76

13. PEOPLE COUNT ..................................................................................................... 77

14. HEAT MAP................................................................................................................ 80

15. PC-NVR ..................................................................................................................... 81

15.1 Di sk Manager ................................................................................................................ 81

15.2 Channel Management ................................................................................................... 81

15.3 Set Record Plan ............................................................................................................ 82

15.4 Version Info .................................................................................................................. 83

15.5 Modify Port ................................................................................................................... 84

15.6 Modify Password .......................................................................................................... 85

T hank you for unsig our a r tm S Profesinal S uralvenic ystemS (Sartm PS)S !
er H you can nfid detali operatin niafotrm about a r tm S PS.S

1. Overview and Environment
1.1 Overview
a r tP
mS S si an abreviotn for a r tm S Profesinal urSalvenic ystemS .
T he aresoftw si to angme al sm quantyi securtyi suralvenic decvis. It relas thi w the
decvi and does not suport the products from other anufmctre s. It has the nig folw featur s:
z V e iw r eal -te mi dvieo of sevral ercam chanesl .
z V e iw th e palybck dvieo elfsi f rom varoius ercams .
z S uport upteil m schedul sarm to e r zail auto PC guard.
z u pS o r t e -map; you can eclary eviw a n d a n gm e al decvi olcatins.
z dieoV al w .previw
z Peopel count and heat ap.m
z eaSrch and portex olg.

1.2 SmartPSS Interface

a r tP
mS S aresoftw niterfac nuicldes 5 parts: funocti tab, sytem nifo, funocti st,il shortcu,
a n d h ep l. e S e rF i g u 1-1.

e rF i g u 1-1

o.N e am N o te N

1 F unocti tab
Open funocti ni ew N tab by cil nkg , you can open new
ta b .
2 ep l H z ckil ,stchi w .user
z ckil ,lock scren
z ckil ,go to congfi page
z ckil ,get hepl ednotcum
z ckil ,mni page
z ckil ,max page
z ckil ,eti x

3 ystemS Info :show sytem e mti

ckil ,CPU ocupany and condti

4 hoSrtcu ckil ,qyuckli entr Event tab

5 F unocti stil Inuclde ,previw palybck, nt,ev dvieo ,al w peol nt,cou
olg, evnt p,setu decvi ,angmer decvi ,congfi PC-NRV ,
tour paln, user and heat ap.m

2. Login
F or PC w h e r a r tP
mS S si nisteald.
Item Requirements

OS s n id Wo w 7 a n d hg i e r .

CPU Intel core 3

i or h.gier

Dispaly card Intel D

H Graphcsi and hg i e r .

o r ey m M 2GB or hg i e r .

Dispalyer 1024× 768 or hg i e r .



tepS 1. Doubel ckil . eS e rF i g u 2-1.

Defautl usernam si ni a d m , thiou w ord.pasw Pleas set ordpasw at rfist e mti olgni.

e rF i g u 2-1

tepS 2. Enter usernam and ordp.asw Clcki olgni. eS e rF i g u 2-2.

z heWn you chek berm ordp,asw you do not ned to entr ordpasw agni at t nex
o lg i n. heWn you chek both berm ordpasw and auto olgni, you can auto olgni at t nex
o lgn i.
z After you ad decvi, you can se ephaogm, se e rF i g u 2-2.

e rF i g u 2-2

3. Devices
er H you can ad a nsigel decvi or batch decvi avi auto search. ouY asol can congfi and
operat decvi.

3.1 Auto Search

tepS 1. In Decevis, ckil eaSrch.
tepS 2. etS decvi enstgm and ckil eaSrch. eS e rF i g u 3-1.
z Clcki eRfr sh, to ref sh searchd decvi.
z Check IP of devoc
z Check decvi IP you ant w to odfy,im ckil odfyiM IP to change IP. eS Ch 3.4.

e rF i g u 3-1
tepS 3. Check decvi you ant w to ad, ckil Add.
tepS 4. Clcki .OK Logni box pos up.
tepS 5. Enter decvi usernam and ordp.asw Clcki .OK After you ad decvi, ckil Cance,l so
sytem s how decvi stil ade. eS e rF i g u 3-2.
z After decvi si ad de, you can eviw decvi e,nam IP/dani,om type, ode,lm port, chanel
benrum, oniel stau, NS and operat decvi.
z After decvi si ade, ni Decevis ti auto s how decvi type tab, you can eviw ade decvi
her .
z F or dfier nt decvis, pelas note tha ni terfac subejct to actul niterfac.

— Clcki of decvi, to odfyim decvi nifo.

— Clcki of decvi, to go to decvi congfi page.

— Clcki of decvi to ti ex decvi. heWn coin changes to , ckil a g ni to r e -logni.

— Check decvi you ant w to delt , ckil D elt to batch delt .them Clcki of decvi to
d e lt o n e b y o n e .
— Check decvi you ant w to portex and ckil Export.

— h eW n show decvi code si selctd ni sytem setup, decvi si n show thi w . o uY

can ckil ti to e zicustom decvi code. T hsi si anyilm used for operatin avi keyboard.

e rF i g u 3-2

3.2 Manually Add

tepS 1. In Decevis niterfac, ckil Add, se e rF i g u 3-3.

e rF i g u 3-3
tepS 2. etS decvi paert m, se the nig folw chart.

Item Function

Decevi enam Pleas niput a decvi enam her .

e t h o Md to
By IP/daniom and .NS

Decevi IP adres or anidom e.nam

IP/Do ani m
e nam
ouY can ad decvi of IPV6 adres.

Decevi .NS
NS ote:N
F or P2P decvi ony.l
Decevi IP port.
It si 37777 by defaut.l

Gr o u p e a m N ouY can chose one group.

ser U enam T he user enam you olgni the decvi.

Paord sw T he ordpasw you olgni the decvi.

tepS 3. Clcki Add, peltcom adnig of decvi. Clcki aveS and Contiue to ad orem decvis.

3.3 Batch Import and Add Device
Before you batch pormti decvi, you shal get decvi nifo. ouY can portex decvi nifo to get
decvi nifo elf.i
tepS 1. In Decevis, ckil Import. eS e rF i g u 3-4.

e rF i g u 3-4
tepS 2. Accordnig to actul condti, selct pormti ethomd.
z elctS Local tab to selct decvi nifo
z elctS F rom .w w , entr usernam and ord.pasw
tepS 3. Clcki Import. heWn sucefyl pormtied decvi, sytem s how a esagm, ckil .OK

3.4 Modify IP
tepS 1. In Decevis niterfac, ckil eaSrch.
tepS 2. etS decvi enstgm and ckil eaSrch. eS e rF i g u 3-5.

e rF i g u 3-5
tepS 3. Check decvi you ant w to odfyim IP, ckil odfyiM IP.
tepS 4. Enter usernam and ordp.asw Clcki .OK
z heWn you chek a nsigel decvi, sytem pos u p odfyiM IP ,box se e rF i g u 3-6.

e rF i g u 3-6
z heWn selct orem then one decvi, sytem pos up Batch odfyiM IP ,box se e rF i g u 3-7.

e rF i g u 3-7
tepS 5. etS decvi new IP star IP, subnet ask m and ay.gtew
tepS 6. Clcki aveS.

4. Preview
4.1 Live ciew
ouY can veil eviw dvieo, olca reco d, sn apshot, enabl audoi, tak,l nista palybck, om z ni
dvieo, tchi sw str,eam congfi decvi paert m, congfi nigtel chane,l congfi asterm -salve
track, update chanel nifo and etc.
In ew N tab, ckil Live ,eiwV se e rF i g u 4-1.

e rF i g u 4-1
oN sk Ta o te N
Yu o c n a sitwc h smate,r tace r edicv srpgu,o tace r n we
s p m a, p u t a e d c h n al e in tmafro,n moy ifd c hn ale n smea, glo
,f o dna glo in to icse.v d
1 z Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v r e T ( yb
Deic e v lis t ic e d v ), teh edic v tr e isydlap teh irpguo n na d calshen
ro f teh ic.e v d
z Wneh teh Delftua Deic ve r e T is ste to Arae r e T ( yb
c l)en ah , teh ic e v d etr isydlap teh szeno dna lsen.cah

oN sk Ta o te N
z t hig R -c lic k teh orpgu / edic v o r ra e , a d n s l e c t t e h i mn a
sm a te r r o s b u sm a te r . h eT ed o vi inwod ilw isydlap teh
e i r p v w t i n e c r a f o f l a c h n a l s e i n t h e r g u o p / e di c v r o r a e
in teh imna smater ro xyuairl sm.ater

W n e h t h e u n em b r o f i d v o e i n w o d s w i s s l e nt a h t h e n m bu r e f o
ncalshe no t eh d eic,v teh id voe dinwo isydlap teh
wie verp caeftirn ro f la lsencah in a slitp .snec r
i St w c h
s m a te r z t hig R -c lic k teh l,encah sclet teh imna s tr mae ro sbu
sm a te r , teh oedvi inwod ilw b e teh ima n smater o r sbu
sm a te r s woh teh wie verp caeftirn fo teh l.encah
z cSlet teh ed o vi iwodn in ichw teh p eir vw is a,ndelb
t hig r -c lic k to sclet mSater y p T> e iMna Sterm,a mSater
ep T Sb u m S a te r 1 r o S te r m a y>
ep T S bu mSater 2.

Yu o c n a p e ir v w b t o h t h e i m a n s a te r m a d n s c e o d yn r a s t e r m a
suolyiemtna no teh smea l.encah
Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v eTr ( y b ic e d v ),
t hig r -c lic k teh uorpg in teh agirzOnt ola eTr, sclet we N
o,rGpu ste teh puorg mean in teh eNw orGpu xob, Clic k e Sva to
tace r a ic e v d .ginpuorg
e N w e di c v
puo rg z If y o u end t o ct n i o u s l y t a c e r m l t u e i p g o s r p u, s t e o r pg u
,mean dna c li k 'Se va dna Cotenui .
z Yu o c n a i g r t h -c lic k teh wen g o,rpu to n e mr a o r l e d t t e h
z Yuo cna lyno tled spuorg tiuowh icse.v d

Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v eTr ( y b ic e d v ),

t hig r -c lic k teh orpgu in t e h rO a g iznt o r e T r a e a d n scle t
w e N pM a t o t ace r a w e n E
cnOe teh ma p sah e bn d,ae yuo cna e itd, ane,mr dna
t le d t e h m p a o r t o sh p y b t h ig r -c l ic kgn no teh pma o r ehta
we N e -mpa .pma
E-mpa c n a e b i s yd l a p e c e i t r d l y i n t e h l i s t f o i e w r d p v e d i c s v ,
yuo cna rdga th e m pa ceitrdly to teh rp ei vw iw dn o t o p eir ,vw
yuo cna e sva teh pma to ,we vi saey to nepo teh xent
r F o t i el s a d o n w o h t o t ace r a w e n ,pma se Ch 4.2.
Wneh teh De lftua Deicve r e T is ste to eno Z r e T ( b y c alhen ),
t hig r -c lic k teh ra e i n teh Ar ae r e T er,a sclet e Nw o,enZ ste
teh man e in th e eNw enZo loiad g b xo, Clic k e Sa v t o ce r t a te h
Creta t:oeN
ze n o z If yuo nde to c t nu i o s l y t ace r l mt u ei p znose, ste
te h ,mean c li k e Sva dna Cotenui .
z Yu o c n a i g r t h -c lic k teh wen ,zeno to n e mr a o r t l e d t e h
z Yuo cna lyno tled spuorg tiuowh icse.v d

oN sk Ta o te N
Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v eTr ( y b ic e d v ),
t hig r -c lic k teh dic e v dna c hsoe Deic ve Coi frnutgaio r mfo teh
tsrcohu .unme eh T Deic e v Cotaniorug fn egap sr.aep
rFo tielsad tuoba woh to eruig cfno a ic,e v d se scetnio Ch 10.
c ig f n o e T h a m p r s t e f o i d t e n f r e di c s v y m a e b e i f d r t n . r F o t e h
i cf r n u to g a i o f t e h a r t m p e s r , e f r t o t e h sn eo g p i r c d
ic e v d l.aunm

o r Ze
Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v eTr ( y b ic e d v ),
Chan le t hig r -c lic k teh VRN ic e v d dna sclet ore Z Chlen a Pr.wie ve
Prwie ve
Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v eTr ( y b ic e d v ),
Chan le t hig r -c lic k teh esgatro dic e v na d scoeh Chan le Disylap >
i s yd l a p wSoh Biidn g Chnalse o r Soh w All Chnale s t o sit wc h t e h
lencah isydlap .edmo

i d M oy f Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v eTr ( y b ic e d v ),

n c al he t hig r -c lic k teh edicv cahn le uednr th e satreog edic v dna
sclet y ifdMo Chlen a .meaN
m ea n

IVS Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v eTr ( y b ic e d v ),

t hig r -c lic k teh dic e v dna c hsoe IVS Chalen Cfg t o ju m p t o t e h
n c al he IVS Chlen a Cfg ca.eftirn
i g cf n o Se Ch 4.4.
W n e h te h Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is s t e t o Deic e v eTr ( y b ic e d v ),
t hig r -c lic k teh edicv na d sclet Almra tuOp t o ntr u n o r o of
t u po teh mrla tupo l.encah

Coni fruge t hig R -c lic k teh ic,e d v sclet t S r m a c ta k r r u i t g an o cf , m jp u t o

te h st rm a s t r m a c ta k r t an i o r u g cf n o ca.eftirn
Se Ch 4.4.
c ta k r

Coni fruge t hig R -c lic k te h ic e v d na d scle t sM a t r e -s lae v c a kTr

Coni frutganio j m pu to sM a t r e -s lae v r c a kT Coi fnutgaior
t e h sm a t r e - ca.eftirn
e s vla c ta k r Se Ch 4.5.
z Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v r e T ( yb
d p tUa e ic e d v ), igrth -c lic k teh ic e d v dna sle c t dptUae Ch nale Ino f
to taedpu teh lencah mean ro lencah rembun seg.cnah
n c al he z Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic ve e Tr is ste to Are a r e T (P re
t m af ir n o Chan l)e , irthg -c lic k teh edic v a dn sclet tUadp e Ch nale
/ m ea n m ea N t o t a ed p u t e h e n c a h l .mean

Wneh teh Dea lftu Deic e v r e T is ste to Deic e v eTr ( y b ic e d v ),

Log tuo na d t hig r -c lic k teh edicv a dn sclet Lo ogtu. h eT tsfoa wer a dn dic e v
inglo era Afte r gloin o tu, thigr -c lic k teh ic,e d v sclet
Loing , c e nt o r ic e v d .
Wneh x e nt t o V wie , nepO teh we vi ca.eftirn
e iw V Yuo cna c rtae ievw g o,rpu moy ifd ievw an ,me moe v ievw g orpu ,
tled vi sw,e dna yclapbk we vi dcero no teh we vi ca.eftirn
Wneh x e nt t o V w i e . nepO teh we vi ca.eftirn
Clic k w e N r Gp u o , s t e t e h o r pg u m a n e i n t e h e N w G uo rp i d gloa x o b
d n a c li k e Sv a to tace r teh we vi .puorg
e Nw evi w z If y o u end t o ct nu i o s l y t a c e r l m t u e i p g o s r p u, s t e u o r pg
gr oup ,mean dna c li k ' e Sva dna Cotenui .
z Yu o c n a t h i g r -c lic k teh wen o,rpgu nemra ro led t teh
z Yuo cna lyno tled spuorg tah e vah on sw.e vi

oN sk Ta o te N
o d f yi M eviw Wneh x e nt t o V w i e . nepO teh we vi ca.eftirn
e nam t hig R -c lic k teh we vi mean dna sclet y ifdMo Vwie .mea N

Wneh x e nt t o V w i e . nepO teh we vi ca.eftirn

Deelt eviw
t hig R -c lic k teh we vi mean dna sclet Detle ish T Itm.e

Wneh x e nt t o V w i e . nepO teh we vi ca.eftirn

ove M eviw
t hig R -c lic k teh e w vi an ,me sclet Moe v Vie w G oirnpug a dn sclet
gr oup teh puorg yuo tnaw to e vmo t.o

Wneh x e nt t o V w i e . nepO teh we vi ca.eftirn

t hig R -c lic k teh e w vi man e dna sclet Plycabk to trne teh
eviw reco d yclapbk ca.eftirn Se Ch 6.

z rFo tmo izre d zmo d eicsv, cosu,f tuoa fcsu, ro fcosu cna
e b s et r .
z rFo P TZ ste,gin yuo cna stilmaue teh mo su,e epon ro csloe
PTZ ,unme sjudta PTZ ,dse p ceit,rdno zm,o cosuf dna is r .
Clic k erMo F taues r to ste Prse t, r u To , o Hiztlrna toaiR ,n
S cna , c a kr T , dna Ac cse ilbty .
Se Ch 4.6.

V wie rlae -
cS l e t a epon l iev w i d,nwo th e s tau rab isydlap erla -time
t i m e sm a te r
tmaniro f sm.ater
o fin
cS l e t epon edvi o i w dn o ich w is O ,N a d n c li k o r i r t h g c li k
to sclet Stra .dceroR
Local reco d t:oeN
Y u o c n a i d m oy f t e h s ad e v p t a h i n Sy s tme Conitgaofru>
n Fi l e
St e s g i n .

cSlet nepo oedvi dinwo wich is ,NO d n a c li k o r ig r t h -c lic k

t o scle t st po S ah n , st po ah n a slegin ic.petru
naSpshot N t:oe
Y u o c n a cn a h e g t e h p t a h h w r e t e h i g m a e i s e d s v a i n S y s tm e
Cot> an i o r u g f n F i l e S t e s g i n .

l ei p T r cSlet teh ie wrpv d oe vi inwod, thigr c li k l ei p r T S a n st po h , te h

st po S ah n s y t m e s u ctol y n i s st po ah n e trh

St r a iod u a cSlet nepo oedvi dinwo wich is ,NO d n a c li k o r ig r t h -c lic k

t o scle t St r a Au.iod
St r a t lka cSlet nepo eidvo iwodn wich is ,NO d n a c li k o r ig r t h -c lic k
t o scle t St r a lk ,Ta yuo cna tlka netwb teh ctnlie dna teh ic.e v d

W n e h y u o ir p e w v t e h c a h n l e u e d n r t e h s togare dic,e v dna

n r Tu o n t e h teh edicv spuo trs tmoer c h nale tine cmr,o sclet teh oedvi
r tm oe d i n w o i t w h e ir p v w pone,d thigr -c lic k to sclet nru T no teh
c t m ir n o e tm oe r c t m ir n o e , t e h t m o e r c a h n l e n o t e h c t nl i e d n a t e h
esgatro ic e v d cna eb ksae.p

oN sk Ta o te N
t a rS nista cSlet epon oedvi inwod wich is ,NO and ckil o r r g ih t -cckil
palybck to selct tarS Instan Playbck .

o m Z ni cSlet nepo oed vi wodin ichw is ,NO and ckil .

Close cSlet nepo eidvo inwod wich is ,NO and ckil o r rgiht ckil
n id o w to selct Close nidWow .

Close al elctS the dvieo ,nido w rgiht -cckil to selct Close All
s n id o w s n id Wo w .

Lie v Douleb -c lic k a ic e d v in teh g ir z O n t a o n r e T r o a r d g t e h di c e v

wie v e r p to teh oed vi wodin ro f a e liv .wie verp
cSlet teh ie wrpv d oe vi inwod, thigr -c lic k Plycabk t o t rn e
Plycabk te h Plycabk ca.eftirn Se Ch 6.
F or shfiey decvi ony.l

cSlet teh d oe vi dinwo itwh p eir vw NO , i r t h g c li k n o F i sy e h

Instlaio n dMo e d n a s c l e t t e h s i n t l a o m o e d c ia d r og n t o t e h
caltu sintlao fo teh ic.e v d

F i sy e h s i n t l a o d m o e s c ei n d l u (Ceiln g ), (W la

tn)umo dna (GD

N ).

F or shfiey decvi ony.l

cSlet teh eirpvw edvi o inwod, thigr -c lic k teh Fisyeh wevi
F i sy e h e dm o , ca oindrg to teh catu la s itanuo to sle c t teh sedir wevi
we vi edmo .edmo
e Th i e v w d m o e i s i d e f r t n e d p i n g o n t e h s i n t l a n i o m e d o f o
teh isye.hf Se Ch 4.7 .

Slitp snec r ctakrgin cinlused teh nmrola dmo,e 1 +3 edmo dna

1 +5 edmo e trh

 lmaro N :edmo laingrO .eigma

S l i tp s n e c r  1 + 3 mo:ed teh igrloan im ega na d 3 s u b -
c ta k r g i n di,nwo teh oigrlan ima eg cna b e jda sute 3 sbu -
wodin sopit.n
 1 + 5 mo:ed t e h i g r lo a n i m e g a n a d 5 s u b -
d,inwo teh oigrlan ima eg cna b e jda sute 5 sbu -
wodin sopit.n

It is sude to sjudta teh i ewrpv ec ft fo teh oedvi s cern no teh

c t n l i e n a d o d s e n t o cn a h e g t h e c a t u l a i m a e g p r a t m e s r o f t e h
Adsjut ic.e v d
Yu o c n a s j u d t a t e h i g r s b t e h n , s ct a n r o , t s a i r u n o a d n e u h f o
teh oed vi .snec r

oN sk Ta o te N
kM a e t il n e g s l e u r r o i t l en g j b o c e t x o b i s d l p y a e i n t e h
oed vi .snec r
tS rm a
cSlet teh ed o vi inwod itwh teh p eir vw trduen o ,n thigr -c lic k
yla r e v o
no teh Intlie n g loreyva> Intleig n leu r r o Intleig n cjebto
xob .

z Clic k , e Sva th e rctnue p eir vw oedvi inwod sa a e,w vi

d n a y u o c n a i e v w i t s i n t l ay i n t e h Prie w v , Plycabk , uo r T
aveS eviw z Aftre c rtaien g teh r uodn -roinb s cehlud ,e c li k , Chcek teh
e S a v t o u To r Plna , yuo cna lsao e sva teh wevi to teh rt u o
4 nlap .

Se Ch 5.

Aftre c rtagien a tuo r lap,n in nswoh to ru lp ,na y uo

ur To ON
c n a scle t rt u o n la p d n a c li k to leban .rtuo
Se Ch 5.
Yuo cna ste teh oed vi scaept taior in otw yasw.

e tS dvieo z cSlet teh d oe vi iw d,n o irthg -c lic k to sclet W w o din S c lea ,

sclet teh oed vi snec r isydlap ta.ior
z In cSlet oed vi snec r isydlap ta.ior

z Clic k In teh ic,no teh d oe vi inwod is ste to

teh gindseoprc rembun fo swodin isydlap .edmo

z Clic k , In teh op -up i ctrane f csutmioz e teh id v e o

5 wodin isydlap .edmo
„ In teh s dtnar ctirane f slitp r,a e sclet teh ed o vi
dinwo isydlap mo,ed c li k ta te h u p re i r thg croen o f
e tS dvieo t e h i s yd l a p , h e T t ls a e c l e o t i n o f t r h e i d v o e i n w o d
n id o w i s yd l a p e d m o i s i s yd l a p e i n t e h p e i r v w c t ir a n e f o n t e h
dspaily odem .raltbo

„ In teh Custmo Slitp ,aer c li k , Custmo edvi o

wodin isydlap .edmo
„ Clic k o r sclet teh id voe d,inwo irthg sclet fl u
s n ec r , oed vi wodin lu f snec r isydlap.

4.2 E-Map
ai V E -map you can stragihyl n kow the olcatin of dvieo chanel or alrm chanel and veil
4.2.1 New Map
tepS 1. gihRt ckil group ni aOorting z T re, selct ew N ap.M eS e rF i g u 4-2.

e rF i g u 4-2
tepS 2. etS ap m e,nam selct path of pctuire.
tepS 3. Clcki aveS. eS e rF i g u 4-3.

z Clcki , creat new hot one z on ap,m se Ch 4.2.2.

z Clcki , odfyim ap m enam or repalc ap.m

z Clcki to adujst

z At the er olw rgiht corne , you can se aeril eviw of ap.m Clcki , to oclse aeril eviw and

ckil to open aeril .eviw

e rF i g u 4-3
tepS 4. Drag ercam to cor espndig ontirm potisn on ap m to adujst ercam ontirm range,
or drag ercam alrm niput nito ap.m

tepS 5. Clcki to save ap.m

tepS 6. eiwV decvi veil previw on ap.m
a) Open Live niterfac, ni decvi stil doubel ckil heat ap m or drag heat ap m nito previw
b) On a p m ckil ercam or palce ousem on ercam for a few second, ni the po -up
nidow you can eviw veil .previw
z Clcki ap m previw ,nidow rgiht ckil and selct Open All Chanes,l at botm of
previw nidow ti s how veil of al decvis.
z Clcki previw nidow on ap,m rgiht ckil dieoV ,alW and ni po -up nidow ti
s how veil of al decvis.

4.2.2 New Hot Zone

F or hot o z ne, you can ad cor espndig pctuire on ap.m

tepS 1. In e -map niterfac, ckil . eS e rF i g u 4-4.

e rF i g u 4-4
tepS 2. etS ap m e,nam selct pctuire path.
tepS 3. Clcki aveS. eS e rF i g u 4-5.

z Clcki to creat new one.z

z Clcki to odfyim heat ap m enam or repalc heat ap.m

z Clcki to odfyim heat ap m enam or repalc heat ap.m

z Clcki to adujst ercam ontirm range

z At the er olw rgiht corne , you can se aeril eviw of heat ap.m Clcki , to oclse aeril eviw

and ckil to open aeril .eviw

z At the er olw elft corne , ckil pctuire nidow to retu n to preovius heat one z or ap.m

e rF i g u 4-5
tepS 4. Doubel ckil heat ap,m drag ercam to cor espndig ontirm potisn on ap m to adujst
ercam ontirm range.

tepS 5. Clcki to save heat ap.m

tepS 6. eiwV decvi veil previw on ap.m
c) Open Live niterfac, ni decvi stil doubel ckil heat ap m or drag heat ap m nito previw
In heat ap m previw nidow stau bar, ckil to retu n to ap m .previw
d) On ap m ckil ercam or palce ousem on ercam for a few second, ni the po -up
nidow you can eviw veil .previw
z Clcki ap m previw ,nidow rgiht ckil and selct Open All Chanes,l at botm of
previw nidow ti s how veil of al decvis.
z Clcki previw nidow on ap,m rgiht ckil dieoV ,alW and ni po -up nidow ti
s how veil of al decvis.

4.3 Config IVS Channel

By setnig IVS chane,l you can arkm depth of efdil of IVS paln. Difer nt ercams suport
dfier nt IVS paln, subejct to actul niterfac.

tepS 1. gihRt ckil decvi ni aOorting z T re ni Live eiwV niterfac, selct IVS Chanel Con gf i .
eS e rF i g u 4-6.

e rF i g u 4-6
tepS 2. Clcki hgilted IVS paln, and ckil IVS coin you ned, selct IVS paln.
tepS 3. Clcki t.ex N eS F g iu r e 4-7.

e rF i g u 4-7
tepS 4. a r k M d e p t h o f ef d i l .
a) Clcki the a r km a r e ni the dvieo nidow to draw the arkm are, rgiht -cckil to draw after
nigdraw to peltco.m
At elast 3 ponits are requid to draw ni the arkm are.

b) etS the elngth of the vercatil ruel, ckil , draw vercatil ruel ni the arkm are, elft -cckil

to peltcom the nig.draw

eRpat thsi step to ad 3 vercatil ruels to the arkm are.

c) etS the elngth of the onthalrzi ruel, ckil , a n d d r a w a o n th a l r z i r u e l n i t h e a r k m

a r e , e lft -cckil to peltcom the nig.draw
z elctS vercatil or onhtalrzi ruel, ckil eR -d,raw re -draw the ruel, selct the bcairl otn ,are
ckil ,eRdraw red aw the bcairl otn are, the vercatil scael and the onthalrzi ruel.
z elctS the alvercti or ontalrzih ,ruel ckil Deelt , elt d he t r;uel elctS e th aotinbcrl rea,
ckil Deelt , delt the bcairl otn are, vercatil ruel and onthalrzi ruel.
tepS 5. (Opotina)l easurM dstaince verycatli or onthy.alrzi

heWn you ned to easurm , you ned to folw thsi s te p .
a) Clcki Appy,l to save arkemd depth of efdil.
b) easurM dstaince.
z Clcki vercatil dstaince, and arkm vercatil niel ni arkemd are, sytem s how ndraw
vercatil elngth.
z Clcki onthalrzi dstaince, and arkm onthalrzi niel ni arkemd are, sytem s how
dr aw n o n th a l r z i e l n g t h .
tepS 6. Clcki aveS.

4.4 Smart Track Config (Fisheye+Dome)

tepS 1. In Live eiwV niterfac, rgiht ckil shfiey decvi, selct asterM0aslve tranckig congif , se
e rF i g u 4-8.

e rF i g u 4-8
tepS 2. Link sped e.dom

a) In Link peSd Doe m are, ckil t nex to shfiey e.nam

b) In sped edom dnrop w st,il selct sped e,dom ckil aveS. eS e rF i g u 4-9.
ouY can adujst sped edom ris, om z and focus.

z Clcki to e n a b l o r dsaibel ousem ualotin,ms by defautl ti si .ON

z Clcki or to .om z

z Clcki or to focus.

z Clcki or to adujst ris.

z Clcki to draw a box avi ousem on the ontirm dvieo, and sped edom li w rotae
and focus to thsi scen qy,uckli

z and canot be enabld at the e sam e.mti

e rF i g u 4-9
tepS 3. Add arkm ponit.
a) Clcki Add, ni shfiey veil previw niterfac s how arkm .box Drag arkm box to sutaibel
p o t is n .
b) Be defaut,l to enabl ousem ualotin,ms use ousem to drag sped edom dvieo to
sutaibel potisn.

c) In arkm ponit st,il ckil of cor espndig arkm ponit, save.

eRpat step 1 to 2 to ad at elast thre arkm ponits.

tepS 4. Clcki .OK

tepS 5. eiwV artsm track.
a) gihRt ckil th e shfiey decvi, selct asterm -salve track n ig .
eS e rF i g u 4-10.

z Link odem si enabld by aut,ldef ckil to cor et shfiey odem nd a tchi sw nikl ode.m
Enabel shfiey cor etin, an d ni shfiey previw ,nidow rgiht ckil and selct shfiey
nistalo ethomd and eviw ode.m eS Ch 4.7.
z On the elft you can set PT,Z se Ch 4.6.

e rF i g u 4-10
b) In shfiey decvi previw niterfac ckil any spot, sped edom on the rgiht auto niksl to
the cor espndig potisn.

4.5 Smart Track Config (Dome+Fixed)

After you have congfiured edom and ed xfi ercam nikalge, hen w nigtel ruel of ed xfi ercam
tr gi e s ,alrm sped edom auto niksl to cor espndig potisn and tracks obejct unlti the obejct
cedsx ontirm range or tranckig e mti t.i ml

edFxi ercam has set trpi rie,w one,z otleirng or fast ove m nigtel ruel.

tepS 1. In aOorting z T re of previw niterfac, rgiht ckil ed xfi ercam, selct asterM -salve
tranckig congfi, se e rF i g u 4-11.

e rF i g u 4-11

tepS 2. Link sped e.dom

a) In Link peSd Doe m are, rgiht ckil host e.nam
b) In drnop w st,il selct sped e.dom
)c Congfi track paert m, se
Paertam o te N
Expectd om z o n Z r a ot i hen w nikl to sped edom tranckig

o r i n t a lH z o zm
ontalrzi H om z raoti hen w nikl to sped edom tranckig
a n ge l

ercatil V om z angel erVcatil om z raoti hen w nikl to sped edom tranckig

rackT elngth eTmi elngth of sped edom

Check Enabel , to belna deil ngth,el hen w edsp e om d no
Idel elngth tranckig e mti ced x set e dil e,mti edsp edom li w rotae o t
cor espndig potisn as set.
d) Clcki aveS. eS e rF i g u 4-12.
ouY can adujst sped edom ris e,zsi om z and focus.

z Clcki , enabl to dsaibel ousem ualotin,ms by defautl si ni enabld.

z Clcki or to .om z

z Clcki or to focus.

z Clcki or to adujst ris.

z Clcki to draw a box avi ousem ni ontirm dvieo, sped edom li w qyuckli potisn to t.i

z and canot be enabld at the e sam e.mti

e rF i g u 4-12
tepS 3. Add arkm ponit.
tepS 4. Add arkm ponit.
a) Clcki Add, ni ed xfi ercam veil previw niterfac s how arkm .box Drag arkm box to
sutaibel potisn.
b) Be defaut,l to enabl ousem ualotin,ms use ousem to drag sped edom dvieo to
sutaibel potisn.

c) In arkm ponit st,il ckil of cor espndig arkm poni t, save.

Clcki Clear to delt al arkm ponits.
eRpat step1 to 3 to ad at elast four arkm ponits.
d) (Opotina)l you can selct prest ni Prest.
heWn sped edom tranckig e mti ced x set deil e,mti sped edom li w rotae to
cor espndig potisn.
heWn deil elngth si enabld, ned to run thsi step.
tepS 5. Clcki .OK
tepS 6. eiwV artsm track.
a) gihRt ckil the ed xfi ercam decvi, selct asterm -salve tranckig.
eS e rF i g u 4-13.

z Link odem si enabld by defaut,l ckil to dsaibel auto tranckig.

z On the elft you can set PT,Z se Ch 4.6.

e rF i g u 4-13
b) heWn ed xfi ercam previw niterfac nigtel ruel trgie s ,alrm sped edom on the
rgiht auto nikl to cor espndig potisn and track obejct unlti the obejct cedsx
ontirm range or ced x tranckig elngth.

4.6 PTZ
Difer nt decvi PT Z have dfier nt se tup niterfac, subejct to actul condti.
eS the nig folw gfiures and charts.

e rF i g u 4-14

e rF i g u 4-15
Paertam o te N

o mZ Clcki or to adujst .om z

tchi wS to PT Z Clic k iStwc h to PT,Z s y tme smjpu to PTZ l.ctonr

F ocus Clcki or to adujst denfoti.

Auto F ocus Clcki Auto F ocus to auto focus.

eRst F ocus Clcki eRst F ocus to rest.

e rF i g u 4-16
Paertam o te N

Clcki go to PT Z enu.m
enu M

ouseM ualotinms Clcki , avi ousem operat PT.Z

Direoctin etS PT Z drieoctn ni 8 drieoctns.

3D potisn Clcki , and draw a box ni dvieo ontirmg, PT Z li w rotae

and focus to thsi scen.

Control PT Z rotain sped, can be set 1 to 8 dfier nt rotain

t e pS

o mZ Clcki or to adujst .om z

F ocus
Clcki or to adujst denfoti.

Irsi Clcki or to adujst brgihtnes.

By setnig the Prest , you can qyuckli go to the prest

potisn cor espndig to the ercam. Prest setnig F or
Prest dets,ali se Ch 4.6.1.
ouY can set up to 128 p r e s t.
By setnig Crusei , the ercam can crusei enbtw dfier nt
ur To prest ponits. Crusei setnig dets,ali se Ch 4.6.2 .
ouY can set up to egiht crusei group.

Paertam o te N
By setnig o n ta lr z i H r o ta in , the ercam can be rotaed
o n ta lr z i H r o ta in
ni , elctS o n ta lr z i H r o ta in

and ckil , t u r n o n o n th a l r z i r o t a ot i n .

By setnig the o tw borde s, the ercam rotaes repatdyl

canS enbtw the o tw borde s. canS setnig F or dets,ali se Ch
By setnig the T our track , the user operatin durnig the rotain
Patern of the ercam reco d , the ercam can be rotaed acordnig o t
the track reco d. Patrol track setnig dets,ali se Ch 4.6.4.
thiW ,aux aux andsm co can be entr d to turn on the aux

4.6.1 Preset
By setnig the restp onit,p you an c qyuckli o g to e th etpr s potisn egosprndic to e th .ercam
tepS 1. aiV PT Z drieoctn contr l the ercam to degsinat potisn.

tepS 2. In selct prest, ckil .

tepS 3. In selct prest no., entr prest e.nam

tepS 4. Clcki to save prest.

tepS 5. Clcki to d e lt n o -necsary prest.

tepS 6. elctS prest and ckil , ercam rotaes to cor espnd n i g p o t is n .

4.6.2 Tour
By setnig the tour, the ercam can tour enbtw the dfier nt prest ponits.

etS at elast o tw prest befor you can tour.

tepS 1. In , selct tour, and ckil . eS e rF i g u 4-17.

e rF i g u 4-17
tepS 2. etS tour no. and tour e.nam
tepS 3. elctS prest.
a) In Prest stil selct prest, and entr e.mti

b) Clcki to a d p r e s t.
eRpat thsi step to ad orem prest.
tepS 4. Clcki .OK

tepS 5. ouY ned to selct tour no., ckil so ercam li w tour ongam dfier nt prest.

4.6.3 Scan
By setnig the o tw s d ebro , the ercam rotaes repatdyl enbtw the o tw s d ebro .

tepS 1. In selct canS.

tepS 2. By contr l PT Z drieoctn, erota PT Z to atedgsin elft potisn, ckil to set elft ebro.d

tepS 3. By contr l PT Z drieoctn, rotae PT Z to degsinat rgiht potisn, ckil to set rgiht
bor de .

tepS 4. Clcki to repat rotain ongam o tw borde s.

4.6.4 Pattern
eRcord do n w ercam rotain proces, avi patern rotain funocti.

tepS 1. In selct Patern.

tepS 2. Clcki to star to set patern, and ,om z focus or rotae ercam.

tepS 3. Clcki to peltco.m

tepS 4. elctS patern no., ckil , ercam rotae patern acordnig to reco d.

4.7 Fisheye View Mode

Onyl shfiey decvi suport nistalo and eviw ode,m dfier nt nistalo odesm
cor espndig to eviw odem ref nig to the nig folw chart.
p ae rt m Descrpiotn

Cur ent dvieo scren ( by defautl suport the orgnial agemi ode)m , ni
acordne thi w the dfier nt nistalo ethomds, thi w other dfier nt
presntaoi as s:folw
 Cenigl : 1P + 1, 2P, 1 +2, 1 +3, 1 +4, 1P +6, 1 +8.
e iw V o d e m  al W o u n tm : 1P, 1P + 3, 1P + 4, 1P + 8.
 D
GN : 1P +1,2 P, 1 +3, 1 +4, 1P +6, 1 +8.
heWn tching sw nistalo ode,m by d e fa ut l show the o r g ni a l a g e m i ode.m

Cenigl/al w
o r g ni a l T h a t si the orgnial agemi has not ben cor etd.
a g e mi

T h a t s i t h e o r g ni a l a g e m i pu ls o tw nidep nt dvieos and

1+ 2 the orgnial agemi sub -feram suport ,om z ove.m

Expand the rectangl th a si 360 pancoir m° + nidep nt

sprtei and rectangulr panosiex panor m sub agemi
1P + 1 suport ,om z ove m operatin, pandex the rectangl star g nt i
about Panoar m asol suport the ove m operatin.

T h a t si 180 re°ctangulr o tw asocited pandex scren,

any e mti o tw sub -ws nidow are posecdm of 360 °
panor,m asol n kow as doubel Panoar m , o tw r aectngul
2P strech the pctuire suport and ove m around the starnig
p o n i t o f t h e o p e r a t i n , a n d u t a m l n i t e r a oc .
Cenigl /
al w o u n tm T h a t s i t h e o r g ni a l a g e m i +3 nidep nt dvieos a n d th e
1+3 orgnial agemi sub -feram suport ,om z ove.m

T h a t s i t h e o r g ni a l a g e m i +4 nidep nt dvieos a n d th e
orgnial agemi sub -feram suport ,om z ove m operatin, the
1+4 orgnial agemi asol suport changi the rotain starnig
o p e r a tin .

T hs i s i rectangl th a si 360 pan°coir m +6 nidep nt

dvieos and rectangulr panosiex panor m sub efram
1P + 6
suport ,om z ove m operatin, pandex the re ctangel gstarni

about Panoar m asol suport the ove m operatin.

T h a t s i t h e o r g ni a l a g e m i +8 nidep nt dvieos a n d th e
1+8 orgnial agemi sub -feram suport ,om z ove.m

T hat rectangl fr o m e lft to rgiht 360 panor m° unfodl, 180 °

pancoir m rectangulr pandex operatins to suport ovesm
1P up and n dow to change the vercatil v n ig e w a n ge l.

Expand the rectangl th a si 360 pancoir m° +3

nidep nt dvieos and rectangulr panosiex panor m
sub efram suport ,om z ove m opera otin, rectangulr
1P + 3 pancoir m pandex suport ovesm up and n dow operatin,
change the vercatil nig evw angel.

al W o u n tm Expand the rectangl th a si 360 ° pancoir m +4 n id e p t n

dvieo and rectangulr panosiex panor m sub efram
suport ,om z ove m operatin, rectangulr pancoir m
1P + 4 pandex suport ovesm up and n dow operatin, change the
vercatil nig evw angel.

Expand the rectangl th a si 360 pancoir m° +8

nidep nt dvieos and rectangulr panosiex panor m
sub efram suport ,om z ove m operatin, rectangulr
1P + 8 pancoir m pandex suport ovesm up and n dow ope r a ot i n ,
change the vercatil nig evw angel.

5. Tour & Task
By setnig tour paln, you can tour each .nidow
tepS 1. In ew N funocti tab, ckil T our & T ask.
tepS 2. Add tour paln.
a) Clcki Add. eS e rF i g u 5-1.

e rF i g u 5-1

b) Doubel ckil tour paln enam or ckil to odfyim tour paln e.nam
tepS 3. etS task.

a) Clcki . eS e rF i g u 5-2.

e rF i g u 5-2

b) etS task enam and e mti span, acordnig to actul condti ckil to
set tour nidow benrum.
c) Doubel -cckil the chanel of the decvi or drag the chanel of the decvi nito the dvieo
nidow ni the orde tha you ant.w eS e rF i g u 5-3.

z In the a O o rt i n g z T r e , r g i h t -cckil a storage decvi, t selc the Bind al chanesl , th e

storage nechla ni ntur si dboun to th e rondiegcsp dvieo nidow ; selct the deo vi
nido w to be ndbou n i e th aorting zO eT,r rgiht -cckil a gsteora decvi, selct the et i
gvein ero z chanesl ero z bound chanel to the selctd dvieo .nidow
z elctS the dvieo nidow to be ndb,ou runde he t aotring zO eT,r rgiht -cckil the nelcha
storage decvis, selct he t Bind hanelc , the elchan li w be dboun to the elctds deo vi
ni w .dow
z elctS Bind o dvie ,nidow rgiht -cckil the aotinlzrg e tr ni the ontfr -end decvi, selct
th e Bind IPC , th e fr o n t -end decvi bnid to the selctd dvieo .nidow
z After the dvieo echlan dnigb,o r g ih t -cckil e th o dvie ,nidow orve m bn id s or orve m a l

e rF i g u 5-3
d) etS chanel prest, e mti span, stream type and chanel sequnc.

z Clcki of the cor espndig chane,l ni the elft previw scren to dspaily veil
previw or e -map niafotr.m

z Clcki or of the cor espndig chane,l adujst the chanel sequnc ni the

z Clcki of the cor espndig chane,l delt the cor espndig chane.l

e) Clcki aveS, eS e rF i g u 5-4.

e rF i g u 5-4
tepS 4. Enabel tour task.
a) In ew N funocti tab, ckil Pr.eviw
b) Clcki tour paln .beolw

c) Clcki to r u n th e pa ln .

6. Playback
6.1 Playback
ouY can palybck and portex decvi reco d, decvi pctuire, olca reco d and olca pctuire.
In ew N tab, selct Playbck, se F i e r gu 6-1.

F i e r gu 6-1
o.N T ask o te N

Playbck ouY can paly back the reco dnig decvi. F or dets,ali se Ch
dvieo 6.2.

ouY can pctuire palybck decvi. F or dets,ali se Ch 6.4.
a g e mi

Playbck ouY can paly back the olca dvieo. F or dets,ali se F or dets,ali
olca dvieo se Ch 6.6.
Playbck ouY can paly back the olca pctuire. F or detsali , se F or dets,ali
olca pctuire se Ch 6.8.

z heWn the Defautl Decevi T re si set to Decevi T re (by

decvi), he t decvi etr dspaily the rgoupni d an neslcha
a O o tr i n g z
for the decvi.
T re / Area z h eW n a defautl decvi tre si set to Area eT r (by )chanel ,
T re the decvi tre dspaily chane.l

Defautl Decevi T re setnig, se Ch 8.
heWn the Defautl Decevi T re si set to Decevi T re (by d ecvi),
Logout and r g ih t -cckil the decvi and selct Logout. T he aresoftw and
o lg ni decvi are dscoinet . After olgni out, rgi ht -cckil the
decvi, selct Logni , recon t decvi .
In the Decevi tab, ckil b e hn id e iw V . Op e n e iw V n ite r fa c ,
V e iw palybck eviw dvieo decvi.
F or dets,ali ref to Ch 4.1.

e iw V
palybck Chose dvieo nidow thi w open dvieo , ni stau bar ti dspaily s
stream the palybck stream niafotr.m
n iaf o t r m
elctS o pen dvieo ,nidow ckil or r g ih t -cckil to selct
naSpshot , naSpshot a nsigel pctuire.
2 ouY can ckil ni th e e ph ao gm , m odfyi the path to save the

o mZ elctS o pen palybck dvieo ,nidow ckil .

Close elctS Open palybck dvieo ,nidow ckil or r giht ckil to

n id o w selct Close nidWow .

Close al
elctS the dvieo ,nidow rgiht -cckil to selct Close al s nidow .
s n id o w

etS aspect elctS the dvieo ,nidow rgiht -selct nidWow caelS , selct the
r a ot i dvieo aspect raoti .
ouY can turn on the audoi throug the nig folw o tw ays.w
z elctS o pen palybck dvieo ,nidow rgiht -selct Audoi.
Enabel Audoi
z Playbck roclnt oblart at e th ckil , a nd adujst the
evoulm .

In the Decevis tab, selct the decvi or ,eviw selct eRcord , set
the reco d type, str,eam star e mti and end e,mti ckil eaSrch ,
e t S th e the reco dnig niafotrm si dspailye ni the schedul .box
z eRcord pe ty esnuicld al pes ty f o dvieo rdeco , r g ae ln
reco d reco d, alrm rd,eco otinm ndetoci ecord , n t ig e l
search reco d and card reco d .
crteia z trSeam nuicldes ani m stream and sub str.eam
4 z Interval of star e mti and end e mti ust m be thin w a day.

e t S th e
decvi In the Decevis tab, selct the decvi, or ,eviw selct Picture , set
the star e mti and end e,mti ckil eaSrch , a g e m i n iaf o t r m s i
pctuire dspailye ni the palybck .nidow
search Interval of star e mti and end e mti ust m be thin w a day.

5 e T mi h o Sw e nstig x dvieo dspaily niafotr.m

pr og es bar

e iw V Clcki t o eviw the dvieo or agemi portex prog es and

pr og es bar portex resut.l

Export decvi dvieo elfs,i se Ch 6.3.
reco d

Export decvi pctuire elfs,i se Ch 6.5.

6 Export olca
Export olca dvieo elfs.i eS Ch 6.7.
reco d

O p e n d i e oV In the Loca>

elctS o pen palybck dvieo ,nidow ckil , i n the dvieo

a r tm S search palybck ,nidow selct the artsm search, ckil decvi

a g ni . T he aresoftw li w search for the dvieo otinm detocin,
ckil to e ti x the artsm search.

Control dvieo palybck and a u do i .

z dieoV palybck from the e sam t poni ni e mti or f al


z eRvrs dvieo palybck.

Playbck z tarS dvieo palybck.

7 contr l
to ob la r z Pause dvieo palybck.

z topS dvieo palybck.

z nigelS efram ardbckw palybck.

z n i g e lS -feram a r fd o w palybck.
z Adujst the palybck sped.

z In se elct the red si eo dvi nidow

etS the dvieo dspaily odem or selct to c ustom ei z dvieo nidwo

8 n id o w dspaily ode.m
dspaily odem z Clcki o r selct the eo dvi ,nidow rgiht selct ful nscre ,
dvieo nidow ful scren dspaily.

Clcki the coin to pandex the stil of the cor espndig chanel
9 dieoV elfi stil dvieo elf,i you can selct dvieo elfsi for palybck and portex the
cor espndig dvieo elf.i

6.2 Playback Device Record
T her si decvi reco d ndise chane.l

tepS 1. In palybck niterfac, ckil Decevi tab.
tepS 2. In aOorting z T re, selct decvi chanel or selct eviw ni .eiwV
tepS 3. elctS reco d and set reco d search crteia.
a) elctS reco d type and str,eam and set e.mti
b) Clcki eaSrch.

tepS 4. elctS nidow thi w reco d, ckil .

eS e rF i g u 6-2.

e rF i g u 6-2

6.3 Export Device Record

T her si decvi reco d ndise chane.l
tepS 1. In palybck niterfac, ckil Decevi tab.
tepS 2. In aOorting z T re, selct decvi chanel or selct eviw ni .eiwV
tepS 3. etS reco d search crteia.
a) elctS reco d type and str,eam and set e.mti
b) Clcki eaSrch.

tepS 4. elctS nidow thi w reco d, ckil .

tepS 5. Clcki , sytem selct one reco d, and adujst reco d part acordnig to actul ned,

ckil agni to portex reco d. eS e rF i g u 6-3.

e rF i g u 6-3
tepS 6. elctS portex path and afot.rm
h eW n t h e Export Faotrm si set to O r g ni a l F a o t r m , pelas asol chek the Export artmS Player ,
portex orgnial afotrm palyer.
tepS 7. Clcki .OK
T he sytem dspaily the palybck stop niafotr,m ckil .OK
T he sytem dspaily the Export Progres daoilg ,box as e rF i g u 6-4 .beolw
After reco dnig the nolad w si peltco,m the sytem p prtsom the nolad w si peltco.m
Clcki Exporntig tab, you can eviw the dvieo nolad w prog es, pause the dvieo benig portexd
to contiue noladigw paused dvieo, nolad w ti agni fealdi to nolad w dvieos and delt
are pornteigx dvieo; ckil p o r t e xd tab, you can eviw nolad w hstoiry and open dvieo storage
p a th .

e rF i g u 6-4

6.4 Playback Device Picture

T h e r si decvi pctuire ndise chane.l

tepS 1. In Playbck niterfac, selct Decevi tab.
tepS 2. In aOorting z T re, selct decvi chanel or ni eiwV selct .eviw
tepS 3. elctS pctuire and set e.mti eS e rF i g u 6-5.

Clcki on the rgiht, you can open a nd oclse decvi pctuire

In decvi pctuire st,il ckil , decvi pctuire stil li w be n show ni afotrm of st;il ckil , decvi
pctuire stil si n show ni afotrm of btnh.aulim

e rF i g u 6-5
tepS 4. Playbck pctuire.
z anuMl palybck: Clcki t ex N or Pr.eviw

z Auto palybck: dielS to auto paly, and set niterva,l sytem li w auto palybck
olca pctuire.

6.5 Export Device Picture
tepS 1. In Playbck niterfac, selct Decevi tab.
tepS 2. In aOorting z T re selct decvi chanel or ni eiwV selct .eviw
tepS 3. elctS Picture and set e.mti

tepS 4. Clcki on the rgiht, to portex decvi pctuire.

tepS 5. Clcki . eS e rF i g u 6-6.

e rF i g u 6-6

tepS 6. elctS portex path, ckil .OK eS e rF i g u 6-7.

Clcki Exported tab, you can eviw nolad w reco d, open pctuire storage path and delt
nolade w elf.i

e rF i g u 6-7

6.6 Playback Local Record

T her si olca reco d ni the chane,l se Ch 4.1.

tepS 1. In Playbck niterfac, selct Local tab.
tepS 2. Clcki eRcord tab.
ystemS s how olca reco d

In olca reco d st,il ckil , dspaily ni stil ode.m Clcki , dspaily ni btnhaulim ode.m

tepS 3. e l cS t reco d to palybck, ckil or doubel ckil reco d.

eS e rF i g u 6-8.

ouY can ckil to open olca reco d elfi for palybck.

e rF i g u 6-8

6.7 Export Local Record

ouY can portex olca reco d.

T her si olca reco d ni thsi chane,l se Ch 4.1.

tepS 1. In Playbck niterfac, ckil Local tab.
tepS 2. Clkci eRcord tab.

tepS 3. Check reco d to porte,x ckil . eS e rF i g u 6-9.

e rF i g u 6-9
tepS 4. elctS portex path and afot.rm
h eW n Export Faotrm si set to O r g ni a l F a o t r m , pelas chek Export artmS Player to porte.x
tepS 5. Clcki .OK
T he sytem dspaily the Export Progres daoilg ,box as e rF i g u 6-10
After reco d nolad w si peltco,m the sytem prtsom the nolad w si peltco.m
Clcki Exporntig tab, you can eviw the dvieo nolad w prog es, pause the portexd dvieo,
re sum nolad w paused, and delt dvieos are pornteigx dvieo; ckil Exported tab, you can
eviw the nolad w hstoiry, open dvieo storage path and delt the nolade w elf.i

e rF i g u 6-10

6.8 Playback Local Picture

T her si olca pctuire ni the chane,l se Ch 4.1.

tepS 1. In Playbck niterfac, selct Local tab.
tepS 2. Clcki Picture tab.
ystemS s how olca reco d

In olca pctuire st,il ckil , dspaily ni stil ode.m Clcki , dspaily ni btnhaulim ode.m

tepS 3. elctS pctuire to palybck, ckil or doubel ckil pctuire

eS e rF i g u 6-11.

e rF i g u 6-11
tepS 4. Playbck pctuire.
z anuMl palybck: Clcki t ex N or Pr.eviw

z Auto palybck: dielS to auto paly, and set niterva,l sytem li w auto palybck
olca pctuire.

7. Log Search
7.1 Search Client Log
tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil Log.

tepS 2. elctS . ystemS s how Cleint niterfac.

tepS 3. etS e,mti type, ordkeyw . Cleint olg nuicldes sytem olg, operatin olg and alrm olg.
tepS 4. Clcki eaSrch. eS e rF i g u 7-1.
After olg si sucefyl searchd, you can ckil Export to portex olg.

e rF i g u 7-1

7.2 Search Device Log

tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil Log.

tepS 2. elctS .
tepS 3. etS e,mti type, and decvi . Cleint olg nuicldes sytem olg, congfi olg, storage olg and etc.
tepS 4. Clcki eaSrch. eS e rF i g u 7-2.
After olg si sucefyl searchd, you can ckil Export to portex olg.

e rF i g u 7-2

8. System Config
ouY can set up base nifo, ,previw evnt, olg, sytem and alngu e, hot keys, and elfi path,
backup of .sytem

tepS 1. In ephaogm, ckil . eS e rF i g u 8-1.

e rF i g u 8-1
tepS 2. etS paert ms, se the nig folw chart.
Paertam T ype Paertam o te N

Base Inatil page elctS page n show w hen you open the are,softw
nuicldg new featur page previw niterfac and li w
recov y not oclsed tabs

um i ax M e zi m a x M dspaily aresoftw , i nucldig ful scren and

behaoviur ed zi m ax m .nidow

u m ni M Check show of l a nt i g n i d o w , dspaily of l a nt i g n id o w

heaoviur hen w the aresoftw si ed.zi nm

Defautl dvieo etS the previw or palybck dvieo defautl raoti , i nucldig
scael t h e o r g ni a l scael and ful scren.

Defautl decvi etS the ,previw palybck and other niterfac decvis etr
tr e dspaily form a ts . o d f yi M t h s i paert m to take efct after
the resta the aresoftw ned .
Inuclde f nig olw optins:

z Decevi tre (acordnig to decvi ): groupni by decvi

z Area tr e ( acordnig to chane)l : groupni by chanel

Live eiwV Instan yl etS at e mti nista repaly of the previw scren.
e Rpa ly e T m i

R e sum alst Check the eRsum alst previw aresoftw reco d dvieo
previw nidow stau hen w onclsig are,softw a n d a fte r r e -logni
open the previw scren, the dvieo li w be resto d as
befor the aresoftw si oclsed .

aveS decvi Enabel the aveS Decevi T re chek .box After the dvieo
tre seloctin search si nfshied, the decvi anrisem selctd.

Decevi hoSw decvi Check the hoSw decvi chanel benrum , then ni Decevi
chanel niterfac aresoftw ayuctliom agsin s a u nq i e n o . to
b en ru m decvi , you can odfyim thsi no . T hs i n o .o f decvi si used
for keyboard.

Auto o lgn i Check the Auto olgni decvi , resta the are,softw the
decvi aresoftw ayuctliom olged ade decvi. o d f yi M t h s i
paert m to take efct after the resta the aresoftw as
ne d .

Auto lfi user Check the Auto lfi user and key , entr your usernam
and key and ord,pasw the aresoftw a yuct l i o m o lgn i a d e
decvi acordnig to the user enam and ord.pasw
If the olgni usernam and ordpasw set are the sa e m as
user and ordpasw of the decvi, th e n olgni si sucef,l
seiothrw the olgni fs.ali

evnt Loop Check the Lop , olpnig alrm hen w an evnt ocurs.

oG l b a av w z Check the a l oG b a v w , selct a u d o i e lf i p a t h , n th e al

sa l r m shal pa ly th e a u d o i e lf i .
z ot N chek the a l oG b a v w , selct rednfit types of
e v n ts a n d e n ts v i n th e r o p d -dn ow st,il and
separ tyl set theri cor espndig audoi elf.i

Log Log save d e mt i e t nSi g t h e o l g storage e,mti odcafitnm to t hs i

p ae rt m li w be efvcti onyl after thsi aresoftw si
resta d.

ystemS and o r k e tw N a t yi b l etS the orknetw acordnig to actul orknetw perafonc.m

l angu e Auto chek Check the Auto chek e mti , and set the cor espndig
e mt i ponit ni e,mti hen w the aresoftw si open durnig sync e,mti
and the aresoftw ayuctliom esynchrozi t hi w your
olca PC e.mti

Check e mti Clcki Check e mti , the aresoftw edaityml

asynotchir z e.mti

Langua e etS the alngu e of the are,softw odfyim thsi paert m to

take efct after the resta the aresoftw as ne d .

otkey H s etS shortcu keys for co o n m o p e r a tin s

s.ytem Doubel ckil the ncoulm ni the cor respondig
funocti of the hot key , then set the hotkey funocti on the
keyboard, ckil the Appyl , odfyim the cor espndig
hotkey funocti.
Clcki e Rs t to resto defautl are.softw
Coon m operatins nuiclde previw ful -scren palybck,
palybck o m d u e l o p e n , o p e n t h e e v n t o d u e l m, o p e n t h e
ystemS Congfiuraot, open pniol g congfiurat
prog,am open / oclse the round robni prog,am snaphot ,
olck, tchi sw user to open / oclse nikalge dvieo, turn on /
of dvieo .

F eli p a th Pic p a th etS pctuire path.

eRcord p a th erS reco d path.

Backup and Backup Clcki Backup to portex the aresoftw congfiurat elf.i
eRstor Clcki eRstor , selct the preoviuysl portexd aresoftw
congfiurat elf,i the aresoftw rev ts to the e mti saved

tepS 3. Clcki aveS.

9. User
9.1 Role Info
ouY can a d , o d f yi m a n d d e l t r o e l .
tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil ser,U se e rF i g u 9-1.

e rF i g u 9-1

tepS 2. Clcki . eS e rF i g u 9-2.

e rF i g u 9-2
tepS 3. etS roel enam and lfi ni arek.m
tepS 4. Check enum rgiht of the roel, and selct tab and set roel chanel rgiht ni Chanel rgiht
ar e .
heWn user of the cor espndig roel olgnis einclt, and ni ew N tab ti does not show no -aolcated
enum rgiht, and ni cor espndig decvi tre ti does not show no -aolcated chanel rgiht.
tepS 5. Clcki aveS.
Adni m has al rgihts hci w canot be odefim or delt . After a roel si ade, you can
odfyim tsi rgiht or delt t.i
When you delete a role, users of this role will also be deleted.

9.2 User
ouY can ad, odfyim and delt user.
tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil ser.U eS e rF i g u 9-3.

e rF i g u 9-3

tepS 2. elctS roel hci w you ant w to ad user. eS e rF i g u 9-4.

e rF i g u 9-4

tepS 3. etS user paert m, se the fol nig ow chart.

Paertam o te N

sernamU sernamU hci w canot repat nstig ex user.nam

o eR l elctS a roel the user beolngs. Difer nt user osipnerm are for dfier nt

Paord sw T he user's ordpasw and conrfim the ord.pasw


a r ekR m Descrpiotn of the user niafotr.m

enu M Accordnig to the actul ned selct the user's enum rgihts
r g ih ts

Chanel Accordnig to the actul ned selct the user's chanel rgihts
r g ih ts

tepS 4. Clcki aveS.

Adni m has al rgihts hci w canot be odefim or delt . After a roel si ade, you can
odfyim tsi rgiht or delt t.i

10. Device Config
ouY can update areso,ftw conet to E
W B, congfiure decvi ercam, ork,netw PT,Z evnt,
storage, sytem and etc.
In ew N t ab, ckil Decevi CF G, se e rF i g u 10-1. Difer nt decvis aym have dfier nt
paert ms, subejct to actul decvi and anum.l

e rF i g u 10-1

o.N T ask o te N
elctS decvi, you can eviw the decvi's IP adres, decvi
1 Decevi o d e lm , aresoftw verosin and serail benrum.
elctS decvi, ckil the U pgr ade , you can upgrade the
p g r a d eU decvi are.softw
elctS the decvi, ckil the Link to E
W B , can be nikeld to
Link to E
E W B olgni scren decvi.
elctS decvi, open the Caeram .
2 Caeram z Clcki oteRm Decevi , you can search decvi and ad
the decvi or orve m decvi .
z Clcki the Caeram , you can congfiure the ercam
atrbiues, operatins, anegmt or head proelf.i
z Clcki the d i e oV , you can congfiure the dvieo str,eam or
snaphot tsream dvieo overaly niafotr.m
z Clcki the Audoi , you can congfiure the audoi code
str,eam niput type and vo e.ulm

elctS the decvi, open the o r k e tw N ta b .
o r k e tw N
z Clcki T CP / IP , you can rcoengfiu a acti s IP easdr f o
the decvi r o the decvi o t obtani an IP adres a vi
z Clcki Conect , you can ngfiurcoe the um i ax m benrum
of tecodn ecvis d d an the tpor benrum to e us hen w
z Clcki PPPOE , you can roengfiuc he t PPPoE enaumsr
and ordpasw to aces the decvi avi PPPoE dnaigl.
z Clcki DDNS , you can congfiure the decvi and DDNS
serv anidom es,nam aces decvi routgh tsi anidom
z Clcki the IP gihRts , o u y a n c r o e n gf i u c a h t s ei l w d a n
bstailck decvis.
z Clcki TS P
M (e -m)ali , you can congfiure he t decvi's
MS serv and baloixm niafotrm hen w he t decvi s i
condgfiure alr m nikalge and rmal esagm, the
repcints of the esagm trepcin to send alrm
z Clcki F T P , the decvi can e b rcoendgfiu T PF d u po la
niafotrm nd a pctuires, respctui ni e th ranem t se
upolad F T P apro aite driecto y.
z Clcki ucatilsM , you can gfiurcoen the ucatilsm sdrea
and port, throug suralvenic dvieo ucatils.m
z Clcki Alarm Center , you can rcoengfiu the alrm rcent
host IP adres and nig mt olgni e.mti

elctS decvi, open PT Z ta b .

PT Z Clcki PT,Z you can congfiure PT Z and ualtemsi PT.Z
elctS the decvi, open Events tab.
evnt z Clcki the dieoV De tec t , oyu n ca urcoengfi n otim
p ae rt m s detocin, o dvie ols d,etocin dvieo p e tr a n m i g n e t oc i d
and de focus detocin.
z Clcki the Audoi Detec , oyu can engfiurco audoi putni d an
sound niteys abnty.iolrm
z Clcki Ingtieln Ans,ayil acn a r km dvieo y qutail
daignos, rgaeln orbaelhvi ans,yil face ,etocind
peol countig and depth of efdil heat ap.m
z Clcki Alarm I/O , you can roengfiuc he t a a r m l n ip u ts d a n
alrm nikalge niafotr.m
z Clcki Abntay,iolrm oyu can congfiure n o space , eragsto
decvi er o , IP contifl and etc.

elctS decvi, open torSage .

t o rS a g e
z Clcki cheSdul , ou y an c engfiurco e th o dvie tapshon
and nsaphot pa ln .
z Clcki D
H D a n gM e r , ou y n ca gfiurcoen and eviw olyca
stored afotirnm about the decvi, oengfiurc e th T P
serv .
z Clcki the rdeRco , you an c oengfiurc e th o dvie reamst
contr l ethomd .

elctS the decvi, open the ystemS ta b .


 Clcki Ge n r a l , u yo can bacsi aotirnmf d an
 Clcki PT Z , you an c roengfiuc he t anolg PT Z
 Clcki Account , you can ad, delt ersu d an
user groups.
 Clcki an ite M c , you can engfiurco alseri
niafotr,m tem sy rcoantgfiu d an e a n ci t m
n iaf o t r m p u l s eviw verosin niafotr.m

11. Event Config

11.1 Event Type

In ew N tab, ckil Event Congfi, se e rF i g u 11-1.
Cleint s how al evnt types, dfier nt decvis suport dfier nt evnt types, subejct to actul

e rF i g u 11-1

T he evnt type Event o te N Condoti

Chanel evnt d i e oV o l s o r k e t w N a b n t yi o l r m d i e oV o l s
caunsig dvieo ols d e t oc i n s i .ON

d i e oV p e tr a n m i g Event si genratd d i e oV
hen w v d ie o s i p e tr a n m i g s i
p e tr a m d . .ON

o tin M d e t c Event si genratd o tin M d e t c s i

h e n w ti si d e t c .ON
onvigm obejct ni

Audoi abnolrm Event si genratd Audoi abnolrm
h e n w th e a u do i si .ON .
coneti si

Audoi utaoimn Event si genratd Audoi utaoimn

h e n w th e sound si .ON
sudenyl changed.

Defocus detc Event si genratd Defocus detc

hen w defocus si .ON

ISV Alarm r i eT p w Event si genratd rieT pw si .ON

h e n w th e ta r g e
cros niel from set

Intruosin Event si genratd Intruosin si .ON

hen w the obejct
e n t r s o r e la v s th e
a r e , o r th e ta r g e
a p e r s ni th e
r e go in .

cenS tchi sw Event si genratd ecnS tchi sw si

h e n w th e scen .ON

Abandoe obejct Event si genratd Its em turned

d e t oc i n h e n w th e o nt i rm elgacy
scren have elft d e t oc i n .
o r e m th a n th e ta r g e
e mti set by the user.

nsig M obejct Event si g e n r a t d Its em ove m

d e t oc i n h e n w th e o nt i rm d e t oc i n s i
scren after the tu r n e d o n .
targe si orvedm
over a certani e.mti

F ace detocin Event si genratd F ace detocin

h e n w th e o nt i rm si .ON
scren detcs the
person's face.

External evnt Alarm n ip u t 1 to n ip u t n Event si genratd Decevi has

N are dfier nt acordnig to decvi hen w th e r si a lr m n ip u t
alrm niput struc e. t e r n a xl a l r m n i p u t . n ite r fa c .

Decevi Event oN dski s Event si genratd o N dski si ON
hen w the decvi (SD card or
does not have hard dsk)i .
storage decvi s .

Disk fautl Event si genratd Disk fautl si

hen w the decvi has .ON
hard dski fualrie s .

Disk ful Event si genratd Disk ful si .ON

hen w the decvi
dski si f.ul

Ilelga aces h eW n t h e o l g n i Ilelga aces si

ordpasw you ent r .ON
ar e conseuvti yl
nicor et, and reach
the t,i ml evnt si
tr gi e d .

11.2 Event Alarm Link Config

11.2.1 Link Notice
After set nikl noceti, hen w evnt ocurs, ti li w alrm or alrm aflsh on ap.m
tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil Event CF G.
tepS 2. Clcki decvi and selct evnt type.

tepS 3. d i el S to turn on evnt, ckil oftyi N tab. eS e rF i g u 11-2.

e rF i g u 11-2

tepS 4. Accordnig to ned, diesl to enabl alrm sound or ap m aflsh.

tepS 5. Clcki aveS.
Clcki Copy to, you can nikl congfi of thsi ercam to other decvi.

11.2.2 Link Video

After you nikl dvieo, hen w cor espndig evnt ocurs, ti li w nikl c or espndig ercam previw
or reco d.
tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil Event CF G.
tepS 2. Clcki decvi and selct evnt type.

tepS 3. d i el S , to enabl evnt, and ckil dieoV tab. eS e rF i g u 11-3.

e rF i g u 11-3
tepS 4. elctS dvieo ,nidow and doubel ckil ercam you ant w to nik,l drieyctl drag ti nito

On , you can set dspaily o m de.

tepS 5. In ercam stil to be nikeld, set ercam prest, nikl reco d or previw stream type,
het rw auto open dvieo and enabl reco d hen w evnt ocurs, nikeld reco d or previw
d u r a ot i n .

Clcki , you can delt ercam.

tepS 6. Clcki aveS.

Clcki Copy to, you can copy ercam nikl congfi to other decvis.

11.2.3 Link Alarm Output

Afert ou y igf con kinl marl ,t pu o en h w marl s,r ocu it li w kinl gdinesporc
aercm marl .t pu o
tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil Event CF G.
tepS 2. Clcki decvi and selct evnt type.

tepS 3. d i el S to enabl evnt, and ckil Alarm Out tab. eS e rF i g u 11-4.

e rF i g u 11-4
tepS 4. elctS alrm outp of nikl ercam and set het rw to auto enabl and duraotin.
tepS 5. Clcki aveS.
Clcki Copy to, you can copy ercam nikl congfi to other decvis.

11.2.4 Arm Time
Event si eadrm al -day by defaut.l ouY can set arm e mti as ned .
tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil Event CF G.
tepS 2. Clcki decvi and selct evnt type.

tepS 3. d i el S to enabl evnt and ckil Arm eTmi tab. eS e rF i g u 11-5.,

e rF i g u 11-5
tepS 4. In cor espndig day of ek w drag ousem to delt to ad arm e.mti ouY asol can ckil

of each day of ek w to set arm e mti ni po -up .box

tepS 5. Clcki aveS.
Clcki Copy to, you can copy ercam arm e mti congfi to other decvis.

11.3 Event View
o uY can eviw the alrm evnt niafotr,m dsaibel evnt sound or dsaibel alrm nikalge po
dvieo, pause ref sh of evnt niafotr.m

In ephaogm, ckil or ni ew N tab, selct the Event , se e rF i g u 11-6.

z In the Event n ite r fa c you can eviw real -te mi alrm niafotr,m eviw up to 1000 a lte s
esagm , pe la s search hstoircal alrm esagm ni olg, se Ch 7.
z elctS evnt, you can chek Disabel so und to dsaibl e the alrm sound for evnt; chek t o pS
nikl dvieo pou to p r o h b ti po -up dvieo ; chek t o pS ref sh to pause ref sh of e v n t.
z elctS evnt, ckil the Conrfim , you can ad a descrpiotn to th e e v n t.
z After you h a n de l e v n t o r conrfim evnt, you canot change the stau of the evnt.

e rF i g u 11-6

12. Video Wall
12.1 Video Wall
ouY can set dvieo al w alyout, veil previw on ,al w eschm and tour puls palybck on .al w
In ew N tab, ckil dieoV ,alW se e rF i g u 12-1.

e rF i g u 12-1

e r Sa il b en ru m T ask o te N
z h eW n set Defautl Decevi reT to Dee cvi T re (by d )ecvi ,
1 Decevi stil the decvi e tr dspaily decvi pg r o u and neslcha for he t
z heWn set Defautl Decevi T re to Ara e T re (by )chanel , the
decvi tre dspaily decvi chanes.l

eS Ch 8.
z g i hR t ckil decvi nelcha d an selct Previw , dspaily
Previw cor espndig decvi chanel ni the Previw ar e .
z elctS dvieo al w thi w bound decvi chane,l ni W n id o w
Detsali ar e >Oraotpine noulm c , ckil , gcoprndies
dvieo li w be dspaily ed ni th e dvieo previw ar e .

ouY can tchi sw stream throug the nig folw o tw ays.w

tchi wS
stream z g i hR t ckil decvi chanel and selct eamstr type , and set
the dersi str.eam

z elctS dvieo al w thi w bound decvi hane,lc r g ih t ckil to
selct tsream type , and set the dersi str.eam

T her are o tw ays w you can entr PT Z contr l niterfac.

z Clcki PT Z are, the sytem dspaily the PT Z contr l
n ite r fa c .
z elctS dvieo al w thi w bound decvi ne,lcha selct the ghtri
to tchi sw to the adhe , e th sytem po -up PT Z roclnt
n ite r fa c .

eS Ch 4.6.

2 d i e oV a l w etS dvieo al w alyout and chanel dvieo previw on the .al w

eS Ch 12.2.

echSm Add e,schm set tour and enabl tour.

to u r eS Ch 12.3.

3 Clear elctS scren thi w bound decvi chane,l r g ih t ckil to selct

dvieo Clear dieoV ouSrce .

Botom elctS scren thi w bound decvi chane,l rgiht ckil to selct
Bo,tom to set the dvieo al w to the b.otm

e t S al w elctS scren thi w bound decvi chane,l rgiht ckil to selct

ode m al W o d e >
m Live or palybck on ,al w set dvieo al w ode.m

Op e n elctS scren thi w bound decvi chane,l ckil at th e u p e r

Audoi rgiht corne of the scren , to tu r n o n a u do i.

Paste Clcki the nidow li w ocupy the phcaysil scren of the


e zi m a x M Clcki , t h e n id o w li w l fi th e n id o w ni the hoel w scren.

Close Clcki to c olse the .nidow

4 n id Wo w In nidWow Detsali ar e of the scren you can eviw the chanel

d e t sa l i n iaf o t r m , set to u r dvieo chanel e mti span and stream type,
previw dvie o chane,l adujst orde of dvieo chanesl or delt
anteduw dvieo chane.l

5 e tS dvieo
al w alyout Clcki to tchi sw v d ie o al w
dspaily alyout.

6 F unocti z Clcki i n th e po -up enscr tchi sw ,box selct scren on

b ar or of scren.

z Clcki to r efr sh the scren niafotr.m

z Chose ndbou RV N decvi or decvi anelch eo dvi al w ni

gr oup , ckil to o pen to u r ; ckil to oclse tou .
z Clcki to d e e lt the selctd .nidow

z Clcki to c elar the scren.

z Clcki , y ou can t selc upteil m s,nidow then the coin

changes to ; c ckil a .nidow

z Clcki to d spaily nid w o w b en ru m a n d dvieo al w b en ru m.

12.2 Set Video Wall and Output

Decoder and dvieo al w are conetd sucefy.l

tepS 1. Add deco r, se Ch 3.
tepS 2. etS dvieo al w alyout.
a) In dvieo al w niterfac, ckil ni po -up .box eS e rF i g u 12-2.

elctS upteil m scren, ckil to ad ncispgl scren; selct ncispgl scren, ckil to

canel ncispgl scren; ckil to eclar scren congfi.

e rF i g u 12-2
b) In bacsi congfi niterfac, set dvieo al w e,nam selct
Layout, and ckil ni dvieo ,al w to ad dvieo al w alyout.
c) Clcki t.ex N eS e rF i g u 12-3.

e rF i g u 12-3
d) Drag deco r nito oslt, to bnid deco r and scren.
z creSn dspaily, to show scren no., ckil die H benrum to hdie scren b en ru m.
z If you ant w to canel bound deco r oslt, rgiht ckil cor espndig scren and selct
Cancel Bindig.
e) Check Appyl ow N to edaityml use thsi congfi; ckil Fnshi to peltcom setup.
Check Appyl ,ow N then retu n to dvieo al w niterfac to enabl thsi congfi.
tepS 3. Previw chanel dvieo on .al w

a) In dieoV alW niterfac, ckil alyout you ant,w and diesl , to enabl dvieo al w
eS e rF i g u 12-4.

In po up ,box selct dvieo al w alyout, ckil to odfyim dvieo al w alyout, ckil to d e lt

alyout. eS e rF i g u 12-4.

e rF i g u 12-4
b) Drag decvi chanel nito scren, bnid chanel and scren.
dieoV of cor espndig chanel si palyed ni the scren, and chanel nifo li w be show ni
nidWow Detsali are.
z aiV nidow tsp,il you can enabl nidow ni scren.
z heWn the decvi suport nrigo,am you can drag nidow raylndom ongam al
z h eW n you drag RV N to the scren, then al chanesl of RV N are toured on dvieo
.al w ouY can eviw tour nidow chanel nifo ni nidWow Detsali are. ouY can set
tour chanel e mti span and stream type and previw chanel dvieo ni Operaotin
n,coulm adujst chanel orde or delt chane.l

12.3 Scheme Tour on Video Wall

tepS 1. Add e.schm
a) elctS dvieo al w alyout and bnid chane.l

b) Clcki .Se e rF i g u 12-5.

e rF i g u 12-5
c) etS eschm e,nam ckil aveS.
eRpat step a to c to ad orem es.chm

tepS 2. etS eschm tour.

a) Clcki . eS e rF i g u 12-6.

e rF i g u 12-6
b) etS e mti span and selct e,schm ckil Add e.chSm eRpat thsi step to ad orem
ouY can adujst eschm orde and delt eschm ni Operaotin n.coulm
c) Clcki aveS.

tepS 3. Clcki to enabl eschm tour.

Clcki , to dsaibel eschm tour.

12.4 Playback on Video Wall

Playbck decvi chane l reco d on dvieo .al w

z Copeltm dvieo al w congfi.
z eRcord sti ex ni decvi chane.l

tepS 1. elctS scren thi w bound decvi chane,l rgiht ckil dieoV >
alW Playbck on dieoV .alW
eS e rF i g u 12-7.

e rF i g u 12-7
tepS 2. elctS reco d type and stream type, and set e.mti
tepS 3. Clcki eaSrch.

tepS 4. elctS reco d elf,i ckil to palybck reco d.

13. People Count
ouY can search and portex peol count resut,l contras by e mti and chanel and portex peol
count dat.

z Enabeld entrac/ti ex staci funocti.
z Entrance/ti ex stacil dat sti ex ni decvi.

tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil Peopel Count. eS e rF i g u 13-1.

e rF i g u 13-1
tepS 2. elctS chanel thi w peol count dat, and set e mti and peroid for search.
z ouY can search peol count dat by date, e,mti year or onthm.
z If you selct upteil m chane,l then ti li w search dat of thes chanesl ni search peroid

tepS 3. Clcki eaSrch.

T he sytem s how peol count resutl ni thsi peroid, se e rF i g u 13-2.

e rF i g u 13-2
tepS 4. Contras peol count resut.l

a) elctS stacil gfiure type, set telfir to be ex Enter or Ext,i and drag to e n a b l
eS e rF i g u 13-3.

e rF i g u 13-3
b) etS contras type to Chanel and selct chanel for contras. T hsi contras peol
count resutl of dfier nt chanesl thin w the e sam peroid. etS contras type to eTmi and
selct e mti for contras. T hsi contras peol count resutl of dfier nt peroids for the
e sam chane.l ystemS s how resut.l

14. Heat Map
ouY can search obejct onvigm ualtecdm dentysi ni decvi ontirm age.mi

z Decevi has enabld heat ap m stac.i
z eal H ap m dat sti ex ni decvi.

tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil eat H ap.M eS e rF i g u 14-1.

e rF i g u 14-1

tepS 2. elctS ercam thi w nstig ex heat ap m dat, and set search e mti and peroid.
ouY can search heat ap m dat by date, peroid, or day of ek.w
tepS 3. Clcki eaSrch. ystemS s how obejct onvigm ualtecdm dentysi resutl of thsi peroid
ontirmed by decvi.
Clcki Export to portex heat ap m date.

etS chanel nifo to pas PC -NRV reco d paln.
tepS 1. In ew N tab, ckil PC -N.RV
tepS 2. elctS Chanel anegMtm tab, se e rF i g u 15-2.

e rF i g u 15-2

tepS 2. Clcki and en ter port no. you nd.w

If you diesl to en-14(n)b14(n)el auto ON after PC bots up, PC -NR l w be OaNuc1

tiom 4(n)y.l
tepS 3. Clcki a1
S 4(n)ve.

15.6 Modify Pa1421(s1421(s1421(w)41(o)-18(r)21(d)] TJETBT1 0 0 1 2(P)-19/69.6


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