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TI Tools

TI CellSheet Converter

The TI CellSheet Converter software and Excel plug-in give you two quick and easy ways to
convert your spreadsheets into a format that is compatible with the TI CellSheet application on your
TI handheld devices.

You can also use the TI CellSheet Converter software to convert spreadsheets from one TI device
format into another device format (e.g., TI-83 Plus into TI-92 Plus) or to convert a file in a device
format into Excel or tab delimited format.

Convert and Send to Connected TI Device

The TI CellSheet™ Converter software gives you the option to convert your files and send the
converted files directly to the attached TI device, instead of saving the converted files to the
computer or network. Be sure the device is turned on and connected to your computer before
starting this process. Also, be sure the file on the device is not open. The Send to Device function
does not save the converted file on your computer.

To convert files and send to device

1. Start the TI CellSheet Converter software.

2. To add files to convert, click File > Add > From File or File > Add > From Device.

3. If you want to save the converted file as a different name than the name displayed in the
Save Name column, you can change the Save Name.

4. Select the Save file format for the converted file.

TI Tools

5. Click Actions > Send to Device or click the Send to Device button on the toolbar.

The TI CellSheet Converter software converts all of the selected files and sends them directly to
the connected device. It does not save the converted files on your computer.

You can also convert the file and save it.

TI Tools

TI Study Cards Creator

Creating a self-check stack

1. Start StudyCards™ Creator.


If the TI StudyCards Creator software is already started, click File > New .

2. Select the device type

3. Select Self-Check as the stack type.
4. Click OK.

The Self-Check creator window opens. The type of stack you are creating (Self-Check)
displays in the Stack Type field, along with the device type you selected.

Creating a Self-Check stack consists of two steps: enter the stack properties and then create the
cards. Your first step is to enter the stack properties.

To enter stack properties

1. In the Stack Title box, enter a title for this stack.

2. In the Version No. box, enter a version number for this stack. This is an optional field.

3. In the Created By box, enter the name of the person who is creating this stack.

This is an optional field.

4. In the Score Values box, enter the score values for questions the user gets right,
wrong, or skips.

Values can be any number from 1 to 100. Points are added to the score for correct
answers. Points are deducted from the score for incorrect or skipped answers. This is
an optional field.

5. In the Create Date box, enter the date this stack is being created. This is an optional
TI Tools

The properties information you add here is valid for all the cards in this stack.

The next step is to create the individual study cards.

To create Self Check study cards

1. In the Name of Card box, type a name for the first card.

As you type the card name, the TI StudyCards Creator software displays the name of
the card in the Card window. As you create more cards, the program lists each card
name in its numerical order.

2. Click the Front of Card area and add the question text and graphics.
3. Click the Back of Card area and add the answer text and graphics.

When entering Front of Card or Back of Card text, press Ctrl Tab to indent text. Text
lines can extend beyond the visible boundaries. The text automatically scrolls down to
the next page of the card when you reach the end of the current page. Click the up or
down arrows to page through the text. Each card front and back can have up to ten (10)
pages each. You can also assign some text attributes, such as bold, underline, or
highlight or use the Microsoft® Windows® Character Map to insert special characters.

4. Click File > Save to save the card.

5. To add the next study card, click Actions > New Card.

Continue this process to add additional cards. As you add additional cards to your stack, the TI
StudyCards Creator software displays the total stack size in the Stack Size status bar at the
bottom of the window. You can add up to 200 cards per stack.

     When you are through adding cards, click File > Save or click .

Help for TI StudyCards™ Creator   May 04, 2004   © 2004 Texas Instruments
TI Tools

NoteFolio Creator

The TI NoteFolio Creator software lets you create, edit, and save text on a personal computer,
then transfer it to your TI handheld device. You can also use NoteFolio™ Creator to edit notes
you have made using a TI handheld device and the TI Keyboard.
TI Tools

Create a document by starting NoteFolio Creator

1. Start NoteFolio™ Creator. The NoteFolio™ Creator dialog window opens.
2. Select the Document Type or type of device (TI-83 Plus Family /TI-84 Plus Family, TI-
89 Family, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200) for which you are creating a document.
3. Click OK.

The NoteFolio™ Creator window opens and a new document window opens also.

Create a document using the menu

If NoteFolio™ Creator is already open, you can create a new document using menu commands
or the icon.

1. Click File > New

2. Select the Document Type or type of device for which you are creating a document.
3. Click Create. A new document window opens.

Create a document by dragging a file to the NoteFolio™ Creator main


If NoteFolio™ Creator is already open, you can create a new document by “dragging and
dropping” a file.

Drag a text file (.txt), Rich Text Format file (.rtf), or NoteFolio AppVar file from
     Windows® Explorer to the NoteFolio™ Creator main window.

A new document window opens with the text. or

Drag a NoteFolio AppVar from TI DeviceExplorer to the NoteFolio™ Creator main


A new document window opens with the text.

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