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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

17 April 2022 EASTER SUNDAY Years A, B, C

hrist,, Our Hope,
is Risen! Alleluia!
A grace-filled Happy Easter to one and all!
The joy of the Resurrection fills our hearts and
urges us to share it with all our brothers and sisters.
Something wonderful has happened not only to Jesus but also
to us: we have risen to a new life. Prepared by the Lenten sea-
son, we have left behind our moral miseries and weaknesses,
and have come to share in the new life that Jesus offers to all
those who make him Lord of their hearts.
Echoing today’s Sequence, we gather to offer thankful
praises to the Paschal Victim who is the Prince of Life and who
reigns immortal over sin and death. He is the reason for our
joy. He is the source of our peace and our determination to become better Christians.

Liturgical Note: On Easter Sunday, both the Penitential Act and the Creed are omitted. They are replaced
by the Renewal of the Baptismal Promises that takes place after the Homily.

highest, and on earth peace Jesus Christ, with the Holy

to people of good will. We Spirit, in the glory of God
praise you, we bless you, the Father. Amen!
Entrance Antiphon we adore you, we glorify
(To be recited only when no you, we give you thanks Collect (Opening Prayer)
Entrance Hymn is sung.) for your great glory, Lord P –O God, who on this day,
I have risen, and I am with God, heavenly King, O God, through your Only Begotten
you still, alleluia! You have laid almighty Father. Son, have conquered death
your hand upon me, alleluia! Lord Jesus Christ, Only and unlocked for us the path
Too wonderful for me, this Begotten Son, Lord God, to eternity, grant, we pray,
knowledge, alleluia, alleluia! Lamb of God, Son of the Fa- that we who keep the Solem-
ther, you take away the sins nity of the Lord’s Resurrec-
Greeting of the world, have mercy tion may, through the renewal
P –Blessed be Jesus Christ on us; you take away the brought by your Spirit, rise up
who rose triumphantly from sins of the world, receive in the light of life.
death. May his grace and our prayer; you are seated Through our Lord Jesus
peace be with you all! at the right hand of the Fa- Christ, your Son, who lives
All – And with your spirit! ther, have mercy on us. For and reigns with you in the
you alone are the Holy One, unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
Gloria you alone are the Lord, you for ever and ever.
All –Glory to God in the alone are the Most High, All – Amen!

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* Give thanks to the Lord, Christ indeed from death is
for he is good, for his mercy risen, our new life obtaining.
endures forever. Let the house Have mercy, victor King, ever
of Israel say, “His mercy en- reigning! Amen! Alleluia!
1st Reading Acts 10:34.37-43 dures forever.” R.
Jesus’ resurrection is the Gospel Acclamation 1 Cor 5:7-8
* The right hand of the Lord
essence of the “Good News” has struck with power; the All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
brought by Peter to Cornelius. right hand of the Lord is ex- Christ, our Paschal
On this truth depend our sal- alted. I shall not die, but live, Lamb, has been sacri-
vation and all that we believe and declare the works of the ficed. Let us then feast
about God’s Incarnate Son. Lord. R. with joy in the Lord.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
R –A proclamation from the * The stone which the builders
rejected has become the cor- Gospel Jn 20:1-9
Acts of the Apostles nerstone. By the Lord has this Coming to accept the real-
Peter proceeded to speak been done; it is wonderful in
and said: “You know what our eyes. R. ity of the Resurrection was a
has happened all over Judea, long process, as we learn from
beginning in Galilee after the 2nd Reading Col 3:1-4 today’s account of the discov-
baptism that John preached, Today St. Paul reminds us ery of the empty tomb. The
how God anointed Jesus of that the resurrection of Christ absence of Jesus’ body and the
Nazareth with the Holy Spirit should be reflected in our be- position of the wrappings in the
and power. He went about do- havior. tomb were the first signs that
ing good and healing all those led John and Peter to believe.
oppressed by the devil, for R –A proclamation from the
God was with him. We are wit- Letter of Paul to the Col- P –The Lord be with you!
nesses of all that he did, both ossians All – And with your spirit!
in the country of the Jews and Brothers and sisters: P –A proclamation from the
in Jerusalem. They put him If you were raised with holy Gospel according to
to death by hanging him on a Christ, seek what is above, John
tree. where Christ is seated at the All – Glory to you, O Lord!
This man God raised on the right hand of God. Think of On the first day of the
third day and granted that he what is above, not of what is week, Mary of Magdala came
be seen, not by all the people, on earth. to the tomb early in the morn-
but by us, the witnesses cho- For you have died, and ing, while it was still dark, and
sen by God in advance, who your life is hidden with Christ saw the stone removed from
ate and drank with him after in God. When Christ, your the tomb. So she ran and went
he rose from the dead. life, appears, then you, too, to Simon Peter and to the oth-
He commissioned us to will appear with him in glory. er disciple whom Jesus loved,
preach to the people and and told them, “They have
testify that he is the one ap- The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God! taken the Lord from the tomb,
pointed by God as judge of and we don’t know where they
the living and the dead. To Sequence put him.”
him all the prophets bear
witness, that everyone who C –With the ancient poet, let So Peter and the other dis-
believes in him will receive us proclaim the joy of Mary ciple went out and came to the
forgiveness of sins through Magdalene at Jesus’ resur- tomb. They both ran, but the
his name.” other disciple ran faster than
rection. Peter and arrived at the tomb
The Word of the Lord! All –Christians, to the Paschal first. He bent down and saw
All – Thanks be to God! Victim offer your thankful the burial cloths there, but did
praises! A Lamb the sheep not go in. When Simon Peter
Responsorial Psalm Ps 118 redeems: Christ, who only is arrived after him, he went into
R –This is the day the Lord has sinless, reconciles sinners to the tomb and saw the burial
made; let us rejoice and be the Father. cloths there, and the cloth that
glad! Death and life have con- had covered his head, not with
tended in that combat stupen- the burial cloths but rolled up
R. M. Velez
dous: the Prince of life, who in a separate place. Then the
F Dm Bb C died, reigns immortal. other disciple, who had ar-
          Speak, Mary, declaring rived at the tomb first, also
went in. He saw and believed.
what you saw, wayfaring. “The
This is the day the Lord has made. tomb of Christ, who is living, For they did not yet under-
the glory of Jesus’ resurrec- stand the Scripture that Jesus
tion; bright angels attesting, had to rise from the dead.
        the shroud and napkin resting.
Yes, Christ my hope is arisen:
The Gospel of the Lord!
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Let us re--joice and be glad! to Galilee he goes before you.” Christ!

17 April 2022
Homily (The priest sprinkles the name, for our good and the
people with holy water, while an good of all his holy Church.
Renewal of Baptismal appropriate hymn may be sung.)
Promises Prayer over the Offerings
Prayer of the Faithful
C –The Renewal of the Bap- P –Exultant with paschal
tismal Promises replaces the P –The resurrection of the gladness, O Lord, we offer
Profession of Faith. Lord fills us with the sincere the sacrifice by which your
desire to live a new life, char- Church is wondrously reborn
P –Dear brothers and sisters, acterized by honesty, sincer-
through the Paschal Mystery and nourished.
ity, purity, dedication and Through Christ our Lord.
we have been buried with love. Let us ask the Lord that All – Amen!
Christ in Baptism, so that we this may become a reality for
may walk with him in new- all as we pray: Preface of Easter I
ness of life. And so, now that
our Lenten observance is All – Lord, graciously hear us! P –The Lord be with you!
concluded, let us renew the C –That the community of All –And with your spirit!
promises of Holy Baptism, by believers may bear witness to P –Lift up your hearts!
which we once renounced Sa- Christ’s resurrection through All –We lift them up to the
tan and his works and prom- its example of a continuous Lord!
ised to serve God in the holy conversion from sin, let us P –Let us give thanks to the
Catholic Church. pray! R. Lord our God!
And so I ask you: All –It is right and just!
C –That the Holy Father, our
P –Do you renounce sin, so Bishop and all our spiritual P –It is truly right and just,
as to live in the freedom of the leaders may enjoy the con- our duty and our salva-
children of God? solation and peace that flow tion, at all times to acclaim
All –I do! from Christ’s resurrection, let you, O Lord, but on this
us pray! R. day, above all, to laud you
P –Do you renounce the lure yet more gloriously, when
of evil, so that sin may have C – That those who feel dis- Christ our Passover has
no mastery over you? heartened by the situations of been sacrificed.
All –I do! violence, oppression and suf- For he is the true Lamb
P –Do you renounce Satan, fering may find in the Resur- who has taken away the sins
the author and prince of sin? rection the courage they need of the world; by dying he has
All –I do! to continue their quest for a destroyed our death, and by
better society, let us pray! R. rising, restored our life.
P –Do you believe in God,
the Father almighty, Creator C –That all of us may receive Therefore, overcome with
of heaven and earth? the Easter blessing of a pro- paschal joy, every land, every
All –I do! found renewal of our moral people exults in your praise
values, socio-economic and and even the heavenly Pow-
P –Do you believe in Je- political institutions, let us ers, with the angelic hosts,
sus Christ, his only Son, our pray! R. sing together the unending
Lord, who was born of the hymn of your glory, as they
Virgin Mary, suffered death C –Let us pray in silence for
our personal intentions. acclaim:
and was buried, rose again All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
from the dead and is seated at (Pause) Let us pray! R.
God of hosts. Heaven and
the right hand of the Father? P –Lord God, may the splen- earth are full of your glory.
All –I do! dor of Your Son’s resur- Hosanna in the highest!
P –Do you believe in the rection always illumine our Blessed is he who comes in
Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic lives. And may our thoughts, the name of the Lord. Hosan-
Church, the communion of words, and actions bear wit- na in the highest!
saints, the forgiveness of sins, ness to the new life You have
the resurrection of the body, given us. We ask this through Memorial Acclamation
and life everlasting? Christ, our Lord. P –The mystery of faith!
All –I do! All – Amen!
All – We proclaim your Death,
P –And may almighty God, O Lord, and profess your
the Father of our Lord Jesus Resurrection until you
come again!
Christ, who has given us new
birth by water and the Holy
Spirit and bestowed on us for- Preparation of the Gifts
giveness of our sins, keep us P –Pray, brethren . . .
by his grace, in Christ Jesus All –May the Lord accept the
our Lord, for eternal life. sacrifice at your hands, for All – Our Father . . .
All –Amen! the praise and glory of his P – Deliver us, Lord . . .

Easter Sunday
All – For the Kingdom, the in the Resurrection of All – Amen!
power, and the glory are His Only Begotten Son, P –And may the blessing of
yours, now and forever. endow you with the prize almighty God, the Fa-
of immortality. ther, and the Son, and the
Sign of Peace All – Amen! Holy Spirit, come down
Breaking of the Bread P –Now that the days of on you and remain with
the Lord’s Passion have you for ever.
All –Lamb of God . . . drawn to a close, may you All – Amen!
Communion who celebrate the glad-
ness of the Paschal Feast P –Go in peace.
P –Behold the Lamb of God, come with Christ’s help Alleluia! Alleluia!
behold him who takes away the to those feasts that are All – Thanks be to God!
sins of the world. Blessed are celebrated in eternal joy. Alleluia! Alleluia!
those called to the Supper of
the Lamb.
All – Lord, I am not worthy THE RESURRECTION:
that you should enter under my
roof, but only say the word and NEW LIFE FOR CHRIST,
my soul shall be healed. NEW LIFE FOR ALL
Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no
Communion Hymn is sung.)
T he Resurrection is, first of all, an event that concerns Jesus
Christ. It is his personal triumph over death, and the vindication of the truth
of his teaching. He had spoken about it before it happened. The fulfillment of that
Christ our Passover has prophecy underscores the power of Christ and the truthfulness of his message.
been sacrificed, alleluia. There- He experienced his physical resurrection in all its transforming vitality,
fore let us keep the feast with just as he had experienced the destructive power of sin in his agony and
the unleavened bread of purity death. This is the foundation of the “Paschal Mystery.” The Resurrection reveals
and truth, alleluia, alleluia! this with a glorious clarity perceived through the eyes of faith.
But whatever happened to Christ has also a cosmic resonance. It influ-
Prayer after Communion ences and affects positively the whole universe, but especially mankind. At the
Incarnation, the Son of God united himself in a permanent way to every
P –Look upon your Church, human being with a solidarity that makes him share in all the miseries
O God, with unfailing love of every individual (including the deadly consequences of sin), and makes
and favor, so that, renewed every human being a sharer in Christ’s dignity, holiness, and glory.
by the paschal mysteries, she This is why Jesus’ coming out of the tomb alive, transformed and immortal
may come to the glory of the . . . concerns us, too. It concerns all human beings. His Resurrection is
resurrection. also mankind’s resurrection because it marks its liberation from the
Through Christ our Lord. oppression of sin.
All – Amen! Christ’s shattering the shackles of death (manifested through the breaking
of the seals of his grave) is like the cracking of the shell of a seed which allows
the sprout to burst forth with all the freshness of the new life it carries. That
sprout is Christ, but is also all mankind. It is also each one of us. On Easter
morning a new world dawned, a new humanity rose from the slavery of
P –The Lord be with you. sin and death, in Jesus, through him and with him. (See Col 2:12-13.)
All – And with your spirit! No human expression can exhaust the transforming greatness of this mys-
tery. The Church has been proclaiming it during her 20 centuries of existence
P –Bow your heads and through her liturgy, her creeds, and her life. She will continue doing so until the
pray for God’s blessing. liberating power of the Resurrection will have reached its full manifestation in
(Pause) the Kingdom of heaven.
P –May almighty God bless There are a billion and one reasons for celebrating, then, as we commemo-
you through today’s Eas- rate, relive and rejoice in the Resurrection of Jesus. It is our resurrection, too.
ter Solemnity and, in His But we are also challenged to prove it by living a new life. We have to get
compassion, defend you rid of the “old yeast” of corruption and wickedness, and live a life character-
from every assault of sin. ized by sincerity and truth. (See 1 Cor 5:7-8.) We have to set our hearts “on
All – Amen! what pertains to higher realms” (Col 3:1). Then will our actions ring the joyous
P –And may He, who re- notes of the Easter alleluia, and we shall become a living “proof” of Christ’s
stores you to eternal life Resurrection.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, J. Domingo, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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