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Questionnaire on Training Effectiveness

& Personal Productivity


Demographic Details

Name : .............................................................................................................

Age : .............................................................................................................

Designation : ..................................................................................................

Experience : ...................................................................................................
Q 1. How many training programs have you attended last year ?

A) 1 B) 2

C) 3 D) 3 or more

Q 2. Which training program have you attended? (Can tick more than one)

A) Technical / Commercial B) Occupational Health

C) Personal Development / Soft Skill D) Safety

E) General Programmes ( SAP , Camps ) F) Environmental Programmes

G) All Above

Q 3. Which category of training program do you think is most beneficial to you?

(Rank Them)

A Technical Training / Commercial Training   Scale 1-5

B Occupational Health   1 Maximum Beneficial
C Safety   2 Beneficial up to a certain extent
D Personal Development / Soft Skill   3 Satisfactory
E Environmental Programmes   4 Not beneficial
F General Programmes ( SAP , Camps )   5 Not sure

Q 4. What mode of training method is normally used in your organisation?

A) Job Rotation B) Discussion

C) External Training D) Internal Training

E) Any Other

Q 5. Has the training program helped you to increase your personal productivity ?

A) Extremely B) To a large extent

C) To a certain extent D) Not Sure

E) Not at all

Q 6. Are you able to implement the learning’s from the following training program in your
work ?

A) Extremely B) To a large extent

C) To a certain extent D) Not Sure

E) Not at all

Q 7. Has the basic objective of training program been achieved ?

A) Yes B) No

C) Can’t Say

Q 8. Was there a proper linkage among organizational, operational & individual training
needs ?

A) Yes B ) No

Q 9 . Was there a comprehensive & systematic approach towards training during all the
stages ?

A) Yes B) Can’t say

Q 10. How was the extent of opportunity provided to air your frank opinions , view &
problems during the entire training program ?

A) Very Good B) Good

C) Average

Q 11 . How often did the trainer find time to listen to employees questions ?

A) Very Often B) Often

Q 12. What was the level of satisfaction derived ?

A) High B) Low

Q 13. What were the principles of learning?

A) Employee Motivation B) Practice opportunities

C) Transfer of learning D) Feedback

Q 14. Level of positive behavioural change observed?

A) Absolute change B) Moderate Change

Q 15. Any Improvements in your professional knowledge ?

A) Yes B) No

C) Can’t Say

Q 16. Have you ever come across any problem during the training session conducted at

A) Yes B) No

Q 17. If yes then what kind of problem





Q 18. Give suggestions to be benefitted more from trainings organized at DSCL

Tick the options u feel right ( Can Tick more than one )

Frequency of the training programs should be increased  

More simplified language should be used by the trainers  
More Examples related to work should be given  

More emphasis should be given to ( Tick from the options below )  

Technical Training / Commercial Training  
Occupational Health  
Personal Development / Soft Skill  
Environmental Programmes  
General Programmes ( SAP , Camps )  


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