Support Language: Increasing Students Talking Time

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Support Language

Increasing students talking time

Support Language
What is it?
● It’s vocabulary, conversational phrases, sentence starters, etc. that help students
effectively communicate with others.

Why should we use it?

● Promotes more natural communication between students.
● Boosts students’ confidence when using English as a second language.
● Expands your students’ vocabulary and teaches them some negotiation skills.

What does it look like?

● Check the callouts in the following slides. Each one of them includes an example of
what support language can look like.
Read the conversation between the
X-Men and answer the question

B: My name is Bobby. I can make ice.

P: Cool! I can make fire.

What do the words in A: What do you think?

purple talk about? B: I think the answer is...
a) Ability
b) Personality
What can you see in the pictures?
Discuss with your partner

I see…
and you?

Complete the chart:
What movie genres do you know?

A: What do
you think?
B: I think ____
is another one.
Complete the conversation with the words
from the bank

1. A: What did you

A: I can’t decide what movie to watch. write in number __?
B: Let’s watch an ___________ movie. I B: I wrote…
really like explosions! A: Me too! / I have
A: Okay! something different

What languages do you speak?
Interview your classmates
Make a list with your group!

A: What
languages do
you speak?
B: I speak...
A: What do you
Match the words to their think?
definition/picture B: I think #__ goes
with __
1. American a. Exam
b. Past of “can”
2. Experiment
c. Nationality of someone from the
3. Could United States
d. Be: am/is/are
4. Conjugation
5. Test

How did the
people in the ★ I think they felt… and
you? What do you think?

stadium feel?

Happy Sad Excited Bored

sing scream
At a concert…
● I would like to…
● I wouldn’t like to…
● And you?

play a singing game

clap dance crowd surf jump with the band
Based on the listening, compare
your sequence with a partner
robot plant bone

sun stars ★ My order is…

★ And yours?

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