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Lesson Plan Template

Candidate Name: Thalia Duenas

Grade Level: 1st
Content Area: Language Arts
Estimated Lesson Length: 35 minutes

Setting: ( X) whole class ( ) small group ( ) Individual- asynchronous

Co-Taught Lesson: ( ) yes ( X ) no

MAIN CONCEPT/Central Focus (Essential understanding you expect students to know as a result of
this lesson.)
For students to identify the different inflected endings -ed and -ing to form new words.

RATIONALE (Why is this concept and/or skill important for students to learn/be able to do?)
This concept is important for students to be able to use when writing different tenses. Additionally, this will
help students become better readers when recognizing the different endings and how they change the tense
of the word.
STANDARDS(Content Standards and ELD Standards. )
Identify frequently occurring root words (e.g., look) and their inflectional forms
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers
and adults in small and larger groups.
Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather additional information or clarify
something that is not understood.
ELD 1. Exchanging information and ideas
Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by listening attentively, following turn-taking rules, and
asking and answering questions.

OBJECTIVE/S (Students will be able to ……)

Students will recognize the inflected ending and the base word. Additionally, students will use their
identification skills to write a new word, and form sentences using the new word.
ASSESSMENTS(How will you know students met the learning objective? How will you assess student
learning during the instructional sequence?)
I will check for understanding by asking questions when going over the anchor chart.
I will check for understanding by walking to each group during independent time.
I will have students self assess by stating a thing they learned from today's lesson.
I will be assessing students by reviewing their worksheets.
ACADEMIC LANGUAGE DEMAND (A brief narrative that visualizes how students will participate in
this lesson. What are students being asked to do in this lesson, and how are they using language to
accomplish that? How will students collaborate for meaningful interaction, interpret and/or spoken
text, and produce evidence of their learning?)
Students will use the academic vocabulary base words and inflected ending. The students will be
asked to use the vocabulary when answering questions, and when telling their peers the new words.
CONTENT VOCABULARY(List the key vocabulary and/or phrases students need to understand in order
to have access to the content.)
-inflected endings
-base words


identified academic language demand, how is this lesson being adapted? How is it being scaffolded for
the targeted language proficiency level of your students? List strategies for supporting students’ use of
academic language such as word walls, sentence frames, realia, pictures, go kinetic, choral response,
Direct Whole Class instruction
Partner Talk
Students have been taught prefixes, base words, and inflected endings. This should be used as a
review for students, and there will be a focus on students demonstrating their comprehension of -ing
means now and -ed is past. The students struggled with this in prior lessons.
The teacher will use an anchor chart, color code evidence, and a tactical strategy using eggs.
STRATEGIES FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS(List accommodations and/or modifications
specified in IEPs, 504 Plans, etc.)
The teacher will allow preferential seating. The teacher will give more response time for students
with Speech IEPs. Teacher will also repeat instructions if needed.

TASK ANALYSIS(What should students already know and/or be able to do BEFORE engaging in this
Students should be able to use their prior knowledge to have a grade level conversation on base
words and inflectional endings.
INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE:(The components in the instructional sequence should be written as
explicitly described steps that clearly communicate the actions taken. Anyone reading through the steps
in the instructional sequence, such as a substitute teacher, should be able to execute the lesson smoothly,
including facilitating the transitions between components and applying formative assessments. The
instructional sequence should align to a direct or indirect instruction format and may be specific to the
content area selected for the lesson.)

Introduction: The teacher will engage with students by informing them that we will be reviewing
inflectional endings. The teacher will remind students of our time traveler friend -ed and a friend
named king -ing. The teacher will go over the anchor chart with the class.
Lesson Sequence: I do, We do, You do method will be used for instruction. The teacher will go over
the learning objective for the lesson and pull an egg out of the basket. The teacher will model how she
uses the egg to write on the worksheet. Next the teacher will inform students that they will be doing
this independently, but can conversate with their partners if they want. The teacher will ask students
to write sentences independently on the back using two new words.

Closure: The teacher will then review the anchor chart again and the importance of inflectional
endings. The teacher will have students independently think of one thing they learned from today’s
lesson. The teacher will use equity sticks to pull five students to share.
CONTENT EXTENSIONS (How will you challenge students who finish early? How will you meet the
needs of students who are identified as GATE or need an extra challenge?)
If a student finishes early they can work on a math packet in their desk, read from the classroom
library, or color mini books in the desk.
CONTENT INTEGRATION (How could you connect your lesson to other content areas?)
Students will be learning language arts, but this can be used in math. This can relate to different parts
in a number sentence.
SOURCES (Cite all sources used in planning and implementing this lesson. List sources in APA format.)
My Co-teacher


Inflectional Ending Worksheet
Anchor Chart
Video monitor

PERSONAL TEACHING FOCUS (List the area(s) you want your university supervisor to focus on during
the observation.)

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