Mapeh Arts GR 6 Week 3 4

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Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter4: Week 3 & 4

Division of Angeles City


Name: _________________________________ Grade Level: ______________

Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________


MELCS: Discusses the concept that design principles and elements relates to
everyday objects. A6EL-Iva
Explains the elements and principles applied in product design.

With the help of modern technology, you can create designs for jewelry, shoes, bags,
clothes, furniture, bottles, and many other things using the computer. Have you tried designing
something and then creating a product based on your design? How did come up with the design.

This lesson will show how --despite the use of technology --the process, elements, and
the principle of traditional art still apply. This will be evident in your finished product.

An important part of this lesson is a discussion on two principles of art contrast and
harmony. It will present ideas on how the two principles can be applied to one’s design and how
they can produce visual interest and drama’s to one’s project by simply arranging and positioning
design elements like shapes, colors, and textures.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to create and design incorporating these

Look around and observe your environment ---what the people wear, the wrappers of
their snacks, posters around the wall, etc.

Answer the following questions.

1. What have you noticed from your observation?
2. Can you see colors, shapes, and lines?
3. How are these shapes and colors arranged?

Now, close your eyes and imagine how the environment would like without colors and
shapes or designs on every object you see.

In every moment of our life, art has become one of the important elements that make our
life beautiful and colorful.



What is the difference between the two artworks depicted in the pictures?
Which one is more appealing? Why is it appealing? Why not?
What are the ideas that we need to consider in order to create an appealing design?
How can we create an interesting design?
How can we create these ideas?

Many people are more familiar perhaps with the traditional way a design is developed.
This is done with the use of pencil and paper. The artist makes several sketches on paper, drawing
each side or angle in order to view the design in its entirety before executing it.

Nowadays, you can digitally enhance your design by drawing and printing out some of
the design elements. You can print out letters and cut them out to stick to your 3D project. You
may also use lines, shapes, colors, and other figures that may fit the concept around which your
design is based.

If your design includes a logo or a brand name, you may design this using the computer,
and then print and cut out so you can stick it on your project.

It is important to remember that when using technology to design something, you still
make use of the same art elements like line, shapes, colors, and textures.

In addition, the principles of art such as contrast and harmony should also still apply. You
only need to learn the features and options available in the software being used in order to make
the necessary adjustments in your design.

What is sculpture?

Sculpture is a branch or the visual arts that is specifically concerned with expressive
three-dimension form. Any material capable of being shaped in three dimensions can be used in


In the past, sculpting is only done manually. In manual sculpting, a sculptor work by hand
to shape a material, using a chisel, into any form.

The Elements and Principles of Three-Dimensional Design

Elements of 3-D Design

Space: distance, area, volume; physical space independent of what occupies it; absolute space.
Line: the edge or outline of a form, the meeting of planes; linear materials include: wire, wood,
metal rod, string or any materials with a long thin shape.
Plane: a flat or level surface –– planar materials include foam core, cardboard, sheet metal,
plastic sheets, and plywood.
Mass/ Volume: closed, independent, three dimensional form – interpenetrable, completely
surrounded by space –– volumetric materials include blocks of plaster, wood or stone.
Sometimes mass refers to a positive solid and volume refers to a negative, open space surrounded
by material, as in a bowl or other vessel.
Shape: positive and negative: positive shape is the totality of the mass lying between its
contours; in three-dimensional work, the visible shape or outer limit of a form changes as the
viewer's position is changed. These outer limits are seen as shapes moving back and forth
between major contours. Negative space is empty space defined by positive shape. Sometimes
referred to as occupied and unoccupied space.
Value: light and shadows on the surface of forms; quantity of light actually reflected by an
object's surface; value changes might be affected by the addition of color to the surface of a work.
Texture: the surface quality of a form –– rough, smooth, weathered and so on.
Color: in 3D design, the actual color of the material being used.

Principles of 3-D Design

Harmony: resolution of forces in opposition. Everything is working in harmony.

Contrast/ Variety: different qualities or characteristics in a form; interest generated in a work
by using a variety of shapes, forms, textures and so on.
Rhythm/ Repetition: rhythm is the result of repetition; three rhythmic devices
1) the duplication of the same form
2) two forms used alternately; and
3) the sequential change of a form (large to small, for example.)


Emphasis: something in the work must dominate. A high point or climax occurring in the work,
or the domination of a motif or design element.
Continuity: organized movement or rhythm (repetition, alteration and progression).
Balance: ordered relationship of parts. whether symmetrical or asymmetrical; equilibrium.
Symmetrical Balance: equal visual units right and left/ top to bottom of an
imaginary center point.
Asymmetrical Balance: visual balance achieved by dissimilar visual units; for example, two or
three small shapes on the right balancing one larger shape on the left.
Proportion: elements compared, one to another, in terms of their properties of size, quantity,
and degree of emphasis.


Read the following statements. Draw face if the statement is true and a

sad face if it is false.

______________ 1. The elements and principles of arts are shown on the objects around us.
______________ 2. Sculpture is a 3D visual are created by simply shaping materials into
objects without applying the elements and principle of art.
______________ 3. Harmony refers to the visual quality of wholeness or oneness that is
achieved through effective use of the elements of art and principles of
______________ 4. Using contrast can add richness, forcefulness, strength, interest, and relief
from harmony.
______________ 5. The elements of art are the building blocks of an artwork: color, line,
shape, form, value, texture, and space. They are the tools artists use
when creating an artwork.
______________ 6. Concept of lines and shapes are applied in sculpting.
______________ 7. In manual sculpting, a sculptor work by hand to shape a material, using
a chisel, into any form.
______________ 8. In order to create an appealing design, you must include harmony
and contrast.
______________ 9. In product design, the text is more important than the contrast
and harmony of the design.


_____________ 10. The use of technology did not contribute much in product design.


Analyze which element and principle applied in each product design. Write your
answer in the box provided.




ACTIVITY NO. 3 What to do:

A. Soap
A. Sculpting
1. Choose an object to be
You will need:
your model.
Soap/clay 2. Shape the soap into that
Chisel or any similar object object based on your
Box model.
Plastic cover 3. Cover your sculpture
Scissors using the box and the
Adhesive tape plastic cover.


B. Autumn Tree Sculptures from a Paper Bag
• Brown paper lunch bag
• Any colored paper or magazine
• Scissors
• Glue


1. Open the paper bag so that it can stand by itself. Carefully hold the bottom of
the bag and twist just above the seam or fold several times.

2. Cut strips from the top of the bag down to the twisted section.

3. Gather three strips at a time and twist together to form the branches.
Continue twisting three strips until you run out of strips to twist. If you end up
with an uneven amount, twist four together or two together at the end.

4. Tear or cut small pieces of colorful tissue paper and glue on a few here and
there as leaves for the branches.


Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Objects Soap carving Soap carving Soap carving Soap carving does
clearly relates to clearly depicts somewhat not clearly
object carved and description of depicts a represent anything.
proportional character, animal, character,
depicts the or object . object, or
description of animal of
character, choice.
animal, or object.
Difficulty of Carving was Carving was Carving was Carving was simple
Carving difficult, has challenging, easier to and required little
many fine cuts, creative, required create, little to no shaping, still
and no longer few cuts, little creativity, little looks like a bar of
looks like a bar resemblance to a to no cuts, still soap.
of soap. bar of soap. resemblances a
bar soap.
Effort Carving shows Carving shows Carving shows Carving shows
great effort, great effort and minimal effort. little to no eff
patience, and patience.
Time Project turned in Project turned in Project was Project was late.
Completion on time. on time. turned in on


Go over the list of topics and put a check ( ) for your understanding in Sculpture
and New Media.

Topic I have a good I still have I need to

understanding some questions study the
lesson further
or thoroughly.
Elements and Principles of Art Applied
in Sculpture
Elements and Principles of Art Applied
in Product/Package Design
3 Concept of Sculpture
Elements and Principles of 3D
Dimensional Design
5 Concept of Package/Product Design



Name: _________________________________ Grade Level: ______________

Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________


MELCS: Manifests understanding of concepts on the use of software (commands,
menu, etc.) A6PR-IVb
Utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and software)
in package design, A6PR-Ivc



With the dawn of technology, computer software now allows digital sculpting.

In digital sculpting, the sculpting is done using a software. Menus and commands in a
software interface ae used to do the sculpting.

What do menus and commands tell us?

Menu is an application organizer and launcher. There are other commands in a menu.

Command is an instruction to a computer or device to perform a specific task. This can

be a text or an icon.

The menus, tools, and commands are usually displayed on the screen once you open a

this will
ds or


What software may be used in digital sculpting?

There are a number of sculpting software available online. Blender is just one.

Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software. This is a

professional software used for creating 3D related outputs such as animated films, 3D
printed models, 3D application and video games, as well as sculpting.

Parts of Blender User Interface

1. Editor is a part of the screen, which has a specific function (3D view, properties Editor,
Video Sequence Editor, and Nodes Editor).
2. Context button give access to options. These are like tabs and are often placed on an
editor header.
3. Panels are options that are grouped to logically organize the interface.
4. Regions are included in some editors. In that case, panels and controls are grouped
there. For workspace optimization, it is possible to temporarily hide regions with the
hotkeys and for Toolbar and Properties Region respectively.
5. Controls are contained in the panels. These can let you modify a function, an option, or
a value.


10 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

1 The number 1 corresponds to the 3D Viewport. This is where you will do most of the
work in Blender, mainly modelling, editing and texturing 3d objects directly. This is the first
thing you see in the interface of the new Blender 3D 2.8.
2The number 2 is pointing to the objects that appear by default in the 3D Viewport when
you open Blender. Those are, from left to right, the initial camera, the cube and the default light.
3 The number 3 is covering the entire Properties area. This area is extremely important
because here you will find the main functions of the program such as Render, Materials,
Textures, etc.
4Region number 4 is covering what is known as the “Outliner”. It’s where you will see
all the objects and collections created in the scene. You can make a search there and sort objects
by type as well.
5 The new Blender gizmo is marked by the number 5 in the image. It represents the 3
Cartesian Axis in a typical Blender scene. Namely, Axis X, Axis Y and Axis Z.
6 The four icons that are pointed by the number 6 are important tools for the 3D Viewport.
From left to right, if you click on the first icon, that one of the mesh, Blender will give you an
orthogonal or perspective view. The second icon will take you to the active camera view. Click
on the third icon, the hand icon, and without releasing your click move the mouse to the place
you want on the screen and you will move the view. The fourth icon is for zoom in and zoom
out in the view. Click on it and without releasing your click, move the mouse down to zoom out
and up to zoom in.
7 The number 7 is a bar that contains several tools such as Visibility and Selection of
Collections and Objects in the scene, as well as different types of texturing objects in the scene.
8 The top bar at number 8 contains Blender contextual menus, different types of
predesigned and functional workspaces, and the part in where you can create scenes and layers.
9 The small bar at number 9 contains important tools for Transform Orientations, the Snaps
(Magnets), Proportional Editing and the Pivot Point part.
1 0In this bar you can see the “Object Modes” and the context menus of the 3D Viewport
in where you will find tools to view, select, add and edit new objects in the scene.
11 Here, you see many other important tools such as Select, Transform, Move, Rotate and
Scale objects in the 3D Viewport. The last 2 icons are for making notes and measurements in the
12 The Animation Bar is at number 12 in the image. It contains all the basic tools to make
animations and edit them directly from the 3D Viewport of Blender.
13 The Status Bar is at the very bottom of the interface and provides a lot of valuable
information about the tool that is currently active in the scene, among other things.

To start using blender, you have three options:

❖ Click on one of the recent files (if you have any) or

❖ Click anywhere else on the screen (except the dark area of the splash screen);
Other software may also be used in doing digital sculpting. There are software that are
free and downloadable, there are those that are only free online, and those that are under
the General Public License (GNU).

11 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4


Your digital drawings and paintings, and prints of photos and silkscreen have
been fantastic. Let us go and continue creating digital art, starting with product design.
Product design is the process of creating new products from scratch or working
on improving existing ones. However, it should not be treated as just making or adding
a fun design to an item then putting it back on the store shelf. That is because product
design sells an experience, not a commodity.
As a product designer, you are addressing a personal, social, or cultural need. It
can be a clock that reminds elders of specific times of the day to take their delicate feet
of babies who are learning how to walk. It can be a new line of dog food made of local
ingredients or a placemat that shows the Pinggang Pinoy to remind adults to follow the
healthy food plate. Whether the product is new or an improved version, it should be
unique and well-thought-out.

❖ What type of product design would you like to create? Why

Thinking and creating the product

As an artist, you create different ideas. However, these ideas will remain in your head
unless you do something about it to make it real. No one else knows the product better than
you do. If you are confident that it is better than what is on the market, try the following:
1. Research
All ideas are good, however brilliant ideas, are the best solutions to a
particular problem. After careful research, the facts will help you decide if your
product design will be worth, time and gathering materials.
2. Create and test your model
You will never know if your product works unless you test it. If it seems
to be hard for you to create on your own, do not be scared to work with others.
Collaborating with your classmates will surely make the product design process
faster and more fun. Even the best artists work with a team. The members have
their own tasks to fulfill.
3. Present your product design
Develop an identity through a name and logo, then describe how your
product works, for whom it is designed, and why it is important to your target

12 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

❖ How does product design help young entrepreneurs?

Designing your product using technology

Product designers use accessible materials and technologies when creating prototypes
or the sample of working models. Since a good design can move the product off the shelves, art
elements and design principles are applied.
The shapes and colors of your design should have a visual impact on your target market.
It helps encourage the buyers to buy rather than restrain the buyer to use your product. It also
looks presentable where there is harmony in the letters, shapes, and color. Examples of these are
the products not just found in stores, but also in the school and at home. Observe how each was
designed. You will realize that it fills a need and makes sure the target make notices it though
the application of art elements and principles of design. Their support to your product is the
measure of success.
A free software that you can use to create a model of your product is Blender. If you have
a Mac OSX, Linux, or MS Windows, connect to the internet, then download its latest version by
logging on to You can use Blender if your laptop or computer has a keyboard
with numeric keyboard and a 3-button mouse with scroll wheel. Blender works You can use
Blender if your laptop or computer also works with graphic tablets.

Its interface is divided into five parts called Editor that allow you to view and modify
your works:
1. Information 2. 3-D View 3. Timeline
2. Outliner 5. Properties

Each Editor has a region which is its main part, a header at its top or bottom which
contains the menus and commonly used tools, panels that have collapsible options like buttons,
menus, and checkboxes, pinning so it remains visible regardless of the tab you select, and vertical
13 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4
Creating shapes and transforming it

Press Shift + A, then select Mesh on the 3-D View so that you can create the shape of
your product design: plane, cube, circle, UV sphere, icosphere, cylinder, or cone.
If you look at the left-hand panel, you can edit the shapes though the vertices, radius,
depth, and cap fill type. If you want to transform your objects in Object Mode, select it, then
press G to move it, R to rotate it, or S to scale it.

Selecting and viewing your shapes

Use the mouse’s right click for selecting, left click for performing an action on the
selection, or press Shift, then right click for adding more items in the selection.
The 3-D view allows you to look at the shape of your design at various angles. Hold the
middle mouse button and drag around to rotate your view or use the mouse’ scroll wheel to zoom
your view. To pan up and down, hold down Shift and use the mouse’s scroll wheel. If you do
not like the shape that you made, you can delete it by clicking the shapes of your product design.
With your right mouse, press X, then choose Delete. To combine the shapes of your product
design, select both objects, press Ctrl + J, and select Join Selected Meshes.

Painting your shapes

To put colors on your product, you can use the Texture Paint, Vertex Paint, and Weight
Paint. In Texture Paint, your mouse becomes a brush and you can choose its texture, strokes and
colors at the Properties Editor. Vertex Paint has settings for brush presents, its texture stroke, and
curve. In Weight Paint, you can use a set of weight brushes to paint on top of the Mesh’s body.
Blender, like GIMP, can be overwhelming to learn at first, but do not give up discovering
its interface and settings. Trying each step will help you become familiar with it. Blender’s
version may change, but its range of built-in and web-based Help options always aid users.
Especially like you.

❖ How can Blender help you create a model of your product design?

What software can be used to design a product design?

There are number of available product package design software online. One of which is

Studio is a packaging software with unique set of tools for 3D packaging design made
specifically for packaging artwork. This software can turn your ideas into beautiful 3D images.
What is electronic Collage?
Collage is an art production in which several materials are put together, to form a new
work of art. Collage originated from the French word “coller” which means, “to glue.”

14 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

Collage can be made of physical materials, such as paper and printed photographs,
printed electronic images.

Electronic collage is made of composed of electronic images or photographs and is

prepared digitally. A software is used to create the collage.
Paper Collage and Electronic Collage

Paper Collage Electronic Collage

1. Collect the materials needed for making a 1. Choose an easy-to-use photo
paper collage. program. (ms paint, photocollage
maker or any graphic editing

2. Develop a theme. 2. Develop a theme.

a. environment
b. birthday
c. holiday

15 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

3. Fold, cut or tear the paper into different 3. Assemble suitable materials.

4. Consider adding embellishments. 4. After the images as required.

5. Figure out what you’re going to glue 5. Add text.

the collage onto. Letter cutouts
maybe included.

6. Assemble the pieces before you glue 6. Save often


16 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

7. Glue the collage and let it dry. 7. Print your collage.

You can create a college using physical materials. You can produce almost the same
output using computer program. But there are things that you can do with your electronic
collage that cannot be done with physical collage.

In electronic collage, you can add some or audio. You can animate and apply
transitions. You can even present as a slide show. All these can be done using a
multimedia software.

Some multimedia software can be used to create audio-video arts.

Picture Collage Maker is an

example of software that can be used
to create electronic collage. This is a
simple-to-use Windows freeware that
allows you to arrange pictures and
create digital collages. This software
can also be used to make scrapbooks,
posters, invitations, calendars, and
greeting cards.

Adobe Photoshop Elements is another

photo-editing software that can be used to
edit pictures digitally and create collage
as well.

17 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

Presentation software, like MS
Powerpoint, allows the creation of
an audio-video art.


Arrange the jumbled letters enclosed in parenthesis to form the appropriate word. Be
guided with the given meaning.

1. ____________________ (a k a g i g n p c) is the method of enclosing or protecting

for storage, sale, and use.
2. ____________________ (l s p n e a) are options that are grouped to logically
organized the interface.
3. _____________________ (t s a t s u r b a) located at the very bottom of the
interface and provides a lot of valuable information about the tool that is currently
active in the scene, among other things.
4. _____________________ (n m u e) is an application organizer and launcher.
5. _____________________ (o r d e t i) is a part of the screen, which has specific
function (3D view, properties Editor, Video Sequence Editor, and Nodes Editor)
6. ____________________ (d c p o r t u s n d e g i) is the process of creating new
products from scratch or working on improving existing ones.
7. ____________________ (t c d p r u o n e g s d i r) use accessible materials and
technology when creating prototypes or the sample of working models.
8. ___________________ (d s t u o i) is a packaging software with unique set of tools
for 3D packaging design made specially for packaging artwork.
9. ___________________ (la l c o e g) is an art production in which several materials
are put together, to form a new art work of art.
10. ____________________ (l b e n d r e) is a professional software used for creating
3D related outputs such as animated film, 3D printed modules, 3D application and
video games, as well as sculpting.


A. How the following are done in blender? (You may look on your previews
18 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4
1. Create shapes
2. Move, rotate, and scale shapes
3. Delete
4. Join/Combine
5. Color shapes

B. How to create electronic collage using Graphic Editing Program? Write the
correct word or group of words to complete the procedure.
Open ___ (1) ______ if you are using Windows or Paintbrush if Mac. You can
also download “Paint.NET” which is an open software source program that will make
it easier for you to create your Click File > New and enter the size you that want to
your collage to be in pixels. In ______ (2) ________add a new photo to the collage
by clicking Edit > Paste From. Navigate the folders on your computer and select your
photos. In Paint.Net, Click on Layers> Import New File to do the same. Click and
drag the resize arrows on the corner of each new photo and size the photo so it fits
the collage. _____ (3) _______ the images in Paint by selecting Image > Flip/Rotate.
In Paint.NET, Click Layers> Rotate /Zoom. Click and drag the photos with the mouse
and arrange them into a _____ (4) ________, such as a round cluster, a heart, or any
free-form arrangement that you like. Save your work and give it the file extension.
.png or .jpg so you can post it on the ________ (5) _________.


(You can choose any of these two activities.)
A. Think of a product that schoolchildren at your age need. Create a product
design of it using Blender. Describe the use of your product and how you were
able to make it attractive to your target market.
Criteria Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning
(5) (4) Proficiency (2) (1)
Design Can apply design Can apply Can apply Can apply Can barely
elements and design design design apply
principles elements and elements elements design
with excellent skill principles and and elements
with great skill principles principles and
with fair but had principles
skill some in the
difficulty product

19 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

Creativity Can show Can show Can show Can show Can barely
excellent attention great attention good sign of show
to detail: the to detail: the attention to imagination imagination
ideas/materials ideas/materials detail: in some in the
methods are methods are imaginative parts of the product
highly effective effective touches are product design
scattered design
the product
Originality Can excellently Can very Can Can fairly Can barely
show original in satisfactorily satisfactorily show show
the product design show show originality originality
originality in originality in in the in the
the product the product product product
design design design design.

B. Making collage using physical materials. (alternative activity for those who do
not have computer and internet connection)

You will need: What to do:

1. Different tactile materials 1. Draw an outline of your collage.
appropriate to form a 2. Using the different tactile materials
collage (egg shell, twigs, that you have, cover your drawing
seeds, etc.) outline. Be creative in using the
2. Oslo paper materials. Use the appropriate
3. Glue materials for the drawing.
4. Drawing and coloring 3. Glue the materials to the drawing
materials outline
( You can see the steps above in making
college using physical materials.)
Check the appropriate box that corresponds to your experiences

Learning Outcomes Yes No

1 I can appreciate the principles and elements applied in product design
2 I can learn the interface and other settings of blender.
3 I can create an original and productive product design.
I can manifest understanding concepts on the use of software
(commands, menu)
I can utilize art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
software) in package design.

20 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4


Name: _________________________________ Grade Level: ______________

Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________


MELCS: Creates an actual 3-D digitally-enhanced product design for a paper bag.

Are you bored of using regular brown paper bags? Would you like to transform them into
something that is little more decorative? Did you know that you can make use of some old
magazines, newspapers, or craft papers in making a decorative paper bag?

People usually use paper bags to carry groceries or light goods. It is just the same as
Packaging Design. Paper bags are used to show all the glory of the product inside them. The
design needs to stand out. The usual shape and appearance of the paper bags are plain and just a
dull paper bag. Maybe you should try to design some creative paper bags. Some of the paper
bags design inspiration are created by talented designers which are shown below. Be inspired to
design your own creative paper bags.

Making handmade paper bags is good. You may recycle old newspaper and wrapping
paper. In this lesson, you will learn how to make your own paper bags. You can use these
homemade paper bags to carry your groceries from the supermarket. You can also use them as
gift bags, or you can make paper puppets out of them. You can customize your bags whatever
you want. It may vary from different sizes and patterns of paper.

What is product package design?

Packaging is the method of enclosing or protecting for storage, sale, and use. It
involves three steps: the process of design, evaluation, and product packages.
1. Process of design includes the planning of how the package looks. It involves creating a
design for the product being packed.
2. Evaluation involves the checking of the package design if it satisfies the concept.
3. Production of packages involves the printing of the packages.

Is packaging important?

Some think it just comes along with the product because it is simply holds the contents.
In truth, designers conduct a significant amount of design research to create a package because
the sale of a product—whether it is a new one that needs to be recognized or a classic one that
already looks outdated—depends on its packaging.

21 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

Package design involves the complete strategic planning and design of the form,
structure, and appearance of a product’s package, which functions as a casing, promotes a brand,
presents information, and becomes a brand experience.
Like a product design, a package design should go beyond being merely beautiful. It only
takes a few seconds for the customer’s eyes to scan the contents of a shelf so your package should
attract attention. Once the customer holds the package, he or she should feel that it is a wise
decision to buy it.

The right packaging

The packaging should create an association of what is inside. The pulling power of your
package depends on how well it was thought out, such as:

1. Material
There are lots of packing materials like cardboard, metal, foil, plastic or paper. Consider
its size and cost, then choose one that is sturdy enough to protect the product/s from production,
to deliver, to its intended time of use. Some are fragile like food, where hot food should stay hot
and cold ones should stay cold. That is why these kinds of food are placed in thermal insulators,
while fruits and vegetables are packed in see-through plastic to show their freshness.
With the global environmental awareness, more manufacturers and consumers have
resorted to eco-friendly materials like recycled paper.

2. Shape
After you have settled which material you will use, think about the shape that you have
settled, which material you will use, and think about the shape of your package. Most solid items
are placed in geometric boxes while liquid items are placed in cylinders. Remember that the
shape of your package will give you an idea of the scope of your design.

3. Text
Did you know that only 1/3 of the packaging is seen by the customer from the fixed standpoint
and only ¼ of it will be legible? With dozens of its competitors on the same shelf, counter, or
shop window, you need to make sure the package faces the customer who should be able to easily
see and read it.
In boxes, the top contains the main information like the name of the product, its
trademark, short description, plus a distinct illustration. The narrow sides will reveal supporting
information like the product’s contents, characteristics, quality, range of use, instructions, or
recipes. Likewise, these are shown in the sections of a cylinder.
The important information has a bigger text size. The less important information has a
smaller text size which the consumer can read after he or she has bought the product.

4. Colors
People distinguish a product from its competitors by the color of its packaging. It can also show
the variety of products in your line. Thus, choose one that is relevant to your product’s brand or

22 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

the same color of its content. You can stick to primary colors or blend it with secondary colors
or intermediate colors.
Applying contrast in colors works in package design. It breaks the of plain color and
improves the chances of your target market giving it a second look. Its overall appeal is shown
in harmony, where the shapes, colors, and letters, are perfectly combined in your design.

Creating a 3-D package design using Blender

With all these details that you have to consider, you can use Blender’s sculpting feature
through its Sculpting Mode. Blender has twenty different brush types along with other cool
features that are easy to use.

Here is how:
1. At the bottom of your screen. Click Object Mode, and change it to Sculpt Mode.
2. Look at the sculpting tools available at the left side of the screen.
3. Choose one of the brushes available.

Radius lets you change the size of your brush and how much effect it has with the Strength
slider. The sculpture feature allows you to show your package’s material, shape, text and color.
Blender makes it easy for you to design your package from all angles. When you create a three-
dimensional image of your model, you can reposition it or make it turn, rotate, or make changes
in its lighting and shadows. It becomes lifelike on your two-dimensional computer screen. It can
be a trial and error at first, but exploring its settings will help you become more familiar with its
other features which you might use in your next package design.

How to Make A Decorative Paper Bag?

23 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4
• wrapping paper or old newspaper
• Ruler
• Pencil
• Glue/masking tape
• Handles (ribbon, rope, string)
• Scissors

1. Cut a piece of paper to 9.5 x 15 inches (24 x 38 cm). Colored craft papers are good for this
project but wrapping paper will do.
2. Fold the bottom edge of the paper up to two inches (5 cm) and sharply crease fold. Unfold.
This will become the bottom of the bag.
3. Fold the sides of the bag into place. Locate the center points on the top of the bottom edges.
4. Flip the paper over, refold the left and right sides downward toward the center, and glue
them where they overlap
5. Fold the side creases inward to create a slight according effect.
6. Fold and glue the bottom of the bag into place. Once you’ve determined where the bottom of
your bag is, piece together the bottom.
7. Pop the bag open. Make sure the bottom is completely closed off and that there are no gaps
in the glued edges.
8. Add your handles. You can use ribbon, rope, or string to make the handles. Add desired


A. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is not.
______ 1. People nowadays use paper bags to carry groceries or light goods as a replacement to
plastic bags.
______ 2. Making handmade paper bags is a good way to destroy our nature.
______ 3. Designers conduct a significant amount of design research to create a package
because the sale of a product depends on its price.
______ 4. Product designing is creating a new product to be sold by a business to its customers.
______ 5. Packaging involves four steps: the process of design, evaluation, product package and
reproduction of new material.
______ 6. Paper bags are also used to show all the excitement of the product inside them.
______ 7. Evaluation of packages involves the printing of the packages.
______ 8. Radius lets you change the size of your brush, and how much effect it has with the
strength slider.
______ 9. Colored craft papers are good for making decorative paper bags instead of wrapping
paper or newspaper.
_____ 10. The use of technology did not contribute much in product design.

24 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4


A. What are the steps in making paper bag? Number the spaces provided
from 1 – 8.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

B. Answer the following questions. (5 points each)

1. Are paper bags better than plastic bags? Why? Why not?

2. If you will give a decorative paper bag as a gift to your dear one, how
would this affect the feeling of the receiver?



(You can choose any of these two activities below.)
A. Create a 3-D digitally-enhanced product design for a paper bag.

Try designing a paper bag using Blender. Explain how the sculpting
feature help show its material, shape, text, and color. Enhance the look of
25 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4
your paper using 3-D, design the type of product that the paper bag will
B. How to make a paper bag manually?
cartolina/old newspaper yarn for the handle
adhesive tape printed design created using
scissors any product software
recycled materials
What to do:
• Cut the cartolina into two to make two paper bags following the steps on
how to make paper bag.
For the design:
• Draw a design in one of the paper bags using the drawing and coloring
• On the other bag, decorate it using the printed design/recycled materials.
Criteria Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning
(5) (4) Proficiency (2) (1)
Design Can apply Can apply Can apply Can apply Can barely
design elements design elements design design apply design
(shapes and and principles elements and elements elements
color) and with great skill principles and and
principles with fair skill principles principles in
(contrast and but had the product
harmony) some design
with excellent difficulty
Creativity Can show Can show great Can show Can show Can barely
excellent attention to good sign of show
attention to detail: the attention to imagination imagination
detail: the ideas/materials detail: in some in the
ideas/materials methods are imaginative parts of the product
methods are effective touches are product design
highly effective scattered design
the product
Can excellently Can very Can Can fairly Can barely
show original in satisfactorily satisfactorily show show
the product show originality show originality in originality in
design in the product originality in the product the product
design the product design design.

26 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

Check the appropriate box that corresponds to your experiences

Learning Outcomes Yes No

1 I can explain the importance of package design.
2 I can design a creative and original package.
3 I can apply contrast of colors and harmony in my package design.
4 I can create a 3D digitally-enhanced product design for a paper bag.
5 I can observe patience in learning new technologies.

27 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

ARTS - WEEK 4 - COMPETENCY 6, 7 & 11

Name: _________________________________ Grade Level: ______________

Section: _________________________________ Date : ____________________


MELCS: Reviews the truism that art processes, elements and principles still apply
even with the use of technologies. A6EL-IVe

Discusses the elements and principles applied in audio-video art. A6EL-IVe

Creating an audio-video art promoting a product. A6PR-IVh)

Years ago, video equipment was so expensive that only a few people could afford them.
Nowadays, such equipment has become more affordable, so that more and more people including
children are able to produce videos.
In this lesson, you will learn more about the best practices in recording an event whether
a happy or sad moments—like a disaster, a camera, recorder, cellphone, and the like. In addition,
you will learn the mood that each color evokes and expresses, and how the presence or absence
of light can greatly affect the overall quality of picture or video.
After the end of this lesson, the student will be able to shoot and edit an audio-video
material in a group activity. Students will be able to apply the different processes, elements, and
principles of art learned throughout the different lessons.

Taking a Video
Video recording is the process of electronically capturing still or moving images.
As mentioned earlier at the beginning of this lesson, you do not need expensive,
sophisticated equipment to take and produce good videos. Even smartphones can take good
videos but the size may be as large as a regular camera. Mobile video editing applications can
be downloaded on your smartphone allowing you to edit videos without the need to transfer clips
to a computer.

Some workable video editing application include:

• KineMaster Pro – offers tools for adjusting brightness, contrast, and color, adds
professional-looking, transitions, voice over recording, and adding audio tracks.
• Video Maker Pro – has easy to use basic editing functions, separate audio tracks and
basic graphic utility.

Editing a Video
To edit raw videos footage taken with a video camera and incorporate sound and music,
one would need a computer with the appropriate software for the purpose. This video editing
software are available in the market. They have advanced features that will allow you to insert

28 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

transitions in and out, slide up and down, and side to side, or roll and flip in different directions.
One can also add text, sound, and music.
Most of the full-features editing software are expensive. For beginners, there are free
open-source software that can be downloaded. Blender, a popular 3D computer graphics
freeware has a fully functional non-linear video editor.

What Colors Mean

In photography and video recording, the element of art and color matters significantly
because both media make use of light, and different colors that are present in a photo or video
affecting the way you see certain people and objects. In this lesson you will explore how colors
are used in photography and video recording to convey specific moods.

Mood in Color
Color is made of light. The way you see colors are result of the way light bounces off an
object. The color red, yellow, and orange each communicate a particular feel. This is also true to
the colors blue, green, and purple. Red, yellow, and orange belong to a group called warm colors.
They are called such because it is the color of the sun, sunlight, fire, and other warm objects.
These colors likewise make food look appetizing.
What objects do you think are warm colors? Can you name some of these objects?
Blue, green, and purple are called cool colors. These are colors of the sea, ocean, sky, and fields.
How do these color make you feel? What examples of objects can you give that possess cool
As you have learned earlier, colors have certain symbolism that originate from one’s
culture and background. The table shows a general color with their corresponding

Color Meaning/Symbolism
red power, anger, love, intensity, excitement, danger, passion
blue serenity, sadness, dignity, loyalty, honesty, nobility
yellow cowardice
green life, hope, safety
white purity, innocence
black death, bad luck
purple wealth, prosperity
gray masculinity
pink femininity

Light and Color

You need light to see and appreciate the world around you. This rule also applies to
photographs and videos. Have you tried taking a photograph inside a dim-lighted room? The
image will surely come out hazy and dark. This also happens when taking videos with little light.
Artist of kinds keep in mind the principle of value to show their creativity in using light. With
just the right amount of light, photographers can take artistic photographs. Videographers also
measure light and use reflectors to make their subject appear clear on video.
29 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4
The principle of value can be controlled in photography and videography by
manipulating light in order to create the artist’s desired effect.

This is the varying degree of light or dark in a given space. It also means the characteristic
of color determined by light, dark, or the quantity of light reflected by the color.

The Dutch artist Rembrandt’s paintings are good examples that illustrate value.

Vocabulary of Value

Chiaroscuro is the distribution of light and dark in a picture. It is a technique of

representation that blends light and shade gradually to create the illusion of three-dimensional
objects in space or atmosphere.

An artwork is enhanced by the artist who makes good use of light and dark.

Lights and darks are referred to as value:

• Achromatic value – relating to differences of light and dark: the absence of hue and its
• Chromatic value – the relative degree of lightness or darkness demonstrated by a given


1. __________is the process of electronically capturing still or moving images.
a. audio recording c. video recording
b. image recording d. script recording
2. ____________offers tools for adjusting brightness, contrast, and color, adds
professional-looking, transitions, voice over recording, and adding audio tracks.
a. KineMaster Pro c. Video Maker Pro
b. Mind Pro d. Movie Pro
3. ___________ are used in pictures and videos to convey specific moods, and special
symbolism depending on one’s culture.
a. value c. contrast
b. colors d. harmony
4. Blue, green, and purple are called _______________.
a. light colors c. warm colors
b. dark colors d. cool colors
5. The color purple means ________________.
a. purity c. femininity
b. loyalty d. royalty
6. The principle of __________ can be controlled in photography and videography by
manipulating light in order to create the artist’s desired effect.
30 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4
a. harmony c. color
b. value d. contrast
7. The following are examples of objects that possess cool colors EXCEPT______.
a. sea c. sky
b. fields d. sunlight
8. ____________ is the distribution of light and dark in a picture.
a. achromatic c. chromatic
b. chiaroscuro d. value
9. _____________is the relative degree of lightness or darkness demonstrated by a
given color.
a. chiaroscuro c. color
b. chromatic d. achromatic
10. ___________ can be used to show creativity in taking photographs and videos.
a. shape c. lights
b. sounds d. space


Answer the questions, by completing the paragraph below. Choose your answer from
the word pool.
How can we get the message or theme of a video?

Videos and images convey message through the _________________ they use. Color
for example has its corresponding meaning. A ______________ video usually uses
___________color but a ___________image or video uses ___________ colors. Colors
have visual effects that convey feelings such as ________________colors that give the
feeling of excitement and the like, while ___________ colors give the feeling of gloom.
vibrant cool warm elements
sad dull happy color


(You can choose from any of these two activities below.)
Light is very important in taking photographs and shooting videos. Have you noticed
the way, the flash setting in your camera affects the quality of your photographs? Take a
picture of an object outside your house. After taking the picture, go back inside your house
and take a picture of it again. What did you notice about the quality of two photographs?
Did you have to use flash in the second photo? Print the two pictures and describe each
photo. (10 pts.)

31 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

Have you noticed why TV commercials are clear, bright, and show high definition details
of the product they promote? These commercials are taken with the use of big lights in
shooting professional videos and films. In this activity, you will choose a product and shoot
a video promoting the product.
Get It
Materials Needed:
• Digital video camera, smartphone, or other gadget with video recording feature
• Tripod
• Computer, laptop or tablet
• Video editing software
Make it
Steps to follow:
1. Decide what product you wish to promote
2. Write a short script including voice over and text to be incorporated into the video
3. Ensure that you have proper venue or location to shoot your video. Consider the
available light, natural or using equipment
4. Take a shot from various angles.
5. Record the voice over component.
6. Edit video using available software.
7. Include appropriate music accompaniment if necessary
8. Present your video.
Answer the following on a separate sheet of paper. (2pts. each)
a. Why did you choose the particular product you promote?
b. What difficulties did you encounter in recording the event?
c. What are the challenges you encountered in editing your audio-video material?
d. What skills and values did you get from the activity?

Criteria Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning
(5) (4) Proficiency (2) (1)
Design Can apply Can apply Can apply Can apply Can barely
design design design design apply
elements and elements and elements and elements design
principles principles principles and elements
with excellent with great skill with fair skill principles and
skill but had principles in
some the audio-
difficulty video art.
Creativity Can show Can show Can show Can show Can barely
excellent great attention good sign of show

32 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

attention to to detail: the attention to imagination imagination
detail: the ideas/materials detail: in some in the
ideas/materials methods are imaginative parts of the audio-video
methods are effective touches are audio-video art
highly scattered art
effective throughout
the audio-
video art
Originality Can Can very Can Can fairly Can barely
excellently satisfactorily satisfactorily show show
show original show show originality originality
in the audio- originality in originality in in the in the
video art the audio- the audio- audio-video audio-video
video art video art art art

Check the appropriate box that corresponds to your experiences

Learning Outcomes Yes No

I realized that art processes, elements, and principles, still apply even with
the use of technologies.

2 I appreciate the elements and principles applied in audio-video art.

3 I can apply concepts on the use of software.

4 I can utilize art skills in using new technologies.

5 I can create an audio-video art to promote a product.

33 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

ARTS - WEEK 4 - COMPETENCY 9, 10 & 11

Name: _________________________________ Grade Level: ______________

Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________


MELCS: Applies concepts on the use of the software (commands, menu, etc.)
Utilizes art skills in using in using new technologies (hardware
and software. A6PL-IVg
Creates an animation promoting a product. A6PR-IVh

Are you fascinated with the way things move? Do cartoons, cameras, and
computers interest you? If you have an interesting story to tell and would like to present
it in a creatively different way, you will surely be entranced with animation.
A series of images displayed in quick, the illusion of movement is called
animation. An artist who creates cartoons and cartoon-like figures as part of the
entertainment for film and television is called an animator. Animation is also used in
educational videos, internet commercials, to present findings in research on how things
Animation begins with a story. Since animation is a visual medium, the story is
presented in visual form which shows the animator’s creative vision. This is called a
storyboard, the still drawings that show the action of the story. Others who are involved
in the animation project like writers, musicians, camera people, and other animators
clearly understand what the story is about because of the storyboard. The script, dialogue,
camera angles, sounds effects, and special effects in the storyboard also make it easy for
the team to present the story to their client.
The storyboard is like a large version of comics. There are about sixty sketches
for each board, with three boards needed for a short film, and more than twenty-five
storyboards for a full-length film. Once it gets approved, the animators work on the
various poses of the characters involved in the story. Other artists help in filling in the
many drawings to complete each movement.
The process can be tedious because the animators meticulously work on the actions,
emotions, and clothing of the characters. All the patience, precision, and perseverance
are all worth it when the animator sees their characters come to life.

The power of animation

To animate literally means “to give life to.” Animators do this by making their
characters move. However, these characters should not just be cute but someone that the
audience can identify with.
Animation has the unique ability to communicate, even without using language. The
animator reveals the emotion of the character through its facial expressions and body
language. The action is related to the dialogue, music, and other audio elements. The
34 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4
right timing, spacing, and well-drawn characters make animation an incredible medium
of self-expression.
❖ Why does animation continue to be a popular form of art?
❖ Why should animators create storyboards?

Think of quality of lines as you form the shape of your characters and it
surroundings. Heavy lines attract attention while some lines show freedom. Colors can
also show their feelings, like red when they are angry, blue when they are sad, or green
when they are sick. Observe these the next time you can create your own animation.

Types of animation
Your images can be hand-drawn, pictures of 3-D objects, or computer-
generated. Drawing the story by hand is the traditional way. After it is completed and
colored, you can either photograph or have it scanned into a computer where sounds can
be combined to complete it. Another example of this is the flipbook where each page of
the book is part of the sequence of images in quick succession.

You create Stop Motion when you manipulate and take photos of objects one
motion and frame at a time. You can use anything that you can lift and move like cutout
figures, clays, or household object, then move it slightly each time you take a photograph.
The photos are then combined with sound to complete the story.

Traditional animation and stop motion are fun to make yet time consuming. With
the computer-generated animation, the process is faster. Log on to your computer, then
use a software equipped with reliable animation tools. Choose MS Movie Maker if you
have Windows-based personal computer or connect to the internet and download
Blender, Snyfig Studio, Stykz, or Go Animate for free. These programs make it easy for
you to draw your characters or take photos of objects, then edit your video clips and add
background music, sound effects, text, and visual transitions like fading.

Computer-generated animation can be 2-D or 3-D that you build frame by frame
until you complete your story.
❖ Which type of animation is faster and easier to make? Why?
Animation using Synfig Studio or MS Move Maker
Synfig Studio is a free and open source animation software that you can used for
your animation. You can download it if you have a Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X in
your computer laptop. Simply log on to then click download.

35 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

Synfig Studio’s interface has a Toolbox Window and Canvas Window. It also has a
Navigator, Tool Options, Layers Panel, and a Parameter and Time Track Panel. Here is
how they look and where they appear in your screen.

The toolbox at the upper left creates and manipulates objects. Underneath, it is its
default settings for your layers, where for you layers, where you can select the foreground
and background color, brush, size, and its current gradient. The Canvas Window is at the
center of your screen. This is where you will create your artwork and animation. At the
right side of your screen is the Navigator Panel where you can zoom and pan on you
image. The Tool Options Panel shows various available options and the current tool you
are using. To view and manipulate the order of the layers. At the bottom of your screen
is the Parameter. You can edit the parameters of the layers you created in this table. The
Time Track Panel, on the other hand, allows you to create and modify graphical symbols
called waypoints.

With Synfig Studio’s 2-D vector software, you can create cutout animation. You
can also make a morphing animation where you can take two images and create a smooth
transition between them, such as the blooming of a flower. Shapes are created using the
Spine Tool while colors are applied using the outline/fill color selector in the toolbox.
You can also use the Palette Editor.

If you have a Windows-based computer and have a story to share with your
photos and videos, you can use MS Movie Maker. Here is how to access it.
1. Click Start or the Windows logo
2. Type ‘Movie Maker’ on the Search programs and files field.

36 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

3. Click on it.
In case it is not there, you may need to install it:
1. Connect to the internet.
2. Log on to
3. Click Download.

MS Movie Maker’s interface has a Ribbon, Preview Window, and

Storyboard/Timeline Window. The Ribbon lets you access various editing tools like
transitions, effects, captions, and audio levels. When you import the drawings, pictures,
or videos of your animation, it appears on the Storyboard/Timeline Window at the right
side of the screen. This is where you can navigate through your clips, cut the parts that
you do not want, and arrange them in sequence. The Preview Window is where you can
view the playback of your animation so that you can check if it has the correct sequence.
It also has a rewind and fast forward button. If you want the preview in full screen view,
click on the icon beside the time frame.

Editing video clips

The Edit tab of the Ribbon has useful options for editing video clips like the Split
Tool and Trim Tool when you need to split or trim some scenes. The sound level can be
adjusted using the Video volume.
Like a typical animation movie, you can put a title card at the start and include
credits at the end to detail for your audience who was involved in your movie’s
production. Choose relevant music and visual effects to enhance your animation.

Putting transitions and effects.

Transitions and effects can also be applied in Movie Maker. On the Animation
tab of the Ribbon, various transitions are available: diagonals, patterns and shapes,
shatters, cinematic, and contemporary. Visual effects are also possible. These are found
at the Visual Effects tab where you can choose artistic, cinematic, mirror, or motions and
37 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4
Though these can enhance your animation, remember that the options should only
complement and highlight your animation. Having too much of it can distract your
audience. Just choose the relevant music and visual effects.
Like a typical movie, you can put a title at the start and credits at the end. These
options are also available at the Ribbon. When you are done, save it on your computer or
burn it in a DVD, then present it to your audience through the Windows Media Player.
With your parents and teacher’s permission, you can share your animation to the public
by pushing it on social media sites like Facebook and Youtube.

❖ How can Synfig Studio and MS Movie Maker help you create your

Animations are known for their patience in identifying a problem and finding a
solution. Through it, they develop precision and perseverance. When the audience loves
the way they gave life to the characters, they take pride in their work. You too can acquire
these values when you create your own animation.



1. a large version of comics
1 2
4. “to give life to”
5. a free and open software

5 2. graphical symbols
3. create and manipulate


Compare and contrast hand-drawn or traditional animal from computer-generated
animation using Venn Diagram.

38 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

Hand-drawn or traditional animation computer-generated animation


(You can choose any of these two activities.)

A. Research on award-winning animation done by Filipinos. Choose one, and

identify how the animators applied art process, elements, and principles, and
how these enhanced the presentation of the story. (10 pts.)

B. Create an animation of your product design. Your commercial should run

for less than a minute in MS Movie Maker.

Criteria Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning
(5) (4) Proficiency (2) (1)
Design Can apply Can apply Can apply Can apply Can barely
design design design design apply
elements and elements and elements and elements design
principles principles principles and elements
with excellent with great skill with fair skill principles and
skill but had principles in
some the
difficulty animation
Creativity Can show Can show Can show Can show Can barely
excellent great attention good sign of show
attention to to detail: the attention to imagination imagination
detail: the ideas/materials detail: in some in the
ideas/materials imaginative animation

39 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

methods are methods are touches are parts of the
highly effective scattered animation
effective throughout
the animation
Originality Can Can very Can Can fairly Can barely
excellently satisfactorily satisfactorily show show
show original show show originality originality
in the product originality in originality in in the in the
design the animation the animation animation animation

Check the appropriate box that corresponds to your experiences

Learning Outcomes Yes No

I realized that art processes, elements, and principles still apply
even with the use of technologies.
I appreciate the elements and principles applied in audio-video
I can apply concepts on the use of software (commands, menu,
4 I can utilize art skills in using new technologies.

5 I can create an audio-video art/animation promoting a product.

References: Week 3 - Competency 1 & 2

Quinitio, Ligaya, Eduardo V. Cipriano, Eliseo P. Buhain, Juliet H. Brioso. Diana Alcoba-Lacia, Almira Alcoba-
Alonzo, and Gemanlyn Andres-Solano. 2016 The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION
Lugue, Vivian and Maria Socorro L. Romabiles. 2016, Music and Arts for Fun Edited by Jose S Buencosejo, PhD,
Josephine Cecilia L. Baradas, Jose Manuel L. Sicat, Lisa I. Tapang, and Marc J. San Valentin
References: Week 3 - Competency 3 & 4
Quinitio, Ligaya, Eduardo V. Cipriano, Eliseo P. Buhain, Juliet H. Brioso. Diana Alcoba-Lacia, Almira Alcoba-
Alonzo, and Gemanlyn Andres-Solano. 2016 The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION, Rex Book Store
Lugue, Vivian and Maria Socorro L. Romabiles. 2016, Music and Arts for Fun Edited by Jose S Buencosejo, PhD,
Josephine Cecilia L. Baradas, Jose Manuel L. Sicat, Lisa I. Tapang, and Marc J. San Valentin
Pascual, Marissa C., Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira M. Garcia, Mignon C. Artuz, 2017, Enjoying Life through Music,
Art, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH) The Grade 6, The Phoenix Publishing House
Joson H. Carmelita, Glenn G. Acda, Ernesto G. Acda, Ma. Victoria M. Ronidel-Flores., 2017, JO-ES Publishing House

40 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

References: Week 3 - Competency 5
Quinitio, Ligaya, Eduardo V. Cipriano, Eliseo P. Buhain, Juliet H. Brioso. Diana Alcoba-Lacia, Almira Alcoba-
Alonzo, and Gemanlyn Andres-Solano. 2016 The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION
Lugue, Vivian and Maria Socorro L. Romabiles. 2016, Music and Arts for Fun Edited by Jose S Buencosejo, PhD,
Josephine Cecilia L. Baradas, Jose Manuel L. Sicat, Lisa I. Tapang, and Marc J. San Valentin
Pascual, Marissa C., Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira M. Garcia, Mignon C. Artuz, 2017, Enjoying Life through Music,
Art, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH)The Grade 6
References: Week 4 - Competency 6, 7 & 11
Quinitio, Ligaya, Eduardo V. Cipriano, Eliseo P. Buhain, Juliet H. Brioso. Diana Alcoba-Lacia, Almira Alcoba-
Alonzo, and Gemanlyn Andres-Solano. 2016 The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION, Rex Book Store
Lugue, Vivian and Maria Socorro L. Romabiles. 2016, Music and Arts for Fun Edited by Jose S Buencosejo, PhD,
Josephine Cecilia L. Baradas, Jose Manuel L. Sicat, Lisa I. Tapang, and Marc J. San Valentin
Pascual, Marissa C., Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira M. Garcia, Mignon C. Artuz, 2017, Enjoying Life through Music,
Art, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH) The Grade 6, The Phoenix Publishing House
References: Week 4 - Competency 9, 10 & 11
Quinitio, Ligaya, Eduardo V. Cipriano, Eliseo P. Buhain, Juliet H. Brioso. Diana Alcoba-Lacia, Almira Alcoba-
Alonzo, and Gemanlyn Andres-Solano. 2016 The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION, Rex Book Store
Pascual, Marissa C., Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira M. Garcia, Mignon C. Artuz, 2017, Enjoying Life through Music,
Art, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH) The Grade 6, The Phoenix Publishing House

Answer’s Key: References: Week 3 - Competency 1 & 2

Activity No. 1
1. T 3. T 5. T 7. T 9. F
2. F 4. T 6. T 8. T 10. F
Activity No. 2
1. Texture 2. Shape 3. Space 4. Line 5. Contrast
Activity 3
Scoring based on the rubrics given.
Answer’s Key: References: Week 3 - Competency 3 & 4
Activity No. 1
1. packaging 2. panels 3. status bar 4. menu 5. Editor
Activity No. 2
A. 1.Press Shift + A, then select Mesh on the 3-D View so that you can create the shape of your product design: plane, cube,
circle, UV sphere, icosphere, cylinder, or cone.
2. If you look at the left-hand panel, you can edit the shapes though the vertices, radius, depth, and cap fill type. If you want
to transform your objects in Object Mode, select it, then press G to move it, R to rotate it, or S to scale it.
3. If you do not like the shape that you made, you can delete it by clicking the shapes of your product design. With your right
mouse, press X, then choose Delete.
4. To combine the shapes of your product design, select both objects, press Ctrl + J, and select Join Selected Meshes.

41 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

5.To put colors on your product, you can use the Texture Paint, Vertex Paint, and Weight Paint. In Texture Paint, your
mouse becomes a brush and you can choose its texture, strokes and colors at the Properties Editor. Vertex Paint has settings
for brush presents, its texture stroke, and curve. In Weight Paint, you can use a set of weight brushes to paint on top of the
Mesh’s body.
Activity 3
Scoring based on the rubrics given.
Answer’s Key: References: Week 3 - Competency 5
Activity No. 1
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. F

Activity No. 2

2 1 6 3

7 8 4 5
B. Pupils answer may vary.
Activity 3
Scoring based on the rubrics given.
It depends on the learner’s standing (Self-assessment).
Answer’s Key: References: Week 4 - Competency 6, 7 & 11
Activity No. 1
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. C
Activity No. 2
Videos and images convey message through the elements they use. Color for example has its corresponding
meaning. A sad video usually uses dull color but a happy image or video uses vibrant colors. Colors have visual effects
that convey feelings such as warm colors that give the feeling of excitement and the like, while cool colors give the
feeling of gloom.
Activity 3
Pupils answer may vary.
Scoring based on the rubrics given.
Answer’s Key: References: Week 4 - Competency 9, 10 & 11
Activity No. 1

1s 2t o r y b o a r d
o p
o o
l i
b a n i m a t e
o t
x 5s t u d i o
42 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4
Activity No. 2

Hand-drawn or traditional animation Computer-generated animation

-time consuming - processes is faster

- uses various methods that involve - methods use computers, tools and software.
digital tools
-uses physical materials and activities - uses virtual materials in a digital space

Activity 3
Pupils answer may vary.
Scoring based on the rubrics given.

Prepared by:

Salapungan ES

43 - MAPEH ARTS WEEK 3 & 4

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