Passive Voice

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Passive cümleler konuşmadan çok yazıda kullanılır. Çok özel bir durumu belirtmek için
konuşmada da kullanılabilir.Cümlenin zaman yapısına göre “BE” fiilin değişik şekilleri
(is,are/being/was/were) + ve aktive cümlede kullanılan fiilin past participle (3.hali) kullanılır.
Edilgen cümlelerde nesne, özneden daha önemlidir ve etken cümlenin öznesi olarak kullanılır.
Şimdi "active" ve "passive" bir cümlenin yapısal farklarını izleyelim.

Active : Ahmet cleans the room everyday.

Passive: The room is cleaned by Ahmet everyday.

Passive cümlelerde Objective ve şahıs olmadan cümle yapmak,Aktif cümleye göre daha nazik
ve düşünceli yapılar olabilir.

"My earring was stolen" cümlesi

"Someone stole my earring" cümlesine göre daha iyi bir söyleyiş tarzıdır.

Genellikle pasif cümleler eylemi yapanın önemli olmadığı veya bilinmediği durumlarda
kullanılır. Aslında eylemi yapanı belirtmek

gerekiyorsa(by) ile ilave edilmelidir.

"Bomba was written by Ömer Seyfettin."cümlesi

"Ömer Seyfettin wrote Bomba"ifade tarzından daha iyidir.

Active :Yumoş soften your clothes.

Passive :Your clothes are softened by Yumoş.

Aşağıdaki zamanlar Pasif yapılabilirken

1:Simple past

2:Present Continuous

3:Present Perfect

4:Present Perfect Continuous

Aşağıdaki zamanların passive cümleleri yapılamaz

1:Past Perfect Continuous

2:Future Continuous

3:Future Perfect Continuous

4:Present Perfect Continuous.

Edilgen cümleler sadece etken cümleleri değişik bir şekilde ifade etmek için
yapılmazlar.Edilgen cümleler belli durumlarda kullanılmaktadır.

1:Nesne Özneden daha önemli ise:

The police was murdered by a terrorist.

Bu cümlede ifade etmek istediğimiz ve önemini belirtmek istediğimiz Polistir.

The house was bought by my uncle.

Bu cümlede ifade etmek ve vurgulamak istediğimiz ise The house dur.

2:Eylemi yapanın bilinmediği fakat önemli bir eylemi belirtmek istediğimiz zaman

The Kaşıkçı diamond was stolen last week.

3:İşi ve eylemi neyin yada kimin yaptığını değil ne yapıldığını belirtmek istediğimizde
kullanılır. Bilimsel metinlerde daha sık kullanılır.

Passive :English is spoken all over the world.

Passive :Turkish is spoken in Turkey.

Çoğu zaman Etken ve Edilgen cümlelerin anlamları bir birine yakın olmakla birlikte bazen
anlamları bir birinden çok farklı oldukları görülür.

Active :Tea is grown in Rize.

Passive :People grow tea in Rize.

Active :Cotton is grown in Çukurova

Passive :People grow cotton in Çukurova.

Active :Doğan and Şahin are produced in Bursa

Passive :People produce Doğan and Şahin in Bursa.

Active :Ice cream is made with milk.

Passive :People make ice-cream with milk.

Edilgen cümlelerde sadece geçişli fiiller kullanılır, bu nedenle pek çok fiil edilgen yapıda
kullanılmaz.Eğer bu fiillerle "passive" cümle

yapmak isterseniz o cümleyi tekrar yazmanız gerekir.

Agree cry die go happen live rain rise seem stay

Aşağıdaki fiiller geçişsiz olmasına rağmen "passive" olarak kullanılır.

sit sleep come arrive walk Run

Zamanlara göre Passive Cümleler

Active Form Passive Form

Present Continuous Tense
He is mending the car. The car is being mended.

Past Continuous Tense
He was mending the car when I saw him. The car was being mended when I saw him.
Simple Past Tense
He mended the car. The car was mended.
Simple Present Tense
He mends the car The car is mended
Present Perfect Tense
He has mended the car. The car has been mended.
Past Perfect Tense
He had mended the car for two hours. The car had been mended for two hours.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
He had been mending the car for two hours. NOT USE./NO PASSIVE FORM
Future Tense
He will mend the car next week. The car will be mended next week

He is going to mend the car next week The car is going to be mended next week.
Future Continuous Tense
He will be mending the car next week PASSIVE FORM NOT USED
Future Perfect Tense
He will have mended the car for two hours by The car will have been mended for two
Friday. hours by Friday.
Future Perfect Continuous
He will have been mending the car for three PASSIVE FORM NOT USED
weeks. by Monday.

Yapı olarak edilgen cümleler,etken cümlelerden çıkarılır.

Active :Yumoş soften your clothes.

Passive :Your clothes are softened by Yumoş

Active :Ali cleans the room.

Passive :The room is cleaned by Ali


Modals'ların Passive olarak kullanış biçimleri.

(modal + be + past participle V3


They Can speak Turkish Turkish can be Spoken
Could could
would would
will will
must must
had to had to
have to have to
ought to ought to
should should
might might
may may
are able to are able to
are going to are going to
are/is to are /is to
used to used to
had better had better
had rather had rather
would rather would rather
were supposed to be spoken..


Modal'ların Pas'larının Passive kullanış biçimleri.

(Modal + have been + past participle(V3)

We can have spoken Turkish
could have spoken Turkish
should have spoken Turkish
must have spoken Turkish
ought to have spoken Turkish
may have spoken Turkish
might have spoken Turkish
would have spoken Turkish
were to have spoken Turkish


Turkish can have been spoken
ought to
were to

Edilgen cümleler sadece etken cümleleri değişik bir şekilde ifade etmek için
yapılmazlar.Edilgen cümleler belli durumlarda kullanılır.

Özel Durum.

Annoy, please, surprise, frighten, bored, disappoint , etc gibi fiilleri kullanırken çok
dikkatli olmalıyız.Bu fillerin active biçimleri”kızdırmak,memnun etmek,
şaşırtmak,korkutmak, sıkmak “anlamındadır. Eğer bu fiilleri “be + past participle” yada “
get + past participle” ile pasif yapıp kullanırsak “ kızmak , memnun olmak, şaşırmak,
korkmak, sıkılmak” anlamlarına gelirler.

Active My brother disappointed us with his bad marks.

Passive We were disappointed with my brother’s bad marks

Active He surprises us with his bad marks

Passive We were surprised at his bad marks.

Active He annoyed the teacher by coming late the class.

Passive The teacher got annoyed when Metin came late.

Active The dog frightened the postman suddenly appeared in front of the door.

Passive The postman got frightened when the dog suddenly appeared in front of the

Active :He pleased us with his good marks.

Passive :We were pleased with his good marks.


A)Cümlenin sonunda kullanılan zaman zarfları “yesterday,

tomorrow, last week/year, next week/year/month”gibi ”BY” dan sonra gelir.Cümlenin

sonunda kullanılan zaman zarfları,cümlenin başında kullanılarak vurgu arttırılabilir.

Active Ahmet washed the dishes last night.

Passive The dishes were washed by Ahmet last night.

Passive Last nigh, the dishes were washed by Ahmet.

Active Mustafa will post the letters next week.

Passive The letters will be posted by Mustafa next week.

Passive Next week,the letters will be posted by Mustafa.

Active They won’t deliver the newspapers tomorrow

Passive The newspapers won’t be delivered., tomorrow.

Passive Tomorrow, the newspapers won’t be delivered.

Active Metin will have mended the radio by 4 p.m.

Passive by 4 p.m., the radio will have been mended by Metin

B)Sıklık bildiren “always, newer, often, just, already” gibi cümle içinde kullanılan
zaman zarfları eğer cümlede başka yardımcı fiil (been, have been) yoksa “BE” fiilinden
sonra gelirler.

Active Selim usually types the letters in his office.

Passive The letters are usually typed by Selim in his office

Active Mehmet last washed the dishes two weeks ago.

Passive The dishes were last washed by Mehmet two weeks ago.

Active Ali always writes on his notebook in the lesson.

Passive Ali’s notebook is always written on,in the lesson

Active They have already eaten the cake.

Passive The cake has already been eaten.

Active Sultan Mehmet II conquered İstanbul.

Passive İstanbul was conquered by Sultan Mehmet II.

Edilgen Cümlelerin Zamanlara göre Yapımları

A: Simple Present Tense (Geniş Zaman)

Ahmet cleans the blackboard everyday.

2 1

Yukarıdaki cümle Passive yapılırken cümlenin nesnesi özne olarak kullanılır(1), cümlede
yardımcı fiil kullanılmadığı için bizde kullanmayacağız, fiil Present olduğundan "to be"
fiilinin present hali olan "am, is, are" kullanılarak(2) fiilin 3. hali kullanılacak ve cümle
"passive" olacak.

The blackboard is cleaned by Ahmet everyday.

1 2 3

The postman delivers the letters everyday.

The letters are delivered by the postman everyday.

Everybody speaks Turkish in Turkiye.

Turkish is spoken in Turkiye.

People grow tea in Rize.

Te is grown in Rize.

People produce Tofaş in Bursa.

Tofaş is produced in Bursa.

B: Simple Past Tense (Geçmiş zaman)

Alex painted the door.

The door was painted by Alex.

The mechanic repaired the car.

The car was repaired by the mechanic.

The children ate the steak in the restaurant.

The steak was eaten by the children in the restaurant.

Yukarıdaki cümle Passive yapılırken cümlenin nesnesi özne olarak kullanılır(1), cümlede
yardımcı fiil kullanılmadığı için bizde kullanmayacağız, fiil Past olduğundan "to be" fiilinin
past hali olan "was, were" kullanılarak(2) fiilin 3. hali kullanılacak ve cümle "passive" olacak.

Henry wore the blue coat.

The blue coat was worn by Henry.

The old man called the police last midnight.

The police was called by the old man last night

She found a purse on the bus.

The purse was found on the bus.


1. My girl friend invited me to her birthday.

I…............................................................................................... .

2. The teacher gave a lot of homework yesterday.

A lot of homework…………..................................................... .

3. The postman delivered the letters yesterday.

The letters................................................................................... .

4. The butcher didn't sell meat last week.

Meat............................................................................................ .

5. The terrorists fired the gun twice.

The gun........................................................................................ .

C: Present Continuous Tense (Şimdiki zaman)

The typist is writing the letters in the office.

1 2 4 3

The letters are being written by the typist in the office.

3 1 2 4

The teacher is watching the students.

The students are being watched by the teacher.

The little child isn't taking the dirty shoes off.

The dirty shoes aren't being taken off by the little child.

Yukarıdaki cümle Passive yapılırken cümlenin nesnesi özne olarak kullanılır(1), cümlede
yardımcı fiil olarak "am, is, are" kullanıldığı için bizde "am, is, are" kullanırız, fiil sonuna
"ing" aldığından "to be" fiilinin sonuna "ing" koyarak kullanırız (2) fiilin 3. hali kullanılarak
cümle "passive" yapılır.


1. The teacher is teaching "Passive Voice"

"Passive Voice"….............................................................. .

2. The children are eating the cake.

The cake.............................................................................. .

3. My mum is making tea in the kitchen.

Tea...................................................................................... .

4. The postman is delivering the letters.

The letters........................................................................... .

5. The technician is mending the television.

The television ..................................................................... .

D: Yardımcı fiiller "Can" , "Must" , "should"

Mustafa can repair the car.

The car can be repaired by Mustafa.

Sophia should aspirin.

Aspirin should be taken by Sophia.

My brother must do the homework.

The homework must be done by my brother.

The driver has to obey the traffic rules.

The traffic rules has to be obeyed by the drivers.

My uncle could sing French.

French could be spoken by My uncle.

The birds may eat meat.

Meat may be eaten by the birds.


A: Write Passive form of these sentences.

1. Mark helps Mary. ……………………….…………….….……… .

2. Mark is helping Mary. …………………..……………………….. .

3: Mark has helped Mary. ……………….….……………….……... .

4. Mark helped Mary. ………………….…………………………… .

5 Mark was helping Mary. …………….……………………………


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