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ENGLISH 10 Research
- The i mpact of the poor i nternet connecti on to the
academi c performance of the Grade 1 0 students at
Bul acan Montessori School I nc. duri ng the school year
2021 -2022.

- The effects of El Ni ño on 201 9' s overal l harvest of

the l ocal farmers i n San Fernando, Pampanga.

- The surge of COVI D-1 9 cases i n some muni ci pal i ti es i n

Bul acan duri ng the fi rst quarter of the year 2020, as
gathered by the heal th workers.

- The vacci nati on of Pfi zer vacci nes to teenagers ages

1 5-1 9 at the Bul akan Evacuati on Center duri ng the
Chri stmas break.

- The effecti veness of work from home arrangements

for the empl oyees of Sterl i ng Gl obal Cal l Center I nc.
duri ng the ti mes of pandemi c.

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