Name: Zabrina Risakotta Nim: 202036004 First Draft Toxic Relationship

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Name: Zabrina Risakotta

Nim: 202036004
First Draft

Hook: A relationship is said to be romantic, not about you and me, but us. Without "we,"
there is no relationship.
Broad Statement: However, this does not apply to every couple. Some cases state a
relationship based on rudeness, disrespect, and a lack of influence. This kind of relationship
is often known as a “toxic relationship.” A toxic relationship makes you feel unsupported,
misunderstood, demeaned, or attacked.
General Statement: On a basic level, any relationship that makes you feel worse rather than
better can become toxic over time. This relationship is prevalent between friends, family, or
significant others. This type of relationship affects everyone, not just the people involved
Thesis Statement: There are three reasons why you need to let go of a toxic relationship for
your good; it is unhealthy, it prevents personal growth, and it is better to be alone than in bad

Topic Sentence 1: It is undeniable that a toxic relationship is an unhealthy relationship
Supporting Details 1: What does it mean to define something or someone as poison? A toxic
person or relationship makes you feel unsupported, misunderstood, belittled, or attacked
somehow. Poisonous people or connections can make you feel bad about yourself or in
general. Unhealthy relationships lead to social and emotional isolation. They can also cause
feelings of anxiety, sadness, physical illness, and even suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

Topic Sentence 2: Getting caught in a relationship that will prevent personal growth leaves
anyone stuck in a circle that is not good for them and personally has no room to improve
anything good for them.
Supporting Details 2: One indicator of a toxic relationship is when one partner constantly
blames the other. Common repetitions like "You shouldn't/Why you" are ridiculed
continuously, which prevents anyone's personal growth because it makes the person receiving
it feel small and as if their opinions and feelings don't matter. As a result, individual progress
is hindered, or even a relapse to previous, less sophisticated ways of dealing with stress
occurs. A healthy relationship encourages both parties to grow and communicate.

Topic Sentence 3: Last but not least is that it is better to be alone than in bad company.
Supporting Details 3: What is often the source of problems that many people get stuck in
toxic relationships with is the negative stigma that being single is lonely and full of sadness,
devoid of love and care from others. Being alone is no worse than being stuck in a toxic
relationship. Instead, we can focus more on ourselves, love ourselves, and develop our inner
potential without being hindered by others who are only harmful to us.


Review thesis statement: When there is the awareness that a relationship has become toxic,
then you should immediately find a way out to escape the poisonous trap.
Review Topic statement: Some realize that the relationship is no longer healthy or beneficial
to one party but have no idea how it is. The ability to end a toxic relationship is easy, but for
some, it can be the most challenging thing to do.
Final Conclusion statement: People cling to things and other people, hoping that things will
change or that they can change them, without realizing that it may be a never-ending misery.
Toxic relationship woes can lead to unhealthy conditions, hence the term “toxic'' which is
harmful to every living being. It can also prevent personal growth and become a barrier for
anyone to be the best version of themselves. Therefore, the best option is to let go of toxic
relationships and choose to be single. Being single is a better choice than having to be in a
relationship with someone who is only harmful to us. Choosing the best for ourselves, even
though it requires us to separate ourselves from the people we love, our good self must
always be the top priority.

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