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Schools Division Office


Roces Ave., Brgy. Obrero, Quezon City


Grade 7 – Tirad Pass


At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:

1. Define scientific notation
2. Write numbers in scientific notation
3. Change a scientific notation to standard form

4. Solve problem using scientific notation


Topic: Scientific Notation


A. References

Learners Materials: Math 7 p.83-86

B. Other Learning Resources: Grade 7 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities

p.111-116 by Gladys Nivera


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Greeting
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Presentation of the objectives of the lesson

B. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson

Mind-boggling Numbers

C. Establishing the purpose of the Lesson

For example, the earth is about 149,000,000 km. from the sun. This is easier to
remember if written in scientific notation as, 149,000,000 Km. = 1.49 x 108 km.

SCIENTIFIC NOTATION is a concise way of expressing very large or very

small numbers.

A number is in scientific notation if written as a x 10n , where 1<a<10 and n is

an integer.
Examples 1: The distance of the moon to the earth is about 384,000,000
meters. Write this in scientific notation.
Ans. 384,000,000 meters= 3.84x 108 m.

2. The Diameter of hydrogen atom is Estimated to be 0.00000001

cm Write in scientific notation.
Ans. 0.00000001=1 x 10-8 cm.

3. The speed of light is about 300,000,000 meter per second.

Ans, 300,000,000=3x10 8mps

4. Solve the following. Write your answers in scientific notation.

4.1. Find the radius of the Sun if its diameter is 130,000,000,000cm.

Ans. 1.3x10 11 cm
4.2. If the mass of the sun is 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
tons. What is its half mass?
Ans. 1/2(2x1027)=1x1027
4.3. Represent the ff. in scientific notation.
a. 9/10,000 ans. 9/104=9x10-4
b. 56/100,000,000,000 ans.56/10-11=5.6x10-10

D. Developing Mastery

Write the number in each statement in scientific notation.

1. The distance from the Earth to Alpha Centauri(the nearest star outside the
solar system)is about 25,700,000,000,000 miles
Answer. 2.57x 1013 miles
2. A computer can do an arithmetic operation in 0.0000001 seconds.
3. Neptune is about 4,459,200,000km. from the sun.
Answer.4.4592 x 10 -9 km
4. Each blood cell has about 250 million hemoglobin molecules.
5. A snail crawls 0.00002 km. per second.
Ans . 0.00002 =2x10-5 kps

E. Summary/Generalization

What are the steps in changing a decimal number into scientific notation or vice versa?

F. Assignment

2. A parsec is a distance of approximately 3.09x 103 km

3. The mass of an electron is approximately 9.11 x10 -28grams

Prepared by:

Math Teacher
 Theirs here refers to heads. Losing one’s head means losing one’s calm and
 accommodate, consider
 A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive other.
 Dishonest men
 A game based on luck in which you have equal chances of winning or losing
 Keep a calm and composed state of mind
 That tissue of the body which unites the muscle and the bone
 Work for you or in your favor
 Keep your good qualities intact
 Not allowing oneself to feel hatred
 Common touch here implies modesty and a down to earth attitude
 Men give you respect and regard
 If you waste time, it never forgives you.
 Allow your dreams, i.e. your wants and desires from life to take control over you
 Becoming so rigid about one’s opinions and thoughts that you cannot take
Words, phrases, or
Part of the Poem What it suggests
lines that clearly
Keep a calm and composed state of mind
Keep your head
Theirs here refers to heads. Losing one’s head
Losing theirs means losing one’s calm and composure.
accommodate, consider
Make allowance

Don’t give way to Not allowing oneself to feel

hating hatred
Make dreams your Allow your dreams, i.e. your wants and
master desires from life to take control over you
Make thoughts your Becoming so rigid about one’s opinions and
aim thoughts that you cannot take suggestions
STANZA 2 A person who pretends to be someone else in
Impostors order to
deceive other.
Dishonest men
A game based on luck in which you have
Pitch and toss equal chances
STANZA 3 of winning or losing
That tissue of the body which unites the
Sinew: muscle and the bone
Work for you or in your favor
Serve your own
Keep your good qualities intact
Keep your virtue
Common touch here implies modesty and a
Common touch down to
STANZA 4 earth attitude
Men give you respect and regard
Men count with you
If you waste time, it never forgives you.
Unforgiving minute

F. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living


The class is divided into four (4) groups.

Group 1 – Slogan
This group will make a slogan about the lesson 6 Celebrating Self-worth using their
understanding about the punctuation mark ellipsis and the rules in capitalization.
Group 2 – Skit
This group will present a skit about self-worth with the use of natural and inverted
order of sentences and interjections.
Group 3 – An advice Poem/Poem giving advice
This group will compose/write a poem using the given words and phrases in order.
They need to use some of the literary devices and techniques on their poem like
rhyme, rhythm, repetition and imagery.
Group 4 – Speech choir
This group will perform a speech choir presentation using the appropriate and
effective speech conventions to come up with a very impressive performance.

Content/concept - 10%
Delivery/interpretation/explanation - 10%
Team work and cooperation - 5%
TOTAL = 25%

1. The criteria on the differentitated tasks is posted on the board.
2. Each group will use this for their group presentation.
3. They will do peer grading. Each group shall score the other groups based on the
given criteria.

G. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson.

Finish the open-ended questions.

I learned that…
Possible answer - I learned that reading poems can really help uplift your
sense of self-worth.
I realized that…
Possible answer - I realized that taking active control of all the language
communicatication skills I have learned marks my understanding of the
H. Evaluating Learning


Direction: Choose the best letter of the answer and write it on the space provided.

1. Who is being addressed in the poem?

A. the poet B. the poet's son C. the poet's daughter D. the poet's wife

2. Based on the last line of the poem, what can you conclude about who the
speaker of this poem is? EXCEPT
A. Rudyard Kipling C. A son reflecting on his life
B. A father figure D. An older man giving advice

3. What might the speaker's purpose be?

A. Everything in life should be thought about and planned out
B. Whatever you do in life needs to be rushed and have no regrets
C. There is nothing more important in life than to live with "if"
D. Make sure that your focus in life is on yourself and nothing else

4. What does the following line mean: "If you can talk with crowds and keep your
A. Listen to what others say.
B. Make sure you are loyal.
C. Keep your morals even if you may be influenced by others.
D. Don't share your opinions if others disagree.

5. What is the speaker probably urging the addressee to do in lines 29 and 30?
A. The speaker is probably urging the addressee to pay more attention to kings than
to common people.
B. The speaker is probably urging the addressee to exercise more often.
C. The speaker is probably urging the addressee to make the most of his time.
D. The speaker is probably urging the addressee to relax and enjoy the moment

Note: Multiple Choice Type of Test is posted on the board.

Students will answer on a 1 whole paper.

I. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Get ready to perform your major task for this quarter: a speech choir presentation.
Follow the grand ideas stated in the book for the performance of your speech choir
presentation. Pages 113-115
Consider and be guided by the following criteria in your speech choir presentation.
Schedule of your speech choir presentation is on August 2, 2019 (Friday).

Prepared by:

English Teacher I
Checked by:

English Department Chairman


Master Teacher I


Principal IV

Schools Division Office

Roces Ave., Brgy. Obrero, Quezon City


Grade 7 – Corregidor

March 11, 2019

8:00 – 9:00 AM


Students must be able to do the following at the end of the activities with at least
85% proficiency:

EN7LC-IVd-2.7 Sequence a series of events mentioned in the text listened to

EN7G-IVd-5 Use verbs when giving information and making explanations.

EN7LT-IVd-6 Discover through Philippine literature the need to work

cooperatively and responsibly in today’s global village.
EN7RC-IVd-10.2 Distinguish between general and specific statements

EN7VC-IVd-15, Compare content of materials viewed to other sources

of information (print and radio)
EN7OL-IVd-1.7, Orally narrate events in factual and personal recounts using
appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues
EN7WC-IVd-1.1.6 Organize information about a chosen subject using a one-
step topic outline


The Crow and the Sparrow

Retold by: Asharf Siddigui
Getting the Main Idea
Own Composition Writing

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages: Module 4: A Discriminating and Analytical Learner pages

6-12, Module 4: A Discriminating and Analytical Learner pages 13-14, 16-17, 19
2. Learner’s Materials Pages: 8-18
3. Textbook Pages:
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources: Photocopy of the reading text, Flowchart to sequence


A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson

Task 1 (3-5 minutes)

The class will be introduced to the question: Honesty between or among friends is
important, isn’t it?
What would you feel if you found out that your bestfriend cheated on you? Why?
When would you forgive him/her?
Where should you talk to your bestfriend?
How would you treat your bestfriend after he/she cheated on you?

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Task 2 (3-5 minutes)

A. Giving importance to friendship through valuing the trust and commitment present
in the relationship.
The students will share thier thoughts or personal experinces about the importance of
B. Using their own words, the students can express their definition of friendship.
Selected students will give thier own definition of FRIENDSHIP.

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson

Task 3 (3 minutes)
Posting the title on the board “The Crow and the Sparrow” Retold by: Asharf Siddigui,
the students will guess what literary type does the reading text belong. Students must
be able to explain their answers.

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

Task 4 (15 minutes)

The story will be divided into chunks, at the end of every chunk, there are questions to
answer by the students. This is to practice their predictive outcome skill. The class may
be grouped into four (4) and each group will answer each question randomly, depending
on the teacher if who he wants to answer first. Each group will be given only 3 minutes
to read with understanding the given chunk of story and answer the questions. The
group who may got it right, will have plus points. In every correct answer the group will
get one (1) point but in every wrong answer the group will be deducted (1) point.
First chunk of the story.
1. Why did the sparrow agree to the bet?
2. How did the crow cheat?
3. Will the crow cash in on the bet?
Second chunk of the story.
4. What condition did the sparrow give before allowing
himself to be eaten by the crow? Why?
5. Why did the river refuse to give water to the crow?
6. What do you think will the crow do?
Third chunk of the story.
7. Why can’t the potter give the crow a pot?
8. What did earth require from the crow?
9. What do you think will the crow do?
Fourth chunk of the story
10. Who do you think will the crow approach next?
11. Do you think that somebody will give the crow’s request?
First chunk...
1. Because the sparrow thought that the crow was only joking.
2. For every pepper he eats, he hides three under the mat without being seen by the
3. Yes.
Second chunk...
4. That the crow washes its beak first.
5. Because the river did not want its water to get dirty.
6. The crow will go to the potter for a
pot. Third chunk...
7. Because he has no clay to be made into a pot.
8. That the crow use a spade in digging for clay.
9. The crow will go to the
blacksmith. Fourth chunk...
10. The crow will approach somebody who is cooking – the farmer’s wife.
11. Yes.

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2

Task 5 (10 minutes)

The teacher provides the copy of the story for each student.
After reading the story, the students will be given questions in which they will scan the
story for some answers. They can write their answers on their notebook.

The students will scan the selection for answers to the following questions.
1. Who are the characters in the story? Which of them is the cheater?
2. What was the bet?
3. When did the sparrow realize that the crow meant what he said?
4. How did the sparrow save himself?
5. What happened to the crow at the end?

1. The sparrow and the crow. The crow cheated.
2. The bet was who can eat the most.
3. When the crow won.
4. By asking the crow to wash its beak first.
5. The crow was burned to death.

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

Task 6 (10 minutes)

After answering the given questions, the students will show the sequence of events
using a flow chart.

Sparrow wanted crow

to clean his beak.
Sparrow wanted crow He went to the river for
to clean his beak. water.

He went to the potter for


He went to the farmer’s He went to the He went to the earth for

wife for fire. blacksmith for spade. clay.

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Task 7 (5 minutes)
The class will answer the following questions:

1.) What kind of friend was the crow? Do you know of people like him?
2.) Would you like to have a friend like the crow? Why or Why not?
3.) What is the moral lesson of the story?

H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson.

How do we draw conclusions?

Conclusion about friendship.

A good friendship is very difficult to come across. That is why we should appreciate this
divine relationship that is based on understanding and feelings...........A true friend is one of
the most precious possessions that one can have in his/her life.

I. Evaluating Learning

Task 8 (5-10 minutes)

The students will identify whether the presented statements are true or false based from
the story.

True or False
Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Explain your answer.
1. The sparrow never thought that the crow was serious about the bet.
2. The crow cheated because he really wanted to eat the sparrow.
3. The river had a valid reason for not giving the crow water.
4. The earth gave clay to the crow but it was not enough for a pot.
5. The blacksmith’s request for fire from the crow was only an alibi.
6. The housewife really intended to burn the crow.
7. The sparrow was honest and trusting.
8. The crow was not only a cheat but he was also stupid.
9. The famer’s wife give out the fire on the crow’s back.
10. The crow went to the potter in the village to get a pot.

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Task 9
The students will write a composition or essay about friendship on a shot bond paper.
Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric
as a guide when writing your composition or essay and check it again before you submit
your essay.
They may use the following guide questions for their writing output:
1.) How would you define friendship?
2.) What is your idea of a friend?
3.) What qualities would you want in a friend?

Prepared by:

English Teacher I

Checked by:


Master Teacher I English Department Chairman


Noted by:

Principal III
Schools Division Office
Roces Ave., Brgy. Obrero, Quezon City


Grade 7 – Tirad Pass

March 12, 2019

9:00 – 10:00 AM


Students must be able to do the following at the end of the activities with at least
85% proficiency:

EN7RC-IVe-2.10 Sequence/reorganiz e ideas or information

EN7VC-IVe-15 Compare content of materials viewed to other sources of

information (print and radio)
EN7G-IVe-5 Use verbs when giving information and making explanations

EN7LT-IVe-2.2.3 Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author

EN7OL-IVe-3.10 Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when

orally giving information, instructions, making explanations
and narrating events in personal or factual recounts

Distinguishing Fact from Opinion

Writing an Opinion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages: Module 4: A Discriminating and Analytical Learner pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages: 8-11
3. Textbook Pages:
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources: Fact sheets on distinguishing fact from opinion and
Graphic Organizer in Opinion Writing, Other examples of facts and, Read
more on -

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson

Task 1 (5 minutes)

The teacher will present two different statements: factual information and opinionated

Facts are statements that are proven to be true. On the other hand, opinions are
statements that are based on one’s beliefs - they cannot be proven if they are true or
false. Five examples of of opinions and facts are indicated below.
A. Examples of fact sentences:

1) God created everything that is present in this entire world.

2) Mammals are warm-blooded animals.
3) Eyes, ears and nose are parts of the human body. Eyes are for seeing, ears are for
hearing, and nose is for smelling.
4) Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia are some of the countries that are
part of the Southeast Asia.
5) Asia is the largest continent in the world in terms of area.

B. Examples of opinions:

1) Previous President Barack Obama is the greatest president of the United States of
2) Money is the most important thing in the world.
3) The cellphones being manufactured by Samsung are way better than those produced
by Apple.
4) The most beautiful country in Southeast Asia is the Philippines, next to Singapore
and Malaysia.
5) The series “Friends” is funnier, more entertaining, and more interesting than the
series “How I Met Your Mother”.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Task 2 (5 minutes)

Distinguishing Fact from

Do you know the difference between an acceptable fact and an opinion?

A fact is something that everyone agrees is true. It is something that can be proved to
exist or happen and can be verified by observation, experiment or research.

An opinion, on the other hand, is something that someone thinks is true. It is not
verifiable and can differ from one person to another. Identifying the distinct features of
an opinion and fact accounts.

“Fact: statement of actuality or occurrence. A fact is based on direct evidence, actual

experience, or observation.

“Opinion: statement of belief or feeling. It shows one’s feelings about a subject. Solid
opinions, while based on facts, are someone’s views on a subject and not facts
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson

Task 3 (8 minutes)

The students will study the expressions used in presenting facts or opinions.

FACTS Based on research/experiments… It is recorded and verifiable… According to

OPINIONS I guess… People say… Some believe… Most people think…

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

Task 4 (10minutes)

Students will undergo fact-opinion exercises, wherein the students’ skills in

differentiating the said statements may enhanced.

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2

Task 5 (10 minutes)

Have the students study the written opinionated sentences out from factual information.

1.) Dogs are the best pets among all animals.
2.) Jennifer Aniston is more talented than Angelina Jolie.
3.) The beaches of Palawan are more astounding than the beaches of Bali,
4.) Every person must have a best friend.
5.) Every person must visit Universal Studios Japan.

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

Task 6 (10 minutes)

The students will be presented with the different exercises about the topic.

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Task 7 (5 minutes)

The students will be asked about thier opinion in a form of writing on having their views
about social media to be allowed at school.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson.
Task 8 (13 minutes)

The class will be presented with the salient points to be remembered in distinguishing
fact from opinion statements.

 A fact is a true statement.

TWO Qualities of Facts

 A fact has evidence, or proof.

 A fact can be observed.
1. Contain data and research.
2. Include numbers, dates, and ages.
3. Can be proved through experiment or observation.

 An opinion is a statement that shows what a person thinks, feels, or believes.

TWO Qualities of An Opinion

• An opinion has a personal belief, or a claim.

• An opinion can’t be proved.


 Contain beliefs and thoughts.

 Have emotional language (should, best, and worst).
 Cannot be proved

I. Evaluating Learning
Task 9 (25 minutes)

The students will be presented with a dialogue about the interaction in a science class.
They will pick out statements of facts and statements of opinions which will be written
in a graphic organizer (pp.22-23)

Read the following interaction in a science class. Pick out statements of facts and
statements of opinions. Use the boxes following the reading material for your answers.


The science class are discussing the nature and formation of rainbows.
Ms. Jose: What is a rainbow and when and where can you see one?

Lando: A rainbow is an arch of bright colors that is sometimes seen in the sky
after a rain or in the mist of a waterfall. It is seen only when the sun is
shining against a passing shower or in the mist that rises from a waterfall.
A rainbow appears in the part of the sky that is opposite the sun.
Ms. Jose: Very good! Now, what beliefs about rainbows do you know?

Ric: Ma’am, primitive people thought that rainbows were special signs put by
the gods in the sky to tell people when terrible wars or storms would

Jun: Some people of Kenya once believed that the gods made rainbows to stop
the rain from falling when it was not needed.
Ms. Jose: Do you think these beliefs are true, Rita?

Rita: I don’t think so Ma’am, although I heard some people say that if one could
travel at the end of the rainbow, he would find a pot of gold.

1. A rainbow is an arch of bright colors seen in the sky.

2. A rainbow is seen only when the sun is shining against a passing shower.
3. A rainbow appears in the part of the sky opposite the sun.

1. Primitive people thought rainbows were special signs from the gods.
2. Some people believed the gods made rainbow to stop rain from falling when it
was not needed.
3. People say that at the end of the rainbow there is a pot of gold.

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Home Task

The students may have this activity in identifying fact from opinion.

Prepared by:

English Teacher I

Checked by:


Master Teacher I English Department Chairman


Noted by:

Principal III
Schools Division Office
Roces Ave., Brgy. Obrero, Quezon City


Grade 7 – Tirad Pass

March 12, 2019

9:00 – 10:00 AM


Students must be able to do the following at the end of the activities with at least
85% proficiency:

EN7RC-IVe-2.10 Sequence/reorganiz e ideas or information

EN7VC-IVe-15 Compare content of materials viewed to other sources of

information (print and radio)
EN7G-IVe-5 Use verbs when giving information and making explanations

EN7LT-IVe-2.2.3 Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author

EN7OL-IVe-3.10 Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when

orally giving information, instructions, making explanations
and narrating events in personal or factual recounts


Distinguishing Fact from Opinion

Writing an Opinion

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages: Module 4: A Discriminating and Analytical Learner pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages: 8-11
3. Textbook Pages:
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources: Fact sheets on distinguishing fact from opinion and
Graphic Organizer in Opinion Writing, Other examples of facts and, Read
more on -
K. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson
Task 1 (5 minutes)
The teacher will present two different statements: factual information and opinionated

Facts are statements that are proven to be true. On the other hand, opinions are
statements that are based on one’s beliefs - they cannot be proven if they are true or
false. Five examples of of opinions and facts are indicated below.
A. Examples of fact sentences:

6) God created everything that is present in this entire world.

7) The sun rises and sets every single day.
8) Eyes, ears and nose are parts of the human body. Eyes are for seeing, ears are for
hearing, and nose is for smelling.
9) Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia are some of the countries that are
part of the Southeast Asia.
10) Asia is the largest continent in the world in terms of area.
11) The planet in the solar system that is closest to the sun is Mercury.
12) Boracay is located in the island of Visayas of the Philippines.
13) The spelling of beautiful is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
14) Mammals are warm-blooded animals.
15) Alligators and crocodiles are examples of reptiles.

B. Examples of opinions:

6) Previous President Barack Obama is the greatest president of the United States of
7) Money is the most important thing in the world.
8) The cellphones being manufactured by Samsung are way better than those produced
by Apple.
9) The most beautiful country in Southeast Asia is the Philippines, next to Singapore
and Malaysia.
10) The series “Friends” is funnier, more entertaining, and more interesting than the
series “How I Met Your Mother”.
11) Dogs are the best pets among all animals.
12) Jennifer Aniston is more talented than Angelina Jolie.
13) The beaches of Palawan are more astounding than the beaches of Bali, Indonesia.
14) Every person must have a best friend.
15) Every person must visit Universal Studios Japan.

L. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Task 2 (5 minutes)
Distinguishing Fact from
Do you know the difference between an acceptable fact and an opinion?

A fact is something that everyone agrees is true. It is something that can be proved to
exist or happen and can be verified by observation, experiment or research.

An opinion, on the other hand, is something that someone thinks is true. It is not
verifiable and can differ from one person to another. Identifying the distinct features of
an opinion and fact accounts.

“Fact: statement of actuality or occurrence. A fact is based on direct evidence, actual

experience, or observation.
“Opinion: statement of belief or feeling. It shows one’s feelings about a subject. Solid
opinions, while based on facts, are someone’s views on a subject and not facts

M. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson

Task 3 (8 minutes)
The students will study the expressions used in presenting facts or opinions.

FACTS Based on research/experiments… It is recorded and verifiable… According to


OPINIONS I guess… People say… Some believe… Most people think…

N. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

Task 4 (17 minutes)
Students will undergo fact-opinion exercises, wherein the students’ skills in
differentiating the said statements may enhanced. opinion/is_it_fact_or_opinion.pdf

O. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2

Task 5 (10 minutes)
Writing opinionated sentences out from factual information gathered.

P. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

Task 6 (15 minutes)

The students will be presented with the different exercises about the topic.

Q. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Task 7 (22 minutes)

The students will be presented with the different phrases of opinion writing in which
they must use in having their views about social media to be allowed at school.

2. 1.pdf

R. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson.

Task 8 (13 minutes)

The class will be presented with the salient points to be remembered in distinguishing
fact from opinion statements.

• A fact is a true statement.

TWO Qualities of Facts

• A fact has evidence, or proof.
• A fact can be observed.

4. Contain data and research.

5. Include numbers, dates, and ages.

6. Can be proved through experiment or observation.

• An opinion is a statement that shows what a person thinks, feels, or believes.

TWO Qualities of An Opinion

• An opinion has a personal belief, or a claim.

• An opinion can’t be proved.

• Contain beliefs and thoughts.

• Have emotional language (should, best, and worst).

• Cannot be proved.

S. Evaluating Learning
Task 9 (25 minutes)

The students will be presented with a dialogue about the interaction in a science class.
They will pick out statements of facts and statements of opinions which will be written in a
graphic organizer (pp.22-23)

Read the following interaction in a science class. Pick out statements of facts and
statements of opinions. Use the boxes following the reading material for your answers.
The science class are discussing the nature and formation of rainbows.
Ms. Jose: What is a rainbow and when and where can you see one?

Lando: A rainbow is an arch of bright colors that is sometimes seen in the sky after a
rain or in the mist of a waterfall. It is seen only when the sun is shining against a
passing shower or in the mist that rises from a waterfall. A rainbow appears in
the part of the sky that is opposite the sun.
Ms. Jose: Very good! Now, what beliefs about rainbows do you know?

Ric: Ma’am, primitive people thought that rainbows were special signs put by the gods
in the sky to tell people when terrible wars or storms would happen.
Jun: Some people of Kenya once believed that the gods made rainbows to stop the rain
from falling when it was not needed.
Ms. Jose: Do you think these beliefs are true, Rita?
Rita: I don’t think so Ma’am, although I heard some people say that if one could travel
at the end of the rainbow, he would find a pot of gold.

4. A rainbow is an arch of bright colors seen in the sky.

5. A rainbow is seen only when the sun is shining against a passing shower.
6. A rainbow appears in the part of the sky opposite the sun.

4. Primitive people thought rainbows were special signs from the gods.
5. Some people believed the gods made rainbow to stop rain from falling when it was not
6. People say that at the end of the rainbow there is a pot of gold.

T. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Home Task

The students may have this activity in identifying fact from opinion.

Prepared by:


English Teacher I

Checked by:


Master Teacher I English Department Chairman


Noted by:

Principal III

In this lesson, we will look at how the setting in 'The Fox and the Crow' is used to better drive home the
message that we need to beware of flattery. We will look at the physical setting and how animals are used.

Beware of Flattery
Aesop was known for his fables, a story with a moral that typically uses animals as the characters. The Fox
and the Crow was one of his fables which tells a story about how we need to beware of flattery. A fox sees
a crow with a nice chunk of cheese in his mouth. He determines a way to get that cheese, by flattering the
crow into singing. As soon as the crow opens his mouth to sing, the cheese drops out of the crow's mouth
and into the fox's waiting mouth.

Physical Setting
Not much is said about the physical setting in this story. All that we know is that the crow is in the tree and
the fox is on the ground looking up at the crow. This physical setting is an obstacle for the fox. He cannot
get to the crow, even if he were to climb the tree, the crow could simply fly away. The crow has the upper
ground here. So in order to succeed the fox needs to be creative.

The crow with cheese in its mouth and the fox below

From the outside perspective, this physical setting makes the crow particularly stupid for falling for the fox's
ploy. The crow had the upper ground, and the crow didn't need to lose his cheese. But he fell for the ploy
and lost his upper ground.

Animals in Aesop's Fables

All of Aesop's fables are interesting because he typically uses animals instead of people to teach a lesson.
The animals take on human qualities but still keep some of their existing qualities. For example, this crow
and fox are talking to each other as two people may speak to each other. The fox uses flattery and the crow
responds to flattery. But they still keep some animal characteristics, they are in their

Types of Literature
Here are some of the popular categories of books and stories in literature.

An autobiography is the story of a person's life written or told by that person.

Bill Peet: An Autobiography

A biography is the story of a person's life written or told by another person.

Eleanor, by Barbara Cooney

A fable is a story that teaches a moral or a lesson. It often has animal characters.
The Tortoise and the Hare
Fantasy novels are often set in worlds much different from our own and usually include
magic, sorcery and mythical creature.

The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling

A folktale is a story that has been passed down, usually orally, within a culture. It may be
based on superstition and feature supernatural characters. Folktales include fairy tales,
tall tales, trickster tales and other stories passed down over generations.

Hansel and Gretel

A legend is a story that has been handed down over generations and is believed to be
based on history, though it typically mixes fact and fiction. The hero of a legend is usually
a human.

King Arthur and the Roundtable

A myth is a traditional story that a particular culture or group once accepted as sacred
and true. It may center on a god or supernatural being and explain how something came
to be, such as lightning or music or the world itself.

The Greek story of the Titan Prometheus bringing fire to humankind

Science fiction stories examine how science and technology affect the world. The books
often involve fantasy inventions that may be reality in the future.

The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula Le Guin

Books Inside and Out

Library of Congress Names Ambassador for Children's Literature

All About Books

See also:

 Famous Storytellers
Curriculum Area: English Teacher: Mr. Benzon Barrientos
Grade Level: 8 Instructional Groupings
Group/Individual /
Partners Homogenous
Small Group / Quads Heterogeneous /
Unit 4: Changing Perspective
Lesson 3: Academic Communication
Time Required: February 29, 2016

Content Standard – The learner demonstrates understanding of how Afro – Asian

Literature and
other text types equip him/her with communication skills that lead to embracing diverse

Performance Standard – The learner performs an interactive human exhibit of Afro- Asian

Visual Aids: (Jigsaw Puzzle)

Technology Aids: (Laptop, projector, PowerPoint, and speaker)


At the end of this lesson/unit, the learners will be able to:

Distinguish the traits and characters of the Filipino and the Korean youth;
Arrive at the meaning of the word through context clues;
Comprehend the entire message of the reading text through segmental reading; and

Differentiate the Korean youth from Filipino youth in terms of practices, religion, belief,
and traditions.
A. Preliminary Activities
Daily Routines
1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Checking of Attendance

4. Checking of Assignment
B. Initial Tasks
Task 1-Arrange me.................................................................................................................LM Page 526

Strategies and Activities:

Task 2- Filipino Youth.............................................................................................LM page 525

C. Your Text

Task 3- YOU BUILD ME UP!..................................................................................LM page 525

Find the correct word from the word puzzle by using the clues given.


a. Meaning: Severe or serious effect

Sample sentence: It has undergone drastic changes.
b. Meaning: Relationship of son or daughter to his or her parents.

Sample sentence: Taking care of your parents up to their old age is part of a filial duty.

c. Meaning: Not usual or normal

Sample sentence: There are many peculiar animals in the Philippines.
d. Meaning: Expressing doubt about something

Sample sentence: They are very skeptical about the platforms of the presidential candidates.
e. Meaning: To put an end
Sample sentence: The Korean students call want a total abrogation of some Korean rituals.
How about you?
What kind of
relationship do
you have with
your parents?
Task 4- Reading of Text.................................................................................LM page 527-229

“The Changing Morals of Korean Students”

By Kim Gil

It is well known that Korea’s traditional morality has been strongly influenced by
Confucianism centered
around the family. On the other hand, today’s Korean student has the preconceived notion
that Confucian moral
philosophy is “obsolete” and that the family-first trend should also be drastically revised.
However our survey

on the students’ moral views unexpectedly shows that they are conservative and that they
are actually not dare
deny parental merits of his duty to support his parents in their old age.

It is difficult, based on man’s behavior, to conclude that he takes more care of his parents
than he does
of his wife and children. Thirty years ago the young Korean man not only thought he did but
actually he did care

for his parents more than his wife and his children. But the actual behavior of today’s young
man shows he is
not so strictly bound by his moral obligations even though he continues to think he is.
a. According to the modern Korean students, what should be drastically revised?
b. Why do you think Korean students want to revise such ritual?

The Korean college student agrees in principle with filial duty on the one hand but on the
other hand,
he is not blindly devoted to his parents as Confucian morals would dictate. Instead, he
believes that impractical
elements should be eliminated from the traditional notion of “Filial duty.”

For instance, the average Korean does not think it is right to sacrifice the freedom of his
children for the
sake of filial duty or to abandon an opportunity to study abroad in order to take care for his
parents, and he

does not agree with the unscientific notion that failure to produce male children is contrary
to filial duty. In the

matter of marriage, today’s Korean youth trespass the original notion of Confucian filial duty
in that they believe
that the final decision concerning marriage should be made by the couple involved.

c. What are the ideas of the Korean students about filial duties?

d. What is the attitude of the Korean students towards the concept of Marriage?
Funeral and memorial services for one’s parents and grandparents are extensions of the

concept of filial duty. However, few students call for the total abrogation of such ritual but
many favor shortening
the traditional three-year period of mourning and abandoning the custom that prescribed
“circumspection in

penance for sins” (the death of parents was traditionally attributed to the sins of sons and
daughters). This is
interpreted as meaning that students reflect common sense that ritual should always befit
the social, and
particularly the economic realities of society.

e. For Korean students, what ritual should be totally abrogate or stop?

f. Why do you think so?

It is probably in sex that Korean students have managed to free themselves completely from
traditional moral code: As the old saying: “Boys and girls cannot sit in the same place after
they turn seven”
indicates. Confucianists were most strict concerning sexual morals. Such a conservative
opinion has been
maintained according to the letter but it has undergone such drastic changes that in actual
practice few take
feudalistic sexual morals with question. Some thirty years ago, It was commonly
considered “bad” for a student
to befriend a girl, but few retain such an attitude nowadays…
Although the opinions on sexual morals are said to be quite free from tradition they are still

in comparison to their Western counterparts. For instance, Korean students do not think it is
good to have
premarital sexual relations.

g. What was the idea of the Korean students about sexual morals?

h. Are they still the same today?

We can draw the conclusion that Today’s Korean college students don’t desire to adhere
blindly to the
Confucian tradition concerning morals nor does he want to abandon traditional entirely…

As for political matters, Korean students appear to have inherited, at least partially the
Confucian ideal of

rule by virtue and favor, a form of democracy based on the teachings of Mencius… It is
thought that the reasons

why students still pay respect to the political ideas of Confucius and Mencius is, more often
than not, that they
believe man’s inherent noble spirit is in conformity to rule by virtue and democracy.

Due to that fact that Confucian political ideology is founded upon feudal society. It is
something different
from modern democratic ideas, for it allowed good intentioned dictatorship… They are very
skeptical about
formal democracy or sham democracy which brings only hardship.

i. In terms of political matters, to whom the Koreans align their philosophies? Why?

It may be common to all people of all ages that there is a gap between what one thinks and
what he
actually does, but such gap appears to be unusually wide in the Korea of today. It is indeed,
one of the most
important tasks people in a new age face to endeavor to narrow the gap between ideas and
actions; in some
cases the idea must be changed and in others the action must be geared in another
direction; herein lies the
urgent need to establish a new morality with which our actions can be accord.

j. What is the essay about?

k. Why do you think it is entitled “The Changing morals of Korean students”?

l. Compare the Korean’s opinions with the opinions of the Filipinos in terms of old belief?

D. Discovery Task
Task 5- P-I-N.............................................................................................................................LM Page 529

Fill in the grid with the Positive Interesting Negative aspects of the Korean morale practices.
Be able to share your answer with the class
E. Final Task

Task 6 - I SUPPORT..............................................................................................................LM Page 531

With your group, use the given Venn diagram and write a comparative analysis of the
youth and the Filipino youth towards the following aspects:
Group 1: Family Practices
Group 2: Beliefs about marriage
Group 3: Beliefs about religion
Group 4: Politics
Group 5: Traditions

E. Wrap Up
F. Assignment
My Treasure
Journal Entry
Make a reflection paper by means of filling in the blank spaces below.

I have learned
I realized
I want to

Prepared by:

Mr. Benzon E. Barrientos

Schools Division Office

Roces Ave., Obrero, Quezon City

March 11, 2019

Leson Plan in English

Grade 7 – Corregidor
8:00 – 9:00 AM

I. Objectives
Students must be able to do the following at the end of the activities with at least
85% proficiency:



II. Subject Matter

Topic: Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
Reference: English Learner’s Material, pp 389 –
Instructional materails: Visual aids, pictures, Fact sheets on distinguishing fact
from opinion, and PPT

III. Procedure/Preparatoty Activities

1. Daily Routine: Prayer, checking of attendance and classroom
2. Recap/Review

A. Motivation
The teacher will present two different statements: factual information and
opinionated statement.
Task 2 (5 minutes)
Identifying the distinct features of an opinion and fact accounts.

B. Presentation
Task 3 (8 minutes)
The students will study the expressions used in presenting facts or opinions.
Task 4 (17 minutes)
Students will undergo fact-opinion exercises, wherein the students’ skills in
differentiating the said statements may enhanced.
Task 5 (10 minutes)
Writing opinionated sentences out from factual information gathered.
Task 6 (15 minutes)
The students will be presented with the different exercises about the
topic. 1.
Task 7 (22 minutes)
The students will be presented with the different phrases of opinion writing in
which they must use in having their views about social media to be allowed at
Task 8 (13 minutes)
The class will be presented with the salient points to be remembered in
distinguishing fact from opinion statements.
Task 9 (25 minutes)
The students will be presented with a dialogue about the interaction in a
science class. They will pick out statements of facts and statements of opinions
which will be written in a graphic organizer (pp.22-23)

C. Activity
D. Application: Comprehension Response

IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment

The students may have this activity in identifying fact from opinion.

Prepared by:


English Teacher I

Checked by:


Master Teacher I English Department Chairman


Noted by:


Principal III

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