Final Year Project Report On Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation and Retrofitting of Existing RCC Structure

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Sandesh Lamsal (074BCE138)

Shiyam Rai (074BCE159)
Shlok Raj Pokharel (074BCE160)
Sonam Tshering Gurung (074BCE165)
Subash Poudel (074BCE168)
Swastik Kumar Adhikari (074BCE181)


Prof. Dr. Hari Darshan Shrestha

APRIL 2022


(Course Code: CE755)


Sandesh Lamsal (074BCE138)

Shiyam Rai (074BCE159)
Shlok Raj Pokharel (074BCE160)
Sonam Tshering Gurung (074BCE165)
Subash Poudel (074BCE168)
Swastik Kumar Adhikari (074BCE181)


Prof. Dr. Hari Darshan Shrestha

APRIL 2022

The authors have agreed that the library of Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering may
make this report freely available for inspection. Moreover, the authors have agreed that the
extensive copying of portion of this final year report can be done only by proper permission
of the authors’, project supervisor, or in their absent from the head of the department wherein
the final year project was done. While copying the theory, outcomes and/or any other portion
of this report, and extending the findings of this project work, proper remarks shall be given
to the authors and project supervisor. Copying or publication of this final year project for
financial gain without the written permission of Department of Civil Engineering, Institute
of Engineering and authors is prohibited.

Request for permission to copy or to make any other use of findings of this report shall be
addressed to:

Head of the Department

Department of Civil Engineering
Pulchowk Campus
Institute of Engineering
Lalitpur, Nepal
Sandesh Lamsal 074BCE138
Shiyam Rai 074BCE159
Shlok Raj Pokharel 074BCE160
Sonam Tshering Gurung 074BCE165
Subash Poudel 074BCE168
Swastik Kumar Adhikari 074BCE181


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | i


This is to certify that this project work entitled “SEISMIC VULNERABILITY

examined and declared successful for the fulfilment of academic requirement towards the
completion of Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering

Project Supervisor HOD, Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Dr. Hari Darshan Shrestha Prof. Dr. Gorkarna Bahadur Motra

External Examiner Internal Examiner

Prof. Dr. Hari R. Parajuli Asst. Prof. Aakarsha Khawas


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | ii

The success of any project work requires a lot of guidance and assistance from many people
and we are extremely fortunate to have this throughout. First, we are very thankful to
Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, for organizing this project work
despite the tricky situation of COVID – 19. We would also like to thank the department for
assigning an experienced and very helpful supervisor to us. We respect and thank Prof. Dr.
Hari Darshan Shrestha for giving us an opportunity to do this project work and providing
us all the support, guidance, patience, motivation, enthusiasm and immense knowledge,
which not only helped us complete the project on time but also widen our horizon of
knowledge from a broader perspective. The amount of knowledge and skills we have
developed in the subject matter, which was only limited to only bookish knowledge before
the project, is all because of his continuous guidance and constructive feedbacks.
In addition, we would like to extend our appreciation to IOE, TU for their support to the
students of higher education, the inclusion of project in the syllabus; their generosity to the
student body is incomparable. We would also extend our generosity to the Spotlight Club,
where we got our very important software lessons prior to the commencement of the project
work. It is also very important to thank all the departments in the G block for being very
supportive while we were collecting our measurements data. Finally, we would like to
express our gratitude to our friends and respondents for support and willingness to spend
time with us.
B.E. Project Group 2074
Sandesh Lamsal (074 BCE 138)
Shiyam Rai (074 BCE 159)
Shlok Raj Pokharel (074 BCE 160)
Sonam Tshering Gurung (074 BCE 165)
Subash Poudel (074BCE 168)
Swastik Kumar Adhikari (074 BCE 181)


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | iii

Retrofitting has become a very important part of the modern structural measures due to the
increase in the frequency of seismic hazards and vulnerability of the buildings due to
unplanned and unmanaged urbanization and negligence in following building codes and by
laws. Nepal ranks 11th in the “List of Countries with most Seismic Hazards”, so retrofitting
is definitely the need of the hour to protect the vulnerable buildings from collapsing and
making the seismic events catastrophic. Retrofitting basically involves imparting additional
RCC reinforcing to the members of the structures that are vulnerable because of weak design,
ageing, and exposure to static or dynamic load greater than its capacity. This project is about
learning and performing the evaluation of the vulnerability of the built-in structures to assess
the need and extent of need of retrofitting measures to structurally strengthen the buildings
according to the procedures and criteria of the standard guidelines and codes. Thereby,
bringing the required strength, durability and functionality to the members and the structure
as a whole.
The measurement data required for the project was collected by on field tape measurement
of the specific building (G Block) whereas the architecture and structural details were
obtained from the IOE Consultancy. All analysis was carried out using software like:
ETABS, MS Excel, and AutoCAD. The vulnerability assessment of building was carried out
in three phases: Rapid Assessment, Primary Evaluation and Detailed Evaluation. The
determination of required performance level i.e. Structural and Non-Structural Performance
Levels is done. 3D modeling and analysis of the building using bare frame modeling method
is done in ETABS v18 and analysis is conducted for all possible actions including the
dynamic impact of the earthquakes. The analysis results are compared with the reference of
clauses of standard building codes in terms of both safety and serviceability conditions. The
result of the analysis of the study suggested that some of the members are subjected to stress
higher than their capacities, thereby making the building vulnerable. The appropriate
strengthening and retrofitting measures are proposed to improve the overall performance of
the building.
-Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | iv

NOTATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .........................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Background ...................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Title and theme of project ................................................................................. 1

1.3. Objectives ......................................................................................................... 1

1.4. Scope and/or Limitations .................................................................................. 2

1.5. Salient features of Building ............................................................................... 2

1.6. Building figures ................................................................................................ 4

1.7. Code of Practice ................................................................................................ 5

1.8. Organization of report ....................................................................................... 5

2. Measurements and Loading...................................................................................... 7

2.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 7

2.2. Preliminary Survey ........................................................................................... 7

2.3. Measurement of grade of concrete and reinforcement ....................................... 7

2.4. Structural loading.............................................................................................. 8

2.4.1. Dead Load ................................................................................................. 8

2.4.2. Live Load .................................................................................................. 8

2.4.3. Seismic loads ............................................................................................. 9

2.5. Structural Analysis .......................................................................................... 11

2.5.1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 11

2.5.2. Assumptions ............................................................................................ 11

2.5.3. Inputs and Outputs ................................................................................... 12

3. Methodology.......................................................................................................... 14


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | v
3.1. Qualitative Assessment ................................................................................... 16

3.1.1. Site Visit and Data Collect ....................................................................... 16

3.1.2. Identificatino of Seismicity of the region ................................................. 16

3.1.3. Building typology identification ............................................................... 16

3.1.4. Level of Performance ............................................................................... 18

3.1.5. Identification of Vulnerability Factors...................................................... 18

3.2. Quantitative Assessment ................................................................................. 18

3.3. Idealization of Structure .................................................................................. 19

3.3.1. Site Visit and Data Collect ....................................................................... 19

3.3.2. Idealization of Slab .................................................................................. 20

3.3.3 Idealization of Beams and Columns ......................................................... 20

3.3.4. Idealization of the Structural Systemt ....................................................... 21

3.4. Model and Structural Analysis ........................................................................ 21

3.4.1. Physical Interpretation of FEM ................................................................ 21

3.4.2. Salient Features of EATBS ...................................................................... 22

4. Preliminary design and structural analysis .............................................................. 26

4.1. Site Visit ......................................................................................................... 26

4.2. Configuration related checks ........................................................................... 27

4.3. Structural Assessment Checklist ..................................................................... 28

4.4. Calculation of Lumped Mass .......................................................................... 32

4.5. Calculation of Base Shear and Strength-related checks ................................... 32

4.5.1. Method-1: IS 1893:2016 (Part I) .............................................................. 32 Shear stress in RC Columns ..................................................................... 33 Axial stress in Moment Frames ............................................................... 34

4.5.2. Method-2: NBC 105:2020........................................................................ 35 Shear stress in RC Columns ..................................................................... 36


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | vi Axial stress in Moment Frames ............................................................... 37

4.6. Conclusion from Preliminary Calculations ...................................................... 38

5. Detailed Evaluation................................................................................................ 39

5.1. General ........................................................................................................... 39

5.2. Condition of the building components ............................................................. 39

5.3. Condition of the Building Material .................................................................. 41

5.4. Structural Modeling ........................................................................................ 42

5.5. Evaluation Procedure ...................................................................................... 49

5.6. Storey Drift of the Frame ................................................................................ 55

5.7. Evaluation Summary....................................................................................... 77

6. Seismic Strengthening............................................................................................ 78

6.1. Material and Construction Techniques ............................................................ 78

6.1.1. Conventional cast in situ concrete process................................................ 78

6.1.2. Shotcrete.................................................................................................. 79

6.1.3. Grouts...................................................................................................... 80

6.1.4. Resin Concrete......................................................................................... 80

6.1.5. Polymer Modified Concrete ..................................................................... 81

6.1.6. Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP and CFRP) ........................................... 81

6.2. Retrofit Strategies ........................................................................................... 82

6.2.1. Adding new shear walls ........................................................................... 82

6.2.2. Adding Steel Bracings ............................................................................. 83

6.2.3. Jacketing (Local Retrofitting Technique) ................................................. 84

6.3. Reducing Earthquake Demands....................................................................... 85

6.3.1. Base Isolation (or Seismic Isolation) ........................................................ 86

6.3.2. Mass Reduction and Energy Dissipation Technique ................................. 86

6.4. Strengthening of original structural elements .................................................. 87


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | vii
6.4.1. Strengthening .......................................................................................... 87

6.5. Design of Beam Jacketing ............................................................................... 88

6.6. Design of Column Jacketing ..........................................................................117

6.7. Design of Slab ...............................................................................................127

6.7.1. Design of Slab-1 ....................................................................................128

6.7.2. Design of Slab-2 ....................................................................................131

6.7.3. Design of Slab-3 ....................................................................................136

6.7.4. Design of Slab-4 ....................................................................................139

6.8. Design of Footing ..........................................................................................143

6.8.1. Check for Bending Moment ...................................................................144

6.8.2. Check for Bending .................................................................................145

6.8.3. Check for One-way shear ........................................................................146

6.8.4. Check for Two-way shear ......................................................................146

6.8.5. Check for development length ................................................................147

6.8.6. Check for Bearing Capacity ....................................................................147

7. Conclusions ..........................................................................................................148

8. References ............................................................................................................149



By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | viii
Table 2.1 Load Cases and Combination 9
Table 3.1 Methodology 14
Table 3.2 Building Typology in Kathmandu Valley 16
Table 4.1 Configuration Checks 28
Table 4.2 Lumped Mass Calculation 33
Table 4.3 Storey Shear Distribution (IS 1893:2016 Part I) 34
Table 4.4 Shear Stress in Column (IS 1893:2016 Part I) 35
Table 4.5 Storey Shear Distribution (NBC 105:2020) 37
Table 4.6 Shear Stress in Columns (NBC 105:2020) 37
Table 4.7 Out-of-plane stability 38
Table 5.1 Building Components Condition 40
Table 5.2 Concrete Structures 43
Table 5.3 Detailed Analysis 50
Table 5.4 Storey Drift of the Frame 56
Table 5.5 Beam before retrofitting 57
Table 5.6 Column before retrofitting 73
Table 6.1 Beam after retrofitting 92
Table 6.2 Column after retrofitting 121
Table 6.3 Shear Check 131
Table 6.4 Stirrup Design Table 141


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | ix

Figure 1.1 Block-G (South elevation) 4

Figure 1.2 Block-G (Isometric View) 4
Figure 2.1 Plan View 13
Figure 2.2 3D View 13
Figure 3.1 Qualitative Seismic evaluation process 15
Figure 6.1 Shotcrete Technology 80
Figure 6.2 Injection grouting for concrete repair 81
Figure 6.3 CFRP 83
Figure 6.4 Addition of shear wall 84
Figure 6.5 Types of steel bracing 85
Figure 6.6 Column RC Jacketing Plan 86
Figure 6.7 Jacketing of column 86
Figure 6.8 Base Isolators 87
Figure 6.9 Option-1 for Column RC Jacketing 89
Figure 6.10 Option-2 for Column RC Jacketing 89


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | x

Symbols Description
𝛼𝑥, 𝛼𝑦 BM coefficients for Rectangular Slab Panels
𝜙 Diameter of Bar, Angle of internal friction of soil
𝛿𝑚 Percentage reduction in moment
𝜏𝑐 Shear Stress in Concrete
𝜏𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥 Max. shear stress in concrete with shear reinforcement
𝜏𝑏𝑑 Design Bond Stress
𝜎𝑎𝑐 Permissible Stress in Axial Compression (Steel)
𝜎𝑐𝑏𝑐 Permissible Bending Compressive Strength of Concrete
𝜎𝑠𝑐 , 𝜎𝑠𝑡 Permissible Stress in Steel in Compression and Tension
𝛾𝑚 Partial Safety Factor for Material
𝛾𝑓 Partial Safety Factor for Load
𝛾 Unit Weight of Material
𝐴𝑏 Area of Each Bar
𝐴𝑔 Gross Area of Concrete
𝐴ℎ Horizontal Seismic Coefficient
𝐴𝑠𝑐 Area of Steel in Compression
𝐴𝑠𝑡 Area of Steel in Tension
𝐴𝑠𝑣 Area of Stirrups
𝐵 𝑜𝑟 𝑏 Width or shorter dimension in plan
𝑏𝑓 Effective width of flange
𝑑 Effective Depth
𝑑′ Effective Cover
𝐷 Overall Depth
𝐷𝑓 Thickness of Flange
𝑒𝑥 Eccentricity along x-direction
𝑒𝑦 Eccentricity along y-direction
𝐸𝑐 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete
𝐸𝑠 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel
𝐸𝐿𝑥 , 𝐸𝐿𝑦 Earthquake Load along X and Y direction respectively
𝑓𝑏𝑟 Bearing stress in concrete
𝑓𝑐𝑘 Characteristics Strength of Concrete
𝑓𝑦 Characteristic Strength of Steel
𝐼 Importance Factor (For Base Shear Calculation)
𝐼𝑋𝑋 , 𝐼𝑌𝑌 Moment of Inertia (along x and y direction)
𝑘 Coefficient of Constant or factor
𝑘𝑎 , 𝑘𝑝 Active and Passive Earth Pressure
K Stiffness
L Length of Member
𝑙𝑒𝑓 Effective Length of member


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | xi
𝐿𝑑 Development Length
M Modular Ratio
M or BM Bending Moment
𝑃𝑢 Ultimate Axial Load on a compression member
𝑃𝑐 Percentage of Compression Reinforcement
𝑃𝑡 Percentage of Tension Reinforcement
𝑞, 𝑞𝑢 Permissible and Ultimate bearing capacity of soil
𝑄𝑖 Design Lateral Force in ith Level

SR, rmin Slenderness Ratio, (minimum) for structural steel section

R Response Reduction Factor
𝑆𝑎 /𝑔 Average Response Acceleration Coefficient
𝑠𝑣 Spacing of Each Bar
𝑇𝑖 Torsional Moment due to Lateral Force in i-direction
𝑇𝑎 Fundamental Natural Period of Vibrations
𝑉𝑏 Design Seismic Base Shear
𝑉 Shear Force
𝑊𝑖 Seismic Weight ofith Floor

𝑥𝑢 Actual Depth of Neutral Axis

𝑥𝑢𝑙 Ultimate Depth of Neutral Axis
Z Seismic Zone Factor
CM Center of Mass
CR Center of Rigidity
D.L Dead Load
HSDB High Strength Deformed Bars
IS Indian Standard
L.L Live Load
RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
SPT, N Standard Penetration Test
M20 Grade of Concrete
Fe415 Grade of Steel
MOI Moment of Inertia
DUDBC Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
NEHRP National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | xii

1.1 Background
Nepal is centrally located in a seismically active Hind-Kush Himalaya region which has
a long past history of devastating earthquake. The geological location of Indian and
Tibetan tectonic plates results to cause large earthquakes in the entire Himalayan region.
Nepal and adjoining Himalayan region has experience large historical earthquakes;
some of them are 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake magnitude around 8 Mw, 1988 Udaypur
earthquake in Nepal of magnitude 6.6 Mw, and the latest 2015 Gorkha earthquake of 7.6

The structures of Nepal are mostly non-engineered and semi-engineered, which are
basically lack of seismic resistance detailing. The main cause of above is due to lack of
awareness of the importance of seismic resistance and strict implementation of codes by
government level. So, to reduce certain degree of vulnerability buildings can be
retrofitted to make them strong.
The building which we are retrofitting is an educational building which lies within the
Pulchowk campus commonly known as G-Block or Department of Applied Science. It
is located in Lalitpur district. It is a RCC framed structure which needs to withstand
different static and dynamic loads. As being the educational building special seismic
safety is required here.

1.2 Title and theme of project

The project is title “Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation and Retrofitting of Existing

RCC Structure” by taking into account the things mentioned in previous passage.

1.3 Objectives

The ambition of the project extends past the stretch of a building, however, the
objectives can be summarized as:

 To measure the dimension of the building and draw its plan and section.
 To calculate the seismic weight of the building and base shear.
 To calculate the capacity of the existing structures and the demand after the
application of seismic load.
 To calculate DCR and recommend whether to repair, to rehabilitate or retrofit.
 To suggest the appropriate method of retrofitting if required.
 To analyze the building structurally including the retrofitting measures.

To achieve the objectives, work to be done are:-

 Identification of the building and requirement of the space.
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 1
 Measurement of the building dimensions for development of architectural and
working drawing.
 Determination of the structural system of the building to undertake the vertical and
horizontal loads.
 Estimation of the seismic loads.
 Determination of the fundamental time period by free vibration analysis.
 Calculation of the base shear and vertical distribution of equivalent earthquake
 Identification of load cases and load combination cases for non-linear analysis
using computer-aided software, ETABS.
 Finite element modeling of the building by ETABS v16 for different cases of loads.
 Detailed analysis (Tier-3 analysis) by linear and nonlinear methods for static &
dynamic analysis of building.
 Design of retrofitting approach considering the following criteria:
o degree of seismic resistance required for the building
o chosen approach is simple and economical to implement

1.4 Scope and/or Limitations

As the educational building has been old as it has been constructed in early 1990’s, it
has faced various number and types of loads like static, dynamic, various exposure
conditions like rain, wind and has also faced earthquakes. So, it is important to check if
the building is safe in the present situation and perform retrofitting methods if found
unsafe. As it is also a final year project, it is very useful for developing the practical
skills and understanding of retrofitting for the students.
 The bearing capacity of the soil at the site was not measured and the value assumed.
 The interaction between soil and structure was not considered. The foundation was
modeled to be fully fixed at the foundation level which may not depict the actual
soil-structure interaction.
 The building has been evaluated using the elastic property of the structural members.
 The estimation of the retrofitting measures suggested has not been calculated.
 The pounding effect of the adjoining building has not been taken into consideration.

1.5 Salient features of Building


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 2
Name of the project: Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Retrofitting of existing RCC
Location: Pulchowk Campus, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
Type of the building: Institutional building
Structural system: Ordinary Moment Resisting Frame
Number of storey: 3
Earthquake zone: 1 (NBC 105:2020)
Seismic Zone V (IS 1893:2016)

Dimension of Building:
 Length: 28 m
 Breadth: 18.62 m
 Floor height: 3.83 m (ground and first floor), 3.93 m (second floor)
 Total height: 11.59 m (upto roof)
 Plinth area: 521.36 m2
 Infill wall: 4 in.
 External wall: 9 in.
 Internal (Partition wall): 4 in.
 Joint mortar: Cement-Sand Floor finish: Terrazzo
 Presence of lintel band: Yes
 Presence of sill band: Yes
 Size of structural elements:
o Beams: 250mmx350mm; 250mmx300mm; 230mm x230mm
o Column: 360 x 360mm
o Slab thickness: 150 mm
o No of columns=96


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 3
1.6 Building figures

Figure 1.1 Block-G (South elevation)

Figure 1.2 Block-G (Isometric View)


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 4
1.7 Code of Practice:-

a) NBC 105:2020 – Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal

b) IS 456:2000 – Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
c) IS 1893:2016 (Part I) – Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
d) IS 13920:2016 – Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete
Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces
e) IS 875:1987 (Part I) – To assess dead loads
f) IS 875:1987 (Part II) – To assess live loads
g) IS 15988:2013 – Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of existing Reinforced
Concrete Structures Guidelines
h) IS 13311:1992 (Part 1) – For Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (NDT of concrete)
i) IS 13311:1992 (Part 2) – For Rebound Hammer (NDT of concrete)
j) IS 8900:1978 – Criteria for the Rejection of Outlying Observations
k) IITK-GSDMA Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Buildings
l) Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation Guideline for Private and Public Buildings
(May 2011) – by DUDBC
m) Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines of Buildings in Nepal (2016) – by DUDBC

1.8 Organization of report

This report is divided into nine chapters.

Chapter 1 is a general introduction to the report, with the objectives aimed to achieve
with this work. In addition, the works to be carried out to achieve these objectives are also
mentioned. The various codes of practices used in this work are mentioned and the
organization of the report is explained.

Chapter 2 presents the literature review of various codes of practice.

Chapter 3 describes the methodology of the project work. It is divided into two
distinctive parts: qualitative and quantitative assessments. The various keywords under those
parts are also explained in it.

Chapter 4 introduces the preliminary evaluation of the building under qualitative

assessment. Various activities like site visit and their findings are presented in this chapter.
Vulnerability Checklists from the 'Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation Guideline for Private
and Public Buildings' by DUDBC for our buildings' typology has been selected and used.
The various stress-related checks have been conducted and concluded with whether the
retrofitting measures are suggested or not. Further, suitable detailed analysis methods has
been suggested.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 5
Chapter 5 is the springboard to more advanced analysis to supplement the
preliminary evaluation. Once, the building is deemed to be further analyzed from the
preliminary analysis, a site visit is conducted once again, but with some additions like NDT
and more detailed inspection of the building. The various types of non-destructive tests
conducted are enlisted and finally the detailed analysis using code of practices is done. After
this phase of analysis, it can be concluded whether the building should be retrofitted or not,
and can be recommended about what type of strengthening measures to be used.

Chapter 6 applies the recommendation about the strengthening measures and

designs the required section. This chapter is started with brief introduction about various
strengthening measures. And the chapter goes on to design the required strengthening
measures using the principle of Limit State Design.

The annex is provided to supplement additional information than contained in the

main report.

Annex A contains the Non-Destructive Testing of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity,

Schmidt Hammer and Profometer for Rebar Locator.

Annex B covers the Seismic Weight Calculation of the Building.

Annex C includes the Architectural Drawings.

Annex D includes the Structural Drawings.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 6
2. Measurements and Loading

2.1 Introduction

This section of the report deals with the following:

Measurement of different elements of building

Measurement of grade and reinforcement

Load Calculation

Seismic load

Load combination

2.2 Preliminary survey:

Preliminary survey is carried out to analyze the building drawing and to draw the layout.
Basic survey instrument like measuring tape will be used to carry out this process.

2.3 Measurement of grade of concrete and reinforcement:

Concrete are classified into different grades based on the proportion of concrete mix. The
concrete mix may include cement, sand, coarse aggregate and admixtures. The
characteristics strength is defined as the strength of material below which not more than 5%
of the test results are expected to fail.

An evaluation of the present day strength of materials can be performed using on-site non-
destructive testing and laboratory analysis of sample taken from the building. Field tests are
usually indicative test and therefore should be supplemented with the proper laboratory
facilities for accurate quantitative results.

Generally, the Schmidt hammer test is used to measure the grade of the concrete.

Reinforced concrete (RC) is a versatile composite and one of the most widely used materials
in modern construction. Concrete is a relatively brittle material that is strong under
compression but less so in tension. Plain, unreinforced concrete is unsuitable for many
structures as it is relatively poor at withstanding stresses induced by vibrations, wind loading,
and so on.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 7
To increase its overall strength, steel rods, wires, mesh or cables can be embedded in
concrete 8 before it sets. This reinforcement, often known as rebar, resists tensile forces. By
forming a strong bond together, the two materials are able to resist a variety of applied forces,
effectively acting as a single structural element.

The rebar present in the RCC is determined with the help of instruments like profometer and
ferro scanner. Profometer is an advance cover material for the precise and non-destructive
measurement of concrete cover and rebar diameter and the detection of rebar location using
the eddy current principle with pulse induction as the measuring method.

2.4 Structural loading:

The frame structure is designed to counter the dead load, live load, earthquake load and their
combinations including their envelope for maximum deflection.

The structural loading of following type is considered:

2.4.1 Dead Load:

Dead load refers to loads that relatively don’t change over time, such as the weight of all
permanent components of a building including walls, beam, columns, flooring material etc.
Fixed permanent equipment and fitting that are an integral part of the structure.(like
plumbing, HVAC, etc.) The dead loads are calculated from the member sizes and estimated
material densities.

Unit weight of building materials can be estimated in accordance with IS : 875 (Part 1). Self-
weight of the building is considered. As the point load acting on the joint. Self-weight of the
beam is considered as the uniformly distributed load. Dead load from the walls is considered
as the uniformly distributed load and transferred to the slab. Dead load from the slab is
transferred as trapezoidal and triangular loads on the beams. Floor finish load is taken 1.1
kN/m2 as per IS 875: Part I.

2.4.2 Live Load:

Refers to loads that do, or can, change over time, such as people walking around a building
(occupancy) or movable objects such as furniture. Live loads are variable as they depend on
usage and capacity. However, design codes can provide equivalent loads for various
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 8
Loads prescribed by codes are empirical and conservative based on experience and accepted
practice. IS 875 part 2 deals with imposed loads on buildings produced by the intended
occupancy or use.

LL on Staff Room = 2.5 KN/m2

LL on Corridor = 4 KN/m2
LL on Classroom = 3 KN/m2

2.4.3 Seismic load:

Seismic load takes place due to the inertia force produced in the building because of seismic
excitations. Inertia force is varies with the mass. The higher mass of the structure will imply
that the earthquake loading will also be high. When the earthquake load exceeds the moment
of resistance offered by the element, then the structure will of break or damage. The
magnitude of earthquake loading depends upon the weight or mass of building, dynamic
properties of the building and difference in stiffness of adjacent floors along with the
intensity and duration of the earthquake. Earthquake load acts over the surface of a structure
placed on ground or with adjacent building.

Seismic load depends on the following factors, 1) Seismic hazard, 2) Parameter of the
structure and 3) Gravity load. Each building or structure is assigned a seismic group of design
to identify the force and intensity of earthquake. It will be used to plan the buildings in such
a way to reduce the damage caused by the earthquake. Some buildings located in the same
locality might get differently affected by earthquake loading. Flexibility of the building plays
one of the major roles during earthquake.

The ratio of height to width defines the flexibility. Greater the ratio, greater will be the
flexibility of building. Another physical behavior is stiffness of the building. For the taller
building, stiffness will be less.

Load Cases and Combinations

Table 2.1 Load Cases and Combination

SN Load Combination
1 0.9DL - 1.5EQX
2 0.9DL - 1.5EQY
3 0.9DL + 1.5EQX


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 9
4 0.9DL + 1.5EQY
5 1.2 (DL + IL + EQX)
6 1.2 (DL + IL + EQY)
7 1.2 (DL + IL - EQX)
8 1.2 (DL + IL - EQY)
9 1.5 (DL + EQX)
10 1.5 (DL + EQY)
11 1.5 (DL + IL)
12 1.5 (DL - EQX)
13 1.5 (DL - EQY)
14 Envelope

The load cases adopted are as follows:

1. Dead load(DL)
2. Live load(LL)
3. Imposed Load (IL)
4. Earthquake load in X direction (EQX)
5. Earthquake load in Y direction (EQY)

Method of analysis:

Seismic coefficient method

Response spectrum method

Time history method

In IS:1893, two methods, one Seismic Coefficient and other Response Spectrum method is
described to carry out the analysis for Earthquake forces. One Table (in Clause 4.2.1) is also
provided to decide upon the method to be used, depending upon Building Ht. and Zone. At
the bottom of this table, it is clearly mentioned that building with irregular shape and/or
irregular distribution of mass and stiffness in horizontal and/or vertical plane, shall be
analyzed as per Response Spectrum Method. For all practical reasons, no building is uniform
in all the respects (i.e. shape, mass/stiffness distribution in horizontal and vertical plane).

Response Spectrum method, being time consuming and tedious process, most of time, we
resort to computer applications. Now while, modeling the structure, in most of available
software, usually, we model the space frame, neglecting the in-fill wall stiffness. This results


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 10
in flexible frames, and due to which, in most of cases, the program gives a higher Time

2.5 Structural Analysis

2.5.1 Introduction

Structural analysis of the building is performed twice using the common and popular
software for the structural analysis ETABS v16. It is common software for the modeling,
design and analyzing the 3D models. With its intuitive, user-friendly, visualization tools,
powerful analysis and design facilities and seamless integration to several other modeling
and design software products it continues to be the world's most widely used, customizable
and user-friendly structural solutions software. So that it is suitable for Civil and Structural
engineers and related field. ETABS has following facilities to perform above mentioned

Graphical model generation utilities as well as text editor-based commands for creating the
mathematical model. Beam and column members are represented using lines. Walls, slabs
and panel type entities are represented using triangular and quadrilateral finite elements.
Solid blocks are represented using brick elements. These utilities allow the user to create the
geometry, assign properties, orient cross sections as desired, assign materials like steel,
concrete, timber, aluminum, specify supports, apply loads explicitly as well as have the
program generate loads, design parameters etc.

Analysis engines for performing linear elastic and p-delta analysis, finite element analysis,
frequency extraction, and dynamic response (spectrum, time history, steady state, etc.).
Design engines for code checking and optimization of steel, aluminum and timber members.
Reinforcement calculations for concrete beams, columns, slabs and shear walls. Design of
shear and moment connections for steel members. Result viewing, result verification and
report generation tools for examining displacement diagrams, bending moment and shear
force diagrams, beam, plate and solid stress contours, etc.

Peripheral tools for activities like import and export of data from and to other widely
accepted formats, links with other popular software for niche areas like reinforced and
prestressed concrete slab design, footing design, steel connection design, etc.

2.5.2 Assumptions:


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 11
 Unit weight of RCC = 25 KN/m3
 Unit weight of brick = 18.85 KN/m3
 Live load = 2.5 KN/m2
 Weight of plaster and floor finish = 1.1 KN/m2
 Grade of concrete = M20 for all structural elements
 Grade of steel = Fe 250
 Lateral load is solely carried by the frame elements, wall stiffness is not considered.

2.5.3 Inputs and Outputs

For the acceptable response level to be resulted under the design earthquake, the design of
earthquake resistant structure should be aimed at providing appropriate dynamic and
structural characteristics. The aim of design is the achievement of an acceptable probability
that structures being designed will perform satisfactorily during their intended life. With an
appropriate degree of safety, they should sustain all the loads and deformations of normal
construction and use and have adequate durability and adequate resistance to the effects of
misuse and fire.

For the purpose of preparing input to the computer program, the building must be separated
into a system of planar frames or isolated shear walls. The Centre of mass for each story
level must be calculated and supplied to each story. The location of the reference point is
arbitrary and must be selected by the user; the reference point is the same for all story levels.
The line of the action of the earthquake force resultant acts through the Centre of mass at
each story level. The base shear and earthquake lateral force are calculated as per code is:
1893(part1)- 2016 and are applied at each master joint located on every story of the building.
The building was analyzed as per fore- mentioned criteria and findings are shown below.
The existing building was found to be safe in drift criteria. The details of existing and
required reinforcements for the beam are provided .


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 12
fig. 2.1. Plan view fig. 2.2. 3D View


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 13
Table 3.1 Methodology
S.N. Methodology Description

1. Measurement of Initially preliminary survey was carried out.

building dimension Various dimensions of the buildings were measured
with measuring tape.

2. Measurement of grade Schmidt Hammer was to be used for calculation of

of concrete and rebar grade of concrete. Assumption was made.
arrangement Rebar arrangements were to be known from the
drawings provided. Assumptions were made for
unavailable section.
[Rebar arrangements were further verified using
Profometer Test]

3. Development of With the help of AutoCAD software, architectural

Architectural and and working drawings were prepared.
working drawings
4. Modelling and Analysis The building is modeled as a space frame. ETABS
is adopted as a basic tool for the execution of
analysis. ETABS program is based on the Finite
Element method. Due to possible actions in the
buildings, the stresses, the displacements and
fundamental time period are obtained using ETABS
which is used for the design of members. Initially
the characteristics of the materials used were
defined such as concrete M20, and reinforcement
Fe415. Then, the load cases as well as their
combination with load factors were introduced.
Structures will then be analyzed for different load
combinations and the final output determined in the
form of bending moment, shear force, torsion and
axial force.

5. Retrofitting design Based on the ETABS output generated, the required

percentage of steel will be analyzed and the
structural members will be remodeled according to
the retrofitted design. The building will then be
reanalyzed using ETABS to ensure the building is
safe after retrofitting under various load


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 14
6. Retrofitting drawings After finalizing the retrofitting design,
architectural and structural drawing were prepared.

The methodologies of assessment are based on FEMA 310 and IITK Guidelines for
Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Buildings. The assessments were
done in two phases, the first phase a Qualitative assessment and the second a
Quantitative assessment. The Qualitative assessment is a general seismic vulnerability
assessment method, based on a qualitative approach to identify the seismic deficiencies
in the building and the retrofitting options. It determines whether the building, in its
existing condition, has the desired seismic performance capability. If the first phase
study finds seismic deficiencies in the building and expected seismic performance is not
up to the acceptable level/criteria, it either recommends second phase assessment or
concludes the evaluation and states the potential deficiencies identified. The
Quantitative assessment involves a more detailed seismic evaluation with a complete
analysis of the building, proposing seismic strengthening measures and modifications to
correct/reduce seismic deficiencies identified during the evaluation procedure in the first
phase. [(Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of Private and Public buildings. Part 1: Pre
disaster, 2009) ]

Fig 3.1. Qualitative Seismic evaluation process


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 15
3.1 Qualitative Assessment

3.1.1 Site Visit and Data Collect

Architectural drawing was collected from the consultancy of IOE located in Aananda
Bhavan, Krishnagalli. The data was verified from site visit. Some data from the
architectural drawings were missing/unclear which were measured from the site.
Structure drawings were not available and assumptions were made. Additional
missing data such as the condition of the building and the site, building typology,
terrain type, pounding effect, etc. were also collected.

3.1.2 Identification of Seismicity of the region

The probable level of earthquake shaking that the building may face was determined
by identifying the location of the building on the seismic hazard map. The zone map
of Nepal is provided in Nepal National Building Code 105:2020 in which the zone
factor for Kathmandu is 0.35. The intensity of ground shaking for this zone is
intensity IX. As per IS 1893(Part I):2016, Nepal lies in zone V. On this basis, the
intensity of ground shaking in terms of MMI Scale is Intensity IX. Hence, the
building was assessed for intensity IX shaking, as predicted for the large impending

3.1.3 Building typology identification

Building typology was identified from the classification of building types in
Kathmandu valley. The common types building types in Kathmandu valley are given
in Table below:
Table 3.2 Building Typology in Kathmandu Valley
No. Building Types
in Kathmandu Description
1 Adobe, stone in Adobe Buildings: These are buildings constructed in
mud, brick-in- sun-dried bricks (earthen) with mud mortar for the
mud (Low


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 16
Strength construction of structural walls. The wall thickness is
Masonry). usually more than 350 mm.
Stone in Mud: These are stone-masonry buildings
constructed using dressed or undressed stones with mud
mortar. These types of buildings have generally flexible
floors and roof.
Brick in Mud: These are the brick masonry buildings
with fired bricks in mud mortar

2 Brick in Cement These are the brick masonry buildings with fired bricks
Stone in Cement in cement or lime mortar and stone-masonry buildings
using dressed or undressed stones with cement mortar.

3 Non-engineered These are the buildings with reinforced concrete frames

Reinforced and unreinforced brick masonry infill in cement mortar.
Concrete The thickness of infill walls is 230mm (9”) or 115mm
Moment- (41/2”) and column size is predominantly 9”x 9”. The
Resisting-Frame prevalent practice in most urban area of Nepal for the
Buildings construction of residential and commercial complexes
generally falls under this category.
These Buildings are not structurally designed and
supervised by engineers during construction. This
category also includes the buildings that have
architectural drawings prepared by engineers.

4 Engineered These buildings consist of a frame assembly of cast-in-

Reinforced situ concrete beams and columns. Floor and roof
Concrete framings consist of cast-in-situ concrete slabs. Lateral
Moment- forces are resisted by concrete moment frames that
Resisting-Frame develop their stiffness through monolithic beam-
Buildings column connections. These are engineered buildings
with structural design and construction supervision is
made by engineers. Some of the newly constructed
reinforced concrete buildings are of this type.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 17
5. Others Wooden buildings, Mixed buildings like Stone and
Adobe, Stone and Brick in Mud, Brick in Mud and
Brick in cement etc. are other building type in
Kathmandu valley and other part of the country.

3.1.4 Level of Performance

The basic earthquake resistant criteria, as specified in Building code are, "Structures
should be able to resist moderate earthquakes without significant damage" and
"Structures should be able to resist major earthquakes without collapse". The
building was assessed for Life Safety performance level. Life Safe Performance
Level is the level of building performance that allows for significant damage to both
structural and non-structural components through predicted earthquake intensities,
within limits preventing either partial or total structure collapse. Injuries may occur,
but the level of risk for life-threatening injury and entrapment is low.

3.1.5 Identification of Vulnerability Factors

Different Vulnerability factors associated with the particular types of building were
then checked with a set of appropriate checklists from FEMA 310, "Handbook for
the Seismic Evaluation of Buildings" and “IS Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and
Strengthening of Existing Buildings” to identify potential links with structures that
have been observed in past significant earthquakes. The basic vulnerability factors
related to the building system, lateral force resisting system, connections, and
diaphragms were evaluated based on visual inspection and review of drawings. Some
quick checks and some supplementary checks were done for RCC buildings, such as
shear checks, ductility related checks like ‘strong column weak beam’, and checks
for torsion.

An example of the vulnerability factors defined in the checklist is as follows:

C NC N/A NK LOAD PATH: The structure shall contain at least one rational and
complete load path for seismic forces from any horizontal direction so that they can
transfer all inertial forces in the building to the foundation.

3.2 Quantitative Assessment


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 18
After the possible seismic deficiencies in the building are identified using qualitative
assessment, a more detailed seismic evaluation with complete analysis of the
building for seismic strengthening measures as modifications to correct/reduce
those seismic deficiencies. Detailed information about building is required for this

3.3 Idealization of Structure

Idealization of the structure can be defined as the introduction of necessary
constraints/restraints in the real structure as postulates to conform the design of this
structure within the domain of available theories assuring required degree of performance
to some probabilistic measure. To analyze a structure by the methods that are described in
these notes it must be idealized. By utilizing the idealized structural model the
deformations and internal forces are computed at selected locations in the structure.
Depending on how closely the model matches reality the results provide accurate insight
into the behavior of the real structure. This document discusses briefly the process of
building the idealized structural model.

This type of idealization helps us constrain infinite number of design variables to those that
we can address properly with the available design philosophies. In design of RCC
structures, chiefly two idealizations are employed namely:

1. Idealization of Load

2. Idealization of Structure

The idealization of utmost importance is the idealization of structure. This idealization


restraints/ constraints to those variables which we are unable to address properly otherwise.
Imploring the details of these idealizations, we need to start at the elemental level. Thus we
proceed with idealization of supports, slab elements, staircase element, beam and column
element and the entire structural system.

3.3.1. Idealization of Supports

In general, idealization of supports deals with the assessment of fixity of structure at the
foundation level. In more detail terms, this idealization is adopted to assess the stiffness of
soil bearing strata supporting the foundation. Although the stiffness of soil is finite in


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 19
reality and elastic foundation design principles address this property to some extent, our
adoption of rigid foundation overlooks it.

Elastic property of soil is addressed by parameters like Modulus of Elasticity, Modulus of

Subgrade reaction etc., addressing all these parameters are beyond the scope of this project.
This is where idealization comes into play, equipping us with the simplified theory of rigid
foundation in soil.

3.3.2. Idealization of Slab

Slabs are plate elements forming floors and roofs of buildings and carrying distributed
loads primarily by flexure. Inclined slabs may be used as ramps for multistory car parks. A
staircase can be considered to be an inclined slab. A slab may be supported by beam or
walls and may as the flange of a T- or L-beam. Moreover, a slab may be simply supported,
or continuous over one or more supports. Idealization of slab element is done in earthquake
resistant design to perform as a rigid floor diaphragm. This idealization is done for the slab
to behave as a thin shell element subjected to out-of-plane bending only under the action of
gravity loads. Due to infinite in-plane stiffness of the shell element, lateral loads are not
taken by the floor slab and hence resisted completely by the columns. Hence such an
idealized slab is then modeled in SAP2000 program for analysis.

3.3.3. Idealization of Beams and Column

Beam column idealization is one of the most critical aspects of structural idealization to
achieve the desired behaviour of the overall integrated structure.

Beams and columns are idealized to behave as linear elements in 3D. Beam column joints
in the structural planning are assumed to behave as perfectly rigid joints. In reality, perfect
rigid joints do not exist. Effects of partial fixity can be addressed in modelling by rigorous
analysis of sectional and material properties, which is beyond the limits of this project.
Assumptions of rigid joints are also found to perform well in nature, seen from years of


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 20
Main beam and secondary beam joints are idealized as hinged joints owing to the detailing
adopted in such joints. Hinge beam assumption can have two impacts on structural
behavior of secondary beams. Firstly, lateral loads aren’t transferred to the secondary
beams from main beams and hence they can be idealized as flanged sections. Secondly,
hinge connection at their extremities lets us address the partial fixity of these beams in
taking moments due to gravity loads.

Another idealization is addressing the section of main beam as rectangular in shape despite
being integrally connected with the slabs. The flange portions of these beams when
subjected to reversal of loading during earthquakes become ineffective in taking the
tension induced in them and hence we ignore their contribution in design.

Main beams rest centrally on columns to avoid local eccentricity. All the columns rest
directly over the mat foundation and they are modelled as columns with fixed support at
their base. Centre line dimensions are followed for analysis and design.

3.3.4. Idealization of the Structural System

After idealizing individual elements, we idealize the structural system in its entirety to
behave as our theoretical approximation for first order linear analysis and corresponding
design. The building is idealized as unbraced space frame. This 3D space framework is
modelled in the SAP2000 for analysis. Loads are modelled into the structure in several
load cases and load combinations.

3.4. Model and Structural Analysis

3.4.1 Physical Interpretation of FEM

FEM analysis is based on the basic concept of breakdown (≡ disassembly, tearing, partition,
separation, decomposition) of a complex mechanical system into simpler, disjoint
components called finite elements, or simply elements. The mechanical response of an
element is characterized in terms of a finite number of degrees of freedom. These degrees of
freedoms are represented as the values of the unknown functions as a set of node points. The
element response is defined by algebraic equations constructed from mathematical or
experimental arguments. The response of the original system is considered to be
approximated by that of the discrete model constructed by connecting or assembling the
collection of all elements. The breakdown-assembly concept occurs naturally when an
engineer considers many artificial and natural systems. For example, it is easy and natural


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 21
to visualize a truss bridge, aircraft or skeleton of building as being fabricated from simpler
parts. The underlying themes is dividing and conquer, for complex behavioural system, the
recipe is to divide it into more manageable subsystems. If these subsystems are still too
complex the subdivision process is continued until the behaviour of each subsystem is simple
enough to fit a mathematical model that represents well the knowledge level the analyst is
interested in. In the finite element method such “primitive pieces” are called elements. The
behaviour of the total system is that of the individual elements plus their interaction. A key
factor in the initial acceptance of the FEM was that the element interaction can be physically
interpreted and understood in terms that were eminently familiar to structural engineers.

3.4.2 Salient features of ETABS

ETABS 2018 represents one of the most sophisticated and user-friendly release of ETABS
series of computer programs. Creation and modification of the model, execution of the
analysis, and checking and optimization of the design are all done through this single
interface. Graphical displays of the results, including real-time display of time-history
displacements are easily produced. The finite element library consists of different elements
out of which the three dimensional FRAME element was used in this analysis. The Frame
element uses a general, three dimensional, beam column formulation which includes the
effects of biaxial bending, torsion, axial deformation, and biaxial shear deformations.

•Three-dimensional frames

• Three-dimensional trusses

• Planar frames

• Planar grillages

• Planar truss

A Frame element is modelled as a straight line connecting two joints. Each element has its
own local coordinate system for defining section properties and loads, and for interpreting
output. Each Frame element may be loaded by self-weight, multiple concentrated loads,
and multiple distributed loads.

End offsets are available to account for the finite size of beam and column intersections.
End releases are also available to model different fixity conditions at the ends of the
element. Element internal forces are produced at the ends of each element and at a user-
specified number of equally-spaced output stations along the length of the element.
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 22
Loading options allow for gravity, thermal and pre-stress conditions in addition to the
usual nodal loading with specified forces and or displacements. Dynamic loading can be in
the form of a base acceleration response spectrum, or varying loads and base accelerations.

The building is modeled as a 3D frame. Results from analysis are used in design of beams
and columns only (i.e. linear elements). Joints are defined with constraints to serve as rigid
floor diaphragm and hence slabs are designed manually as effect of seismic load is not
seen on slab. The linear elements are also designed primarily by hand calculation to
familiarize with hand computation and exude confidence where we are unable to trust fully
on design results of ETABS 2015. This has been done as we are quite unfamiliar with
fundamentals of FEM analysis techniques based on which the software package performs
analysis and gives results.

As we are working with a computer based system, the importance of data input is as
important as the result of output derived from analysis. Hence with possibility of garbage-
in-garbage-out, we need to check our input parameters in explicit detail. Material
properties are defined for elements in terms of their characteristic strength i.e. M20 for
slabs, beams and M20 for columns. Also, section properties are defined as obtained from
preliminary design. Loading values are input as obtained from IS 875. Loading
combination based on IS 875 (Part V):1987 and IS 1893 (part 1):2016 for ultimate limit
state and IS 456:2000 for serviceability limit state is prepared. An envelope load case of all
load combinations is prepared to provide us with the envelope of stresses for design.

Modelling of Structural Member

The physical structural members in a structural model are represented by objects. For
analysis purposes, ETABS 2018 converts each object into one or more elements.
A Frame element is modelled as a straight line connecting two joints. Each element has its
own local coordinate system for defining section properties and loads, and for interpreting
output. Each Frame element may be loaded by self-weight, multiple concentrated loads,
and multiple distributed loads.

End offsets are available to account for the finite size of beam and column intersections.
End releases are also available to model different fixity conditions at the ends of the
element. Element internal forces are produced at the ends of each element and at a user-
specified number of equally-spaced output stations along the length of the element.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 23
Loading options allow for gravity, thermal and pre-stress conditions in addition to the
usual nodal loading with specified forces and or displacements. Dynamic loading can be in
the form of a base acceleration response spectrum, or varying loads and base accelerations.

The building is modeled as a 3D frame. Results from analysis are used in design of beams
and columns only (i.e. linear elements). Joints are defined with constraints to serve as rigid
floor diaphragm and hence slabs are designed manually as effect of seismic load is not
seen on slab. The linear elements are also designed primarily by hand calculation to
familiarize with hand computation and exude confidence where we are unable to trust fully
on design results of ETABS 2016. This has been done as we are quite unfamiliar with
fundamentals of FEM analysis techniques based on which the software package performs
analysis and gives results.

As we are working with a computer based system, the importance of data input is as
important as the result of output derived from analysis. Hence with possibility of garbage-
in-garbage-out, we need to check our input parameters in explicit detail.

Material properties are defined for elements in terms of their characteristic strength i.e.
M20 for slabs, beams and M20 for columns. Also, section properties are defined as
obtained from preliminary design. Loading values are input as obtained from IS 875.
Loading combination based on IS 875 (part V):1987 and IS 1893 (part 1):2002 for ultimate
limit state and IS 456:2000 for serviceability limit state is prepared. An envelope load case
of all load combinations is prepared to provide us with the envelope of stresses for design.

Modelling of Structural Member

The physical structural members in a structural model are represented by objects. For
analysis purposes, ETABS 2018 converts each object into one or more elements.

1. Objects
2. Objects and Elements
3. Groups
The following object types are available, listed in order of geometrical dimension:

 Objects

 Objects and Elements


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 24
 Groups The following object types are available, listed in order of geometrical dimension

 Point objects of two types:

 Joint objects: These are automatically created at the corners or ends of all other
types of objects below, and they can be explicitly added to represent supports or to
capture other localized behavior.
 Grounded (one-joint) support objects: Used to model special support behavior such
as isolators, dampers, gaps, multi-linear springs, and more.
 Line objects, of four types:

1. Frame objects: Used to model beams, columns, braces, and trusses

2. Cable objects: Used to model slender cables under self-weight and tension

3. Tendon objects: Used to pre-stressing tendons within other objects

4. Connecting (two-joint) link objects:

Used to model special member behavior such as isolators, dampers, gaps, multi linear
springs, and more.

 Area objects: Shell elements (plate, membrane, and full-shell) used to model walls,
bfloors, and other thin-walled members; as well as two-dimensional solids (plane- stress,
plane-strain, and axis symmetric solids).

Solid objects: Used to model three-dimensional solids. As a general rule, the geometry of
the object should correspond to that of the physical member. This simplifies the
visualization of the model and helps with the design process.

 The following general steps are required to analyze and design a structure using
SAP2000:  Create or modify a model that numerically defines the geometry, properties,
loading, and analysis parameters for the structures.

 Perform an analysis of the model.

 Review the results of the analysis.

 Check and optimize the design of the structure


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 25
4. Preliminary Evaluation

4.1 Site Visit

Site visit is conducted to get familiarized with the building system and take note of
conditions which are missing in the drawings.

a) General Information
Number of storeys = 3
Dimensions = 28 m × 18.62 m
Year of construction = 1992

b) Structural system description:

Framing vertical lateral force-resisting system = Columns
Floor and roof diaphragm connection to walls = No anchorage seen
Basement = None
Foundation system = Isolated system

c) Building type and site soil classification as in IS 1893 (Part 1)

Building type: OMRF
Soil classification = Soft type III – Soft soil

d) Building use and nature of occupancy

Building use = Academic purpose
Nature of occupancy =

e) Adjacent buildings and potential for pounding and falling hazards.

= High potential for pounding

f) General conditions:
Deterioration of materials = None
Damage from past earthquakes = Cracks in masonry infill walls
Alterations and additions that could affect earthquake performance = None
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 26
h) Geological site hazards and foundation conditions:
Susceptibility for liquefaction = None
Conditions for slope failure = None (Retaining wall provided)
Surface fault rupture = Not known

j) Special construction anomalies and conditions = None

4.2 Configuration related checks

Table 4.1 Configuration Checks

S.No. Check Remarks

1. Load path One complete load path exists for seismic forces from all
horizontal directions which transfer all inertial forces in
the building to the foundation.
2. Redundancy The number of bays in each line is greater than or equal to
2 in all lines of vertical lateral load resisting elements in
each principal directions.
3. Geometry Horizontal dimensions of lateral force resisting system are
same in all stories.
4. Weak storey No change in the strength of the vertical lateral force
resisting system in any storey by less than 70 percent of
the strength in an adjacent storey.
5. Soft storey No soft storey found.
6. Mass No change in effective mass more than 100 percent from
one storey to the next.
8. Torsion The estimated distance between a storey center of mass
and storey center of stiffness is less than 30 percent of the
building dimension at right angles to the direction of
loading considered.
9. Adjacent Two adjacent buildings are separated by expansion gaps,
Buildings and since the floor level are same pounding effect is
10. Short columns There is no presence of short column.
11. Deterioration of No visible deterioration were observed. No cracks were
Concrete found in structural concrete.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 27
4.3 Structural Assessment Checklist for Type 3 and 4 Reinforced Concrete Moment-
Resisting-Frame Buildings

Building system

C NC N/A NK LOAD PATH: The structure shall contain at least one rational and
complete load path for seismic forces from any horizontal direction so
that they can transfer all inertial forces in the building to the foundation.

C NC N/A NK REDUNDANCY: The number of lines of vertical lateral load

resisting elements in each principal direction shall be greater than or
equal to 2.

C NC N/A NK GEOMETRY: No change in the horizontal dimension of lateral force

resisting system of more than 50% in a storey relative to adjacent
stories, excluding penthouses and mezzanine floors, should be made.

C NC N/A NK MEZZANINES/LOFT/SUBFLOORS: Interior mezzanine/loft/sub-

floor levels shall be braced independently from the main structure, or
shall be anchored to the lateral- force-resisting elements of the main

C NC N/A NK WEAK STORY: The strength of the vertical lateral force resisting
system in any storey shall not be less than 70% of the strength in an
adjacent story.
C NC N/A NK SOFT STORY: The stiffness of vertical lateral load resisting system
in any storey shall not be less than 60% of the stiffness in an adjacent
story or less than 70% of the average stiffness of the three storey above.

C NC N/A NK VERTICAL DISCONTINUITIES: All vertical elements in the lateral

force resisting system shall be continuous from the root to the

C NC N/A NK MASS: There shall be no change in effective mass more than 100%
from one storey to the next. Light roofs, penthouse, and mezzanine
floors need not be considered.

C NC N/A NK TORSION: The estimated distance between the storey center of mass
and the storey centre of stiffness shall be less than 30% of the building
dimension at right angles to the direction of loading considered.

C NC N/A NK ADJACENT BUILDINGS: The clear horizontal distance between

the building under consideration and any adjacent building shall be
greater than 4 % of the height of the shorter building, expect for
buildings that are of the same height with floors located at the same


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 28
C NC N/A NK FLAT SLAB FRAMES: The lateral-force-resisting system shall not
be a frame consisting of columns and a flat slab/plate without beams.

C NC N/A NK SHORT COLUMNS: The reduced height of a columns due to

surrounding parapet, infill wall, etc. shall not be less than five times the
dimension of the column in the direction of parapet, infill wall, etc. or
50% of the nominal height of the typical columns in that storey.

C NC N/A NK DETERIORATION OF CONCRETE: There should be no visible

deterioration of the concrete or reinforcing steel in any of the vertical or
lateral force resisting elements.

C NC N/A NK CRACKS IN BOUNDARY COLUMNS: There shall be no existing

diagonal cracks wider than 3 mm in concrete columns that encase
masonry infills.

C NC N/A NK MASONRY UNITS: There shall be no visible deterioration of

masonry units.

C NC N/A NK MASONRY JOINTS: The mortar shall not be easily scraped away
from the joints by hand with a metal tool, and there shall be no areas of
eroded mortar.

C NC N/A NK CRACKS IN INFILL WALLS: There shall be no existing diagonal

cracks in infill walls that extend throughout a panel, are greater than
3mm, or have out of plane offsets in the bed joint greater than 3 mm.

Lateral Load Resisting System


stress in concrete columns tcol , computed in accordance with 6.5.1 of
IITK- GSDMA guidelines for seismic evaluation and strengthening of
buildings shall be lesser of 0.4 MPa and 𝟎. 𝟏𝟎√𝒇𝒄𝒌

C NC N/A NK SHEAR STRESS IN SHEAR WALLS: Average shear stress in concrete

and masonry shear walls, tWall shall be calculated as per 6.5.2 of IITK-
GSDMA guidelines for seismic evaluation and strengthening of
buildings. For concrete shear walls, tWall shall be less than 0.4 MPa .
For unreinforced masonry load bearing wall building wall buildings, the
average shear stress, tWall shall be less than 0.10 MPa.
The shear stress in the reinforced masonry shear walls be less than 0.3
MPa and the shear stress in the unreinforced masonry shear walls shall be
less than 0.1 MPa.


compressive axial stress in the columns of moments frames at base due


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 29
to overturning forces alone (Fo) as calculated using 6.5.4 equation of
IITK- GSDMA guidelines for seismic evaluation and strengthening of
buildings shall be less than 𝟎. 𝟐𝟓 𝒇𝒄𝒌

C NC N/A NK NO SHEAR FAILURES: Shear capacity of frame members shall be

adequate to develop the moment capacity at the ends, and shall be in
accordance with provision of IS: 13920 for shear design of beams and

C NC N/A NK CONCRETE COLUMNS: All concrete columns shall be anchored

into the foundation.

C NC N/A NK STRONG COLUMN/WEAK BEAM: The sum of the moments of

resistance of the columns shall be at least 1.1 times the sum of the
moment of resistance of the beams at each frame joint.

C NC N/A NK BEAM BARS: At least two longitudinal top and two longitudinal
bottom bars shall extend continuously throughout the length of each
frame beam. At least 25% of the longitudinal bars located at the joints
for either positive or negative moment shall be continuous throughout
the length of the members.

C NC N/A NK COLUMNS BAR SPLICES: Lap splices shall be located only in the
central half of the member length. It should be proportions as a tension
splice. Hoops shall be located over the entire splice length at spacing not
exceeding 150 mm centre to centre. Not more than 50% of the bars shall
preferably be spliced at one section. If more than 50 % of the bars are
spliced at one section, the lap length shall be 1.3𝑳𝒅 where 𝑳𝒅 is the
development length of bar in tension as per IS 456:2000.

C NC N/A NK BEAM BAR SPLICES: Longitudinal bars shall be spliced only if

hoops are located over the entire splice length, at a spacing not
exceeding 150mm. The lap length shall not be less than the bar
development length in tension. Lap splices shall not be located (a)
within a joint, (b) within a distance of 2d from joint face, and (c) within
a quarter length of the member where flexural yielding may occur under
the effect of earthquake forces. Not more than 50% of the bars shall be
spliced at one section.

C NC N/A NK COLUMN TIE SPACING: The parallel legs of rectangular hoop shall
be spaced not more than 300 mm centre to centre. If the length of any
side of the hoop exceeds 300 mm, the provision of a crosstie should be
there. Alternatively, a pair of overlapping hoops may be located within
the column. The hooks shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.

C NC N/A NK STIRRUP SPACING: The spacing of stirrups over a length of 2d at

either end of a beam shall not exceed (a) d/4, or (b) 8 times the diameter
of the smallest longitudinal bar; however, it need not be less than 100
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 30
mm. The first hoop shall be at a distance not exceeding 50 mm from the
joint face. In case of beams vertical hoops at the same spacing as above
shall also be located over a length equal to 2d on either side of a section
where flexural yielding side of a section where flexural yielding may
occur under the effect of earthquake forces. Elsewhere, the beam shall
have vertical hoops at a spacing not exceeding d/2.
C NC N/A NK JOINT REINFORCING: Beam- column joints shall have ties spaced
at or less than 150 mm.

C NC N/A NK STIRRUP AND TIE HOOKS: The beam stirrups and column ties
shall preferably be anchored into the member cores with hooks of 1350

C NC N/A NK JOINT ECCENTRICITY: There shall be no eccentricities larger than

20% of the smallest column plan dimension between girder and column
centerlines. This statement shall apply to the Immediate Occupancy
Performance Level only.

C NC N/A NK WALL CONNECTIONS: All infill walls shall have a positive

connection to the frame to resist out-of-plane forces.

C NC N/A NK INTERFERING WALLS: All infill walls placed in moment frames

shall be isolated from structural elements.


C NC N/A NK DIAPHRAGM CONTINUITY: The diaphragms shall not be

composed of split-level floors. In wood buildings, the diaphragms shall
not have expansion joints.

C NC N/A NK PLAN IRREGULARITIES: There shall be tensile capacity to develop

the strength of the diaphragm at re-entrant corners or other locations of
plan irregularities. This statement shall apply to the Immediate
Occupancy Performance Level only.


reinforcing around all diaphragms openings larger than 50% of the
building width in either major plan dimension. This statement shall
apply to the Immediate Occupancy Performance Level only.

Geologic Site

C NC N/A NK AREA HISTORY: Evidence of history of landslides, mud slides, soil

settlement, sinkholes, construction on fill, or buried on or at sites in the
area are not anticipated.

C NC N/A NK LIQUEFACTION: Liquefaction susceptible, saturated, loose granular

soils that could jeopardize the building’s seismic performance shall not
exist in the foundation soils.
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 31
C NC N/A NK SLOPE FAILURE: The building site shall be sufficiently remote
from potential earthquake induced slope failures or rock falls to be
unaffected by such failures or shall be capable of accommodating any
predicted movements without failure.

The building was not complaint for masonry units and their joints, shear stress in RC frame
columns. Hence, their analysis was carried out using FEMA 310 guidelines as the fulfillment
of Tier-1 checks.

4.4 Calculation of Lumped Mass

Table 4.2 Lumped Mass Calculation

At level 3.83 m
1 Column 397.094 KN
2 Beam 486.148 KN
3 Slab 1955.100 KN
4 Wall 1536.680 KN
5 Live load 458.390 KN
TOTAL 4833.410 KN

At level 7.66 m
1 Column 402.278 KN
2 Beam 486.148 KN
3 Slab 1955.100 KN
4 Wall 1558.460 KN
5 Live load 458.390 KN
TOTAL 4860.370 KN

At level 11.59 m
1 Column 203.731 KN
2 Beam 504.704 KN
3 Slab 226.800 KN
4 Wall 735.947 KN
5 Live load 120.960 KN
TOTAL 1792.140 KN


4.5 Calculation of Base Shear and Strength-related checks:

4.5.1 Method-1: IS 1893:2016 (Part I)

Using equivalent static method,

The total design lateral force or design seismic base shear is given by:
𝑉𝑏 = 𝐴ℎ 𝑊
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 32
W = Seismic weight of the building = 11485.90 KN
( )( 𝑎 )
2 𝑔
𝐴ℎ = The design horizontal seismic force coefficient = 𝑅
( )

Z = Zone factor = 0.36 (for Seismic zone V)

I = Importance factor = 1.0
R = Response Reduction Factor = 3 for ORMF (Ordinary RC Moment Resisting Frame)
𝑇𝑎 = 0.075 ℎ0.75 = 0.075 × 11.590.75 = 0.0471 sec
For soft soil site, 0 < 𝑇 < 0.67s
= 2.5
( )( 𝑎 ) 0.36
2 𝑔 2
𝐴ℎ = 𝑅 = 3 = 0.15
( ) 1

Base shear, 𝑉𝑏 = 𝐴ℎ 𝑊 = 0.15 × 11485.900 = 1722.885 𝐾𝑁 Shear stress in RC Columns

The design base shear (𝑉𝑏 ) is distributed along the height of the buildings as per the
following expression:
𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2
𝑄𝑖 = 𝑉𝐵 ∑ 2
𝑖=1 𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖

where, 𝑄𝑖 = Design lateral force at floor 𝑖

𝑊𝑖 = Seismic weight of floor 𝑖
ℎ𝑖 = Height of floor 𝑖 measured from base
Table 4.3 Storey Shear Distribution
Floor level 𝑊𝑖 (𝑘𝑁) ℎ𝑖 (𝑚 ) 𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2 Storey forces Storey shear
(i) (𝑘𝑁 − 𝑚2 ) 𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2 Forces (𝑉𝑗 )
𝑄𝑖 = 𝑉𝐵
∑ 𝑖=1 𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2 (kN)
11.59 m (3) 1792.140 11.590 20770.903 467.709 467.709
7.66 m (2) 4860.370 7.660 37230.434 838.336 1306.045
3.83 m (1) 4833.410 3.830 18511.960 416.843 1722.888
11485.920 76513.297
Average shearing stress in column is given by: [Using IITK-GSDMA guidelines]


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 33
𝑛𝑐 𝑣
𝑧𝑐𝑜𝑙 = (𝑛 ) (𝐴𝑗 ) < minimum of 0.4 MPa and 0.1√𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 0.1√20 = 0.447 MPa
𝑐 −𝑛𝑓 𝑐

𝑛𝑐 = total no. of columns resisting lateral forces in the direction of loading

𝑛𝑓 = total no. of frames in the direction of loading
𝐴𝑐 = summation of the cross-section area of all columns in the storey under consideration
𝑉𝑗 = Maximum storey shear at storey level 'j'
DCR = Demand Capacity Ratio
Table 4.4 Shear Stress in Columns
Storey 𝒏𝒄 𝒏𝒇𝟏 𝒏𝒇𝟐 Ac Storey Shear stress DCR
(m2) shear 𝝉𝒄𝒐𝒍 (MPa) Remark
(kN) Col x Col y In x- In y-
dir dir
3 32 8 4 4.147 467.709 0.150 0.129 0.376 0.322 DCR is
2 32 8 4 4.147 1306.045 0.420 0.360 1.050 0.900 not
1 32 8 4 4.147 1722.888 0.554 0.475 1.385 1.187 satisfied.
Hence, the check is not satisfied. Axial stress in Moment Frames

Axial stress due to overturning forces as per FEMA 310 (Clause
i) Axial stress in moment frames for x-direction loading
Axial force in columns of moment frames at base due to overturning forces. The axial
stress of columns subjected to overturning forces 𝐹𝑜 is given by
𝑉𝐵 = Base shear × Load factor = 1722.885 × 1.5 = 2584.328 kN
𝐴𝑐 = column area = 0.1296 m2
H = total height = 12.64 m
L = length of the building = 28.36 m
1 2 𝑣 𝐻 1 2 2584.328 12.64
𝐹0 = 𝑚 × 3 (𝑛𝑏 ) ( 𝐿 ) = 2 × (3) × ( ) × (28.36) = 95.986 kN
𝑓 4
Axial stress for x-direction loading , 𝜎 = 0.1296×106 = 0.741𝑀𝑃𝑎
But, Allowable stress, 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 0.25 𝑓𝑐𝑘 (Reference IS 15988:2013 Clause 6.5.9)
= 0.25 × 20 = 5 MPa
∴ 𝜎 < 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙 O.K.
∴ DCR = 5 = 0.148 < 1
Hence, the check is satisfied.

ii) Axial stress in moment frames for y-direction loading

1 2 𝑣 𝐻 1 2 2584.328 12.64
𝐹0 = 𝑚 × 3 (𝑛𝑏 ) ( 𝐿 ) = 2 × (3) × ( ) × (18.42) = 73.891 kN
𝑓 8


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 34
Axial stress for x-direction loading , 𝜎 = 0.1296×106 = 0.570 𝑀𝑃𝑎
But, 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 0.25 𝑓𝑐𝑘 (Reference IS 15988:2013 Clause 6.5.9)
= 0.25 × 20 = 5 MPa
∴ 𝜎 < 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙 O.K.
∴ DCR = = 0.114 < 1
Hence, the check is satisfied.

4.5.2 Method-2 : NBC 105:2020

Using Ultimate Limit State,

Horizontal base shear coefficient, 𝐶𝑑 (𝑇1 ) = 𝑅
𝜇 ×Ωu

Where, 𝐶 (𝑇1 ) = Elastic site spectra = 𝐶ℎ (𝑇)𝑍𝐼

Where, 𝐶ℎ (𝑇) = Spectral shape factor
Time period (𝑇1 ) = 𝑘𝑡 𝐻 4 = 0.075 × 12.640.75 = 0.503 sec
Using Amplification factor as per Clause 5.1.3, (𝑇) = 1.25 × 𝑇1 = 1.25 ×
0.503 = 0.629 sec
So, 𝐶ℎ (𝑇) = 2.25
Importance factor (𝐼 ) = 1.25 for Importance Class II
Seismic Zoning Factor (𝑍) = 0.35 for Kathmandu
So, 𝐶 (𝑇1 ) = 𝐶ℎ (𝑇)𝑍𝐼 = 2.25 × 1.25 × 0.35 = 0.984
Ductility factor = 𝑅𝜇 = 4
Overstrength factor = Ω𝑢 = 1.5
𝐶𝑑 (𝑇1 ) = 4×1.5 = 0.164
Horizontal base shear (V) = 𝐶𝑑 (𝑇1 ) × 𝑊
= 0.164 × 11485.900 = 1883.688 kN Shear stress in RC Columns

The design base shear (𝑉𝑏 ) is distributed along the height of the buildings as per the
following expression:
𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2
𝑄𝑖 = 𝑉𝐵 ∑ 2
𝑖=1 𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖

where, 𝑄𝑖 = Design lateral force at floor 𝑖

𝑊𝑖 = Seismic weight of floor 𝑖
ℎ𝑖 = Height of floor 𝑖 measured from base


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 35
Table 4.5 Storey Shear Distribution
Floor level 𝑊𝑖 (𝑘𝑁) ℎ𝑖 (𝑚 ) 𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2 Storey forces Storey shear
(i) (𝑘𝑁 − 𝑚2 ) 𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2 Forces (𝑉𝑗 )
𝑄𝑖 = 𝑉𝐵
∑ 𝑖=1 𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2 (kN)
11.59 m (3) 1792.140 11.590 20770.903 511.362 511.362
7.66 m (2) 4860.370 7.660 37230.434 916.581 1427.943
3.83 m (1) 4833.410 3.830 18511.960 455.748 1883.691
11485.920 76513.297
Average shearing stress in column is given by: [Using IITK-GSDMA guidelines]
𝑛𝑐 𝑣
𝑧𝑐𝑜𝑙 = (𝑛 ) (𝐴𝑗 ) < minimum of 0.4 MPa and 0.1√𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 0.1√20 = 0.447 MPa
𝑐 −𝑛𝑓 𝑐

𝑛𝑐 = total no. of columns resisting lateral forces in the direction of loading

𝑛𝑓 = total no. of frames in the direction of loading
𝐴𝑐 = summation of the cross-section area of all columns in the storey under consideration
𝑉𝑗 = Maximum storey shear at storey level 'j'
DCR = Demand Capacity Ratio
Table 4.6 Shear Stress in Columns
Storey 𝒏𝒄 𝒏𝒇𝟏 𝒏𝒇𝟐 Ac Storey Shear stress DCR
(m2) shear 𝝉𝒄𝒐𝒍 (MPa) Remark
(kN) Col x Col y In x- In y-
dir dir
3 32 8 4 4.147 511.362 0.164 0.141 0.411 0.352 DCR is
2 32 8 4 4.147 1427.943 0.459 0.394 1.148 0.984 not
1 32 8 4 4.147 1883.691 0.606 0.519 1.514 1.298 satisfied.
Hence, the check is not satisfied. Axial stress in Moment Frames

Axial stress due to overturning forces as per FEMA 310 (Clause
i) Axial stress in moment frames for x-direction loading
Axial force in columns of moment frames at base due to overturning forces. The axial
stress of columns subjected to overturning forces 𝐹𝑜 is given by
𝑉𝐵 = Base shear × Load factor = 1883.688 × 1.5 = 2825.532 KN
𝐴𝑐 = column area = 0.1296 m2
H = total height = 12.64 m
L = length of the building = 28.36 m


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 36
1 2 𝑣 𝐻 1 2 2825.532 12.64
𝐹0 = 𝑚 × 3 (𝑛𝑏 ) ( 𝐿 ) = 2 × (3) × ( ) × (28.36) = 104.94KN
𝑓 4
Axial stress for x-direction loading , 𝜎 = 0.1296×106 = 0.810 𝑀𝑃𝑎
But, Allowable stress, 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 0.25 𝑓𝑐𝑘 (Reference IS 15988:2013 Clause 6.5.9)
= 0.25 × 20 = 5 MPa
∴ 𝜎 < 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙 O.K.
∴ DCR = 5 = 0.162 < 1
Hence, the check is satisfied.

ii) Axial stress in moment frames for y-direction loading

1 2 𝑣 𝐻 1 2 2825.532 12.64
𝐹0 = 𝑚 × 3 (𝑛𝑏 ) ( 𝐿 ) = 2 × (3) × ( ) × (18.42) = 80.788 KN
𝑓 8
Axial stress for x-direction loading , 𝜎 = 0.1296×106 = 0.623 𝑀𝑃𝑎
But, 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 0.25 𝑓𝑐𝑘 (Reference IS 15988:2013 Clause 6.5.9)
= 0.25 × 20 = 5 MPa
∴ 𝜎 < 𝜎𝑎𝑙𝑙 O.K.
∴ DCR = = 0.125 < 1
Hence, the check is satisfied.

4.5.3 Check of out-of-plane stability of Brick Masonry Walls

Table 4.7. Out-of-plane stability

Wall Wall Recommended Actual Comments

Types thickness height/thickness ratio height/thickness
(𝟎. 𝟐𝟒 < 𝑺𝒙 ≤ 𝟎. 𝟑𝟓) ratio of building
(ref: FEMA 310
Table 4.2)

Wall in 3830−300
= 15.35
230 mm 18 Pass

Wall in 16 3830−300
= 15.35
230 mm Pass

Wall in 3930 − 300

= 15.78
230 mm 16 Pass

The out of plane stability of ground floor wall and that for upper stories are within the
permissible limit, hence the check is satisfied.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 37
4.6 Conclusion from Preliminary Calculations

From the qualitative assessment, it can be concluded the safety of the building is
inadequate and hence, retrofit is necessary. The proposed retrofit scheme should be
technically feasible and economically viable (Retrofitting is considered suitable if the
cost of retrofitting is within 30% of the cost of new construction). Thus, a detailed
quantitative assessment have to be conducted with the help of non-destructive tests.
Hence, the building was found to be vulnerable on shear stress in columns, by the above
seismic evaluation. Many assumptions were made during the Tier-1 and Tier-2
evaluation processes as well as some of the methods were conventional and conservative,
hence a detailed (Tier-3) evaluation is recommended.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 38
5. Detailed Evaluation
5.1 General

A full building analysis is performed with respect to its present condition and
adequacy of the lateral-load-resisting system. The evaluation is done with a linear
elastic analysis method named equivalent static lateral force method as mentioned in
IS 1893 (Part 1).

5.2 Condition of the building components [As per Clause 7.1.1 of IS 15988:2013]

A revisit to the site was made to verify the existing data including those used in the
preliminary analysis, and the condition of various building components were checked
by performing suitable tests to assess the present day strength of materials for greater
reliability. It was kept in mind that the deteriorated building components can
jeopardize the capacity of a building to resist lateral forces.
Table 5.1 Building Components Condition
S.No. Check Observation Remarks
(a) Deterioration No visible deterioration of the It is known that
of Concrete: concrete or reinforcing steel deterioration of
in any of the vertical or lateral concrete reduces the
force resisting elements were strength of concrete
found. All the rebars were elements and along
confined within the concrete when water percolates
cover during the construction. into concrete easily
corrosion of
reinforcing bars begin,
which may lead to
further loss of cross-
section of rebar and
strength loss.
Furthermore, concrete
deterioration can also
cause spalling which
can lead to reduction in
available surface area
for bond between the
concrete and steel.

(b) Cracks in The diagonal cracks wider Crack width is a

Boundary than 3 mm in concrete general indicator of
Columns: columns encasing the damage level in
masonry infills were not
structural components.
found. In fact, no cracks were
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 39
found in the concrete Small cracks in
columns. components have little
effect on strength but
are matter of concern
when they are large
enough and not provide
the aggregate its
interlocking property or
resistance against
buckling of the
reinforcement steel.
Sometimes, column is
required to resist
diagonal compression
strut forces that are
developed in infill wall
panels, axial forces
induced by vertical
components and the
moment due to
eccentricity between
horizontal components
and the beam. Columns
having cracks spread
over a large area may
indicate locations of
possible weakness and
such column are
doubtful to be able to
function in conjunction
within the infill panel
as expected.
€ Masonry There were no visible Brickwork defect
Units: deterioration of masonry occurs in building for a
units. The masonry unit used variety of reasons. The
in the building was first class main signs that
brick. brickwork is
deteriorating are
surface growth and
staining, efflorescence,
loosed brick becoming
dislodged, crack


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 40
appears, etc. (Moses
Jenkins, 2007)
(d) Masonry The mortar was not easily
Joints: scraped away from the joints
by hand with a metal tool,
and there were no areas of
eroded mortar found.
(e) Cracks in Although, there were The diagonal cracks
Infill Walls: diagonal cracks found in found indicated a
infill walls of the top floor distress in the wall
where the wall was not from the past seismic
restrained by beam at the top, event of Gorkha
but those cracks did not Earthquake 2015. This
extend throughout the panel, diagonal crack can
were not wider than 3 mm, affect the interaction of
neither had a out-of-plane the masonry units with
offsets in the bed joint the surrounding frame
greater than 3 mm. and lead to a reduction
in strength and
The presence of offsets
in the bed joint along
the masonry units may
affect the interaction of
the masonry units in
resisting out-of-plane

5.3 Condition of the Building Material [As per Clause 7.1.12 of IS

Some standard test techniques were used for assessing the condition of building
material. These techniques were on-site non-destructive tests. The field tests which are
only indicative tests should have been supplemented with the laboratory tests for
accurate quantitative results, however, it was not possible in our case.
The tests which can be done in concrete and masonry structures are listed below,
along with which measures were followed. Further details of the field-work are given
in Appendix.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 41
Table 5.2. Concrete Structures
Information Required Test Techniques Performed Date
Strength Rebound hammer 2078/11/11
Depth of carbonation Petrographic -
Permeability Surface absorption test -
Water and gas
permeability test
Absorption test on
intact cores
Rate of carbonation Presence, position of, 2078/11/11
Rate of corrosion and cover to steel
Extent of corrosion of Physical exposure -
reinforcement Electrical potential
Delamination Ultrasonic pulse 2078/11/11
velocity Core
Elongation of steel Laboratory tests (IS -
reinforcement 10790: Part1:1984)
As, our buildings have all the structural components made up of concrete only, thus no
tests of masonry elements were done. However, the condition of beam-wall joint,
masonry units and joints condition, and measurement related to cracks in masonry
infills were assessed.

5.4 Structural Modeling

As explained in idealization of structure section, the building was modelled in ETABS
with sections obtained from preliminary designs:


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 42
Force/Stress Diagram
Moment 3-3 (Plan view)


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 43
Shear 3-3 (Elevation view 1)

Axial (Elevation View 1)


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 44

Check for Maximum Displacement:

Along X-axis Remarks

Displacement (𝑈𝑋 )
Joint mm
1.5 × 𝑈𝑋1 > 𝑈𝑋2 (OK)
𝑈𝑋1 1 80.315
𝑈𝑋2 15 80.054


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 45
Along Y-axis: Remarks
Joint Displacement (𝑈𝑌 ) mm
𝑈𝑌1 262 79.241 1.5 × 𝑈𝑋1 > 𝑈𝑋2 (OK)
𝑈𝑌2 15 80.054

Check for Torsion Requirement:

Along Y-axis
Joint Displacement Average of the far end Remarks
(𝑈𝑌 ) mm displacement
𝑈𝑌1 262 80.315
𝑈𝑌2 15 80.054 80.1845 Safe from
𝑈𝑚 17 76.195

Along X-axis
Joint Displacement Average of the far end Remarks
(𝑈𝑋 ) mm displacement
𝑈𝑋1 1 79.241
𝑈𝑋2 15 80.054 79.6475 Safe from
𝑈𝑚 16 80.09

According to IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016, TABLE 4:

Torsional irregularity to be considered to exist when the maximum storey drift, computed
with design eccentricity, at one end of the structures transverse to an axis is more than 1.2
times the average of the storey drifts at the two ends of the structure.

Since, the mid-point deflection is less than 1.2*Average of the far end displacement, the
structure is safe from torsion.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 46
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 47
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 48
5.4 Evaluation Procedure:

Table 5.3. Detailed Analysis

Reference Steps Calculations Remarks
1 Column Flexure Capacity
Calculating the column bending capacity for
ground storey column (C- )
The column demand given by load case with
maximum value is:
𝑃𝑢 = 1210.54 kN
𝑀𝑢𝑥 = 112.68 kN-m
𝑀𝑢𝑦 = −1.56 kN-m
𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 20 MPa
𝑓𝑦 = 415 MPa
Clear cover = 40 mm
𝑑 ′ = 60 mm
𝑏 = 360 mm
𝐷 = 360 mm

𝑑 ′ /𝐷 = 0.167
𝑑 ′ /𝑏 = 0.167
Chart 45 𝐴𝑠 = 4136 mm2
SP:16 Percentage of reinforcement,
𝑃 = 3.191%

𝑃/𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 0.159
= 0.467
𝑓 𝑏𝐷

= 0.11
𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝐷2

𝑀𝑢𝑥 =
102.643 kN-m
DCR = 102.643 = 1.097 > 1 NOT OK

= 0.11
𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏2 𝐷

𝑀𝑢𝑦 = 102.643 kN-m
DCR = 102.643 = 0.015 <1
Hence, the check is not satisfied.
2 Shear Capacity of Column

Considering that the steel in one face will be in


For Y-direction

𝐴𝑠 = 3 × 𝜋 × = 603.168 mm2


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 49
100 𝐴𝑠 100×603.168
Therefore, = = 0.465 %
𝑏𝐷 360×360

For 𝑃𝑡 = 0.465% and M20 grade of concrete,

IS 456:2000
𝜏𝑐 = 0.4632 N/mm2
Table 19
For members subjected to axial compression 𝑃𝑢 ,
the design shear strength of concrete 𝜏𝑐 , shall be
multiplied by the following factor.
IS 456:2000 3 𝑃𝑢 1210.54
Clause 𝛿 =1+𝐴 = 1 + 3 × 360×360×20 = 2.401 >
𝑔 ×𝑓𝑐𝑘
40.2.2 1.5
Multiplying Factor, 𝛿 = 1.5
Hence, 𝜏𝑐 (modified) = 𝛿 × 𝜏𝑐 = 0.4632 × 1.5 =

Shear Capacity of section,

𝑉𝑐 = = 90.046 kN
IS 456:2000
Clause 40.4 Stirrups are 4-legged, 8 𝑚𝑚 𝜙 @ 150 mm c/c
𝐴𝑠 = 4 × 𝜋 × 4 = 201.06 mm2
𝑉𝑢𝑠 = 0.87 × 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝑠 × 𝑆
= 0.87 × 415 × 201.06 × 150×1000
= 174.219 kN

Therefore, Total shear 𝑉𝑢𝑦 = 𝑉𝑈𝑠 + 𝜏𝑐 𝑏𝐷

= 90.046 + 174.219
IS 456:2000 = 264.265 kN
Table 19
For X-direction,
𝐴𝑠 = 3 × 𝜋 × = 603.168 mm2
100𝐴𝑠 100×603.168
Therefore, = = 0.465 %
𝑏𝐷 360×360

For 𝑃𝑡 = 0.465 % and M20 grade of concrete,

𝜏𝑐 = 0.463 N/mm2
IS 456:2000
Clause For members subjected to axial compression 𝑃𝑢 ,
40.2.2 the design shear strength of concrete 𝑇𝑐 , shall be
multiplied by the following factor.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 50
3 𝑃𝑢 1210.54
𝛿 =1+𝐴 = 1 + 3 × 360×360×20 = 2.401 >
𝑔 ×𝑓𝑐𝑘
Multiplying Factor, 𝛿 = 1.5
IS 456:2000 Hence, 𝜏𝑐 (modified) = 𝛿 × 𝜏𝑐 = 0.4632 × 1.5 =
Clause 40.4 0.695

Shear Capacity of section,

𝑉𝑐 = = 90.046 kN

Stirrups are 4-legged, 8 𝑚𝑚 𝜙 @ 150 mm c/c

𝐴𝑠 = 4 × 𝜋 × 4 = 201.06 mm2
𝑉𝑢𝑠 = 0.87 × 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝑠 × 𝑆
= 0.87 × 415 × 201.06 × 150×1000
= 174.219 kN

Therefore, Total shear 𝑉𝑢𝑦 = 𝑉𝑈𝑠 + 𝜏𝑐 𝑏𝐷

= 90.046 + 174.219
= 264.265 kN

Shear Force as per ETABS Analysis,

𝑉𝑢𝑥 = 126.352 kN
𝑉𝑢𝑦 = 71.701 kN

Moment Capacity of Beam

Top 𝐴𝑠𝑡 Bottom 𝐴𝑠𝑡

B34 → 1652 mm2 1205 mm2
B33 → 1926 mm2 1209 mm2
ℎ𝑠𝑡 = 3.83 m

Along X-direction,
𝑠𝑡 = 1205 𝑚𝑚
𝑓𝑦 ×𝐴𝑠𝑡
𝑀𝑢𝐴𝑠 = 0.87 × 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝐴𝑠
𝑠𝑡 × 𝑑 × [1 − 𝑏𝑑𝑓 ]
= 0.87 × 415 × 1205 × (250) × [1 −
Clause 7.5 ]
= 72.745 kN-m
𝑀𝑢𝐴ℎ = 81.412 kN-m
𝑀𝑢𝐵𝑠 = 72.867 kN-m
𝑀𝑢𝐵ℎ = 116.081 kN-m

For Sway to right,
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 51
𝐴𝑠 +𝑀 𝐵ℎ )
1.4×(𝑀𝑢 𝑢
(𝑉𝑢 )1 =
= 3.83
= 69.0225kN
Shear demand,
𝑉𝑢𝑥 = 69.0225 kN
Shear capacity 264.265kN

DCR = = 0.261 < 1

IS Along Y-direction:
13920:2016 Top 𝐴𝑠𝑡 Bottom 𝐴𝑠𝑡
Clause 7.5 B26 113 mm2 47 mm2
B27 237 mm2 119 mm2

𝑀𝑢𝐴𝑠 = 12.13 kN-m

𝑀𝑢𝐴ℎ = 24.158 kN-m
𝑀𝑢𝐵𝑠 = 4.791 kN-m
𝑀𝑢𝐵ℎ = 11.518 kN-m

Sway to right:
𝐴𝑠 +𝑀 𝐵ℎ
𝑀𝑢 𝑢
𝑉𝑢 = 1.4 × = 8.644 kN
Sway to left:
𝐴ℎ +𝑀 𝐵𝑠
𝑀𝑢 𝑢
𝑉𝑢 = 1.4 × = 10.581 kN
Final shear demand,
(𝑉𝑢 )𝑔 = 10.581 kN
Shear capacity,
(𝑉𝑢 ) = 264.694 kN
DCR = 264.694 = 0.04 < 1 (OK)

3 Shear Capacity of Beam:

Shear reinforcement provided in the existing beam

at support section is 2-legged 8 mm 𝜙 @ 80 mm

𝐴𝑠 = 2 × 𝜋 × = 1884.96 mm2
𝑃𝑡 = 100 × 𝑏𝑑𝑠 = 2.154%
For 𝑀20, 𝑃𝑡 = 2.154%
𝜏𝑐 = 0.802 N/mm2
𝜏𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2.8 N/mm2 > 𝜏𝑐


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 52
IS 456:2000 Stirrups are 2-legged 8 mm 𝜙 @ 80 mm c/c.
40.4(a) 0.87×𝑓𝑦 ×𝐴𝑠𝑡 ×𝑑
𝑉𝑢𝑠 = 𝑠𝑣
= 80
= 137.018 kN

𝑉𝑢 = 𝑉𝑢𝑠 + 𝜏𝑐 𝑏𝑑
= 137.018 + 0.802 × 250 × 302
= 197.569 kN

Shear From Analysis = 168.443 kN

B39 → 1st Floor
𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑝 = 994 mm2
𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑚 = 497 mm2
Maximum shear from analysis (ETABS)
=168.433 kN

Moment Capacity of beam:


𝑓 𝐴
𝑀𝑢𝐴𝑠 = 0.87 × 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝑠𝑡 × 𝑑 [1 − 𝑏𝑑𝑦 𝑓𝑠𝑡 ] =
46.789 kN
𝑀𝑢𝐵ℎ = 46.789 kN-m
𝑀𝑢𝐵𝑠 = 78.774 kN-m
𝑀𝑢𝐴ℎ = 78.774 kN-m

DL = (25 × 0.25 × 0.35 × 8.23) = 18 kN

LL = 7.5 × 8.23 = 61.725 kN
𝑉𝑢,𝑎 = 1.2 × (𝐷𝐿 + 𝐿𝐿) = 95.67 kN
𝐿𝐴𝐵 = 8.23 m
1. For sway to Right:-
𝐴𝑠+𝑀 𝐵ℎ
𝐷+𝐿 𝑢
𝑉𝑢,𝑎 = 𝑉𝑢,𝑎 + 1.4 × 𝐿𝐴𝐵
𝑉𝑢𝑎 = 117.029 kN
𝑉𝑢𝑎 = 74.310kN
𝐴𝑠+𝑀 𝐵ℎ
𝐷+𝐿 𝑢
𝑉𝑢,𝑏 = 𝑉𝑢,𝑏 − 1.4 × 𝐿𝐴𝐵
𝑉𝑢,𝑏 = 117.029 kN
𝑉𝑢,𝑏 = 74.310 kN


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 53
2. For sway to Left:
𝑉𝑢,𝑏 = 95.67 𝑘𝑁
𝑀𝑢𝐵𝑠 + 𝑀𝑢𝐴ℎ
𝑉𝑢,𝑎 = 𝑉𝑢,𝑎 ± 1.4 ×
𝑉𝑢,𝑎 = 114.813 kN
𝑉𝑢,𝑎 = 76.526 kN

𝐵𝑠 +𝑀 𝐴ℎ
𝐷+𝐿 𝑢
𝑉𝑢,𝑏 = 𝑉𝑢,𝑏 ± 1.4 × 𝐿𝐴𝐵
𝑉𝑢,𝑏 = 114.813 kN
𝑉𝑢,𝑏 = 76.526 kN
Final shear demand in beam:-
𝑉𝑢 = 168.433 kN
Shear capacity = 197.569 kN
∴ 𝐷𝐶𝑅 = 197.569 = 0.852 < 1 (OK)

4 Check for Strong Column-Weak Beam

𝑏 = 250 m, 𝑑 = 352 m, 𝑓𝑦 = 415 MPa, 𝑓𝑐𝑘 =

𝐴𝑠𝑡 = 2 × 𝜋 × = 402.123 mm2
𝑀𝑐 = 0.87 × 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝑠𝑡 × 𝑑 [1 − ] = 46.259

Hogging moment capacity = 46.259 kN-m

Sagging moment capacity = 46.259 kN-m
𝑀𝑐 = 125.9712 × 2 = 251.9429

∑𝑀𝑏 = 92.518 kN-m

∑𝑀𝑐 = 251.942 kN-m
Clause 7.4.1
∑𝑀𝑐 ≥ 1.1 ∑𝑀𝑏
∑𝑀𝑐 ≥ 101.7698 kN-m

Hence, the check is satisfied.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 54
5.5 Storey Drift of the frame:

Output Output
Story Direction Drift Check Story Direction Drift Check
Case Case
Roof EQ Y Y 0.000598 OK Roof EQ X X 0.001774 OK
Roof EQ Y Y 0.000656 OK Roof EQ X X 0.001793 OK
Roof EQ Y Y 0.000655 OK Roof EQ X X 0.001806 OK
Second Second
EQ Y Y 0.002672 OK EQ X X 0.003575 OK
Floor Floor
Second Second
EQ Y Y 0.002893 OK EQ X X 0.00402 OK
Floor Floor
Second Second
EQ Y Y 0.00289 OK EQ X X 0.004078 OK
Floor Floor
First First
EQ Y Y 0.003489 OK EQ X X 0.004299 OK
Floor Floor
First First
EQ Y Y 0.003766 OK EQ X X 0.004904 OK
Floor Floor
First First
EQ Y Y 0.003765 OK EQ X X 0.004926 OK
Floor Floor
Ground Ground
EQ Y Y 0.002569 OK EQ X X 0.002943 OK
Floor Floor
Ground Ground
EQ Y Y 0.002761 OK EQ X X 0.003379 OK
Floor Floor
Ground Ground
EQ Y Y 0.002762 OK EQ X X 0.003367 OK
Floor Floor
The deflections and storey drifts of the frame due to seismic forces are summarized in Table
Table 5.4 Storey Drift
According to IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016 Clause 7.11.1 :
The storey drift in any storey due to minimum specified design lateral force, with partial
load factor of 1.0, shall not exceed 0.004 times the storey height:
Storey Maximum Drift
Ground, First and Second Floor 0.004*ℎ𝑠𝑡 = 0.01532 m
Roof 0.004*ℎ𝑠𝑡 = 0.01572 m

Hence, it is found that all the stories of the frame are satisfying the storey drift limitation

Structural analysis results obtained from ETABS:


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 55
Table 5.8 Beam Before Retrofitting
Top Reinforcement Bottom Reinforcement

Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Roof 1 230 × 230 End-I 595.748 402.124 193.624 297.874 402.124 0.000
Roof 1 230 × 230 Middle 408.063 402.124 5.939 156.588 402.124 0.000
Roof 1 230 × 230 End-J 253.091 402.124 0.000 156.588 402.124 0.000
Roof 2 230 × 230 End-I 146.123 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 2 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 2 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 3 230 × 230 End-I 616.028 402.124 213.904 308.014 402.124 0.000
Roof 3 230 × 230 Middle 431.168 402.124 29.044 154.007 402.124 0.000
Roof 3 230 × 230 End-J 277.743 402.124 0.000 154.007 402.124 0.000
Roof 4 230 × 230 End-I 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 4 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 4 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 5 230 × 230 End-I 202.653 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 5 230 × 230 Middle 152.841 402.124 0.000 117.337 402.124 0.000
Roof 5 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 122.717 402.124 0.000
Roof 6 230 × 230 End-I 229.245 402.124 0.000 145.663 402.124 0.000
Roof 6 230 × 230 Middle 182.914 402.124 0.000 150.623 402.124 0.000
Roof 6 230 × 230 End-J 144.929 402.124 0.000 155.707 402.124 0.000
Roof 7 230 × 230 End-I 231.898 402.124 0.000 139.677 402.124 0.000
Roof 7 230 × 230 Middle 184.189 402.124 0.000 145.866 402.124 0.000
Roof 7 230 × 230 End-J 143.89 402.124 0.000 150.64 402.124 0.000
Roof 8 230 × 230 End-I 209.608 402.124 0.000 113.144 402.124 0.000
Roof 8 230 × 230 Middle 160.822 402.124 0.000 119.114 402.124 0.000
Roof 8 230 × 230 End-J 119.032 402.124 0.000 123.676 402.124 0.000
Roof 9 230 × 230 End-I 156.463 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 9 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 9 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 10 230 × 230 End-I 200.946 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 10 230 × 230 Middle 147.698 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 10 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 11 230 × 230 End-I 621.926 402.124 219.802 310.963 402.124 0.000
Roof 11 230 × 230 Middle 440.426 402.124 38.302 155.482 402.124 0.000
Roof 11 230 × 230 End-J 289.166 402.124 0.000 155.482 402.124 0.000
Roof 12 230 × 230 End-I 145.582 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 12 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 12 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 56
Top Reinforcement Bottom Reinforcement

Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Roof 13 230 × 230 End-I 606.929 402.124 204.805 303.465 402.124 0.000
Roof 13 230 × 230 Middle 424.955 402.124 22.831 153.546 402.124 0.000
Roof 13 230 × 230 End-J 273.672 402.124 0.000 153.546 402.124 0.000
Roof 14 230 × 230 End-I 161.728 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 14 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 14 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 15 230 × 230 End-I 151.422 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 15 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 15 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 16 230 × 230 End-I 189.762 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 16 230 × 230 Middle 141.585 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 16 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 17 230 × 230 End-I 211.044 402.124 0.000 114.088 402.124 0.000
Roof 17 230 × 230 Middle 163.994 402.124 0.000 121.309 402.124 0.000
Roof 17 230 × 230 End-J 118.965 402.124 0.000 127.386 402.124 0.000
Roof 18 230 × 230 End-I 200.59 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 18 230 × 230 Middle 155.089 402.124 0.000 119.311 402.124 0.000
Roof 18 230 × 230 End-J 114.008 402.124 0.000 127.072 402.124 0.000
Roof 19 230 × 230 End-I 171.14 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 19 230 × 230 Middle 122.297 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 19 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 20 230 × 230 End-I 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 20 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 20 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 22 230 × 230 End-I 174.745 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 22 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 22 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 24 230 × 230 End-I 138.105 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 24 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 24 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 25 230 × 230 End-I 113.021 402.124 0.000 131.088 402.124 0.000
Roof 25 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 117.38 402.124 0.000
Roof 25 230 × 230 End-J 28.2553 402.124 0.000 133.706 402.124 0.000
Roof 26 230 × 230 End-I 174.406 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 26 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 26 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 27 230 × 230 End-I 167.924 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000


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Top Reinforcement Bottom Reinforcement

Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Roof 27 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 27 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 28 230 × 230 End-I 171.727 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 28 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 28 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 29 230 × 230 End-I 171.377 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 29 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 29 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 30 230 × 230 End-I 168.75 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 30 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 30 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 31 230 × 230 End-I 201.272 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 31 230 × 230 Middle 124.76 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 31 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 32 230 × 230 End-I 137.852 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 32 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 32 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 34 230 × 230 End-I 113.021 402.124 0.000 126.944 402.124 0.000
Roof 34 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 117.625 402.124 0.000
Roof 34 230 × 230 End-J 28.2553 402.124 0.000 138.452 402.124 0.000
Roof 35 230 × 230 End-I 168.153 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 35 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 35 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 37 230 × 230 End-I 113.021 402.124 0.000 124.157 402.124 0.000
Roof 37 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 115.704 402.124 0.000
Roof 37 230 × 230 End-J 28.2553 402.124 0.000 136.406 402.124 0.000
Roof 38 230 × 230 End-I 173.375 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 38 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 38 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 40 230 × 230 End-I 176.963 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 40 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 40 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 42 230 × 230 End-I 168.762 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 42 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 42 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 44 230 × 230 End-I 113.021 402.124 0.000 133.129 402.124 0.000
Roof 44 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 117.465 402.124 0.000


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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Roof 44 230 × 230 End-J 29.7885 402.124 0.000 136.559 402.124 0.000
Roof 45 230 × 230 End-I 113.021 402.124 0.000 127.622 402.124 0.000
Roof 45 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 117.892 402.124 0.000
Roof 45 230 × 230 End-J 28.2553 402.124 0.000 137.784 402.124 0.000
Roof 51 230 × 230 End-I 113.021 402.124 0.000 137.19 402.124 0.000
Roof 51 230 × 230 Middle 113.021 402.124 0.000 119.6 402.124 0.000
Roof 51 230 × 230 End-J 28.2553 402.124 0.000 133.911 402.124 0.000
Roof 52 230 × 230 End-I 203.228 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 52 230 × 230 Middle 125.537 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Roof 52 230 × 230 End-J 113.021 402.124 0.000 113.021 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 1 250 × 350 End-I 1367.82 942.477 425.345 683.911 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 1 250 × 350 Middle 1100.9 942.477 158.420 417.857 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 1 250 × 350 End-J 852.374 942.477 0.000 467.774 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 2 230 × 230 End-I 623.938 402.124 221.814 498.704 402.124 96.580
Second Floor 2 230 × 230 Middle 380.956 402.124 0.000 241.607 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 2 230 × 230 End-J 180.459 402.124 0.000 156.248 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 3 250 × 350 End-I 1350.03 942.477 407.551 675.014 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 3 250 × 350 Middle 1091.39 942.477 148.914 391.001 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 3 250 × 350 End-J 845.219 942.477 0.000 410.363 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 4 250 × 350 End-I 907.406 942.477 0.000 672.751 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 4 250 × 350 Middle 720.491 942.477 0.000 597.927 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 4 250 × 350 End-J 500.116 942.477 0.000 531.681 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 5 250 × 350 End-I 942.317 942.477 0.000 750.924 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 5 250 × 350 Middle 776.578 942.477 0.000 678.12 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 5 250 × 350 End-J 579.031 942.477 0.000 609.243 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 6 250 × 350 End-I 942.895 942.477 0.418 753.043 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 6 250 × 350 Middle 778.273 942.477 0.000 680.679 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 6 250 × 350 End-J 582.22 942.477 0.000 610.911 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 7 250 × 350 End-I 957.295 942.477 14.818 746.42 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 7 250 × 350 Middle 789.362 942.477 0.000 673.607 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 7 250 × 350 End-J 588.507 942.477 0.000 602.472 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 8 250 × 350 End-I 958.909 942.477 16.432 752.494 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 8 250 × 350 Middle 791.612 942.477 0.000 681.057 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 8 250 × 350 End-J 592.801 942.477 0.000 609.223 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 9 250 × 350 End-I 961.429 942.477 18.952 747.734 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 9 250 × 350 Middle 792.482 942.477 0.000 676.033 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 9 250 × 350 End-J 591.241 942.477 0.000 605.377 942.477 0.000


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 59
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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Second Floor 10 250 × 350 End-I 254.368 942.477 0.000 254.368 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 10 250 × 350 Middle 254.368 942.477 0.000 254.368 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 10 250 × 350 End-J 254.368 942.477 0.000 256.863 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 11 250 × 300 End-I 1232.1 628.318 603.783 623.117 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 11 250 × 300 Middle 977.474 628.318 349.156 363.306 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 11 250 × 300 End-J 728.434 628.318 100.116 314.629 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 12 230 × 230 End-I 655.75 402.124 253.626 549.733 402.124 147.609
Second Floor 12 230 × 230 Middle 399.903 402.124 0.000 268.158 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 12 230 × 230 End-J 170.574 402.124 0.000 164.074 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 13 250 × 300 End-I 1249.66 628.318 621.344 641.036 628.318 12.718
Second Floor 13 250 × 300 Middle 990.135 628.318 361.817 376.225 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 13 250 × 300 End-J 736.195 628.318 107.877 352.369 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 14 250 × 350 End-I 501.017 942.477 0.000 535.863 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 14 250 × 350 Middle 719.975 942.477 0.000 601.131 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 14 250 × 350 End-J 906.597 942.477 0.000 675.798 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 15 250 × 350 End-I 973.083 942.477 30.606 760.525 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 15 250 × 350 Middle 804 942.477 0.000 693.361 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 15 250 × 350 End-J 606.195 942.477 0.000 621.579 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 16 250 × 350 End-I 960.898 942.477 18.421 749.738 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 16 250 × 350 Middle 792.851 942.477 0.000 678.078 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 16 250 × 350 End-J 592.772 942.477 0.000 606.53 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 17 250 × 350 End-I 956.665 942.477 14.188 744.643 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 17 250 × 350 Middle 788.721 942.477 0.000 671.431 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 17 250 × 350 End-J 587.434 942.477 0.000 600.427 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 18 250 × 350 End-I 942.739 942.477 0.262 751.185 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 18 250 × 350 Middle 777.995 942.477 0.000 678.501 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 18 250 × 350 End-J 581.424 942.477 0.000 608.932 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 19 250 × 350 End-I 942.321 942.477 0.000 749.205 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 19 250 × 350 Middle 776.435 942.477 0.000 676.143 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 19 250 × 350 End-J 578.39 942.477 0.000 607.465 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 20 250 × 350 End-I 907.525 942.477 0.000 670.492 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 20 250 × 350 Middle 720.451 942.477 0.000 596.197 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 20 250 × 350 End-J 499.649 942.477 0.000 530.148 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 21 250 × 300 End-I 1342.17 628.318 713.849 735.424 628.318 107.106
Second Floor 21 250 × 300 Middle 971.911 628.318 343.593 357.631 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 21 250 × 300 End-J 606.92 628.318 0.000 339.657 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 22 250 × 350 End-I 878.637 942.477 0.000 526.62 942.477 0.000


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 60
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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Second Floor 22 250 × 350 Middle 654.973 942.477 0.000 489.952 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 22 250 × 350 End-J 425.092 942.477 0.000 459.484 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 23 250 × 300 End-I 1357.18 628.318 728.866 750.747 628.318 122.429
Second Floor 23 250 × 300 Middle 1003.01 628.318 374.696 389.367 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 23 250 × 300 End-J 653.314 628.318 24.996 339.296 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 24 250 × 350 End-I 869.09 942.477 0.000 500.772 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 24 250 × 350 Middle 625.48 942.477 0.000 461.197 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 24 250 × 350 End-J 388.353 942.477 0.000 429.84 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 25 230 × 230 End-I 588.417 402.124 186.293 375.4 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 25 230 × 230 Middle 376.67 402.124 0.000 173.736 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 25 230 × 230 End-J 220.768 402.124 0.000 147.409 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 26 250 × 350 End-I 440.868 942.477 0.000 463.55 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 26 250 × 350 Middle 678.514 942.477 0.000 491.625 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 26 250 × 350 End-J 896.672 942.477 0.000 522.638 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 27 250 × 350 End-I 871.141 942.477 0.000 518.295 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 27 250 × 350 Middle 646.859 942.477 0.000 483.464 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 27 250 × 350 End-J 420.074 942.477 0.000 454.842 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 28 250 × 350 End-I 901.021 942.477 0.000 545.911 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 28 250 × 350 Middle 679.889 942.477 0.000 504.791 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 28 250 × 350 End-J 439.729 942.477 0.000 468.735 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 29 250 × 300 End-I 695.351 628.318 67.033 392.192 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 29 250 × 300 Middle 494.537 628.318 0.000 355.529 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 29 250 × 300 End-J 309.116 628.318 0.000 319.125 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 30 250 × 300 End-I 783.284 628.318 154.966 431.752 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 30 250 × 300 Middle 581.647 628.318 0.000 406.283 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 30 250 × 300 End-J 361.734 628.318 0.000 383.27 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 31 250 × 350 End-I 948.315 942.477 5.838 721.194 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 31 250 × 350 Middle 748.931 942.477 0.000 671.822 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 31 250 × 350 End-J 526.326 942.477 0.000 653.581 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 32 250 × 350 End-I 868.756 942.477 0.000 500.412 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 32 250 × 350 Middle 624.885 942.477 0.000 460.779 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 32 250 × 350 End-J 387.768 942.477 0.000 429.407 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 33 250 × 300 End-I 1380.54 628.318 752.224 774.58 628.318 146.262
Second Floor 33 250 × 300 Middle 1015.95 628.318 387.632 402.566 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 33 250 × 300 End-J 655.828 628.318 27.510 345.135 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 34 230 × 230 End-I 571.638 402.124 169.514 354.15 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 34 230 × 230 Middle 371.771 402.124 0.000 160.27 402.124 0.000


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 61
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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Second Floor 34 230 × 230 End-J 238.722 402.124 0.000 143.327 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 35 250 × 350 End-I 872.609 942.477 0.000 520.751 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 35 250 × 350 Middle 648.749 942.477 0.000 485.464 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 35 250 × 350 End-J 421.596 942.477 0.000 456.419 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 36 250 × 300 End-I 1344.59 628.318 716.269 737.894 628.318 109.576
Second Floor 36 250 × 300 Middle 962.927 628.318 334.609 348.464 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 36 250 × 300 End-J 580.754 628.318 0.000 345.61 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 37 230 × 230 End-I 554.199 402.124 152.075 340.473 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 37 230 × 230 Middle 360.403 402.124 0.000 154.726 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 37 230 × 230 End-J 238.681 402.124 0.000 138.979 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 38 250 × 350 End-I 884.071 942.477 0.000 511.204 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 38 250 × 350 Middle 662.103 942.477 0.000 479.241 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 38 250 × 350 End-J 427.878 942.477 0.000 450.191 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 39 250 × 300 End-I 1326.13 628.318 697.817 719.066 628.318 90.748
Second Floor 39 250 × 300 Middle 946.912 628.318 318.594 343.432 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 39 250 × 300 End-J 565.862 628.318 0.000 343.432 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 40 250 × 350 End-I 854.485 942.477 0.000 474.633 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 40 250 × 350 Middle 628.024 942.477 0.000 450.194 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 40 250 × 350 End-J 404.566 942.477 0.000 428.927 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 41 250 × 300 End-I 1371.44 628.318 743.119 765.29 628.318 136.972
Second Floor 41 250 × 300 Middle 1008.63 628.318 380.307 395.093 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 41 250 × 300 End-J 650.284 628.318 21.966 342.859 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 42 250 × 350 End-I 894.368 942.477 0.000 526.347 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 42 250 × 350 Middle 675.083 942.477 0.000 493.719 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 42 250 × 350 End-J 438.706 942.477 0.000 465.023 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 43 250 × 300 End-I 1322.62 628.318 694.299 715.476 628.318 87.158
Second Floor 43 250 × 300 Middle 944.534 628.318 316.216 344.078 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 43 250 × 300 End-J 563.77 628.318 0.000 344.078 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 44 250 × 350 End-I 954.188 942.477 11.711 515.765 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 44 250 × 350 Middle 658.938 942.477 0.000 308.957 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 44 250 × 350 End-J 468.182 942.477 0.000 308.957 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 45 230 × 230 End-I 557.858 402.124 155.734 339.006 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 45 230 × 230 Middle 362.141 402.124 0.000 154.971 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 45 230 × 230 End-J 234.623 402.124 0.000 143.747 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 46 250 × 300 End-I 1385.74 628.318 757.426 779.888 628.318 151.570
Second Floor 46 250 × 300 Middle 1019.35 628.318 391.033 406.036 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 46 250 × 300 End-J 657.428 628.318 29.110 346.436 628.318 0.000


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 62
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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Second Floor 47 250 × 300 End-I 1331.52 628.318 703.200 724.559 628.318 96.241
Second Floor 47 250 × 300 Middle 952.798 628.318 324.480 341.014 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 47 250 × 300 End-J 572.21 628.318 0.000 341.014 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 48 250 × 300 End-J 1356.96 628.318 728.646 750.523 628.318 122.205
Second Floor 48 250 × 300 End-I 862.275 628.318 233.957 431.137 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 48 250 × 300 Middle 788.064 628.318 159.746 339.241 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 49 250 × 300 End-I 1325.44 628.318 697.125 718.36 628.318 90.042
Second Floor 49 250 × 300 Middle 959.728 628.318 331.410 345.199 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 49 250 × 300 End-J 605.817 628.318 0.000 337.016 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 50 250 × 300 End-I 1349.6 628.318 721.285 743.012 628.318 114.694
Second Floor 50 250 × 300 Middle 998.224 628.318 369.906 384.48 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 50 250 × 300 End-J 651.316 628.318 22.998 337.401 628.318 0.000
Second Floor 51 230 × 230 End-I 584.452 402.124 182.328 374.805 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 51 230 × 230 Middle 376.008 402.124 0.000 172.833 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 51 230 × 230 End-J 215.093 402.124 0.000 151.212 402.124 0.000
Second Floor 52 250 × 350 End-I 946.348 942.477 3.871 719.88 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 52 250 × 350 Middle 748.136 942.477 0.000 671.324 942.477 0.000
Second Floor 52 250 × 350 End-J 526.731 942.477 0.000 653.779 942.477 0.000
First Floor 1 250 × 350 End-I 1770.37 942.477 827.894 1050.41 942.477 107.932
First Floor 1 250 × 350 Middle 1484.49 942.477 542.013 877.001 942.477 0.000
First Floor 1 250 × 350 End-J 1203.92 942.477 261.444 875.397 942.477 0.000
First Floor 2 250 × 350 End-I 1690.7 942.477 748.225 1504.32 942.477 561.841
First Floor 2 250 × 350 Middle 1020.3 942.477 77.824 841.445 942.477 0.000
First Floor 2 250 × 350 End-J 423.063 942.477 0.000 423.063 942.477 0.000
First Floor 3 250 × 350 End-I 1662.82 942.477 720.348 940.674 942.477 0.000
First Floor 3 250 × 350 Middle 1376.08 942.477 433.600 754.322 942.477 0.000
First Floor 3 250 × 350 End-J 1094.64 942.477 152.164 724.907 942.477 0.000
First Floor 4 250 × 350 End-I 1375.25 942.477 432.778 1189.34 942.477 246.858
First Floor 4 250 × 350 Middle 1097.26 942.477 154.785 1020.29 942.477 77.811
First Floor 4 250 × 350 End-J 830.248 942.477 0.000 854.256 942.477 0.000
First Floor 5 250 × 350 End-I 1376.4 942.477 433.919 1183 942.477 240.524
First Floor 5 250 × 350 Middle 1123.49 942.477 181.012 1032.85 942.477 90.368
First Floor 5 250 × 350 End-J 876.594 942.477 0.000 880.74 942.477 0.000
First Floor 6 250 × 350 End-I 1441.86 942.477 499.388 1197.38 942.477 254.898
First Floor 6 250 × 350 Middle 1166 942.477 223.527 1058.72 942.477 116.240
First Floor 6 250 × 350 End-J 900.607 942.477 0.000 922.561 942.477 0.000
First Floor 7 250 × 350 End-I 1441.33 942.477 498.849 1215.55 942.477 273.073


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 63
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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

First Floor 7 250 × 350 Middle 1168.22 942.477 225.743 1074.63 942.477 132.156
First Floor 7 250 × 350 End-J 907.75 942.477 0.000 938.391 942.477 0.000
First Floor 8 250 × 350 End-I 1381.06 942.477 438.585 1206.3 942.477 263.824
First Floor 8 250 × 350 Middle 1130.75 942.477 188.275 1051.05 942.477 108.568
First Floor 8 250 × 350 End-J 887.264 942.477 0.000 894.651 942.477 0.000
First Floor 9 250 × 350 End-I 1549.46 942.477 606.978 1335.89 942.477 393.418
First Floor 9 250 × 350 Middle 1275.23 942.477 332.754 1181.73 942.477 239.251
First Floor 9 250 × 350 End-J 1010.63 942.477 68.154 1029.22 942.477 86.748
First Floor 10 250 × 350 End-I 1545.23 942.477 602.756 1375.49 942.477 433.010
First Floor 10 250 × 350 Middle 1262.98 942.477 320.507 1207.16 942.477 264.684
First Floor 10 250 × 350 End-J 998.245 942.477 55.768 1048.38 942.477 105.906
First Floor 11 250 × 350 End-I 1718.96 942.477 776.481 997.95 942.477 55.473
First Floor 11 250 × 350 Middle 1423.1 942.477 480.624 761.385 942.477 0.000
First Floor 11 250 × 350 End-J 1132.56 942.477 190.079 740.923 942.477 0.000
First Floor 12 250 × 350 End-J 1708.33 942.477 765.852 1489.32 942.477 546.841
First Floor 12 250 × 350 Middle 1033.12 942.477 90.646 829.544 942.477 0.000
First Floor 12 250 × 350 End-I 427.082 942.477 0.000 427.082 942.477 0.000
First Floor 13 250 × 350 End-J 1666.95 942.477 724.477 944.887 942.477 2.410
First Floor 13 250 × 350 Middle 1378.98 942.477 436.507 755.883 942.477 0.000
First Floor 13 250 × 350 End-I 1096.33 942.477 153.850 726.553 942.477 0.000
First Floor 14 250 × 350 End-I 1520.43 942.477 577.949 1351.39 942.477 408.914
First Floor 14 250 × 350 Middle 1240.64 942.477 298.166 1180.96 942.477 238.480
First Floor 14 250 × 350 End-J 976.262 942.477 33.785 1017.96 942.477 75.486
First Floor 15 250 × 350 End-I 1368.28 942.477 425.799 1187.58 942.477 245.103
First Floor 15 250 × 350 Middle 1114.21 942.477 171.734 1035.74 942.477 93.259
First Floor 15 250 × 350 End-J 869.069 942.477 0.000 884.854 942.477 0.000
First Floor 16 250 × 350 End-I 1382.97 942.477 440.497 1207.08 942.477 264.608
First Floor 16 250 × 350 Middle 1131.25 942.477 188.775 1052.73 942.477 110.252
First Floor 16 250 × 350 End-J 887.227 942.477 0.000 898.108 942.477 0.000
First Floor 17 250 × 350 End-I 1442.99 942.477 500.511 1213.58 942.477 271.100
First Floor 17 250 × 350 Middle 1169.43 942.477 226.956 1073.11 942.477 130.629
First Floor 17 250 × 350 End-J 908.053 942.477 0.000 936.85 942.477 0.000
First Floor 18 250 × 350 End-I 1442.11 942.477 499.635 1195.31 942.477 252.829
First Floor 18 250 × 350 Middle 1166.03 942.477 223.548 1056.97 942.477 114.497
First Floor 18 250 × 350 End-J 900.099 942.477 0.000 920.842 942.477 0.000
First Floor 19 250 × 350 End-I 1376.77 942.477 434.293 1181.06 942.477 238.580
First Floor 19 250 × 350 Middle 1123.62 942.477 181.147 1031.23 942.477 88.753


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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

First Floor 19 250 × 350 End-J 876.195 942.477 0.000 879.159 942.477 0.000
First Floor 20 250 × 350 End-I 1375.78 942.477 433.306 1187.46 942.477 244.979
First Floor 20 250 × 350 Middle 1097.54 942.477 155.065 1018.77 942.477 76.291
First Floor 20 250 × 350 End-J 829.981 942.477 0.000 852.8 942.477 0.000
First Floor 21 250 × 350 End-I 1923.74 942.477 981.264 1206.9 942.477 264.425
First Floor 21 250 × 350 Middle 1501.65 942.477 559.171 776.217 942.477 0.000
First Floor 21 250 × 350 End-J 1113.25 942.477 170.770 702.618 942.477 0.000
First Floor 22 250 × 350 End-I 1276.34 942.477 333.864 976.499 942.477 34.022
First Floor 22 250 × 350 Middle 1000.56 942.477 58.084 861.205 942.477 0.000
First Floor 22 250 × 350 End-J 729.507 942.477 0.000 746.218 942.477 0.000
First Floor 23 250 × 350 End-I 1822.29 942.477 879.816 1103.39 942.477 160.912
First Floor 23 250 × 350 Middle 1409.68 942.477 467.199 682.371 942.477 0.000
First Floor 23 250 × 350 End-J 1020.88 942.477 78.405 503.059 942.477 0.000
First Floor 24 250 × 350 End-I 1299.84 942.477 357.362 1020.9 942.477 78.423
First Floor 24 250 × 350 Middle 1002.39 942.477 59.911 884.363 942.477 0.000
First Floor 24 250 × 350 End-J 708.917 942.477 0.000 753.572 942.477 0.000
First Floor 25 250 × 350 End-I 1565.55 942.477 623.071 1266.78 942.477 324.301
First Floor 25 250 × 350 Middle 1004.87 942.477 62.392 709.892 942.477 0.000
First Floor 25 250 × 350 End-J 441.794 942.477 0.000 391.845 942.477 0.000
First Floor 26 250 × 350 End-I 1275.89 942.477 333.408 976.067 942.477 33.590
First Floor 26 250 × 350 Middle 1000.04 942.477 57.562 860.766 942.477 0.000
First Floor 26 250 × 350 End-J 728.708 942.477 0.000 745.806 942.477 0.000
First Floor 27 250 × 350 End-I 1327.26 942.477 384.787 974.989 942.477 32.512
First Floor 27 250 × 350 Middle 1029.05 942.477 86.575 872.778 942.477 0.000
First Floor 27 250 × 350 End-J 743.757 942.477 0.000 775.522 942.477 0.000
First Floor 28 250 × 350 End-I 1322.85 942.477 380.377 987.19 942.477 44.713
First Floor 28 250 × 350 Middle 1029.36 942.477 86.887 885.115 942.477 0.000
First Floor 28 250 × 350 End-J 750.65 942.477 0.000 789.854 942.477 0.000
First Floor 29 250 × 350 End-I 1202.58 942.477 260.106 948.637 942.477 6.160
First Floor 29 250 × 350 Middle 946.263 942.477 3.786 826.503 942.477 0.000
First Floor 29 250 × 350 End-J 678.021 942.477 0.000 686.968 942.477 0.000
First Floor 30 250 × 350 End-I 1387.84 942.477 445.365 1066.45 942.477 123.968
First Floor 30 250 × 350 Middle 1096.62 942.477 154.147 954.403 942.477 11.926
First Floor 30 250 × 350 End-J 817.63 942.477 0.000 846.625 942.477 0.000
First Floor 31 250 × 350 End-I 1441.49 942.477 499.016 1185.27 942.477 242.789
First Floor 31 250 × 350 Middle 1148.81 942.477 206.329 1061.14 942.477 118.663
First Floor 31 250 × 350 End-J 879.328 942.477 0.000 952.262 942.477 9.785


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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

First Floor 32 250 × 350 End-I 1299.51 942.477 357.030 1020.68 942.477 78.203
First Floor 32 250 × 350 Middle 1002 942.477 59.520 884.101 942.477 0.000
First Floor 32 250 × 350 End-J 708.332 942.477 0.000 753.304 942.477 0.000
First Floor 33 250 × 350 End-I 1939.53 942.477 997.050 1223.01 942.477 280.533
First Floor 33 250 × 350 Middle 1492.98 942.477 550.505 767.374 942.477 0.000
First Floor 33 250 × 350 End-J 1073.3 942.477 130.826 511.426 942.477 0.000
First Floor 34 250 × 350 End-I 1556.11 942.477 613.629 1195.4 942.477 252.924
First Floor 34 250 × 350 Middle 1020.69 942.477 78.213 634.195 942.477 0.000
First Floor 34 250 × 350 End-J 497.195 942.477 0.000 389.624 942.477 0.000
First Floor 35 250 × 350 End-I 1327.43 942.477 384.951 974.855 942.477 32.378
First Floor 35 250 × 350 Middle 1029.38 942.477 86.903 872.792 942.477 0.000
First Floor 35 250 × 350 End-J 744.167 942.477 0.000 775.603 942.477 0.000
First Floor 36 250 × 350 End-I 2042.95 942.477 1100.472 1328.54 942.477 386.060
First Floor 36 250 × 350 Middle 1584.43 942.477 641.949 860.679 942.477 0.000
First Floor 36 250 × 350 End-J 1151.16 942.477 208.679 652.701 942.477 0.000
First Floor 37 250 × 350 End-I 1545.77 942.477 603.294 1133.81 942.477 191.333
First Floor 37 250 × 350 Middle 1031.3 942.477 88.824 579.164 942.477 0.000
First Floor 37 250 × 350 End-J 536.044 942.477 0.000 387.201 942.477 0.000
First Floor 38 250 × 350 End-I 1326.63 942.477 384.156 991.164 942.477 48.687
First Floor 38 250 × 350 Middle 1032.36 942.477 89.888 888.16 942.477 0.000
First Floor 38 250 × 350 End-J 752.846 942.477 0.000 791.945 942.477 0.000
First Floor 39 250 × 350 End-I 2067.81 942.477 1125.337 1353.91 942.477 411.431
First Floor 39 250 × 350 Middle 1591.64 942.477 649.160 868.038 942.477 0.000
First Floor 39 250 × 350 End-J 1125.97 942.477 183.495 554.928 942.477 0.000
First Floor 40 250 × 350 End-I 1276.16 942.477 333.681 996.284 942.477 53.807
First Floor 40 250 × 350 Middle 1005.88 942.477 63.404 879.999 942.477 0.000
First Floor 40 250 × 350 End-J 745.617 942.477 0.000 765.764 942.477 0.000
First Floor 41 250 × 350 End-I 1510.9 942.477 568.422 785.655 942.477 0.000
First Floor 41 250 × 350 Middle 1061.66 942.477 119.184 517.502 942.477 0.000
First Floor 41 250 × 350 End-J 574.02 942.477 0.000 517.502 942.477 0.000
First Floor 42 250 × 350 End-I 1259.76 942.477 317.280 985.764 942.477 43.287
First Floor 42 250 × 350 Middle 992.153 942.477 49.676 872.521 942.477 0.000
First Floor 42 250 × 350 End-J 734.086 942.477 0.000 762.985 942.477 0.000
First Floor 43 250 × 350 End-I 2021.56 942.477 1079.087 1306.72 942.477 364.239
First Floor 43 250 × 350 Middle 1561.66 942.477 619.187 837.454 942.477 0.000
First Floor 43 250 × 350 End-J 1132.96 942.477 190.485 627.321 942.477 0.000
First Floor 44 250 × 350 End-I 1523.13 942.477 580.649 1222.81 942.477 280.333


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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

First Floor 44 250 × 350 Middle 994.233 942.477 51.756 668.438 942.477 0.000
First Floor 44 250 × 350 End-J 476.905 942.477 0.000 440.303 942.477 0.000
First Floor 45 250 × 350 End-I 1516.33 942.477 573.856 1159.04 942.477 216.564
First Floor 45 250 × 350 Middle 999.5 942.477 57.023 609.437 942.477 0.000
First Floor 45 250 × 350 End-J 495.492 942.477 0.000 380.181 942.477 0.000
First Floor 46 250 × 350 End-I 1906.33 942.477 963.855 1189.14 942.477 246.662
First Floor 46 250 × 350 Middle 1468.55 942.477 526.070 742.441 942.477 0.000
First Floor 46 250 × 350 End-J 1054.86 942.477 112.385 505.695 942.477 0.000
First Floor 47 250 × 350 End-I 1919.34 942.477 976.859 1202.41 942.477 259.930
First Floor 47 250 × 350 Middle 1484.06 942.477 541.582 758.269 942.477 0.000
First Floor 47 250 × 350 End-J 1091.84 942.477 149.360 650.987 942.477 0.000
First Floor 48 250 × 350 End-J 1772.96 942.477 830.483 1053.05 942.477 110.574
First Floor 48 250 × 350 End-I 1309.5 942.477 367.028 654.752 942.477 0.000
First Floor 48 250 × 350 Middle 1228.3 942.477 285.825 497.305 942.477 0.000
First Floor 49 250 × 350 End-I 1879.61 942.477 937.137 1161.88 942.477 219.400
First Floor 49 250 × 350 Middle 1486.56 942.477 544.079 760.817 942.477 0.000
First Floor 49 250 × 350 End-J 1102.36 942.477 159.886 699.317 942.477 0.000
First Floor 50 230 × 230 End-J 1271.04 402.124 868.911 870.623 402.124 468.499
First Floor 50 230 × 230 Middle 926.158 402.124 524.034 518.725 402.124 116.601
First Floor 50 230 × 230 End-I 604.068 402.124 201.944 331.844 402.124 0.000
First Floor 51 250 × 350 End-I 1590.64 942.477 648.163 1286.57 942.477 344.093
First Floor 51 250 × 350 Middle 989.905 942.477 47.428 711.675 942.477 0.000
First Floor 51 250 × 350 End-J 399.784 942.477 0.000 399.784 942.477 0.000
First Floor 52 250 × 350 End-I 1424.67 942.477 482.196 1182.11 942.477 239.629
First Floor 52 250 × 350 Middle 1138.47 942.477 195.993 1051.57 942.477 109.088
First Floor 52 250 × 350 End-J 872.442 942.477 0.000 933.239 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 1 250 × 350 End-I 1760.75 942.477 818.268 1040.59 942.477 98.111
Ground Floor 1 250 × 350 Middle 1476.43 942.477 533.953 901.118 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 1 250 × 350 End-J 1197.43 942.477 254.950 899.771 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 2 250 × 350 End-I 1786.82 942.477 844.346 1542.13 942.477 599.654
Ground Floor 2 250 × 350 Middle 1089.42 942.477 146.939 854.308 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 2 250 × 350 End-J 446.969 942.477 0.000 446.969 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 3 250 × 350 End-I 1659.01 942.477 716.528 936.777 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 3 250 × 350 Middle 1371.16 942.477 428.687 755.033 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 3 250 × 350 End-J 1088.63 942.477 146.158 724.84 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 4 250 × 350 End-I 1410.93 942.477 468.451 1205.71 942.477 263.232
Ground Floor 4 250 × 350 Middle 1117.15 942.477 174.671 1027.56 942.477 85.088


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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Ground Floor 4 250 × 350 End-J 832.866 942.477 0.000 850.958 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 5 250 × 350 End-I 1387.99 942.477 445.515 1190.08 942.477 247.601
Ground Floor 5 250 × 350 Middle 1127.8 942.477 185.323 1034.8 942.477 92.320
Ground Floor 5 250 × 350 End-J 873.57 942.477 0.000 877.518 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 6 250 × 350 End-I 1458.72 942.477 516.245 1207.13 942.477 264.648
Ground Floor 6 250 × 350 Middle 1173.93 942.477 231.453 1062.49 942.477 120.010
Ground Floor 6 250 × 350 End-J 899.301 942.477 0.000 920.051 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 7 250 × 350 End-I 1457.32 942.477 514.840 1226.75 942.477 284.271
Ground Floor 7 250 × 350 Middle 1175.67 942.477 233.190 1079.83 942.477 137.355
Ground Floor 7 250 × 350 End-J 906.727 942.477 0.000 937.665 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 8 250 × 350 End-I 1396.31 942.477 453.829 1222.96 942.477 280.482
Ground Floor 8 250 × 350 Middle 1136.94 942.477 194.458 1061.69 942.477 119.218
Ground Floor 8 250 × 350 End-J 886.266 942.477 0.000 901.171 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 9 250 × 350 End-J 1372.16 942.477 429.683 1189.48 942.477 247.005
Ground Floor 9 250 × 350 Middle 1113.75 942.477 171.278 1033.52 942.477 91.045
Ground Floor 9 250 × 350 End-I 863.888 942.477 0.000 878.139 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 10 250 × 350 End-I 1568.7 942.477 626.228 1432.36 942.477 489.883
Ground Floor 10 250 × 350 Middle 1279.28 942.477 336.805 1246.58 942.477 304.103
Ground Floor 10 250 × 350 End-J 1010.58 942.477 68.104 1073.56 942.477 131.082
Ground Floor 11 250 × 350 End-I 1660.96 942.477 718.484 938.772 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 11 250 × 350 Middle 1372.37 942.477 429.888 754.445 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 11 250 × 350 End-J 1089.08 942.477 146.605 724.374 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 12 250 × 350 End-I 1785.31 942.477 842.828 1541.51 942.477 599.029
Ground Floor 12 250 × 350 Middle 1087.98 942.477 145.503 854.137 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 12 250 × 350 End-J 446.638 942.477 0.000 446.638 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 13 250 × 350 End-J 1663.28 942.477 720.805 941.141 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 13 250 × 350 Middle 1374.5 942.477 432.019 753.872 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 13 250 × 350 End-I 1091.02 942.477 148.546 723.899 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 14 250 × 350 End-I 1564.88 942.477 622.398 1427.44 942.477 484.961
Ground Floor 14 250 × 350 Middle 1275.07 942.477 332.594 1241.5 942.477 299.027
Ground Floor 14 250 × 350 End-J 1005.83 942.477 63.351 1068.17 942.477 125.694
Ground Floor 15 250 × 350 End-I 1384.97 942.477 442.497 1194.74 942.477 252.268
Ground Floor 15 250 × 350 Middle 1122.73 942.477 180.253 1037.84 942.477 95.366
Ground Floor 15 250 × 350 End-J 868.585 942.477 0.000 881.08 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 16 250 × 350 End-I 1398.12 942.477 455.645 1221.01 942.477 278.535
Ground Floor 16 250 × 350 Middle 1138 942.477 195.524 1060.12 942.477 117.644
Ground Floor 16 250 × 350 End-J 886.202 942.477 0.000 899.59 942.477 0.000


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 68
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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Ground Floor 17 250 × 350 End-I 1457.49 942.477 515.015 1225.82 942.477 283.341
Ground Floor 17 250 × 350 Middle 1175.73 942.477 233.254 1078.95 942.477 136.475
Ground Floor 17 250 × 350 End-J 906.484 942.477 0.000 936.639 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 18 250 × 350 End-I 1459.19 942.477 516.713 1206.2 942.477 263.721
Ground Floor 18 250 × 350 Middle 1174.18 942.477 231.708 1061.67 942.477 119.195
Ground Floor 18 250 × 350 End-J 899.156 942.477 0.000 919.16 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 19 250 × 350 End-I 1388.6 942.477 446.120 1189.24 942.477 246.759
Ground Floor 19 250 × 350 Middle 1128.17 942.477 185.692 1034.08 942.477 91.601
Ground Floor 19 250 × 350 End-J 873.522 942.477 0.000 876.739 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 20 250 × 350 End-I 1411.67 942.477 469.193 1204.94 942.477 262.466
Ground Floor 20 250 × 350 Middle 1117.63 942.477 175.156 1026.92 942.477 84.446
Ground Floor 20 250 × 350 End-J 832.908 942.477 0.000 850.254 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 21 250 × 350 End-I 1871.19 942.477 928.713 1153.28 942.477 210.805
Ground Floor 21 250 × 350 Middle 1469.65 942.477 527.172 743.565 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 21 250 × 350 End-J 1088.81 942.477 146.333 747.233 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 22 250 × 350 End-I 1293.77 942.477 351.297 992.45 942.477 49.973
Ground Floor 22 250 × 350 Middle 1012.47 942.477 69.996 872.231 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 22 250 × 350 End-J 738.658 942.477 0.000 752.245 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 23 250 × 350 End-I 1810.37 942.477 867.892 1091.22 942.477 148.745
Ground Floor 23 250 × 350 Middle 1399.21 942.477 456.729 671.689 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 23 250 × 350 End-J 1009.61 942.477 67.137 499.36 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 24 250 × 350 End-I 1344.51 942.477 402.030 1043.49 942.477 101.015
Ground Floor 24 250 × 350 Middle 1032.12 942.477 89.642 899.032 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 24 250 × 350 End-J 727.169 942.477 0.000 758.305 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 25 250 × 350 End-I 1667.89 942.477 725.417 1285.64 942.477 343.163
Ground Floor 25 250 × 350 Middle 1082.16 942.477 139.680 712.264 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 25 250 × 350 End-J 531.341 942.477 0.000 417.289 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 26 250 × 350 End-J 1291.17 942.477 348.690 1003.43 942.477 60.951
Ground Floor 26 250 × 350 Middle 1015.93 942.477 73.450 885.65 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 26 250 × 350 End-I 750.469 942.477 0.000 769.693 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 27 250 × 350 End-I 1349.64 942.477 407.168 991.763 942.477 49.286
Ground Floor 27 250 × 350 Middle 1044.1 942.477 101.626 884.194 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 27 250 × 350 End-J 751.063 942.477 0.000 781.164 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 28 250 × 350 End-I 1343.57 942.477 401.095 1008.1 942.477 65.626
Ground Floor 28 250 × 350 Middle 1043.1 942.477 100.623 899.68 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 28 250 × 350 End-J 757.772 942.477 0.000 798.439 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 29 250 × 350 End-I 959.911 942.477 17.434 847.431 942.477 0.000


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 69
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Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Ground Floor 29 250 × 350 Middle 688.797 942.477 0.000 709.637 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 29 250 × 350 End-J 410.083 942.477 0.000 569.327 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 30 250 × 350 End-I 1267.2 942.477 324.723 981.912 942.477 39.435
Ground Floor 30 250 × 350 Middle 992.592 942.477 50.115 863.611 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 30 250 × 350 End-J 721.959 942.477 0.000 747.165 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 31 250 × 350 End-I 1455.2 942.477 512.726 1250.38 942.477 307.905
Ground Floor 31 250 × 350 Middle 1160.76 942.477 218.281 1106.69 942.477 164.212
Ground Floor 31 250 × 350 End-J 893.469 942.477 0.000 982.189 942.477 39.712
Ground Floor 32 250 × 350 End-I 1344.2 942.477 401.719 1043.23 942.477 100.755
Ground Floor 32 250 × 350 Middle 1031.8 942.477 89.322 898.782 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 32 250 × 350 End-J 726.726 942.477 0.000 758.09 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 33 250 × 350 End-I 1926.02 942.477 983.546 1209.23 942.477 266.754
Ground Floor 33 250 × 350 Middle 1481.61 942.477 539.134 755.772 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 33 250 × 350 End-J 1061.93 942.477 119.450 495.339 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 34 250 × 350 End-I 1652.17 942.477 709.690 1204.9 942.477 262.425
Ground Floor 34 250 × 350 Middle 1095.1 942.477 152.619 626.984 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 34 250 × 350 End-J 595.017 942.477 0.000 413.462 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 35 250 × 350 End-J 1352.76 942.477 410.280 1016.45 942.477 73.972
Ground Floor 35 250 × 350 Middle 1052.94 942.477 110.459 908.795 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 35 250 × 350 End-I 768.106 942.477 0.000 808.172 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 36 250 × 350 End-I 1979.64 942.477 1037.160 1263.94 942.477 321.459
Ground Floor 36 250 × 350 Middle 1546.33 942.477 603.854 821.809 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 36 250 × 350 End-J 1121.6 942.477 179.120 699.92 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 37 250 × 350 End-I 1638.15 942.477 695.675 1139.5 942.477 197.021
Ground Floor 37 250 × 350 Middle 1103.91 942.477 161.437 569.95 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 37 250 × 350 End-J 638.096 942.477 0.000 410.077 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 38 250 × 350 End-I 1344.82 942.477 402.342 1007.82 942.477 65.339
Ground Floor 38 250 × 350 Middle 1044.07 942.477 101.597 899.347 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 38 250 × 350 End-J 758.201 942.477 0.000 797.789 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 39 250 × 350 End-I 2016.18 942.477 1073.705 1301.23 942.477 358.749
Ground Floor 39 250 × 350 Middle 1553.14 942.477 610.668 828.762 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 39 250 × 350 End-J 1095.42 942.477 152.943 597.665 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 40 250 × 350 End-I 1293.7 942.477 351.225 1012.34 942.477 69.866
Ground Floor 40 250 × 350 Middle 1016.2 942.477 73.727 890.835 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 40 250 × 350 End-J 749.347 942.477 0.000 772.006 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 41 250 × 350 End-I 1958.65 942.477 1016.171 1242.52 942.477 300.043
Ground Floor 41 250 × 350 Middle 1499.4 942.477 556.923 773.923 942.477 0.000


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 70
Top Reinforcement Bottom Reinforcement

Story Label Location Required Existing Deficit Required Existing Deficit

mm² mm² mm² mm² mm² mm²

Ground Floor 41 250 × 350 End-J 1051.31 942.477 108.836 504.374 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 42 250 × 350 End-I 1280.81 942.477 338.335 992.971 942.477 50.494
Ground Floor 42 250 × 350 Middle 1005.54 942.477 63.064 875.612 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 42 250 × 350 End-J 739.947 942.477 0.000 760.273 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 43 250 × 350 End-I 1953.73 942.477 1011.257 1237.51 942.477 295.028
Ground Floor 43 250 × 350 Middle 1520 942.477 577.522 794.941 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 43 250 × 350 End-J 1100.11 942.477 157.632 671.829 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 44 250 × 350 End-I 1599.61 942.477 657.129 1216.66 942.477 274.184
Ground Floor 44 250 × 350 Middle 1052.73 942.477 110.257 652.854 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 44 250 × 350 End-J 549.364 942.477 0.000 458.056 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 45 250 × 350 End-I 1607.18 942.477 664.705 1161.33 942.477 218.848
Ground Floor 45 250 × 350 Middle 1071.02 942.477 128.541 597.764 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 45 250 × 350 End-J 592.827 942.477 0.000 402.77 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 46 250 × 350 End-I 1895.65 942.477 953.178 1178.24 942.477 235.767
Ground Floor 46 250 × 350 Middle 1459.3 942.477 516.819 733.002 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 46 250 × 350 End-J 1044.73 942.477 102.249 488.848 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 47 250 × 350 End-J 1799.39 942.477 856.916 1080.02 942.477 137.546
Ground Floor 47 250 × 350 Middle 1387.3 942.477 444.824 659.541 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 47 250 × 350 End-I 992.138 942.477 49.661 462.823 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 48 250 × 350 End-J 1708.61 942.477 766.134 987.392 942.477 44.915
Ground Floor 48 250 × 350 End-I 1272.25 942.477 329.773 636.125 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 48 250 × 350 Middle 1194.29 942.477 251.813 463.103 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 49 250 × 350 End-I 1831.01 942.477 888.535 1112.29 942.477 169.808
Ground Floor 49 250 × 350 Middle 1450.2 942.477 507.725 723.723 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 49 250 × 350 End-J 1074.7 942.477 132.227 742.49 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 50 250 × 350 End-I 1741.18 942.477 798.699 1020.62 942.477 78.144
Ground Floor 50 250 × 350 Middle 1352 942.477 409.528 623.526 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 50 250 × 350 End-J 983.235 942.477 40.758 488.317 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 51 250 × 350 End-J 1660.34 942.477 717.865 1265.09 942.477 322.609
Ground Floor 51 250 × 350 Middle 1072.75 942.477 130.275 696.125 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 51 250 × 350 End-I 508.551 942.477 0.000 415.085 942.477 0.000
Ground Floor 52 250 × 350 End-I 1455.35 942.477 512.876 1251.87 942.477 309.389
Ground Floor 52 250 × 350 Middle 1161.16 942.477 218.680 1107.83 942.477 165.352
Ground Floor 52 250 × 350 End-J 894.154 942.477 0.000 983.024 942.477 40.547


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 71
Table 5.7 Column Before Retrofitting
Required Reinforcement
Column P 𝑀𝑢𝑦 𝑀𝑢𝑥
Storey Label Steel Available
kN kN-m kN-m mm² mm²
Roof 1 360 × 360 -69.701 -6.365 -27.794 2320 1608
Roof 2 360 × 360 -50.677 -1.236 -24.670 1037 1608
Roof 3 360 × 360 -51.283 -0.616 -17.492 1055 1608
Roof 4 360 × 360 -51.038 -0.703 -15.092 1076 1608
Roof 5 360 × 360 -51.119 0.107 -4.428 1075 1608
Roof 6 360 × 360 -51.151 4.414 -19.651 1065 1608
Roof 7 360 × 360 -50.754 4.218 -24.704 1037 1608
Roof 8 360 × 360 -69.697 18.010 -27.780 2579 1608
Roof 9 360 × 360 -44.005 -2.231 -19.240 1037 1608
Roof 10 360 × 360 -50.495 -0.539 74.721 1037 1608
Roof 11 360 × 360 -25.137 0.205 11.099 1129 1608
Roof 12 360 × 360 -24.747 0.247 10.718 1037 1608
Roof 13 360 × 360 -25.507 0.034 11.512 1037 1608
Roof 14 360 × 360 -24.869 -0.038 10.817 1037 1608
Roof 15 360 × 360 -24.472 -0.802 10.825 1942 1608
Roof 16 360 × 360 -70.079 26.477 55.682 1037 1608
Roof 17 360 × 360 -44.182 -2.215 31.525 1037 1608
Roof 18 360 × 360 -24.594 1.563 -3.923 1037 1608
Roof 19 360 × 360 -25.351 0.036 -4.113 1131 1608
Roof 20 360 × 360 -25.450 0.167 -4.205 1037 1608
Roof 21 360 × 360 -24.671 0.001 -3.822 1037 1608
Roof 22 360 × 360 -25.448 -0.041 -4.175 1037 1608
Roof 23 360 × 360 -24.623 -0.815 -3.882 1037 1608
Roof 24 360 × 360 -44.196 9.465 31.678 1037 1608
Roof 25 360 × 360 -69.695 -6.344 61.496 2307 1608
Roof 26 360 × 360 -50.709 -0.316 57.718 1037 1608
Roof 27 360 × 360 -51.273 -1.757 37.807 1059 1608
Roof 28 360 × 360 -24.987 0.370 19.205 1078 1608
Roof 29 360 × 360 -24.923 -0.077 19.088 1076 1608


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 72
Required Reinforcement
Column P 𝑀𝑢𝑦 𝑀𝑢𝑥
Storey Label Steel Available
kN kN-m kN-m mm² mm²
Roof 30 360 × 360 -25.124 -0.204 19.622 1059 1608
Roof 31 360 × 360 -50.720 4.236 61.312 2115 1608
Roof 32 360 × 360 -69.719 18.157 64.590 2583 1608
2nd Floor 1 360 × 360 -147.020 -10.991 -29.757 3756 1608
2nd Floor 2 360 × 360 -169.090 -0.405 -54.585 6523 1608
2nd Floor 3 360 × 360 -144.550 -0.094 180.742 6725 1608
2nd Floor 4 360 × 360 -146.511 3.242 198.491 6919 1608
2nd Floor 5 360 × 360 -135.331 0.127 172.779 7085 1608
2nd Floor 6 360 × 360 -171.490 1.027 -64.711 6940 1608
2nd Floor 7 360 × 360 -144.435 0.868 158.298 6630 1608
2nd Floor 8 360 × 360 -122.469 -11.006 72.150 3909 1608
2nd Floor 9 360 × 360 -155.450 -13.707 60.025 6143 1608
2nd Floor 10 360 × 360 -159.506 2.404 -43.893 7435 1608
2nd Floor 11 360 × 360 -185.223 -0.047 112.792 5674 1608
2nd Floor 12 360 × 360 -189.427 -2.991 126.471 7368 1608
2nd Floor 13 360 × 360 -152.694 0.067 -38.266 7494 1608
2nd Floor 14 360 × 360 -189.948 5.489 126.651 5580 1608
2nd Floor 15 360 × 360 -163.449 3.296 -41.385 7397 1608
2nd Floor 16 360 × 360 -158.984 36.854 62.312 6131 1608
2nd Floor 17 360 × 360 -135.237 35.857 52.819 6252 1608
2nd Floor 18 360 × 360 -187.103 0.135 -46.278 5424 1608
2nd Floor 19 360 × 360 -186.672 0.176 -44.456 6399 1608
2nd Floor 20 360 × 360 -160.615 0.281 109.006 7316 1608
2nd Floor 21 360 × 360 -181.937 0.018 -56.710 7480 1608
2nd Floor 22 360 × 360 -160.751 0.106 109.028 5575 1608
2nd Floor 23 360 × 360 -185.795 2.424 -44.478 5565 1608
2nd Floor 24 360 × 360 -131.710 -12.874 54.984 4844 1608
2nd Floor 25 360 × 360 -146.795 -10.677 71.534 3776 1608
2nd Floor 26 360 × 360 -142.439 -1.979 -60.289 5404 1608
2nd Floor 27 360 × 360 -167.099 -1.843 148.844 6864 1608


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 73
Required Reinforcement
Column P 𝑀𝑢𝑦 𝑀𝑢𝑥
Storey Label Steel Available
kN kN-m kN-m mm² mm²
2nd Floor 28 360 × 360 -144.199 0.641 -72.436 6938 1608
2nd Floor 29 360 × 360 -168.094 0.254 176.221 7092 1608
2nd Floor 30 360 × 360 -169.079 3.853 160.194 6953 1608
2nd Floor 31 360 × 360 -145.096 0.145 -61.388 6639 1608
2nd Floor 32 360 × 360 -147.056 27.107 74.250 3920 1608
1st Floor 1 360 × 360 -225.243 -12.498 -39.661 3540 1608
1st Floor 2 360 × 360 -264.079 2.016 94.051 6175 1608
1st Floor 3 360 × 360 -288.076 -0.168 -65.053 6246 1608
1st Floor 4 360 × 360 -281.245 4.488 106.978 7554 1608
1st Floor 5 360 × 360 -306.085 0.975 -86.941 7809 1608
1st Floor 6 360 × 360 -279.494 -1.143 106.769 6612 1608
1st Floor 7 360 × 360 -288.813 0.409 -64.621 6281 1608
1st Floor 8 360 × 360 -224.655 31.112 -39.706 4129 1608
1st Floor 9 360 × 360 -221.527 27.675 -21.691 7179 1608
1st Floor 10 360 × 360 -323.309 -0.030 126.982 8918 1608
1st Floor 11 360 × 360 -301.873 0.125 -34.593 8646 1608
1st Floor 12 360 × 360 -345.472 -3.610 149.202 8853 1608
1st Floor 13 360 × 360 -350.047 -0.058 164.939 8997 1608
1st Floor 14 360 × 360 -322.596 -2.636 -42.593 9042 1608
1st Floor 15 360 × 360 -329.228 1.027 130.936 8928 1608
1st Floor 16 360 × 360 -224.515 -10.099 -21.512 7134 1608
1st Floor 17 360 × 360 -249.667 -15.850 -32.303 6555 1608
1st Floor 18 360 × 360 -302.604 3.337 86.300 8622 1608
1st Floor 19 360 × 360 -328.628 -0.060 -52.959 8953 1608
1st Floor 20 360 × 360 -316.545 4.813 99.208 8827 1608
1st Floor 21 360 × 360 -353.120 0.029 -71.255 8984 1608
1st Floor 22 360 × 360 -316.619 -2.891 99.066 9034 1608
1st Floor 23 360 × 360 -327.988 0.754 -52.376 8920 1608
1st Floor 24 360 × 360 -221.906 -10.570 51.580 7130 1608
1st Floor 25 360 × 360 -224.904 -12.351 91.406 4221 1608


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 74
Required Reinforcement
Column P 𝑀𝑢𝑦 𝑀𝑢𝑥
Storey Label Steel Available
kN kN-m kN-m mm² mm²
1st Floor 26 360 × 360 -283.587 0.691 156.192 6913 1608
1st Floor 27 360 × 360 -284.019 -0.408 163.806 6388 1608
1st Floor 28 360 × 360 -302.162 -3.668 181.999 6548 1608
1st Floor 29 360 × 360 -293.545 0.005 -54.299 6834 1608
1st Floor 30 360 × 360 -278.550 -2.885 -46.178 7627 1608
1st Floor 31 360 × 360 -289.675 0.883 162.791 7323 1608
1st Floor 32 360 × 360 -200.729 -7.746 -24.862 4131 1608
Ground 1 360 × 360 -281.686 15.803 49.202 6759 1608
Floor 2 360 × 360 -387.987 0.628 86.492 5453 1608
Floor 3 360 × 360 -386.736 0.094 92.334 7318 1608
Floor 4 360 × 360 -418.715 2.884 101.585 5692 1608
Floor 5 360 × 360 -434.752 0.589 109.185 7420 1608
Floor 6 360 × 360 -417.277 -1.938 101.736 7477 1608
Floor 7 360 × 360 -388.425 0.111 89.287 5550 1608
Floor 8 360 × 360 -280.962 -6.672 51.667 3156 1608
Floor 9 360 × 360 -314.483 20.928 -16.793 6127 1608
Floor 10 360 × 360 -445.947 0.570 -26.726 6805 1608
Floor 11 360 × 360 -447.363 0.129 -27.756 8328 1608
Floor 12 360 × 360 -481.403 3.006 -32.150 8284 1608
Floor 13 360 × 360 -501.640 -0.008 -35.993 8415 1608
Floor 14 360 × 360 -482.878 -1.730 -32.177 8524 1608
Floor 15 360 × 360 -451.787 0.262 -27.164 8586 1608
Floor 16 360 × 360 -317.424 -8.448 -16.858 7646 1608
Floor 17 360 × 360 -318.420 21.152 38.384 7616 1608
Floor 18 360 × 360 -449.389 0.376 65.341 8546 1608
Floor 19 360 × 360 -449.768 0.088 69.539 8465 1608
Floor 20 360 × 360 -477.250 2.898 77.005 6839 1608
Floor 21 360 × 360 -504.644 0.003 83.812 6983 1608
Floor 22 360 × 360 -477.477 -1.713 77.138 8521 1608
Floor 23 360 × 360 -450.418 0.157 68.043 8583 1608
Floor 23 360 × 360 -314.762 -8.358 40.403 6906 1608
By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 75
Required Reinforcement
Column P 𝑀𝑢𝑦 𝑀𝑢𝑥
Storey Label Steel Available
kN kN-m kN-m mm² mm²
Ground 24 360 × 360 -281.271 15.750 -21.359 1824 1608
Floor 25 360 × 360 -383.342 0.975 -35.187 6758 1608
Floor 26 360 × 360 -382.711 -0.173 -36.599 7517 1608
Floor 27 360 × 360 -415.561 2.979 -41.978 5539 1608
Floor 28 360 × 360 -446.159 -0.003 -46.673 5686 1608
Floor 29 360 × 360 -416.447 -1.722 -41.921 7423 1608
Floor 30 360 × 360 -389.292 0.083 -35.354 5753 1608
Floor 31 360 × 360 -281.315 -6.673 -21.412 7483 1608
Floor 32 360 × 360 -281.271 15.750 -21.359 6791 1608


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 76
5.6 Evaluation Summary:

Hence, from structural analysis, it can be concluded that reinforcement provided in the
column and beam of a building is not enough. Also, some of the columns of the building
were found to be overstressed. Thus, it is recommended to retrofit the building so as to ensure
safety against earthquakes in future. Structural analysis is carried out by increasing the beam
as well as column size:
COLUMN = 560𝑚𝑚 × 560 𝑚𝑚
BEAM = the depth and width were increase accordingly
Only those beam and column in which rebar is insufficient and overstressed are retrofitted.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 77
6. Seismic Strengthening
When an earthquake occurs, many buildings either collapse or experience different levels of
damage. The construction and structural deficiencies like low-quality concrete, poor
confinement of the end regions, weak column-strong beam behavior, short column behavior,
inadequate splice lengths and improper hooks of the stirrups were identified to be the major
cause of failure during the Gorkha Earthquake[1] (Adhikari, 2018). Most of the buildings
were constructed during the introduction of modern building codes. They usually cannot
provide the required ductility, lateral stiffness and strength, which are definitely lower than
the limits imposed by the modern building codes. (Kaplan et. al. 2011). Due to low lateral
stiffness and strength, vulnerable structures are subjected to large displacement demands,
which cannot be met adequately as they have low ductility.
The aftermath of an earthquake causes great devastation due to unpredicted seismic motion
striking extensive damage extensive damage to many buildings of varying degree i.e. either
full or partial or slight.
The various material, construction techniques and strategies are explained in subtopic 6.1-
6.1 Material and Construction Techniques
After a damaging earthquake, material and construction techniques are used to repair and
strengthen the structure. Cement and Steel are most commonly used as repair and
strengthening materials, but some of the techniques, procedures and strengthening materials
may not be familiar to the designer. Some of the most popular material and construction
techniques are discussed below:
6.1.1 Conventional cast in situ concrete process
When the volume or shrinkage of the convection cement based concrete causes unacceptable
results, the traditional cast in situ concrete procedure is used in repair and reinforcing
operations. The loss of good contact between the new concrete and the old part as a result of
the volume change prevents sound transfer of stress at the contact surface. It is recommended
to utilize higher strength concrete with low slumps and less water to improve binding
qualities and prevent shrinkage. When super plasticizers are used to prevent shrinkage, a
slump of roughly 20 cm is expected, however when normal Abrams cone is used, the slump
should not exceed 10 cm.
With cast in situ concrete, placement techniques are critical to ensure that the new concrete
performs well with the existing materials. For effective bonding properties, existing surfaces


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 78
that will come into contact with new cast in situ concrete must be carefully roughened and
cleaned. Following the installation of anchorages, forms are built to match the intended
To enable for the laying of concrete, special chutes or access holes are typically necessary
in the forms. A final cleaning of the form is required immediately prior to placement to
eliminate all sawdust, etc., and the existing concrete should be moistened. The concrete
should be thoroughly vibrated to ensure that it completely fills the forms and voids or rock
pockets are avoided. Proper curing of the newly cast concrete is also important to prevent
rapid drying of the surface.

6.1.2 Shotcrete
Shotcrete is a method of repairing and strengthening reinforced concrete members in which
mortar is blasted at high velocity through a nozzle on the surface of the concrete member
using compressed air. During the repair and strengthening phase, a very good bond between
fresh shotcrete and old concrete can be achieved using the shotcrete technology. Welded
cloth and deformed bars tacked onto vertical, sloping, and overhanging surfaces with
minimal or no support are used in this manner.
Shotcrete process is carried out either by these two processes:
 Wet process: In wet process, mixture of cement and aggregate premixed with water
and the pump pushes the mixture through the hose and nozzle. Compressed air is
introduced at nozzle to increase the velocity of application.
 Dry process: In dry mix process, compressed air propels premixed mortar and damp
aggregate and at the nozzle end water is added through a separate hose. The dry mix
and water through the second hose are projected on to a prepared surface.

Figure 6.1. Shotcrete Technology


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 79
6.1.3 Grouts
Grout is widely used in concrete repair and strengthening projects to fill voids or cover the
gap between adjacent concrete sections. There are many different types of grouts, and the
right grout for the job must be picked. Cement, sand, and water are proportioned in
traditional grout to create a fairly fluid slurry that can be poured into the space to be filled.
Forms and closures are required to keep the liquid grout contained until it has cured. Due to
the large amount of water in the mix, traditional grout of this type has a high rate of
shrinkage. When grout is placed in a 2 cm to 5 cm broad gap, it shrinks enough to generate
a noticeable fracture on one side of the grouted area. As a result, conventional grouts should
only be used where shrinkage cracking is acceptable. When it's important to fill a void
without the usual shrinkage cracks, non-shrink grouts are available. Non-shrink grout is
made with dry materials that come pre-mixed in bags from the manufacturer and are blended
with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. There are many types of non-shrink
grouts available, but designers should be aware that the cost of these materials is
considerably more than that of conventional grout. The properties of mixed with these
materials should be known before specifying their use on a repair or strengthening project.

Figure 6.2. Injection grouting for concrete repair

6.1.4 Resin Concretes
The cement in resin-based concrete mixes is replaced by a two-component system, one of
which is based on a liquid resin (epoxy, polyester, polyurethane, acrylic, etc.) that reacts by
crosslinking with the second component, known as the hardener. Resin concrete is excellent
for mending tiny parts of concrete that have spalled, but it is not typically utilized for huge
volumes of fresh concrete. Since, all two component systems are sensitive to humidity and


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 80
temperature, resin concretes require not only an unique aggregate mix but also special
working conditions to achieve the appropriate qualities. Resin has a pot life that must be
closely followed in order to finish the job before the resin hardens. Normal reaction cannot
be achieved at low temperatures (below +10° C) for the resin types used in construction; in
hot weather, the heat generated during the reaction can be excessive, resulting in excessive
shrinking of the mix. Although a resin compound's direct bond to a clean and dry concrete
surface is excellent, resin concrete's direct bond to concrete is often poor because the resin
coated aggregates and the old concrete can only be connected point to point. To ensure a
satisfactory connection, a first coat of pure liquid resin should be applied to the existing
concrete surface. Resin concrete has a substantially stronger strength than standard concrete,
but it also has a different elasticity; difficulties stemming from the altered elasticity must be
properly examined.

6.1.5 Polymer Modified Concrete

Polymer modified concrete is made by substituting particular polymers as cementation
modifiers for a portion of traditional cement. Polymers that are generally given as aqueous
dispersions have a variety of effects. By functioning as water reducing plasticizer they can
generate a concrete with better workability, lower water-cement ratio and reduced shrinkage
factors. They function as integral curing aids, decreasing the need for successful curing but
not removing it. They increase the strength of the hardened concrete by including plastic
links into the concrete's binding system. They can also improve concrete's resilience to
chemical attacks. However, it should be noted that if such polymer modified concretes are
exposed to fire, they will lose all of their extra qualities. Their alkalinity, and hence their
resistance to carbonation, will be significantly lower than that of ordinary concrete.

6.1.6 Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP and CFRP)

Fiber reinforced composite materials are made up of a high strength, high modulus fiber and
a liquid matrix that can be hardened. Both fiber and matrix retain their physical and chemical
identities in this form, resulting in combination qualities that neither of the parts could
accomplish on their own. Because the fibers are extremely directed, the behavior is similar
to that of steel reinforced concrete. The designer can tune the strengthening system to
reinforce specific stresses because of the fiber's behavior.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 81
Low specific gravity, high strength to weight ratio, high modulus to weight ratio, low
density, high fatigue strength, good wear resistance, vibration absorption, dimensional
stability, and high thermal and chemical stability are some of the FRP material features. FRP
materials are also extremely corrosion resistant. The approximately linear to elastic stress-
strain curve to failure is a feature of FRP material.
FRP materials are ideal for repairing and reinforcing structures. Wrapping a column in FRP
sheet with epoxy resin improves its ductility by increasing shear strength. The surface of the
column to be wrapped in carbon fiber sheet must be pre-treated. The corner cross section of
the column must be rounded with a radius of at least 20 mm. Along the column height, this
rounded part must be straight and uncurved. The fiber direction must be perpendicular to the
column axis while wrapping, and the column must be wrapped firmly and snugly with FRP
sheet. The FRP sheet overlap must be long enough to prevent the material from rupturing;
the lap length must not be less than 200 mm.

Figure 6.3. CFRP

6.2 Retrofit Strategies

It is a basic approach adopted to improve the probable seismic performance of a building or
the planning made to reduce the risk to an acceptable limit.

6.2.1 Adding new shear walls

Non-ductile reinforced concrete frame buildings are frequently retrofitted using this
material. Cast-in-place or precast concrete elements can be used as additional elements. New
features should ideally be put on the building's façade. To avoid interior moldings, it is not
recommended for use in the inside of the structure.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 82
Figure 6.4. Addition of shear wall

6.2.2 Adding Steel Bracings

When huge openings are required, this is a suitable alternative. Potential benefits include
increased strength and stiffness, the ability to give natural light, and a reduced amount of
work due to lower foundation costs and the addition of considerably less weight to the
existing structure.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 83
Figure 6.5. Types of steel bracing

6.2.3 Jacketing (Local Retrofitting Technique):

This is the most popular method for strengthening of building columns.
Types of Jacketing:
Steel jacket, Reinforced Concrete jacket, Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite (FRPC)
Purpose for jacketing:


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 84
 To increase concrete confinement
 To increase shear strength
 To increase flexural strength

Figure 6.6 Column RC jacketing plan

Figure 6.7. Jacketing of column (source MRB & Associate)

6.3 Reducing Earthquake Demands

Instead of modifying the capacity of the building to withstand earthquake-induced forces
and deformations, this strategy involves modification of the response of the structure such


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 85
that the demand forces and deformations are reduced. Irregularities related to distribution of
strength, stiffness and mass result poor performance.

6.3.1 Base Isolation (or Seismic Isolation):

Isolation of superstructure from the foundation is known as base isolation. It is the most
powerful tool for passive structural vibration control technique.

Figure 6.8. Base Isolators

Advantages of Base Isolation
 Building can remain serviceable throughout construction.
 Isolates Building from ground motion – Lesser seismic loads, hence lesser damage
to the structure i.e. Minimal repair of superstructure.
 Does not involve major intrusion upon existing

Disadvantages of Base Isolation

 Expensive
 Cannot be applied partially to structures unlike other
 Challenging to implement in an efficient manner

6.3.2 Mass Reduction and Energy Dissipation Technique of



By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 86
This can be accomplished by removing one or more stories, as seen in Figure. The
elimination of the mass in this scenario will clearly result in a reduction in the period, which
will result in an increase in the required strength.
In energy dissipation system, the ability of the structure to dampen the earthquake response
increases in gentle manner, through either viscous or hysteretic damping.
On the other hand, the mass reduction can greatly improve the performance of some building
by reducing the building mass.
Building mass reductions include the building's natural period, the amount of inertial forces
that develops during its response, and the total displacement demand on the structure.

6.4 Strengthening of original structural elements

Members requiring strengthening or enhanced ductility can be jacketed by reinforced
concrete jacking, steel profile jacketing, steel encasement or wrapping with FRP's. The
factors affecting the selection of suitable type are the desired earthquake resistance, the level
of the damage, the type of the elements and their connections.
In our case, the technique of strengthening column is explained as:

6.4.1 Strengthening Column

The column can be RC jacketed by two techniques, which are described in the figure


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 87
Figure 6.9. Option-1 for Column RC Jacketing
Figure 6.10 Option-2 for Column RC

6.5 Design of Beam Jacketing

For Transverse Beam Requiring Strengthening:

Maximum transverse top reinforcement required = 482.1964 mm2
If 20 mm diameter bars are provided,
Number of bars required = 𝜋×202 /4 = 1.53

For uniformity,
Providing 𝑛 = 4 number of bars
∴ Provide 4 − 20𝑚𝑚 𝜙 bars. [Extra reinforcement for retrofit]
Maximum bottom reinforcement required = 309.388 mm2
If 20 mm diameter bars are provided.
Number of bars required = 𝜋×202 /4 = 1.02

For uniformity,
Provide 4 number of bars.


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 88
For longitudinal beams requiring strengthening:
Top reinforcement:
Provide 20 mm diameter,
Number of bars required = 202
= 2.54

Provide 4 number of 20 𝜙 bars.

Bottom reinforcement:
𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 338.711
Number of bars required = 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑟 = 𝜋×202 /4 = 1.08

Providing 4 − 20𝑚𝑚 𝜙 bars for uniformity and strength requirement.

Spacing of stirrups in jacketed beam:
(𝑓𝑦𝑑ℎ 2 )
Spacing of stirrups, 𝑆𝑣 = 𝑡×√𝑓𝑐𝑘

𝑓𝑦 = yield strength of steel = 415 MPa

𝑓𝑐𝑘 = Cube strength of concrete = 20 MPa
Providing 8 mm 𝜙 stirrups,
𝑑ℎ = diameter of stirrups = 8 mm
𝑡 = thickness of jacket = 75 mm

(415×82 )
Spacing of stirrups = 𝑆𝑣 = = 79.18 mm ≈ 75 mm

Provide 2 legged 8 mm stirrups @ 75 mm c/c.

Ultimate axial moment, (𝑀𝑢 ) = 197.725 kN

Characteristic Strength of Concrete (𝑓𝑐𝑘 ) = 20 MPa
Yield strength of concrete (𝑓𝑦 ) = 415 N/mm2
Reinforcement before beam jacketing is done:
𝐴𝑠𝑡 = 2 − 16 𝑚𝑚 𝜙
=2×𝜋× 4

= 402.123 𝑚𝑚2
Width of beam (b) = 250 mm


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 89
Depth of beam (D) = 350 mm
Effective depth of beam (d) = 𝐷 − 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 − 2

= 350 − 40 − 8
= 302 mm
Moment capacity of beam before Jacketing:
𝑓 𝐴
(𝑀𝑢 )1 = 0.87 × 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝑠𝑡 × 𝑏 × 𝑑 × {1 − 𝑦 𝑠𝑡 }
𝑏×𝑑×𝑓 𝑐𝑘

= 0.87 × 415 × 401.123 × 302 {1 − 250×302×20 }

= 39.903 kN-m
After Retrofitting:-
Width of beam = 𝑏 = 350 𝑚𝑚
Depth of beam = 𝐷 = 450 𝑚𝑚
Effective depth = 𝑑 = 450 − 40 − = 400 𝑚𝑚

Providing 4-number of 20 mm diameter bars: [Additional]

𝐴𝑠𝑡 = 4 × 𝜋 × = 1256.637 mm2
𝑓 𝐴
(𝑀𝑢 )2 = 0.87 × 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝑠𝑡 × 𝑑 {1 − 𝑦 𝑠𝑡 }
𝑏𝑑 𝑓 𝑐𝑘

= 0.87 × 415 × 1256.637 × 400 × {1 − }

= 161.37 kN-m
Total moment capacity of jacketed section = (𝑀𝑢 )1 + (𝑀𝑢 )2
= 39.903 + 161.37
= 201.273 kN-m > 𝑀𝑢 (OK)


By [Sandesh, Shiyam, Shlok, Sonam, Subash, Swastik] | 90

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