Contemporary Arts in The Philippine Region (ARTREG080) Guided Generalization Table

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Contemporary Arts in the Philippine Region(ARTREG080)


GROUP NO.________________
Question/Instructions ArtWork
Paste your work of art This google drive link directs to our individual performance task submissions:
based on the different
language of ART that
you have already made
in your minor PT. You Shaira Joy Escaro:
can improve/develop
your work.
3-5 groups ONLY (same
as last
task/minor PT)
Choose among the
• Literature
• Music
• Dance
• Theater
• Painting
• Architecture
• Sculpture

Faith Grace Jaudines:

Maria Renemae Mialen:

Sheridan Lei Montero:

Common ideas in reason: How did you come up with one artwork
despite of your individual choice of art? 5-7 sentences only.

One of the most fascinating powers that any art holds is connection.
Despite the diversity of our perspectives, our choices can actually be
integrated to create a masterpiece that pleases the naked eye (painting),
soothes the ears that makes the listeners feel (music), and makes the
reader or listener think (poetry). Music and literature help influence,
invoke and reinforce emotions in the visual art which are the paintings,
in the sense that music and literature have been influenced by great
artworks while paintings become more sensible when it has a perception
of music-like motion and rhythm on the canvases. We did not choose a
specific form of art expression because we each have our own, but we
do have one goal in mind: to develop connection through the unification
of art. Furthermore, the common ground was by accepting and
expressing ourselves through our artworks and in the mode we are good
at, prefer, or comfortable with, we are able to create masterpieces that
show our creativity freely.

Enduring Understanding/Generalization: If you were to promote

your artwork, how will you explain the in-depth meaning of your
masterpiece? (5-7 sentences only)

Each of us chose a diverse form of art expression, if we are to elaborate

each of our chosen means to express our own emotions and
perspectives, here are the following reasons:

Shaira Joy Escaro:

Painting flowers is not a reaction to ugliness and cruelty, but rather

stems from a desire to discover and convey beauty in an often chaotic
environment, which is evident in my painting shows the contrast
between the gloomy light and beauty that the flowers provide in the
dreary expanse, and capturing the unique quality of light is a
contemplative and life-affirming endeavor. Moreover, what great art may
provide is to add another reason to be alive by reminding us that having
a decent society is worth fighting for, beauty in all of its manifestations
may help halt the plunge into the madness of political regime and
environmental disaster.

Faith Grace Jaudines:

Augustus, the poem I wrote, does not just contain a harmonic and
soothing rhythm due to the lyrical arrangement of words; but is also
filled with concentrated thoughts and depiction of one’s feelings of love
and admiration. In addition, It has been my contribution to reality for
with my poem, I have extended and conveyed my knowledge and
sentiments to everyone who views not just simply the words of the
poem but also the emotions invoked behind it.
Maria Renemae Mialen:

Plato, one of the most important philosopher who has ever lived,
once said, "Music gives soul to the universe, flight to the imagination,
and life to everything," – this quote signifies why I have chosen music,
particularly playing a Kalimba (thumb piano) since it is my own means of
expressing emotions and drowning myself with the satisfaction and
comfort the sound gives me as the melody reigns and speaks for my
feelings and thoughts in my behalf.

Sheridan Lei Montero:

I believe that art is about providing a broader perspective on

familiar relationships, connections, memories, processes, or meanings,
and in my case, painting something as simple as a bay window makes
me nostalgic. The painting transports me back to my childhood days and
evokes memories of a time when failure and the demands of
expectations did not exist, and I am convinced that everyone can relate
to this and find an emotional connection between my artwork and

Collaborative Table (Group #)


Complete Name Participation Other

(Picture evidence)
1.Shaira Joy Escaro Chose painting as her work
of art.
2. Faith Grace Jaudines Literature, particularly
creating poetry is her choice
of art.
3. Maria Renemae Mialen Music is her chosen means of
art expression.
4. Sheridan Lei Montero She also picked painting as
her mode of masterpiece.

Virtual Meeting Documentation:

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