Inquiry Investigation-No Journal

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Running head: Inquiry Investigation

Inquiry Investigation

Cristina Sedo

University of Houston – Clear Lake

For partial fulfillment of

TCED 4322.01: Science Methods for EC-6

November 19, 2021

Running head: Inquiry Investigation
Introduction and Research

I conducted a 4-week inquiry-based investigation using radish seeds, soil, and cups. I

planted the seeds and manipulated the amount of water the seeds received in each of the

three cups. I collected data weekly documenting plant growth and any other information found

using my research about plants. By the end of this investigation, I was able to test my

hypothesis by comparing data collected from the control group with the data collected from

the two other experimental groups.

There are specific things that plants need to grow. These things are water, air, space,

nutrients, and sunlight. Sunlight is needed to carry out the process called photosynthesis. The

plant uses the energy from the light to create food. Plants need space to grow so that the roots,

stems, and leaves can grow. “Plants’ roots in the soil can become crowded if space is not

available and their growth could also be stunted, which also affects the general growth of the

plants” (Idris, 2021). Nutrients from the soil is also a necessity for plants to grow. Some

important nutrients are nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, and calcium.

These nutrients help increase chlorophyll production, the development of roots and flowers,

and strengthen plant cells. Water plays an essential role in plant growth. Water makes “up

about 90% of the plant body” (Idris, 2021). Water is used to transport energy and food

throughout the different parts of the plant. It regulates the temperature in plants and allows

the roots to absorb nutrients from the soil. Lastly, air is also needed for plant growth. The main

reason being that plants need carbon dioxide from the air to help produce glucose, which is the

energy plants need to grow.

Running head: Inquiry Investigation
Photosynthesis is the chemical process where “sunlight, water, and the gases in the air

make glucose, which is a form of sugar that plants need to survive” (What is photosynthesis,

2018). During photosynthesis the plant absorbs water from the ground and through the roots.

Then, the leaves draw in the carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. The leaves then

absorb sunlight so that the chloroplasts can make glucose, which is food for the plant.

Plants are not always in the best environment, so they must adjust to survive. Every

environment brings its own problems for plants. For example, most plants in the desert have

developed a waxy coating on their leaves. This adaptation helps them keep the water from

evaporating out of their leaves (White, 2021). Plants in the desert have also adapted their root

structure. Some have shallow roots that cover a wide area in order to absorb as much water as

possible. While others have deep roots to find water that is far below the surface of the ground.

Some plants have even adapted to blooming at night to prevent dehydration and help with

pollination (White, 2021). Plants also adapt in simpler ways. For example, when plants turn

towards the sun to better absorb energy, or when they grow new leaves in the springtime.

Rational for Study and Research Question

I selected my research question on the basis that water plays such an important role in plant

growth. I want to know if it makes a difference if we limit the amount of water available to the

plants to less than what is recommended. Since plants are known for their ability to adapt in

order to survive, will giving them less water really inhibit their growth? Which brings me to my

research question; what happens to their growth when plants do not receive the recommended

amount of water? In this case the recommended amount of water is enough water to make the

soil damp, which is 20mL according to my setup. My hypothesis will be, if we provide the plants
Running head: Inquiry Investigation
with less water than they need, then they will not grow as much as a plant receiving enough


Materials and Data Collection Plan

During this investigation I will set up one controlled variable. The control will be the

seeds/plants that will receive enough water to make the soil damp. This group of plants will be

watered when the soil is dry to the touch. The independent(manipulated) variable will be the

amount of water given to the plants. And the dependent variables will be the growth of the

plants and the number of leaves on the plants. The materials needed are 9 radish seeds, 3 clear

plastic cups, potting soil, water, napkins, 1 ruler, syringe with measurements in mL, and science


I first filled each of the three cups 1/3 of the way with soil. I labeled the first cup as A, the

second cup as B, and the third as C. I then placed three seeds in each cup. I placed the seeds 1

inch apart and ½ inch deep into the soil. I also made sure to place the seeds flush against the

cup so that they were visible from the outside of the cup. During the initial setup, the amount

of water needed to make the soil damp is 20mL of water. Cup A was the control, so it received

20mL of water. Cups B and C were the experimental set ups. Cup B received 10 mL which was ½

the amount that cup A received, and cup C received 5mL of water which was ¼ the amount that

cup A received. The watering schedule will be based on cup A, the control. I will only water all

three cups when the soil in cup A is dry to the touch. And I will only give each cup their assigned

amount of water. All three cups will be placed on a windowsill next to each other exposed to

equal amounts of direct sunlight. I will measure the plants growth at least once a week. I will
Running head: Inquiry Investigation
also be taking note of the number of leaves each plant grows throughout the investigation. I

will record my data that I collect in my journal.


I started my investigation on October 21, 2021 and ended it on November 19, 2021. After the

initial setup it took three days for the sprouts to break the surface of the soil. On day 7, I took

the first measurements of the sprouts. In cup A, all three seeds had sprouted with two leaves

each. In cup B, only two of the seeds had sprouted with two leaves each as well. In cup C, none

of the seeds had sprouted. On day 14 of the investigation, I took the second measurement of

the sprouts. Cup A had sprouted a 4th sprout. This was probably due to me accidently dropping

an extra seed in the cup during the initial setup. The sprouts on this cup continued to grow, but

slowly. Each sprout had two leaves each. In cup B, the 3rd seed sprouted and the other two

continued to grow. Each sprout had two leaves each. Nothing was happening in cup C. On day

19 I took my 3rd set of measurements. In cup A, all four sprouts grew a third leaf and continued

to grow at a slow pace. In cup B, all three sprouts continued to grow at an even slower pace

than cup A. One sprout in this cup has grown a third leaf, but the other two sprouts still have

two leaves. Cup C has had no change. On day 24, I made my 4th data collection. The sprouts in

cup A have grown, but not much. In cup B, only two of the sprouts are still growing, and one of

the sprouts has stopped growing. Cup C has had no change. On the 28th day I took my last

measurements for the investigation. Cup A had not grown since the previous week, and the

sprouts measured the exact same as day 24. In cup B, there was some growth, but on sprout

was still not growing anymore. In cup C nothing happened. Below are pictures of the data

collected during the experiment.

Running head: Inquiry Investigation
Initial Setup:

End Result:
Running head: Inquiry Investigation
Data Table and Graph:
Running head: Inquiry Investigation
Running head: Inquiry Investigation
Analysis and Conclusions

After completing the investigation and reviewing the data collected, I feel confident in my

answer to my research question. When plants do not receive the recommended amount of

water they do not grow to their fullest potential and strength, and in some instances do not

even get to sprout from the seed. Water makes up such a large percentage of the plant that not

having enough of it can be detrimental. During this investigation I found out that my

manipulated variable, the amount of water, made a direct impact on the growth of the plants. I

learned that plants could survive with a limited supply of water, but if the supply of water is too

little then the plant will not make it even if the other necessary elements are present. One

question I did have throughout this investigation was: why didn’t my sprouts grow tall like the

example Professor Duncan showed us? I feel like my sprouts from my control group grew slowly

and didn’t get that tall. Professor Duncan had shown us her sprouts that had only been 5-6 days

old, and they were taller than mine were at the end of the 4-week investigation. The only thing

I can think of is that maybe we keep our apartment too cold, or they didn’t get enough sunlight

on the windowsill. I expected the experimental groups to struggle, but I did not expect the

control group to take so long to grow. Maybe next time I will put them in a warmer room with

better exposure to direct sunlight. I really enjoyed this investigation and cannot wait to do

something similar in my future classroom. Based on this investigation I am positive that I can

use this assignment in my classroom when discussing how plants adapt to different

environments to survive.

A science TEKS I could address from this investigation is 3 rd grade TEKS, 3.9 (C) Organisms and

environments. The student knows and can describe patterns, cycles, systems, and relationships
Running head: Inquiry Investigation
within the environments. The student is expected to: describe environmental changes such as

floods and droughts where some organisms thrive, and others perish or move to new locations

(Concept). This along with the TEKS 3.2 (B) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student

uses scientific practices during laboratory and outdoor investigations. The student is expected

to: collect and record data by observing and measuring using the metric system and recognize

differences between observed and measured data (skill). I believe these TEKS fit with the

investigation because they will be able to observe what happens when plants are facing a

drought and do not get enough water. A non-science TEKS that is aligned to this investigation is

3rd grade math TEKS 3.1 (D) Mathematical process standards. The student uses mathematical

processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding. The student is expected

to: communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple

representations, including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate.

Running head: Inquiry Investigation
Idris. (2021, August 20). 5 things plants need to grow (step by Step Guide). Webgardener -

Gardening and Landscaping Made Simple. Retrieved November 2021, from

What is photosynthesis. Smithsonian Science Education Center. (2018, March 27). Retrieved

November 2021, from

White, M. G. (2021). Examples of plant adaptations in different environments. Your Dictionary.

Retrieved November 2021, from


Category Not Present Inadequate Acceptable Exemplary

Running head: Inquiry Investigation
The candidate thoroughly
discusses the appropriate
The candidate scientific concepts and
discusses the The candidate principles explored in this
scientific discusses the scientific investigation, and the
The candidate
concepts OR concepts or principles discussion is free of scientific
does NOT
principles explored in this inaccuracies and
Score: ________/75

discuss the
explored in this investigation, but the misconceptions and
investigation discussion is addresses all five elements
concepts and
Introduction OR only incomplete or contains ( what plants need to grow;
& Research addresses two- inaccurate scientific explanation of
explored in the
three of the five information and/or photosynthesis; how plants
required only addresses four of get their water and nutrietns;
NO resources
elements . the required elements. why water is important to
Introduction, rationale, materials, methods, results, analysis, and conclusion sections must be typed and included in your report.

Only ONE Two resources are plant growth; and, ways

(0 points)
resource is cited and documented. plants adapt to their
provided. (4-8 points) environments). Three or
(1 - 3 points) more resources are cited and
(9-10 points)
The candidate
The candidate
does NOT (1)
provides a (1)
provide a The candidate (1)
research provides a research The candidate describes in
question (2)
question, (2) question with an detail the research question
description of
Rationale describe how explanation of how it and fully explains how it was
how the
For the the research was developed OR (2) developed. A hypothesis
Study question was omits the hypothesis written in an “if…,then…”
question was
developed, and stated in an “if…, format was included.
developed OR
(3) does not then…” format. (9-10 points)
(3) a
include a (3-8 points)
(1-2 points)
(0 points)
Materials The candidate The candidate The candidate The candidate fully describes
and Methods does NOT describes the describes the materials the materials used and the
describe the (1) materials and methods used for methods followed during
materials and OR (2) the investigation. The data collection. For example:
methods used methods used details lack clarity and a. What materials did you
to perform the to perform the are not easily use? (1 point)
investigation investigation reproduced. For example, identify the
(0 points) (1-2 points) (3-10 points) type of soil used.
b. Provides a detailed
account of the procedure
(data collection plan)
followed during the
inquiry. (step by step)
(1 point)
c. What type of data
(measurements) did you
collect? (1 point)
d. What were your
controlled, manipulated
and responding
variables? (5 points)
e. Explains the difference
between the control and
experimental set ups. (4
(11-15 points)
Running head: Inquiry Investigation
The candidate
provides a data
table OR graph The candidate provides a
The candidate
presenting the correctly labeled data table or
The candidate provides a data table
results of the graph presenting the full
does NOT or graph presenting
investigation, results of the investigation.
provide a data the results of the
Results but the graph The graph and data table
table and investigation; the
or table has 2 – include a title, labeled
graph. graph or table has a
3 missing axis/columns, and units
(0 points) missing component.
components or (where appropriate).
(2-3 points)
incorrect items (4-5 points)
of information.
(1 point)
The candidate describes in
detail, with specifics and
evidence from the
investigation, what was
learned from the
investigation. The candidate
responds to all of the
a. What did you find out
about your manipulated
variable? (must use
The candidate
The candidate research to back up
does NOT
answers 1 – 3 findings) (3 points)
answer any of
questions. The The candidate answers b. What other questions do
the questions,
provided 4 - 6 of the questions. you have? (3 points)
OR the
answers are The responses are c. What did you think
answers do
Analysis & clear and clear and detailed and about doing your
NOT align
Conclusions detailed or fully aligned with the investigation? (3 points)
with the
align with the research d. How could you use this
research questions/variables. assignment in your
questions or
questions/ (11-18 points) classroom? (3 points)
variables. e. What TEKS could you
(1-10 points) address from this
(0 points)
investigation? Be sure to
include both skill and
concept strands. (3
f. Why or how do these
TEKS fit with the
investigation? (3 points)
g. Explain any source of
error relating to your
investigation. (3 points)
(19-21 points)
Journal The journal is The journal The journal is original The journal is located at the
missing and was created in with no indication that third tab of the TCED 4322
does NOT one sitting (i.e. it was redone (i.e., the composition book, is original,
accompany the the same same ink/writing with drawings depicting
paper. ink/writing style/speed is used control andexperimental
(0 points) style/speed is throughout, a single or plant set-ups at each week (1-
used no date is listed, there 4), research question,
throughout; 0- is no crossed out text, hypothesis, variables, tables,
1 dates listed; pictures are perfectly graphs and other questions
there is no aligned, pages do you may have about your
crossed out appear to be used) investigation - A rough
text; pictures (3-7 points) draft/outline of the paper is
are perfectly included in the journal.
aligned; pages (8-9 points)
appear to be
Running head: Inquiry Investigation
(1-2 points)
The report consists of the
following elements:
a. A cover page and rubric
b. 12-point font and
The report is The report
c. Narrative/paragraph
missing all of includes 1 - 2 of The report has 3-4
form (i.e. bulleted points
Misc the listed the listed listed elements.
occur sparingly)
elements. elements. (2-3 points)
d. Free of spelling and
(0 points) (1 point)
grammar errors
e. Cited sources using
appropriate APA or MLA
(4-5 points)

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