Help File Ereg - L - L

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Help For eRegistration of Leave and Licenses.

Work Flow

Step One : Accessing the Module

1.1 Visit the website ( and click “eRegistration of L&L”
use URL:
1.2 Always select “Compatibility View”
On the first page, in the “New Entry” Box:-
1.3 Select the District, within which the property is situated.(Initially this module is
available for the Leave and Licenses of properties situated within the District of
Nagpur, Nasik, Pune, Thane, Mumbai or Mumbai Sub Urban.
1.4 Create your password ( it should be of min 8 characters ,at least one small and
one capital letter, one special character and one digit. For example: Nic@1234
or 12#QWrty
1.5 Re enter the password in “confirm Password”
Step Two (Entering Property Details)
2.1 On the page titled as “Property Details” enter Details of the property which is
being rented out.
2.2 Click the “save “ Button.
2.3 On the right top a 11 digit token number will be displayed. Write it down.
2.4 After getting the message “Property added Successfully”,
click the “Next: Party Details “ Button.
Step Three (Entering Party Details)
3.1 First select the radio button“ Party”
3.2 First select the Party type as “licensee” and enter all the details of “licensee”
3.3 UID is mandatory. Put it properly.
3.4 Click the “save “ button.
3.5 After getting the message “party added successfully”,
click the “Add: Party Details “button
If there is “another licensee”, again select the Party type as “licensee” and
enter all the details of the “another licensee” and click “save” button, followed
by “Add: Party Details “button
Otherwise select the Party type as “licensor” and enter all the details of the
“licensor” and click “save” button, followed by “Add: Party Details “button
3.6 If there is “another licensor”, again select the Party type as “licensor” and enter
all the details of the “another licensor” and click “save” button.
3.7 After successfully entering the party details, click the “Add : identifier details”
Entering Identifier Details
3.8 First select the party name for which the identifier is giving identification.
You have to enter two identifiers for each party separately or jointly. (i.e. Two
identifiers for all parties or separate two identifiers for each party)
3.8 After entering details of first identifier, click “save” button .
After getting the message “Identifier added successfully”,
click the “Add: Another identifier” button
3.9 Enter the details of another identifier. Click “save” button.
After adding all identifiers successfully”,
click the “Add: Rent and Other Terms” button
Entering Rent and Other Terms
4.1 In the “period” field, put the period of Leave and licenses in months.
It should not be greater than 60 months.
4.2 In the “from” field, select the date of starting the leave and licenses by clicking
the calendar. The start date should not be prior to four month of the execution
of Leave and Licenses.
4.3 In the Stamp Duty and Registration fee section, if you have already paid it vide
ePayament, enter the proper GRN numbers and the date of payment. If not
already paid, you can make ePayment, by clicking the “Pay Now” button.
4.4 Please verify your ePayments by clicking the “verify” button.
4.5 In the “Document Executed at Location” field, enter the place/location from
where the parties are going to execute the Leave and Licenses.
4,6 If any value is entered in the Deposit (Refundable/Non-Refundable) field, a
additional field “Payment Details of Deposit” will pop up. In that, enter the
details of the payment of such deposit.
4.7 In the “select terms and condition box”, after clicking the + sign, you will find
the clause “maintenance charges”. After clicking the + sign there before, two
conditions regarding the responsibility of payment of “maintenance charges”
As per condition4.1, it will be paid by Licensor and as per condition 4.2 it will
be paid by Licensee. Please read both the conditions carefully and select the
proper condition by clicking in the Check box. Selection of one condition is
Thereafter by clicking on the “view the selected T & C” button, view the
selected condition.
The above mentioned 4.5,4.6 &4.7 will be used in the document drafting.
Hence enter properly.
4.8 Then click on the “Save” button.
4.9 After getting the message “submitted successfully” click on the “View Draft
Document” button.
4.10 Go through the draft generated. If you want to modify any data entered, click
on the “back” button, go to the respective field, edit, save and view the draft
5.1 If you are satisfied with the data entered and the draft document, you can
execute the document by clicking the “execute” button.
5.2 Read the message box appeared thereafter. If the parties have read the draft
document and if they want to execute the document and admit their
execution, click the “OK” button.
5.3 On the next page, the list of party name and witness name will appear.
Select the party by clicking select button, capture the photo and thumb
impression properly and save it.
5.4 The party can put his digital signature by clicking on “Sign electronically”
For using digital signature, download the following from the Home page of the
module and install:
1) .netframework4.0
2) SC-SED Driver
3) Acivex control
5.5 The photo and Thumb capturing or putting digital signature of party should be
in presence of the identifier cum witness for that respective party.
5.6 The photo and thumb impression of the identifier cum witness should be
captured properly.
5.7 Photos and thumb impressions of all parties and the identifier cum witnesses
should be clear and easily recognizable. If failed ,the Sub Registrar will refuse to
register the document .
UID Verification
5.8 After putting the UID and capturing the Thumb impression, click in the
“Validate” check box. The system will validate the UID number and the Thumb
impression with the UID data. Sub Registrar will also verify same and will accept
the admission and identification only after the verification of data with UID
5.9 After completing all the steps properly, click on the “Submit” button. Your
document will be submitted to the concern Sub Registrar office online for
scrutiny and registration.
Modification and View status:
5.10 Before submission, if you will log out, you can revisit your entry by entering the
11 digit token number and your password in the “Modify Entry” Box. Prior to
execution, you can edit the entry by clicking the “edit” button. After submission
you can check the status of token by clicking “View Status” button.
5.11 After submission , the concern Sub Registrar will check the document
submitted on line. You can view the status in the manner prescribed above.
Sub Registrar will make query in cases like any one or two photos are not clear,
entered data is not proper etc. You have to revisit to your entry and edit the
concern part and resubmit the document as above.
Sub Registrar may refuse to register the document in cases like non verification
of party or identifier or non verification of ePayment.
Otherwise the Sub Registrar will register the document, You can view and
download the digitally signed registered document ,receipt, and Index2.
Expected Time period for registration:
The Sub Registrar is expected to perform his above mentioned duties
immediately (in working hours) and not latter than the next working day after
receiving the submission. If you will find the status of token as “Pending” for
more than one working day from the submission, You can contact on – or 9423500395/6/7/8/9

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