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Corporate communications are a powerful management tool if approached with strategic

integrity, alignment and focus. An organisation performing with coherence and its energy
focused on a specified goal is far more effective than one that allows confused and inconsistent
messages to disseminate from management. Communications is the only vehicle that allows all
employees to understand the vision and direction of a company.

Communications also supports management and HR initiatives in equipping personnel with the
knowledge and motivation to perform their roles effectively. By aligning strategic messages with
those more closely related to the specifics of an individual¶s working environment,
communications can directly contribute to motivation by providing a coherent frame of
reference. When all individuals use the same frame of reference, communication has directly
supported the culture of an organisation.

Sustaining motivation becomes increasingly important during periods of change. Communication

that creates awareness, understanding, acceptance and motivation to respond positively to the
request for change in behaviour, action or attitude greatly increases the chance of business

Cornwell¶s consultancy approach to corporate communications strategy and planning is founded

in a methodology that can be tailored to the individual requirements of each client. Using this
approach, our consultants have worked across both the public and private sectors and have
experience of a large variety of initiatives at all organisational levels. The approach is structured
as follows:

Ê ¦dentification of purpose (strategic alignment)

Ê ¦dentification and assessment of stakeholders (stakeholder alignment)
Ê Cultural and organisational structure assessment (cultural alignment)
Ê Change management, training plan and ability to sustain change assessment
(communication integrated assessment)
Ê ëevelopment of communications strategy
Ê ëevelopment of communications plan
Ê ëevelopment of stakeholder engagement plan
Ê ëevelopment of communication governance (within programme/project and wider
Ê ëelivery of communications plan
Ê 0anagement of stakeholder engagement
Ê 0easuring and monitoring




¦neffective communications are a significant contributor to the lack of success in more than 65%
of failed projects. ëespite this statistic, few organisations construct an appropriately integrated
project communications strategy.

A programme or project intended to alter behaviour through technology, process or cultural

change requires an operational environment where this change is understood, accepted, adopted
and sustained. Communications and stakeholder management has been traditionally concerned
with creating awareness and acceptance but there is often limited consistency and collaboration
between communications and the change management activities focused on the embracing and
adoption of change. ¦t is only when all the elements (understanding, acceptance, adoption and
sustaining change) are integrated that behaviour is modified.

Cornwell¶s consultancy approach to communications strategy, planning and delivery ensures that
all the elements are combined in a consistent and progressive manner. Our consultants have
considerable experience in working across the public and private sectors and have developed a
methodology that can be tailored to the individual requirements of each client:

Ê ¦dentification of purpose (strategic alignment)

Ê ¦dentification and assessment of stakeholders (stakeholder alignment)
Ê Cultural and organisational structure assessment (cultural alignment)
Ê Change management, training plan and ability to sustain change assessment
(communication integrated assessment)
Ê ëevelopment of communications strategy
Ê ëevelopment of communications plan
Ê ëevelopment of stakeholder engagement plan
Ê ëevelopment of communication governance (within programme/project and wider
Ê ëelivery of communications plan
Ê 0anagement of stakeholder engagement
Ê 0easuring and monitoring

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