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Senangelo, Carl Adrian COMSCI 31OO

BSIT 3-3 Assignment 1

Assignment No. 1 – Introduction to Software Engineering


A. What is the importance of Software Engineering? Cite 2 instances wherein Software

Engineering is integrated in your daily life.

 Nowadays, we tend to develop several things that is initial style then testing all over
process are done by developer, means that they develop a new object. Software
engineering is important on the grounds that specific software is needed in just about
each industry, in every business, and for every capability. Software ought to be reliable,
suggests that if you've got delivered the software then it ought to work for a minimum
of it’s given time span or subscription. As a result of in software engineering, testing and
maintenance is provided there is there's no worry of its reliability. Effectiveness comes
if something has created software the standards. Therefore, software becomes more
effective in performance with the assistance of software engineering. Software
engineers or developers’ area unit the inventive minds behind computers or programs.
Some develop the system package accustomed run the devices and to manage the
networks. Example of this can be Microsoft suite of product that we tend to use to form
documents and also internet browsers like Firefox, Safari, and Chrome which is basically
essential for online jobs and classes.

B. What is the most important difference between generic software product development and
custom software development. What might this mean in practice for users of generic software

 The generic software development is completed for developing a general-purpose

software. during this development process, the package developers ought to depict the
end-users’ specifications. While, customer software development is completed to
develop a software product as per the requirements of specific customer. During this
development process, the end-user needs may be aggregated by communicating by
them. The essential difference is that in generic software product development, the
specification is closely-held by the product developer. For custom closely-held, the
specification is in hand and controlled by the customer. The implications of this are
important the developer will quickly plan to change the specification in response to
some external change examples could be a competing product however, once the
customer owns the specification, changes need to be negotiated between the customer
and also the developer and will have contractual implications. For users of generic
products, this implies they need no management over the software specification
therefore cannot management the evolution of the product. The developer could plan
to include/exclude features and change the user interface. This might have implications
for the user’s business processes and add further training prices costs new versions of
the system are installed. It also could limit the customer’s flexibility to change their own
business processes.

C. For each of the clauses in the ACM/IEEE code of ethics, suggest an appropriate example that
illustrates that clause:

For the last part is my suggested appropriate example that illustrates that clause for
each of the clauses in the ACM/IEEE code of ethics are:

 PUBLIC: Software engineers should respect the privacy and security of everyone. They
should not write some program intentionally that could damage someone else’s
 CLIENT AND EMPLOYER: We should create a code keeping in mind what our client
and/or our employer wants.
 PRODUCT: Programmer should not create a program which does not explains or justifies
the expertise of the programmer.
 JUDGEMENT: The programmers should not involve themselves in unethical activities to
create a code.
 MANAGEMENT: The managers and the senior authority should encourage the people to
stick to the code of ethics. The employee should never be asked or motivated to do
something which is against the ethical code or illegal.
 PROFESSION: The engineers should be professional and should not be bad mouth. Also,
non-engineers should not be given software engineering tasks.
 COLLEAGUES: An example of following this clause would be a software engineer not
stealing their coworkers code without permission.
 SELF: For example, a good software engineer will keep up with changes in technology
and encourage others to do the same.

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