Task 2 - Diego Torres Cordero

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English V

Task 2 – All in Perspective

Diego Torres Cordero

Code: 1003498143

Group; 518010_2

Olga Lucia Fierro


University National Opening and Distance

Schools of Science Education English Language Bachelor

CVCA Sahagún


Have you ever had the idea of something you have not done yet?
I have had the idea to go from Belgium, from Tomorrowland, where you enjoy about
electronic music, so I have been ready to go but due the pandemic it has been impossible,
but I have planned to go the next year with an international friend.

Why do you think you have not done it?

I have not been in Russia, Russia is my favorite country and I really enjoy reading about
Russian culture and tradition, so I want to go and travel for Russia, that is one of my
biggest dreams and one of my personal projects.

Is there something you had done before that has influenced what you are nowadays?
Yes, when I had studied Math at university of Sucre, but in all that time I had felt
unmotivated, so I decided to not enter to math class and know about other programs, so I
enter to English class, and I had felt excited for the program, for that reason I decide to
enter at UNAD for studying what I love, nowadays I have been happy and I have learned a
lot about English and pedagogy, that why I have found my talents, losing time in other
career, but now I feel super excited and thanks to what I did, now I have been better with

Do you think you have done in your life all that you wanted?
I have liked to speak and share space with foreign, in favor to improve my English, when I
had basic level, I felt afraid of how I speak English, so that why I had decided to enroll
with foreign for improving, it had been exceptional and even I had found my talent, to learn
languages, nowadays, I have obsessed with English and thanks to it, I had have friend for
all whole world

What had your family said, when you decided to be an English teacher?
My family have been motivating me for begin English teacher, therefore they are very
open-mined with me and I have had support of all of them, because they think that English
is the universal language, and all people that speak it, have more possibilities to get a better
job and have a good life.

What has been the biggest decision you have made during your life?
My biggest decision that I have taken is, studying English instead math, because now I
have been feeling good with myself and I wake up every morning happy studying what I
want, because I have learned a lot, and I cannot stop of learning, that happens due to the
motivation and the vibes that you have for it, now I have been consent that study what you
want is an good instrument for improving our society.

Unfinished task are dreams and goals that we want to achieve it, all people have goals, and
talents, just we need to work hard and be constant in which we want to get, I consider as a
person with many tasks, first begin professional and assist to the community with my
knowledge and my methodology to students and people for fill their aspirations, then I have
to be an example inside and outside of the classroom, that is why, I have to be creator of
solutions to any issues that students have into the English or the significant learning, then I
as teacher I have the task to have an excellent behavior, begin respectful and patience,
consequently I have many task into the educational aspect, but personally I have some too,
like be to service to my family and help them when they have complications and
difficulties, as human, I want to have emotional and economic stability where I will be
happy and successful with my job, home and family, but for that I have to work now, build
competences, emotions and significant learning if I have to get those goals as tasks, I am
going for the good way, just I have to demand me all the time.

As dreams, I want to go to Russia, Europe, for that I have to get an economic stability
begin teacher and get an advance English level for knowing about the culture and traditions
about those awesome countries, those task I can achieve it if I have dedication and
responsibility. but now I have to say thanks to the Unad for giving me the privilege to be
part, and for getting me abilities, and competences that help me in the laboral and personal



 British, C. (2019). Past Perfect. [online] Learn English | British

Council. https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/english-grammar-reference/past-

 British, C. (2019). Present Perfect. [online] Learn English | British

Council. https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/english-grammar-reference/present-

 Guillen, M. (2020). Present Perfect. [Video

File]. https://repository.unad.edu.co/handle/10596/35220

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