Financing and Risk Pooling Mechanism

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Name: Khushal Rathi

Roll NO : CE18B016

The financing and risk pooling mechanism appropriate for provision of primary health
care in the Indian context is National Health Service(NHS). NHS is financed through
general revenues, it covers the entire population and care is provided through the public
providers. The revenue is collected using taxpayers money and is used for the
population as a whole. Since India is a country with a large population, it is appropriate
for the government to make decisions at a central level because it pools risk for the
entire population, relies on different revenue sources, administration is efficient and total
cost is kept in control. If the government decides to make decisions based on
communities, because of the large population, India will have a large number of
communities which in turn increases the administration cost, decreases the efficiency
and many other disadvantages. Because of these reasons, India uses NHS as a
financing and risk pooling mechanism.

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