Module 004 Recruiting Job Candidates Selecting New Employees

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Human Resource Management

Recruiting Job Candidates: Selecting New Employees

Module 004 Recruiting Job Candidates:

Selecting New Employees

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Explore the pros, cons, and considerations of hiring employees
internally and externally;
2. Name some free or very cheap tools that can reduce hiring time
and cost per hire significantly in the hiring process;
3. Identify the three main types of "fit" that we look for in the
selection process and why they are important.

Recruiting Job Candidates:

Recruitment The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate

(from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and
cost effective manner. Some companies use the term Talent Acquisition
when referring to recruiting new employees to the organization.
Talent acquisition is finding and acquiring skilled human labour for
organizational needs and meeting any labor requirement.

Regardless of how it is called, the process includes analyzing the job

requirements, attracting your target group to that job, screening and selecting
applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee to the organization.

When you need to hire an employee, there are some factors to consider, first
of which is the sense of urgency. If you have limited time to fill the roster,
your best option is to look within your company and hire internally. Second
is the expertise that you need and the available resources. You would not
want to get the best people within and cripple other departments. Getting
people from the streets is another option.

Please note that there is no "the best way"; there are pros and cons related to
both strategies.

Course Module
Additional Considerations that we need to look into:
• Weigh the factors
When you decide to hire internally to fill up a new post, please do not
forget that you also have to backfill the employee’s previous role.

• Non Discrimination
When filling out a position, everyone is free to apply for the post,
regardless of age, gender, sexuality, and religion. Never deviate from
job-related factors. Just identify the skills, knowledge, and experience
needed for the job and select candidates based on those criteria.

• Manage Morale
Once you have decided to choose the external candidate over the
internal one, you need to talk to the person again and explain your
decision. Keep in –touched so as not to damage his morale.

External Recruitment Methods:

Recruiters are also using external recruitment methods to find candidates for
their clients.

Job boards

Candidates may register on the sites where jobs can be searched based on
the employee’s preference. Some sites may find a job that matches your
Human Resource Management
Recruiting Job Candidates: Selecting New Employees

Source:; June 27, 2018

Social Media:

An impressive job ad can be shared to social media. Some workers create

groups in social media for easier dissemination of information regarding the


Course Module

If the new post is open for internal hiring, the post will be advertised on its
career website. There is another company website open to all.

Source:; June 28, 2018

• Referrals

People you know may know someone who knows someone that
knows Steve Jobs. Through your network, you may be able to get the
right people. Candidates who have been referred to you are most
likely a potential candidate. Common sense dictates that no one will
refer a friend that is not good enough. His reputation is at stake.

securing-more-recruiting-referrals/; June 28, 2018
Human Resource Management
Recruiting Job Candidates: Selecting New Employees

Internal Recruitment Methods:

A company seeks assistance from a recruiter for external hiring. They

use different methods when hiring internally.

• Promotion
One of the selling points of a company is its leadership ladder or
career path. Managers keep a shortlist of employees for promotion. It
is a good motivation for everyone once they see that one from their
rank gets promoted. They, too, work at their best in the hope to get
promoted the next chance available.

• Internal Advertisement
Hiring managers always have the incumbent workers in mind in every
vacant post they need to fill in. They maintain a career website to keep
the interested employees posted. Posters, memos, and email blasts are
sent religiously to update employees. Most companies do not offer
high posts to external hires. They prefer to promote internal workers
and hire externally to backfill the roles they are leaving once

• Temp to hire
Sometimes, businesses hire employees to do temporary work.
Temporary employees fill outposts that are being vacated temporarily
(e.g. health reasons). It is easier to do that since they will not need the
temp once the original jobholder returns.

• Hire a retired employee as a contractor

There are still efficient employees in their job, although they have
reached the age of retirement. Some private companies still get them
as consultants or contractors. It is less expensive to hire them as they
require less supervision and training, especially if they fill in a short-
term job.

Course Module
What are the most common recruiting challenges that companies face?

• Attract the right talent

To attract the best people for the job, you need to make sure that you
advertise your need. In today’s highly competitive market, it is getting
tougher by the day to attract talent to your company. Your
advertisement should be catchy and hard to ignore. The best people
for the job are passive. They are employed and doing well in their
jobs. They do not check job Ads or job boards. In short, they are not
looking for a job.
You need to give it your best shot to get noticed.

Maintaining Employer Brand

- William Tincup believes that “Employer brand is your unique scent".
It is everything that sets your company different from the rest.
Your brand is what candidates think about your company. But nothing
beats the testimony of the current employees. What they think about
the company they work for is the best ad ever.

• Provide Positive Candidate Experience

You can build a positive Candidate experience with your Career
Don't make it so complicated that no one wants to revisit it again.
Conceptualize attractive job descriptions with an easy application
process and timely communication.

• Reducing Hiring Time & Cost per Hire

In global competition, social media plays an important role. With
the use of reliable tools, you will be able to hire faster and better.
Human Resource Management
Recruiting Job Candidates: Selecting New Employees

Source:; June 28, 2018

Source:; June 28, 2018

skype; June 28, 2018

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Source: :; June 28, 2018


Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right applicant, who is most
suitable for a vacant job position in an organization. Having the best people on
board is crucial to the success of an organization. There are multiple selection
devices used to predict which applicant will be successful when hired. It is
important that the hiring manager use devices that yield valid and reliable results.
The good selection process will ensure that the organization gets the best set of
employees with the correct skills and right attitude.
The hiring manager is responsible for making sure that the proper selection process
or procedure is observed, as a huge amount of money is spent hiring the right
candidate for a position.
To meet the organization's goals, it is important to evaluate each candidate's various
attributes, such as their qualifications, skills, experiences, overall attitude, etc.
By eliminating the candidates, who are not suitable for the vacant job, the most
suitable candidate is selected.
The most suitable candidate has met the jobs' requirements and foreseen to bring
success to the organization in the next 5-10 years.

The selection process consists of five distinct aspects:

1. Criteria development first aspect of selection is to determine which source of

information will be used and how the interview will be scored in relation to the
vacant position's job analysis and job specifications.
This process usually looks into the skills, abilities, and characteristics required to be
successful in the job being offered.

2. Application and resume review

Human Resource Management
Recruiting Job Candidates: Selecting New Employees

Most organizations have developed an application or biographical information

about the candidate, education, and previous job experiences.
Both online and walk-in applicants must go through an online application process to
demonstrate their interest in filling in a vacant position in the company.
This process reviews the candidate’s information and assigns them to the job
position that matches their qualifications. This way, the candidates are filtered and
directed to the department to find growth and development best once hire.
Regardless of how much time you have spent working on your resume, according to
studies, the maximum time spent to review a resume is no longer than 11 seconds.

3. Interviewing
As soon as the qualified applicants have been identified, interview will be scheduled.

In some cases, before the candidates are called in for a face-to-face interview, their
number has to be trimmed down to what can be accommodated by the interviewer.
The fields must sometimes be narrowed even further with a phone interview.

4. Test administration
A series of assessments will be administered, depending on the position you hope
to fill in. Drug test, physical tests, personality tests, and cognitive tests are only a few
of the assessments that one must go through before a hiring decision is made. Some
organizations also perform reference checks, credit report checks, and background

5. Making the offer

Some organizations call in all the qualified applicants to discuss the compensation
package in one sitting. It must include all the perks and benefits, incentives, and
salary package. If the candidate agrees, then a contract will be signed. Some
candidates know how much they are worth and would haggle for how much they
think they deserve.

Definition of Job Fit:

Job fit is a concept that refers to how well an employee is suited for his or her position.
We have established how expensive the recruitment process is. It is vital that we do
it right the first time. A bad hire may, later on, be a cause of absenteeism and

Course Module
Employees who are well-suited for their positions will be happier and more
productive. Attitude like this have a great impact on the company's morale.

Personality- Job Fit:

The personality should match the type of work the employee is filling in. An
employee with an introvert personality would not be comfortable with sales, where
he has to convince his customer to purchase the product that he endorses.
Personality tests are given prior to candidate selection. A pleasant personality can
give a good vibe to the workplace and invite customers in.

Source:; June 28, 2018

Ability –Job Fit:

Ability refers to learned or acquired skills or attitudes.
It is knowledge and understanding that has just been developed.
Tests that assess learned skills or knowledge are frequently called achievement
Upon examination, the hiring manager will assign a candidate to the group that will
challenge and improve his ability. This aims to eliminate boredom in the
Human Resource Management
Recruiting Job Candidates: Selecting New Employees

Source: Interactive, L. T. (n.d.). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
pt=1529929333.20994754.11; June 28, 2018

Person –Organization Fit:

It is not enough that the candidate's personality fits the type of job that he does. It is
also necessary that he will not have a problem working with the team once hired.
The assessment should gauge the candidate’s ability to fit with his environment and
work with his teammates. It is done by the members of the organization, expressing
their opinions about its member’s personality.

Course Module
Source:; June 28, 2018

What is the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedure?

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedure applies to all the selection

procedures when an employment decision is required. It includes but is not limited
to; interviews, review of information provided at the application form: work
samples, physical requirements, and evaluation of performance.
The guidelines are designed to achieve employment opportunities without
discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin.

Employment testing is the practice of administering written, oral, or other tests to

determine the suitability or desirability of a job applicant. The premise is that if scores
on a test correlate with job performance, then it is economically useful for the
employer to select employees based on scores from that test.

Reliability is an indicator of how consistent the test result is. It means that if a
person takes the test again, the result will remain the same.

Validity refers to whether or not a test measures what it intends to measure.

Human Resource Management
Recruiting Job Candidates: Selecting New Employees

Types of Validity

Criterion –Related Validity refers to the ability to predict the outcome for
another situation. It is when the interviewer asks for a situation in the past,
how you went about it, and what the result was.

Content Validity is an assessment that determines if what was measured is

knowledge or understanding of the items to be measured. Suppose we are
able to come up with sample tests or other tests of knowledge, skills, or
abilities that will show that they are directly applicable to the job. In that
case, we can probably use its validity to validate our selection procedure.

Construct validity is an assessment that measures the concept or trait that

is not directly observable. It refers to the test's ability to measure the
construct or quality that it claims to measure. If the assessment was given to
measure the candidate's intelligence, it is VALID if the intelligence was
indeed measured after the test.

Course Module

Assessment Center is a process where candidates are assessed to determine

their suitability for specific employment types, especially management or
military command.

Recruitment. The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate

(from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening in a timely and
cost-effective manner.
Talent acquisition is the process of finding and acquiring skilled human
labor for organizational needs and meeting any labor requirement.

Work Sample Actual job or task or its simulation used in testing an

applicant's or trainee's ability to perform it.
Human Resource Management
Recruiting Job Candidates: Selecting New Employees

References and Supplementary Materials

Lussier, R. N. (2016). Human Resource Management Functions, Applications, & Skill Development
(Second Edition ed.). Sage, Singapore: Springfield College University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Online Supplementary Reading Materials

1. W. (n.d.). Talent Acquisition. Retrieved from June 18, 2018
recruiting/ June 20 2018
3. What is contingent workforce? - Definition from (n.d.).
Retrieved from
workforce June 24,2018

4. [Author removed at request of original publisher]. (2016, March 22).

Human Resource Management. Retrieved from
selection-process/ June 24 2018

5. June 25 2018

6. Interactive, L. T. (n.d.). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
MyMHwyMDk5NDc1NHwxfDE&refempt=1529929333.20994754.11 June
12. Employment testing. (2018, June 19). Retrieved from

Online Instructional Videos

1 . Employers branding
Glassdoor: Shopify #1 Best Place to Work in Canada 2017

Course Module
2. Employee Selection Process I. (2012, September 04). Learn the
Recruitment and Selection Process of an Organization. Retrieved from 26/06
/ 2018

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