Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual

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University Institute of Technology (UIT)

Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV),


Advanced Environmental Engineering

Laboratory Manual


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Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual

Department of Civil Engineering,
University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal
Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal


Experiment Page
Name of Experiment
no. no.

1 Test on Brick .

2 Test on Aggregates.

3 Test on Cement.

4 Determination of compressive strength of concrete with different

cement grades.

5 Determination of workability of concrete by slump test.

Signature of Faculty:………………………………………


Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Experiment No.: 1


Date of Experiment: Grade/Marks

Date of Submission:

Signature of Faculty

Aim: To Know the quality of bricks.


To know the quality of bricks following 7 tests can be performed. In these tests some are performed in
laboratory and the rest are on field.
• Compressive strength test
• Water Absorption test
• Efflorescence test
• Hardness test
• Size, Shape and Colour test
• Soundness test
• Structure test

Compressive strength test: This test is done to know the compressive strength of brick. It is also called
crushing strength of brick. Generally 5 specimens of bricks are taken to laboratory for testing and tested
one by one. In this test a brick specimen is put on crushing machine and applied pressure till it breaks.
The ultimate pressure at which brick is crushed is taken into account. All five brick specimens are tested
one by one and average result is taken as brick’s compressive/crushing strength.Crushing strength of
bricks is determined by placing brick in compression testing machine. After placing the brick in
compression testing machine, apply load on it until brick breaks. Note down the value of failure load and
find out the crushing strength value of brick. Minimum crushing strength of brick is 3.50N/mm2.if it is
less than 3.50 N/mm2, then it is not useful for construction purpose.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Water Absorption test: In this test bricks are weighed in dry condition and let them immersed in fresh
water for 24 hours. After 24 hours of immersion those are taken out from water and wipe out with
cloth. Then brick is weighed in wet condition. The difference between weights is the water absorbed by
brick. The percentage of water absorption is then calculated.The less water absorbed by brick the
greater its quality. Good quality brickdoesn’t absorb more than 20% water of its own weight.

Absorption test is conducted on brick to find out the amount of moisture content absorbed by brick
under extreme conditions. In this test, sample dry bricks are taken and weighed. After weighing these
bricks are placed in water with full immersing for a period of 24 hours. Then weigh the wet brick and
note down its value. The difference between dry and wet brick weights will give the amount of water
absorption. For a good quality brick the amount of water absorption should not exceed 20% of weight of
dry brick.

Efflorescence test: The presence of alkalies in bricks is harmful and they form a grey or white layer on
brick surface by absorbing moisture. To find out the presence of alkalis in bricks this test is performed. In
this test a brick is immersed in fresh water for 24 hours and then it’s taken out from water and allowed
to dry in shade.If the whitish layer is not visible on surface it proofs that absence of alkalis in brick. If the
whitish layer visible about 10% of brick surface then the presence of alkalis is in acceptable range. If that
is about 50% of surface then it is moderate. If the alkalies’ presence is over 50% then the brick is
severely affected by alkalies.A good quality brick should not contain any soluble salts in it. If soluble salts
are there, then it will cause efflorescence on brick surfaces.To know the presence of soluble salts in a
brick, placed it in a water bath for 24 hours and dry it in shade. After drying, observe the brick surface
thoroughly. If there is any white or grey color deposits, then it contains soluble salts and not useful for

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Hardness test: In this test a scratch is made on brick surface with a hard thing. If that doesn’t left any
impression on brick then that is good quality brick.A good brick should resist scratches against sharp
things. So, for this test a sharp tool or finger nail is used to make scratch on brick. If there is no scratch
impression on brick then it is said to be hard brick.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Size, shape and colour test: In this test randomly collected 20 bricks are staked along lengthwise, width
wise and height wise and then those are measured to know the variation of sizes as per standard. Bricks
are closely viewed to check if its edges are sharp and straight and uniform in shape. A good quality brick
should have bright and uniform colour throughout.Shape and size of bricks are very important
consideration. All bricks used for construction should be of same size. The shape of bricks should be
purely rectangular with sharp edges. Standard brick size consists length x breadth x height as 19cm x
9cm x 9cm.To perform this test, select 20 bricks randomly from brick group and stack them along its
length , breadth and height and compare. So, if all bricks similar size then they are qualified for
construction work.A good brick should possess bright and uniform color throughout its body.

Soundness test: In this test two bricks are held by both hands and struck with one another. If the bricks
give clear metallic ringing sound and don’t break then those are good quality bricks.Soundness test of
bricks shows the nature of bricks against sudden impact. In this test, 2 bricks are chosen randomly and
struck with one another. Then sound produced should be clear bell ringing sound and brick should not
break. Then it is said to be good brick.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Structure test: In this test a brick is broken or a broken brick is collected and closely observed. If there
are any flows, cracks or holes present on that broken face then that isn’t good quality brick.To know the
structure of brick, pick one brick randomly from the group and break it. Observe the inner portion of
brick clearly. It should be free from lumps and homogeneous.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Experiment No.: 2


Date of Experiment: Grade/Marks

Date of Submission:

Signature of Faculty

Aim: To Know the Working quality of Concrete.

Any Concrete work before must be Test on aggregate because of sure working quality of Concrete.
Difference type of test no aggregates. as per below tests point out of aggregate tests

1. Sampling of Aggregate Tests

2. Aggregate Crushing Value
3. Impact Value of Coarse Aggregate
4. Sieve Analysis Test of Coarse Aggregates
5. Flakiness Index of Aggregate
6. Elongation Index of Aggregate
7. Compressive Strength Test for Concrete
Sampling of Aggregate Tests

• Samples from stockpiles shall be taken equally from the top third, midpoint and bottom
third of the height of stock.
• The outer layer of the sampling point shall be removed, and the sample is taken from the
material beneath.
• The sample thus collected will be the gross sample. The quantity of the total
sample depends on the aggregate size.
• Reduction of Gross Sample will be made as per quartering method to required sample size
for testing as per following;
• Take the gross sample on the open platform. For Fine aggregate, use tray so that residual
fines can be collected by brushing.
Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

• The aggregate shall be mixed and then scooped into a cone shape pile.
• After the cone is formed, it shall be flattened by pressing the top. Then it is divided into
four quadrants diagonally.
• The bulk of the sample is reduced by rejecting any two diagonally opposite Quarters
• This method is repeated until the sample size is approximately achieved forgiven.

Aggregate Crushing Value

Aim of Aggregate Crushing Value

• To calculate aggregate Crushing value by testing aggregate passing 12.5 mm sieve and
retained on a 10 mm sieve.
Scope of Aggregate Crushing Value

• This procedure covers all relative activity for the project site.
Apparatus of Aggregate Crushing Value:

• 15cm dia. steel cylinder with plunger and base plate

• Tamping rod 16 mm dia. and 600 mm long with one end rounded

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

• Weighing balance of accuracy 1 g

• Sieves 12.5 mm 10mm & 2.36 mm

• Drying Oven

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal


Procedure of Aggregate Crushing Value

• Take a sample of aggregates by sieving through 12.5mm and retained on 10mm.

• The aggregate shall be tested in dry surface conditions. If dried by heating, the period of
drying shall not exceed 4 hours and temp shall be 100-110 deg C.
• A sample shall be cooled down to room temperature before testing. Take approximately 6
kgs of a sample.
Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

• The quantity of the sample shall be such that the depth of material in the cylinder after
tamping shall be 10cms.
• The cylinder shall be filled up in 3 layers, and each layer shall be tamped 25 times with
tamping rod and finally leveled off.
• The weight of the material comprising the test sample shall be determin.
• The plunger shall be placed in position, and the apparatus shall be then placed between
the platens of CTM.
• The load shall be applied at a uniform rate so that the load of 40T is reached in 10 minutes.
• The load shall be removed from the cylinder, and the crushed sample shall be sieved
through 2.36 mm sieve. The fraction passing sieve 2.36 mm shall be weighed to nearest
• Such two tests shall be taken for each lot.
Calculation & Records of Aggregate Crushing Value

• Aggregate Crushing Value, % = (B / A) x100

• The mean of the two results shall be reported to the nearest whole

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Experiment No.: 3


Date of Experiment: Grade/Marks

Date of Submission:

Signature of Faculty

Aim: To Know the strength and characteristic properties of cement.

Cement Tests are performed to know the strength and characteristic properties of cement. Various
Test on cement is known nowadays to check the quality of cement.

To know the properties of cement such as specific gravity, strength, fineness, consistency, etc.
various Cement Testing Methods are used. Testing of materials is essential before use in construction

Tests on Cement

The following tests on cement in the laboratory,

1. Fineness Test of Cement

2. Consistency Test of Cement
3. Setting Time Test of Cement
4. Soundness Test of Cement
5. Heat of Hydration Test
6. Specific Gravity Test of Cement
7. Tensile Strength Test
8. Chemical Composition Test

1. Fineness on Cement

The fineness of cement is a measure of cement particle size and is denoted as terms of the specific
surface area of cement. The Test is done by sieving cement samples through a standard IS sieve.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

The weight cement particle whose size is greater than 90 microns is determined and the percentage of
the retained particle are calculated. This is known as the Fineness of cement.


Fineness Test Apparatus

• 90µm IS Sieve
• Weight Balance having a capacity of 10 mg to 100 g
• Nylon or pure bristle brush
IS Code

Determining the fineness of cement by using a 90 µm IS sieve is done as per IS 4031 (Part 1) – 1996.


The standard value of fineness of cement should have fineness less than 10 % or fineness should not be
more than 10% as per IS Recommendations.

Read More: What Is Fineness of Cement | Fineness Test of Cement

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

2. Standard Consistency Test

The standard consistency of cement paste is defined as the percentage of water added In 300gm
weight of cement which will permit a Vicat plunger having 50 mm length and 10 mm diameter to
penetrate in cement paste to a depth of 33-35 mm from the top of the mold

Vicat Apparatus


• Vicat apparatus
• Balance
• Gauging Trowel
• Stop Watch, etc.
IS Code

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Consistency Test of Cement IS Codes – IS: 5513-1976, IS: 4031 ( Part 4 ) – 1988


The standard consistency of cement paste generally varies between 25-35%.

3. Initial and Final Setting Time Of Cement Test

Initial Setting Time gives an idea about how fast cement can start losing its plasticity and the final
setting time of cement gives an idea about how much Time cement takes to lose its full plasticity and
gain some strength to resist pressure.

Initial Setting Time of Cement: It is the time elapsed between the moments that the water is added to
the cement, to the time that the paste starts losing its plasticity.

Final Setting Time of Cement: It is the time elapsed between the moment the water is added to
the cement and the time when cement paste loses its plasticity completely and
has attained sufficient firmness to resist certain definite pressure.

Initial And
Final Setting Time of Cement Test

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

IS Code

As Per IS: 4031 (Part 5) – 1988. The initial and final setting time of cement is calculated using the
VICAT apparatus conforming to IS: 5513 – 1976.


• Balance
• Vicat Apparatus
• Stop Watch
• Gauging or Mixing Trowel
• Glass Plate
• Enamel Tray

As per standards, the initial setting time of cement should be less than 30 min for OPC cement.
Whereas, it should not be more than 600 min for OPC cement.

Read More: Initial and Final Setting Time of Cement Test | Initial Setting Time of Cement | Final
Setting Time of Cement

4. Soundness Test of Cement

The soundness of cement indicates the stability of any cement during the volume change in the
process of setting and hardening.

In case the volume change in cement is unstable after setting and hardening, the concrete element will
crack, which can affect the quality of the structure or even cause serious accidents, known as poor
dimensional stability.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Soundness Test
Apparatus (Le-Chatelier)


1. Le-Chatelier mold
2. Cement
3. Glass sheets
4. Mixing pan
5. Trowel
6. Wight
IS Code

IS Code for soundness test of cement is IS: 4031-Part 3-1988


The soundness calculated L1 – L2 for the types of cement Ordinary or OPC, Rapid, Low Heat, PPC,
and High alumina cement should not Exceeds 10mm.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

5. Heat Of Hydration Test

During the Curing of Concrete, Hydro-thermal Reaction takes place, resulting in the production of heat
because of chemical reactions. The rise of heat in concrete could be as high as 50oC.

Hence in order to reduce such heat, low heat cement is used. The test is carried out using
a calorimeter using the principle of heat gain.



Calorimeter, insulated wood case, thermometer plus holder, vacuum jar with stopper, glass funnel,
stirring paddle, and chuck are the apparatus required for the test.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

IS Code

IS 4031-1968 is recommended for testing the heat of hydration of Cement.


It has been Standardised that the low heat cement should not generate the heat of 65 Calories per
gram of cement in 7 days and 75 Calories per gram for the duration of 28 days.

6. Specific Gravity Test On Cement

The specific gravity of cement is defined as the mass of cement of specified volume to the mass of
water of the same volume of cement. It can also be defined as the density of cement to the density of
water for the same volume.

Specific Gravity
Test Apparatus


1. Le Chaterlier”s flask
2. Weighing balance
3. Kerosene (free from water).
IS Code

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

IS code for Specific Gravity Test is IS 2720- Part 3


The Specific Gravity of Cement is 1440 kg/m3. Around this value, the Specific Gravity of Cement is
Considered to be standard and suitable for construction.

7. Tensile Strength Test

The Tensile Strength of Cement is the maximum load that cement in its hardened state can
withstand without fracture when tension is applied.

It is necessary to test the tensile strength of cement or concrete because concrete structures are highly
prone to tensile cracking due to various kinds of load applied. As compared to Compressive
Strength Tensile strength is very low.

Testing Machine


Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

• Testing Machine
• Tamping Rod
• Concrete Mould
• Trowel
IS Code

IS:456 2000 gives the formula for calculating the tensile strength of concrete.


The Tensile Strength of Cement is between 3-5 MPa i.e 300 – 700 psi.

8. Chemical Composition Test

The components present in cement for forming cement as the complete products are lime or
limestone, silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O2), magnesia (MgO), etc. Among which most important of
the raw materials required for making cement are limestone, clay, and marl.

Flame Photometer
Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal


Flame Photometer and ELE Flame Photometer are the instruments used to know the constitutes of

IS Code

IS 269-1998 is recommended for keeping a check on the chemical composition of cement.


A good cement should have the constitution of components as per listed,

• Lime or Limestone – 62% (Highest)

• Silica (SiO2) – 22%
• Alumina (Al2O2) – 7.5%
• Magnesia (MgO) – 2.5 %
• Other Comonents – remaining 6%

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Experiment No.: 4


Date of Experiment: Grade/Marks

Date of Submission:

Signature of Faculty

Aim: To Know the strength and characteristic properties of cement.


Concrete is a construction material comprising of several constituents viz. cement, fine aggregate,
coarse aggregate and water. The quality of concrete depends on its mix composition, consistency of its
constituents as well as its workmanship on site. The quality of concrete needs stringent monitoring to
ensure that it meets the required standard. Over the years, engineers have developed many tests to
assess concrete quality. The tests commonly used are the compression test, tensile test and workability
test. The most useful property of concrete is compressive strength. Factors

affecting the strength of concrete can be broadly grouped into those depending upon the testing
methods and the others independent of the testing methods. Factors depending on testing methods are
the size of test specimen, size of specimen relative to maximum size of aggregate, moisture condition of
specimen, rate of loading adopted and of machine used. Those independent of testing methods are type
& age of cement, type & size of aggregates, degree of compaction, curing methods and type of stress
situation that may exist (uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial)[5].

The size of test specimens for strength testing is prescribed in the relevant standards, but occasionally
more than one size is permitted. The form of specimen most commonly adopted for compression test is
cube of 150 mm size. Moreover, from time to time arguments in favour of use of smaller specimens are
advanced. This point out their advantages that smaller specimens are easier to handle and are less likely
to be accidentally damaged; the moulds are cheaper; a lower capacity testing machine is needed; and
less concrete is used, which in the laboratory means less storage and curing space, and also a smaller
quantity of aggregate to be processed. On the other hand, the size of the test specimen may affect the
resulting strength and also the variability of test results. For these reasons, it is important to consider in
detail the influence of the size of specimen on strength test results. Concrete composed of elements of
variable strength is reasonable to assume that the larger the volume of the concrete subjected to stress
the more likely it is to contain an element of a given extreme (low) strength. As a result, the measured
strength of a specimen decreases with an increase in its size, and so does the variability in strength of

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

geometrically similar specimens. Because the influence of size on strength depends on the standard
deviation of strength. It follows that the size effects are smaller the greater the homogeneity of the
concrete. In the case of tests on the strength of concrete, we are interested in the averages of extremes
as a function of the size of the specimen. Average values of samples chosen at random tend to have a
normal distribution, so that the assumption of this type of distribution, when average values of samples
are used,

does not introduce serious error, and has the advantage of simplifying the computations. In some
practical cases, a skewness of distribution has been observed; this may not be due to any 'natural'
properties of concrete but to the rejection of poor quality concrete on the site so that such concrete
never reaches the testing stage. In the present study an attempt has been made to investigate the effect
of size of cube specimen on the compressive strength of concrete by varying different sizes of cube
mould and grade of concrete.


The experimental Programme involves various processes of material testing, mix proportioning, mixing,
casting and curing of test specimens which is elaborated in the following

B. Mix Design

Fig 1: Materials used


A. Materials Used

The materials used in the preparation of concrete mix includes cement, fine aggregates and coarse
aggregates. Each material was tested &its physical properties are described below.


Ordinary Portland cement confirming to 53 Grade (as per IS 12269: 1993) were used as the binder
material. The cement was having a normal consistency of29%, with initial setting time and final setting
times of 30 minutes and 610 minutes respectively.

Fine Aggregate

Locally available river sand of 4.75mm down graded to 150 micron is used as fine aggregate. The
fineness modulus and specific gravity of fine aggregate are 3.83 & 2.6 respectively. The properties were
determined as per IS 2386: 1999. Sand was confirming to Zone-2 as per the graded sample versified as
per IS 383: 1970.
Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Coarse Aggregate

Two single sized crushed granite stone aggregates ranging from 12.5 mm to 2.36 mm and 20 mm to 4.75
mm (10mm and 20mm sizes) were used in respective proportions in concrete mixes. Thefineness
modulus of coarse aggregate are 6.92 and

7.87 respectively. The properties were determined as per IS 2386-1999.


The water used were the potable water as per the recommendation of IS: 456 (2000) for mixing and
curing of concrete.

The mix was designed as per IS 10262: 2009. The mix

proportioning is carried out to achieve specified characteristics at specified age, workability of fresh
concrete and durability requirements. Four concrete grade M 20, M 25, M 30 & M 35 were
proportioned according to the procedure as mentioned in the code. Details of these mixes are
presented in Tables 1.

Mixing of Concrete, Casting and Curing of test Specimens

The entire process of mixing of all the constituents was achieved by machine mixing. Cement, fine
aggregate and coarse aggregate was first mixed dry for two minutes in the mixer and then the water
were added and mixing continued for another 3 minutes. The total mixing time was kept at 5 minutes
until a homogeneous mixture was obtained. Compaction was done initially by tamping rod and then by
means of vibration table. All specimens were de molded after 24 hours and stored in water until the age
of testing. A total of 48 specimens were casted taking into account four different sizes of cube moulds.

Test methods

The fresh concretes were tested for slump. However the hardened concretes were tested for
compressive strength discussed below.

Workability Test

Workability tests were performed using Slump moulds as it is the quick measure of workability of
concrete mixes. The slump test was done in accordance with the IS 1199-1959.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Table 1: Mix details of Concrete Mixes

MIX Grade of Cement Fine Aggregate Water Coarse Aggregate

NO. concrete (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) content(kg/m3) (Kg/m3)

M-1 M 20 0.57 346 674 197.16 1150

M-2 M 25 0.50 394.32 634.608 197.16 1150

M-3 M 30 0.45 438.13 604.24 197.16 1143.74

M-4 M 35 0.40 492.90 571.064 197.16 1129.854

1. Different sizes of cube moulds used in the project (viz: 150mm, 125mm, 100mm, 75mm)

2. Machine Mixing(c) Compaction of Specimens(d)Casted specimens

(d) Curing of specimens

Fig 2: Different operations during Preparation of Specimens

Fig.3: Slump Test

Compressive Strength Test

The compressive strength test was performed according to IS 516: 1959. Four different cubes specimen
of size 150 mm, 125 mm, 100 mm & 75 mm were prepared for each mix. At the end of 24 hours the
specimens were removed from the moulds and were placed in clean water for curing. After 7 and 28
days of curing, the specimens were taken out from the curing tank for testing.

Fig 4: Compressive Strength Test


The results of the experimental program conducted to understand the size and shape effect on the
compressive strength of concrete is analyzed in detail. Tables 2 present the results of axial compression
tests conducted on plain concrete specimens.
Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Effect of size of specimen on compressive strength of concrete

Figs.5 & 6 depict the variation of compressive strength with cube size of 150 mm, 125 mm, 100 mm and
75mm based cubes. Fig-5 shows the variations in strength at the age of 7 days and it may be noted from
this figure that for all grade of concrete the strength increases as the specimen sizes decreases
irrespective of grade. But a decrease in strength was noted for 125 mm cube size. Further, it was also
noted that change in strength was not more evident for smaller size specimens, everything being
constant. A similar type of variations in strength was obtained at the age of 28 days as shown in fig.6.

Fig.5: Effect of specimen size on 7-days compressive strength

Fig.6: Effect of specimen size on 28-days compressive strength

Effect of size of specimen on Relative compressive strength of concrete

Fig.7 & 8 depict the variation in relative compressive strength to 150 mm cubes at the age of 7 & 28
days for various grades of concrete. The result shows that the relative strength values increases as the
size of specimen decreases. However the relative strength values decreases in case of 125 mm size
cube. Grade of concrete has a little effect on the relative strength, as seen from the result the relative
strength increases as the grade of concrete increases. However the relative strength is not so much
affected by specimen size irrespective of grade of concrete. Increase in age increases the relative
strength irrespective of grade of concrete. In general increase in grade & age of concrete contribute
little increase in relative strength, with decrease in size of specimens.

Table 2: Compressive strength of concrete for Various Grades

Avg. 7-days Avg.28 days 7-days Relative 28-days Relative

MIX Grade of Size of
Compressive Compressive Strength to 150 Strength to 150
NO. concrete Specimen (mm)
strength (Mpa) strength (Mpa) mm Cubes mm Cubes

150x150x150 20.70 27.60 1.0 1.0

125x125x125 16.29 23.13 0.787 0.838

M-1 M 20
100x100x100 21.06 27.87 1.017 1.009

75x75x75 21.16 28.35 1.022 1.027

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

150x150x150 27.43 32.74 1.0 1.0

125x125x125 22.42 26.42 0.817 0.807

M-2 M 25
100x100x100 28.02 32.90 1.021 1.005

75x75x75 28.50 33.10 1.039 1.011

150x150x150 31.17 39.62 1.0 1.0

125x125x125 25.55 34.67 0.819 0.875

M-3 M 30
100x100x100 31.72 40.71 1.017 1.028

75x75x75 32.49 41.28 1.042 1.042

150x150x150 32.85 44.02 1.0 1.0

125x125x125 26.06 38.82 0.793 0.882

M-4 M 35
100x100x100 33.04 44.50 1.006 1.020

75x75x75 35.23 45.56 1.072 1.035

Fig.7: Effect of specimen size on Relative 7-days compressive strength of concrete

Fig.8: Effect of specimen size on Relative 28-days comp.str.conc.


The following conclusions are drawn from the experimental investigations on size effects on cubes of
different sizes:

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

There is a slight increase in the average compressive strength due to decrease in specimen size. The
increase is more in 75 mm cubes as compared to other sizes of cubes.

However there is marginal decrease in compressive strength in case of 125 mm size cube. This may be
due to the fact that the compressive strength increases up to certain limited decrease in size of
specimen, beyond that the further decrease will contribute a slight increase in compressive strength.

Grade of concrete does not contribute much to the size effect. The variation in increase in compressive
strength with decrease in specimen size was almost similar for all grade of concrete.

The average relative strength factor for 125 mm, 100mm & 75 mm size cube at the age of 7 days were
obtained as 0.80, 1.015 & 1.044.

The average relative strength factor for 125 mm, 100mm & 75 mm size cube at the age of 7 days were
obtained as 0.85, 1.016 & 1.030.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Experiment No.: 5


Date of Experiment: Grade/Marks

Date of Submission:

Signature of Faculty

Aim: To Know the workability of concrete.


A tester performing a concrete slump test.

The concrete slump test is an empirical test that measures the workability of fresh concrete. More
specifically, it measures the consistency of the concrete in that specific batch. This test is performed to
check the consistency of freshly made concrete. Consistency is a term very closely related to
workability. It is a term which describes the state of fresh concrete. It refers to the ease with which the
concrete flows. It is used to indicate the degree of wetness. Workability of concrete is mainly affected
by consistency i.e. wetter mixes will be more workable than drier mixes, but concrete of the same
consistency may vary in workability. It is also used to determine consistency between individual
batches. The test is popular due to the simplicity of apparatus used and simple procedure.
Unfortunately, the simplicity of the test often allows a wide variability in the manner that the test is
performed. The slump test is used to ensure uniformity for different batches of similar concrete under
field conditions,[1]:127,128and to ascertain the effects of plasticizers on their introduction.[1]:134 In
India this test is conducted as per IS specification.

Apparatus Metal mould, in the shape of the frustum of a cone, open at both ends, and provided with
the handle, top internal diameter 102 mm, and bottom internal diameter 203 mm with a height of 305
mm. A 610 mm long [2] bullet nosed metal rod, 16 mm in diameter.


Slump cone

Tamping procedure

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Removing cone

Height measurement

The test is carried out using a mould known as a slump cone or Abrams cone. The cone is placed on a
hard non-absorbent surface. This cone is filled with fresh concrete in three stages, each time it is
tamped using a rod of standard dimensions. At the end of the third stage, concrete is struck off flush to
the top of the mould. The mould is carefully lifted vertically upwards, so as not to disturb the concrete
cone. [1]:128[3] Concrete subsides. This subsidence is termed as slump, and is measured in to the
nearest 5 mm. Interpretation of results

The slumped concrete takes various shapes, and according to the profile of slumped concrete, the
slump is termed as true slump, shear slump or collapse slump. If a shear or collapse slump is achieved,
a fresh

sample should be taken and the test repeated. A collapse slump is an indication of too wet a mix. Only
a true slump is of any use in the test. A collapse slump will generally mean that the mix is too wet or
that it [1]:128[3] is a high workability mix, for which slump test is not appropriate. Very dry mixes;
having slump 0 – 25 mm are used in road making, low workability mixes; having slump 10 – 40 mm are
used for foundations with light reinforcement, medium workability mixes; 50 - 90 for normal
reinforced concrete [4]:68 placed with vibration, high workability concrete; > 100 mm.


In a collapse slump the concrete collapses [3] completely. [edit]European


In a shear slump the top portion of the concrete shears off and slips [3] sideways.


In a true slump the concrete simply subsides, keeping more or less to [3] shape.

classes of slump

According to European Standard EN 206-1:2000 five classes of slump have been designated, as [4]:69
tabulated below.

Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

Slump class Slump in mm


10 - 40


50 - 90


100 - 150






of the slump test

The slump test is suitable for slumps of medium to high workability, slump in the range of 25 – 125
mm, the test fails to determine the difference in workability in stiff mixes which have zero slump, or
for wet mixes that give a collapse slump. It is limited to concrete formed of aggregates of less than 38
mm [1]:128 (1 inch). [edit]Differences

in standards

The slump test is referred to in several testing and building codes, with minor differences in the details
of performing the test. [edit]United


In the United States, engineers use the ASTM standards and AASHTO specifications when referring to
the concrete slump test. The American standards explicitly state that the slump cone should have a
height of 12-in, a bottom diameter of 8-in and an upper diameter of 4-in. The ASTM standards also
state in the procedure that when the cone is removed, it should be lifted up vertically, without any
rotational [5] movement at all. The concrete slump test is known as "Standard Test Method for Slump
Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

of HydraulicCement Concrete" and carries the code (ASTM C 143) or (AASHTO T 119).

Workability of Fresh Concrete by Slump Test Posted in Civil Engineering Tests |

WORKABILITY Slump test is used to determine the workability of fresh concrete. Slump test as per IS:
1199 – 1959 is followed.The apparatus used for doing slump test are Slump cone and Tamping rod.










i) The internal surface of the mould is thoroughly cleaned and applied with a light coat of oil. ii) The
mould is placed on a smooth, horizontal, rigid and nonabsorbent surface. iii) The mould is then filled in
four layers with freshly mixed concrete, each approximately to one-fourth







Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual
Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

iv) Each layer is tamped 25 times by the rounded end of the tamping rod (strokes are distributed






v) After the top layer is rodded, the concrete is struck off the level with a trowel. vi) The mould is
removed from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly in the vertical direction. vii) The difference
in level between the height of the mould and that of the highest point of






viii) This difference in height in mm is the slump of the concrete.




The slump measured should be recorded in mm of subsidence of the specimen during the test. Any
slump specimen, which collapses or shears off laterally gives incorrect result and if this occurs, the test
should be repeated with another sample. If, in the repeat test also, the specimen shears, the slump
should be measured and the fact that the specimen sheared, should be recorded.


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