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The teachings of Jose Rizal has great relevance to the Filipino people especially the youth in order to

rededicate their lives to the ideal of freedom and nationalism, for which our heroes lived and died. It is
also important to pay tribute to him for devoting his life and works in shaping the Filipino character and
to gain an inspiring source of patriotism through his writings.

Rizal’s ideals and teaching can also be related to the current conditions and issues of our society and can
develop an appreciation and deeper understanding of all that Rizal fought and died for. As young adults
who have been given the responsibility of governing our country's future, we have the obligation to
better ourselves and what better inspiration do we have than Rizal?

Most people wonder why it’s important to study Rizal’s life when all he did is write literature. It is
through his writings that he revealed how cruel and abusive the Spaniards truly are in their treatment of
the Filipino people. He also enlightened his fellow countrymen to take up arms and stand up for their
right. It’s because of this that he was imprisoned but that didn’t falter him and inspired him to continue
writing. It is Rizal who uplifted his generation and emphasized that the youth is the hope of our nation.

We can take a lot from Rizal’s life, like being aware of what goes on in our country and not just idly
accept the injustice we receive in our country. To quote Rizal: “The Filipino are worth dying for.”
Exploring the life and works of Rizal would give you a better vision of what is it like during the Spanish
era and how Filipino’s deal with it.

We’ve always been thought that Rizal is an iconic hero because he fought with his writings instead of
violence like using the mind over strength. When we think about it, we could really do things our way. It
depends on us on how we will act in certain situations we are in.

1) know why he is the hero many of us looked up and idolised.

2) know why filipinos have the guts and the courage to stand up fo thereselves

3) doing the things you love and the things you’re fighting for to be come more worthy

4) you can do an act that can lead to a better future (deep but yes you can do it be one of the people
doing different things for the nation, it’s a free country after all just think before you act/do.)

5) you will know him more, learn about his life and know why he became a hero.

1) it gives rich source of entertaining narratives

2) it provides essential life lesson

3) it teaches patriotism

4) it helps us understand better ourselves as Filipinos

5) it provides insights of freedom and nationalism

The national hero believed that the youth or the new generation should realize that they should take on
the responsibility of helping the nation achieve the social change that we had fought for since then. We,
the youth, is given the gift of life and the talents by God. We should always embody the ideals of Rizal
since he is the perfect example of a refined Filipino, whose contribution did so much impact in the
society. Therefore, we should be the spark change that Rizal wanted us to be, the movers of the society
that will make a difference in the future.

To rededicate the lives of youth to the ideals of freedom and nationalism, for which our heroes lived and
died 2. To pay tribute to our national hero for devoting his life and works in shaping the Filipino
character 3. To gain an inspiring source of patriotism through the study of Rizal's life, works, and

t's important so one will know the characteristics of Dr. Jose Rizal that made him a hero like his bravery
and patriotism that are worth-appreciating and emulating.

Another that's often overlook is his unique way of fighting the colonizers. While other Philippine
heroes used violence in resisting the colonizers, Dr. Jose Rizal used pen and paper through his two
novels whose content enraged the Spaniards.
Rizal is an icon, and he will always be remembered as someone who peacefully fought for freedom. He
was a great leader throughout his whole life! His writing influenced many Filipinos because it reflected
what they were feeling and thinking at that time. His writing was inspirational because it enabled the
Filipinos to think in ways they had never thought of before.

He opened their minds to different ideas, he helped them see what they didn't have yet, and he made
them feel like they could make a difference in this world.

Rizal is a hero, and his life was not only about studying but also about learning the importance of
family, love and country/motherland! He wanted Filipinos to awaken their minds to the problems of
life and learn to make better choices. He wanted them to learn that it is essential for everyone to have
a job to feed their families, give their children a good education and still have money to buy things
that will improve their lives.

If you know about his life, you won't see him as just a writer, but you will see him as an inspiration to
fight for what is right and treat all people equally and with respect.

Rizal was a symbol of intellect & patriotism. His life & works are still an inspiration to most Filipinos who
know how to love his own country. Rizal’s person is an epitome of a true nationalist that he had to
dedicate his own life to awaken other nationalists who were just waiting for something to start on with
their justified anger against the cruel Spanish colonists. Therefore, his death had pushed Andres
Bonifacio to start the revolt against the Spaniards. And as a result, the Philippines finally gained its
longed dreamt independence

Many Filipinos say that studying the life and works of Rizal is not that necessary for us
nowadays. However, I still find it important and I think it has a great impact on our modern
society. Studying Rizal is not just about being able to know and read his novels and other literary works,
but it is also about understanding how those works helped in fighting against the colonizers in
the past. We get to learn the importance of his novels, essays, and other literary works which is
not only for entertainment. According to the reading, Rizal’s two famous novels, Noli Me Tangre and El
Filibusterismo, are inspiring source of patriotism of the youth. It somehow inspired the Filipino people,
especially the youths, that they can show their love for the country in different ways, not just
through fighting physically. Rizal might not be one of the people who used violence to fight for
our country but he still sacrificed his life by creating those literary works which gave light to the minds
of the Filipinos of what is happening in our country. He stated his oppositions and other ideas in
his literary works. A specific example of this is he mentioned that the idea of purgatory, which is a
Catholic doctrine, is absent from the bible (Noli Me Tangere, page 72). He used nonviolent actions and I
can say that this way of his is what made him different from the other heroes. Studying the history of
our nation might be boring for some but we should always remember that what happened in the past is
the result of what we are today. In the present time, we are now free from the countries or nations who
colonized us. This was made possible through the hard works of our heroes and other people who stood
for our country

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