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Choose the correct answer:

1. In the Analysis phase, the development of the ____________ occurs, which is a clear statement
of the goals and objectives of the project.
A. Documentation
B. flowchart
C. program specification
D. design

2. Enhancements, upgrades, and bug fixes are done during the ____________ step in the SDLC.
A. Maintenance and Evaluation
B. Problem/Opportunity Identification
C. Design
D. Development and Documentation

3. The ____________ determines whether the project should go forward.

A. system evaluation
B. opportunity identification
C. feasibility assessment
D. program specification

4. The data Flow Diagram is the basic component of ____________ system

A. Conceptual
B. Logical
C. Physical
D. None of the above

5. ____________ is a tabular method for describing the logic of the decisions to be taken.
A. Decision tables
B. Decision tree
C. Decision Method
D. Decision Data

6. An appraisal, of a system's performance after it has been installed, is called system

A. planning
B. review
C. maintenance
D. batch Processing

7. The most important attribute of a systems analyst is_________________.

A. excellent programming skills
B. very good hardware designing skills
C. very good technical management skills
D. very good writing skills

Q2. Define Transactions Processing Systems (TPS) and compare between its
two processing ways.

Q3) Choose the correct answer:
(a) e -3lnx =3x, (b) e -3lnx = 13 , (c) e -3lnx = 31x .
2- If f(x) is Fourier cosine Half-range series this function defined as:-

(a) f(x)= a0 +  (an cos n

x+ bn sin

n 1
 
(b) f(x)= a0 +  ( bn sin

x), ( C )f(x)= a0 +  (an cos n

n 1 n 1
Where T is period function on interval – T < x < T.
3- The solution of following differential equation [ y˝ +4y = 0] is………
(a) y= c1 cos4x + c2 sin4x, (b) y= c1 cosx + c2 sinx,
(c)y= c1 cos2x + c2 sin2x.

4- The solution of following differential equation [ y΄= 1] is………

a) y  x  c, b) y  c, c) y  x2  c
5- f(x) is even function if defined as:
(1) f (-x) = -f(x), (2) f(x) = f (-x), ( 3) -f (x) = f(x),

6- If [ f (s)  1
], the inverse of Laplace transformation [f (t) = L1{ 13 } ] is……
s s

a) t4, b) 6t 3 , c)
7- If [W = f(x, y, z)]. Then the total differential of this function is defined as:

(a) dw = fx w
+  f w
y y
+ fz w
, (b) dw =w fx + w fy +w fz ,
(c) dw = fx dx + f
dy + fz dz.

8-  1
dx is …………. ………
9  x2

x x
a) sin 1 ( )  c, b) sin 1 ( )  c, c) cos 1 3x  c,
9 3

Q4) If [f (t) = e  iwt ]. Then find Laplace transformation [f(s) = L { e  iwt }]

Q5) choose the correct answer:
1- In analog format data is sent as a continuous electromagnetic wave with a constant
frequency signal called a ………………………………..
b) electromagnetic wave
c) signal

2-……………. are the formal description of a set of rules and conventions that govern how
devices on the network layer exchange information.
a) network elements
b) computer network
c) protocol stack
d) network protocols

3- Routable protocol can transfer between different LANs and uses logical addresses,
operate at ………….
a) data link layer
b) transport layer
c) network layer
d) data link and network layers

4- ………. enables a user to have a large set of addresses internally and one address, or a
small set of addresses, externally.
a) network addressing translation
b) network addressing
c) network subnetting
d) address allocation

5. Broadband transmission: each wire can ………….

a) carry multiple digital signals simultaneously.
b) carries only one analog signal at a time.
c) carry multiple signals( digital and analog) simultaneously.
d) carries only one digital signal at a time.

6-The datagram networks are sometimes referred to as………………….

a) Connection
b) b) Connectionless
c) c)Multi connection
d) d) Single connection

7- A virtual-circuit network is ………………………………………

a) a cross between a switched network and a packet-switched network.
b) a cross between a circuit-switched network and a datagram network.
c) a cross between a global addressing and a packet-switched network.
d) a cross between a global addressing and a datagram network.

Q6) Explain the main benefits of subnetting techniques.

Q7) Choose the correct answer :

1. A distributed database has which of the following advantages over a centralized

a. Software cost
b. Software complexity
c. Slow Response
d. Modular growth
2. An autonomous homogenous environment is which of the following?
a. The same DBMS is at each node and each DBMS works independently.
b. The same DBMS is at each node and a central DBMS coordinates database
c. A different DBMS is at each node and each DBMS works independently.
d. A different DBMS is at each node and a central DBMS coordinates database
3. A transaction manager is which of the following?
a. Maintains a log of transactions
b. Maintains before and after database images
c. Maintains appropriate concurrency control
d. All of the above.
4. Location transparency allows for which of the following?
a. Users to treat the data as if it is at one location.
b. Programmers to treat the data as if it is at one location.
c. Managers to treat the data as if it is at one location.
d. All of the above.
5. Some of the columns of a relation are at different sites is which of the following?
a. Data Replication.
b. Horizontal Partitioning.
c. Vertical Partitioning
d. Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning
6. Replication should be used when which of the following exist?
a. When transmission speeds and capacity in a network prohibit frequent
refreshing of large tables.
b. When using many nodes with different operating systems and DBMSs and
database designs.
c. The application's data can be somewhat out-of-date.
d. All of the above.
7. Storing a separate copy of the database at multiple locations is which of the
a. Data Replication.
b. Horizontal Partitioning.
c. Vertical Partitioning.
d. Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning.

8. Which of the following is a disadvantage of replication?
a. Reduced network traffic.
b. If the database fails at one site, a copy can be located at another site.
c. Each site must have the same storage capacity.
d. Each transaction may proceed without coordination across the network.

Q8) What is the difference between a distributed database system and a

centralized data warehouse? Compare Distributed vs centralized and Database
vs Data Warehouse?

Q9) Choose the correct answer
1. A …………………………. pictorially shows how the start symbol of a
grammar derives a string in the language.
a) Parse tree b) Context Free Grammar
c) Sensitive Grammar d) Left Recursion.

2. In a compiler, Linear Analysis is called………………………. Or scanning.

a) Lexical Analysis b) Syntax Analysis
c) Semantic Analysis d) Code optimization.

3. The hierarchical analysis in compiling processes is called parsing

a) Lexical Analysis b) Syntax Analysis
b) Semantic Analysis d) Code optimization.

4. The…………………………. phase checks the source program for semantic

errors and gathers type information for the subsequent code-generation phase.
a) Lexical Analysis b) Syntax Analysis
c) Semantic Analysis d) Code generation.

5. The phase of the compiler that consisting normally of relocatable machine

code or assembly code is the………………….. phase.
a) Syntax Analysis b) Semantic Analysis
c) Code Generation d) Code Optimization.

6. A grammar that can have more than one parse tree generating a given string of
tokens is said to be…………………………

a) Simple b) complex
b) ambiguous d) non deterministic.

7.The…………………… phase attempts to improve the intermediate code, so the

faster-running machine code will result.

a) Lexical Analysis b) Syntax Analysis

c) Semantic Analysis d) Code optimization.

Q10) For the expression given below, draw all the possible parse trees.

a + b – c *d

Q11: Choose the correct answer:

1. The unit that is used for handling data, and calculate offset address is
a) memory management unit
b) execution unit
c) instruction unit
d) bus interface unit

2. The descriptor table that the 80386 supports is

a) GDT (Global descriptor table)
b) IDT (Interrupt descriptor table)
c) LDT (Local descriptor table)
d) TSS (Task state segment descriptor)
e) all of the mentioned

3. In based scaled indexed mode with displacement mode, the contents of an

index register are multiplied by a scale factor and are added to
a) base register
b) displacement
c) base register and displacement
d) none of the mentioned

4. For a single task in protected mode, the 80386 can address the virtual memory
a) 32 GB
b) 64 MB
c) 32 TB
d) 64 TB

5. The linear address is calculated by

a) effective address + segment base address
b) effective address – segment base address
c) effective address + physical address
d) effective address – physical address

6. Which of the following is a cache of Pentium?

a) data cache
b) data cache and instruction cache
c) instruction cache
d) none of the mentioned

7. The stage in which the CPU fetches the instructions from the instruction cache
in superscalar organization is
a) prefetch stage
b) D1 (first decode) stage
c) D2 (second decode) stage
d) final stage

8. Which of the following is not supported by Pentium-Pro?
a) multiple branch prediction
b) MMX instruction set
c) speculative execution
d) none

Q12: What is the purpose of the segment descriptor cache registers? Explain its

Q13) choose the correct answer:

1. An operating system is
a) A program that manages the computer hardware.
b) It provides a basis for application programs
c) It acts as an intermediary between the computer user and the computer hardware
d) All of the mentioned.

2. ----------------a system program designed to aid the programmer in finding

andcorrecting bugs to determine the cause of the problem.
a) Bootstrap
b) Interrupt
c) Debugger
d) Swapping

3. The multiple-processor systems ,some systems use asymmetric multiprocessing, in

a) Each processor is assigned a specific task. A master processor controls the
system; the other processors either look to the master for instruction or have
predefined tasks
b) All processors are peers; no master-slave relationship exists between processors.
c) Each blade-processor board boots independently and runs its own operating
d) Composed of two or more individual systems coupled together

4. Short-term (CPU scheduler)

a) Used especially with time-sharing systems as an intermediate scheduling level. A
swapping scheme is implemented to remove partially run programs from memory
and reinstate them later to continue where they left off.
b) Determines which jobs are brought into memory for processing
c) Selects from jobs in memory those jobs that are ready to execute and allocates the
CPU to them.
d) None of the above.

5. A major problem with priority scheduling algorithms is --------------------

a) Low-priority processes
b) Multilevel queue scheduling
c) Load sharing
d) Indefinite blocking, or starvation

6. The -------------- is the module that gives control of the CPU to the process selected
by the short-term scheduler
a) Dispatcher
b) Debugger
c) Interpreter
d) Dispatch latency

7. The number of processes completed per unit time is known as ----------------.
a) Output
b) Efficiency
c) Throughput
d) Capacity

Q14) Define cache memory? What is the benefit of it?

Q15) Choose the correct answer:
1) The success of firms today and in the future depends on their ability to operate -----------.
a) Globally
b) centralized
c) depend single national
d) local

2) Because of ------------- and management systems, customers now can shop in a worldwide
marketplace, obtaining price and quality information reliably 24 hours a day.
a) Global communication
b) interorganizational system
c) customer support
d) global scale

3) There is a growing ---------------- between a firm’s ability to use information technology and its
ability to implement corporate strategies and achieve corporate goals .
a) Independence
b) interdependence
c) relationship
d) dependent
4) An information system represents an organizational and ------------- solution, based on information
technology, to a challenge posed by the environment.
a) Management
b) technology
c) techniques
d) culture

5) ------------ function is responsible for attracting, developing, and maintaining the firm’s workforce.
a) Human resources
b) finance and accounting
c) manufacturing and production
d) all above

6) ------------ means that you accept the potential costs, duties, and obligations for the decisions you
a) Quality of life
b) liability
d) Responsibility

7) --------- is a the commission of illegal acts through the use of a computer or against a computer
a)computer crime
b) computer abuse
c) unethical
d) information crime

8) ----------- means that you accept the potential costs, duties, and obligations for the decisions you
a) Responsibility
b) accountability
c) liability
d) due process.

Q16) Describe briefly the difference between decision support system(DSS) and
executive support system(ESS).


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