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Sex Determination and

Sex-Linked Characteristics
Benjamin A. Pierce

A Conceptual Approach

Sex Determination and Sex-Linked
© 2014 W. H. Freeman and Company
Sex in the platypus is determined by sex
Females have 10 X chromosomes,
whereas males have 5 X and 5 Y
Sex Determination and Sex-linked
• There are several different mechanisms of sex
• The X and Y chromosomes pair during meiosis,
even though they are not homologous (the
genes located on each are different)
Sex Determination
• Sexual reproduction: alternates between haploid
and diploid states
• Most organisms have two sexual phenotypes,
male and female
Sex Determination Mechanisms

• Hermaphroditism: both sexes in the same


• Monoecious: both male and female reproductive

structures in the same organism

• Dioecious: either male or female reproductive

structures in one organism
Chromosomal Sex-Determination Systems:
Sex Chromosomes and Non-Sex
Chromosomes (Autosomes)
• XX-XO system:
• XX – female
• XO – male
• grasshoppers

• XX-XY system:
• XX – female
• XY – male
• mammals
Chromosomal Sex-Determination
• ZZ-ZW system:
• ZZ – male
• ZW – female
• Birds, snakes, butterflies, some amphibians,
and fishes
• Haplodiploidy system:
• Haploid set – male
• Diploid set – female
• Bees, wasps, and ants
Genic Sex-Determining System

• No sex chromosomes, only the sex-determining

• Found in some plants, fungi, protozoans, and
Environmental Sex Determination

• Environmental factors

• Limpet’s position in the stack

• Temperature in turtles
In Crepidula fornicata, the common slipper limpet, sex is determined by an
environmental factor—the limpet’s position in a stack of limpets.
Temperature-dependent sex determination in three species of reptiles
Sex Determination in Drosophila
• Genic balance system

• X : A ratio (X, number of X chromosomes;

A, number of haploid sets of autosomes)
Sex Determination in Humans
• SRY gene on the Y chromosome determines

• Turner syndrome: XO; 1/3000 female births

• Klinefelter syndrome: XXY, or XXXY, or

XXXXY, or XXYY; 1/1000 male births

• Poly-X females: 1/1000 female births

Turner syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
The Role of Sex Chromosomes

• The X chromosome contains genetic information

essential for both sexes; at least one copy of an
X is required.

• The male-determining gene is located on the Y

chromosome. A single Y, even in the presence
of several X’s, still produces a male phenotype.

• The absence of Y results in a female phenotype.

The Male-Determining Gene in
• Sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene

• Androgen-insensitivity syndrome

• Caused by the defective androgen receptor

The SRY gene is on the Y chromosome and causes the
development of male characteristics.
Sex-Linked Characteristics Are
Determined by Genes on the Sex
• X-Linked characteristics

– X-linked white eye in Drosophila

– X-linked color blindness in humans

Morgan’s X-linked
crosses for white eyes in
fruit flies. (a) Original
and F1 crosses.
(b) Reciprocal crosses.
Morgan’s X-linked
crosses for white
eyes in fruit flies.
(a) Original and F1
(b) Reciprocal
Morgan’s X-linked
crosses for white eyes in
fruit flies. (a) Original
and F1 crosses. (b)
Reciprocal crosses.
Morgan’s X-linked
crosses for white eyes in
fruit flies. (a) Original
and F1 crosses. (b)
Reciprocal crosses.
Red-green color
blindness is inherited
as an X-linked
recessive trait in
Red-green color
blindness is inherited
as an X-linked
recessive trait in
Y-Linked Characteristics

• Only present in males

• All male offspring will exhibit the trait
• Y chromosome lost DNA over time
• Important for sex determination in SRY
X-Linked Characteristics

• Dosage compensation: the amount of protein

produced by X-linked genes and randomly
inactivated in two sexes

• Lyon hypothesis
A Barr body is an inactivated X chromosome.
(a) Female cell with a Barr body (indicated by arrow).
(b) (b) Male cell without a Barr body.
Random X Inactivation
Sex Determination and
Sex-Linked Characteristics

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