Trade Marks Act, 1999: Certificate of Registration of Trade Mark, Section 23 (2), Rule 56

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ा प आरजी – 2

Form RG - 2

भारत सरकार
Government of India मांक
यापार िच ह रिज टी No. 2961385
Trade Marks Registry
यापार िच ह अिधिनयम, 1999
Trade Marks Act, 1999
यापार च ह के रिज करण का माणप , धारा 23 (2), नयम 56 (1)
Certificate of Registration of Trade Mark, Section 23 (2), Rule 56 (1)
यापार िच ह सं या / Trade Mark No. 5089558 िदनांक /Date 15/08/2021 ज. सं या /J. No. 2025

यह मा णत कया जाता है क िजस कार च ह क समाकृ त इसके साथ संल न है, वह ..................................................................................................
के बारे म दनांक ...........................................................................................................................................................नाम से रिज कृत हो चकु ा है|
Certified that Trade Mark / a representation is annexed hereto, has been registered in the name(s) of :-
AMIT SAINI, 1415, Sanjay Colony, Para (Part) (67), Rohtak, Haryana 124001, Sole Proprietorship, (Single Firm)

In Class 41 Under No. 5089558 as of the date 15 August 2021 in respect of

Goods and service as annexed

Trade Mark as annexed

मेरे नदश पर आज ............... के ............. मास के ............................ वे दन को इस पर मु ा लगायी गई

Sealed at my direction, this 18th day of April , 2022

यापार िच ह रिज टी यापार िच ह रिज टार

Trade Marks Registry MUMBAI Registrar of Trademarks
रिज करण आवेद न क तार ख से १० वष के लए है और तदोपरांत वह १० वष क कालाव ध के लए और येक १० वष क कालाव ध के अवसान पर भी नवीनीकृ त कया जा सके गा।
Registration is for 10 years from the date of application and may then be renewed for a period of 10 years and also at the expiration of each period of 10 years.
यह माणप व ध कायवा हय म योग के लए या वदे श म रिज करण अ भ ा त करने के लए नह ं है
This certificate is not for use in legal proceedings or for obtaining Registration abroad.
ट पणी - इस यापार च ह के वा म व म कोई प रवतन होने पर, या कारोवार के मु य थान के पते म या भारत म तामील के लए पते म प रवतन होने पर प रवतन के लए आवेद न तुरं त कया जाना चा हए.
Note: Upon any change of ownership of this Trademark, or change in address, of the principal place of business or address for service in India a request should AT ONCE be made to register the change.

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Annexure of Certificate No.: 2961385
Trade Mark No. 5089558 Date 15/08/2021

Class Goods Description

Entertainment, namely, providing music & films to users online via a communication network; Providing an online database via a communication network
featuring music, films, and entertainment data; music production; providing rental of films and music via a communication network; Entertainment services,
namely, providing non-downloadable live pre-recorded music and spoken word recordings by means of audio and video transmission over a global computer
and other communications networks; Entertainment services, namely, profiling of musicians, artists and bands by providing non-downloadable video clips of
musical and spoken word performances over a global computer network; Entertainment services, namely, providing non-downloadable playback of music via
global communications networks; Production of films, sound and video recordings in the nature of films and video recordings; Entertainment and
educational services, namely, providing audio and visual content in the nature of music videos and movies; Entertainment services in the nature of
development, creation, production, distribution, and post-production of music videos and multimedia entertainment content; Providing online non-
downloadable video clips, music, and other multimedia digital content containing audio, video and artwork; Entertainment services in the nature of providing
non-downloadable entertainment content via the internet and electronic communications networks, namely, movies, music videos and video clips

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