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Chapter 31

Ans1: Software components are under the control of the buyer of the component whereas services are
controlled by the service provider. Thus, changes can be made to services without the consent of the
service user.

Services are standalone entities that don’t normally require users to make any other services available.
Components may have a “requires” interface that defines what other components are required to be
present in the system.

Ans2: There is significant overhead in coding and decoding XML messages as these have to be parsed
and the information extracted from them before processing is possible. There may also be delays in
internet based communications. If frequent messages are interchanged, this may significantly increase
the time required to complete the transaction.

Ans3: The service engineering process is to design the service interfaces. This involves defining the
operations Associated with the service and their parameters. We must think carefully about how the
operations and messages of the service can be designed to minimize the number of message exchanges
that must take place to complete the service request.

Ans4: It is usually unwise to make assumptions that service users will have completely
understood the service specification. Input messages may be incorrect so you should define
exceptions that report incorrect inputs to the service client. It is generally good practice in
reusable component development to leave all exception handling to the user of the component
—the service developer should not impose their views on how exceptions should be handled.

Ans5: Using a definition for MaxMinType and inDataFault. The temperatures should be represented as
integers with an additional field indicating whether the temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees
Celsius. InDataFault should be a simple type consisting of an error code.

<xs: complex Type name=”MaxMinType”

<xs: sequence>

<xs:element name=”maxtemp” type=”xs:integer”/>

<xs:element name=”mintemp” type=”xs:integer”/>

<xs:element name=”scale” type=”xs:tempscale”/>


<xs: complex Type name=”InDataFault”

<xs: sequence>

<xs:element name=”errorcode” type=”xs:integer”/>

<xs:element name=”severity” type=”xs:integer”/>



Ans8: Embedded applications in devices where a network connection cannot be guaranteed. These are
unlikely to make use of services as there is no guarantee that these services will be available when
required. Real time applications with stringent deadlines, especially those with lots of user interaction
i.e. PC games. In such applications, the performance overhead in coding and decoding XML messages is
likely to be unacceptable.

Ans10: A compensation action is an action that is included in a workflow to ‘undo’ a transaction that
has been completed earlier in the workflow. Compensation actions may have to be included in
workflows because the success of the entire workflow may rely on all included workflows successfully
completing. If some of these included workflows are successful but some aren’t, then the compensating
actions have to be executed to ensure that the overall system is left in a consistent state. Compensating
actions are required when dependent services, offered by different suppliers, are composed to create an
integrated service. For example, say a meeting organizer has to book a room for a meeting then
organizes catering for the people attending the meeting. It may not be possible to do this concurrently
as the numbers attending the meeting may not be known. If the room is booked but, subsequently, it
transpires that no catering is available that day, then the booking must be cancelled by a compensating


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