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Lesson Plan in Health Education

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Define mental health

B. Identify the different causes of mental illness
C. Reflect the importance of mental health education to one’s life
D. Assess their mental health status physically, mentally, and emotionally

II. Subject Matter

1. Topic: Mental Health

2. Values Integration: Cooperation, Awareness, Assessment
3. Reference:
4. Materials: Laptop, Chart paper, Marker, slide deck
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation
1. Short Prayer (A student will lead the prayer)

2. Greetings
Good morning/afternoon ma’am!
Good morning/afternoon class!

3. Classroom management

Before you sit down, please kindly arrange

your chairs and kindly pick up the pieces of
paper under your chair.

4. Checking of attendance
Do we have absentees today? (The class secretary will update the status of
attendance for the day)

B. Motivation

To begin the discussion, let’s have an activity.

Here are the instructions:
1. Separate students into groups of three and
ask them to briefly discuss some of the
situations that make them experience
stress. Allow them three to four minutes to
2. Ask students to think about how and what
they feel when they are feeling stress.
3. Have the students brainstorm and list on
the chart paper different effects that they
feel when they are stressed. Encourage
them to think about the following types of
4. Allow the groups four to five minutes to
compile a list.
5. Ask one member of each group to share
their list of effects of stress and talk about
the different symptoms that come up

Are the instructions clear?

C. Analysis Yes, ma’am!

The previous activity helped you determine our

topic for today which is mental health. This time,
allow me to present my PowerPoint presentation
about mental illness.

So before I discuss what mental health is all about,

can anyone tell me what comes to your mind when
you hear the word mental health?
(A student will answer)
Very good answer! You may take your sit.

So, according to World Health Organization,

mental health is a state of well-being in which
every individual realizes his or her own potential,
can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community.

As a millennial, why it is not easy being a


Very good! (A student will answer)

It is not easy to be a teenager because sometimes

it’s tough to avoid feeling stressed, and pressure
can build up in many areas of life (socially, in
school, at home, and while making big life

Worrying about these pressures is normal. But

feeling very sad, hopeless or worthless might be a
sign of a mental health problem.

Now, here’s the causes of mental illness

So, the causes of mental illness are:

1. Result of abnormal brain functioning
2. It is a brain disorder which came from
genetics and the environment where we
live in.
3. Mental illness is rare if ever caused by
stress alone.

On the other hand, there are causes of mental

illness that we know but actually are not true. Such
1. Consequence of poor parenting or bad
2. Result of personal weakness or deficits in
3. Manifestation of malevolent spiritual
4. Caused by poverty.
5. Only in exceptional cases it is caused by
nutritional factors.

Did you know that mental health problems can be


(Students will answer)

If you feel very sad, stressed or worried, it might
help you to talk to someone about how you are

Is that clear?

Yes, ma’am!
D. Abstraction
Before we proceed, let’s have first a recap.
Again class, what is mental health?

Very good! (A student will answer)

What are the causes of mental illness?

Exactly! (A student will answer)

What do you think is the importance of mental

health education to your life?

Very well said! (A student will answer)

E. Application
Now class, I will group you into four groups and
then, I will give you some questions to assess
yourselves regarding your mental health status. All
you have to do is to answer all the guide questions
and present your work in front of the class. I will
give you 10-15 minutes to answer. Is that clear?

Guide questions: Yes, ma’am!

Do you ever ...
1. Often feel very angry or very worried?
2. Do reckless things that could harm you or
3. Feel grief for a long time after a loss or a
4. Think your mind is controlled or out of
5. Use alcohol or drugs?
6. Exercise, diet and/or binge-eat
7. Hurt other people or destroy property?
If you feel any of these things, it might help to
talk to a parent, friend, teacher, school counselor,
or physician.

Class your time is over, kindly present your work

in front. Let’s start with the group 1.

Okay, thank you group 1. Class, let’s give them a (Group 1 presenting)
round of applause.

Now, let’s proceed to group 2!

(Group 2 Presenting)
Nice work group 2. Class, let’s also give them a
round of applause.

Group 3, Present your work please!

(Group 3 Presenting)
Good job, group 3! Class, let’s also give them a
round of applause.

Now may we call on the last group? the group 4

(Group 4 Presenting)
Very good, group 4! A round of applause please.

Okay class, do you have any questions or

clarifications regarding our topic for today?

None, ma’am!
Okay, now let us have our short quiz.
I will give you five minutes to prepare. Okay?

Yes, ma’am!
E. Assessment
Direction: Briefly answer the following questions
1. In your own words, what is mental health?
2. What are the six functions of brain that
may be disrupted?
3. What are the causes of mental illness?
4. What are the causes of mental illness that
we know but actually not true?

Okay, you may now start answering.

Your time is up! Please pass your papers forward.

F. Agreement Okay, ma’am!

Now for your assignment, kindly research on
the healthy and unhealthy way of dealing with
stress. Write it on a piece of paper and submit it
tomorrow. Is that clear?

Yes, ma’am!
Okay class, that’s all for today. Goodbye class!

Goodbye, ma’am!

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