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Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Phenolic

Constituents from Orthosiphon aristatus
Wahono Sumaryono1'2 Peter Proksch'- , Victor Wray ?, Ludger Witte , and Thomas Hartmann'
Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie, TU Braunschweig, Mendelssohnstr. 1, D-3300 Braunschweig,
Federal Republic of Germany
Permanent address: Directorate of Life Sciences, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BY.P. Teknologi),
JI. M. H. Thamrin 8, Jakarta Pusat 10340, Indonesia
Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung mbH, Mascheroder Weg 1, D-3300 Braunschweig, Federal Republic of Germany
Address for correspondence

Received: January 26, 1990

Materials and Methods

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The dried herbal drug of Orthosiphon aristatus
Orthosiphon aristatus (Orthosiphonis was commercially available from Alfred Galke GmbH, Gittelde,
folium DAB 9) was studied with regard to its phenolic Harz, FRG. 250 g of plant material was exhaustively extracted with
constituents. Twenty compounds were isolated and 80% aqueous MeOH followed by an extraction with 50% aqueous
identified on the basis of their spectral characteristics. MeOH. Both extracts were combined and MeOH was evaporated
under reduced pressure. The resulting aqueous extract was par-
The compounds included nine lipophilic flavones, two titioned against CH2C12. The organic fraction that contained the
flavonol glycosides, and nine caffeic acid derivatives. lipophilic flavones was taken to dryness, redissolved in CH2C12/
The presence of the recently reported methylripario- MeOH (95 5, v/v), and chromatographed on a silica gel column in
chromene A could not be confirmed. All compounds the same solvent. Similar fractions were combined and chromatog-
identified were quantified by HPLC. The caffeic acid de- raphed on a Sephadex LH-20 column with MeOH as solvent. Final
rivatives including the major compounds rosmarinic purification of the flavones was achieved by preparative TLC on
acid and 2,3-dicaffeoyltartaric acid (67% of total iden- premade silica gel plates (Merck, Darmstadt, FRG) in the above sol-
tified phenolics) predominated over the flavones (33%) vent system and by preparative TLC on polyamide (DC 6) with to-
in an aqueous MeOH extract. The predominance of the luene/petroleum ether/methyl ethyl ketone/MeOH (30: 60: 5 : 5, v/
v) as eluent. The aqueous fraction was lyophilized, redissolved in a
caffeic acid derivatives was even more pronounced in a small volume of H20, and chromatographed on a Polyamide SC-6
hot water extract (94.5% of total identified phenolics) column. The elution was started with H20, followed by 50% aque-
that was comparable to a herbal tea. ous MeOH and 100% MeOH. The various compounds were isolated
from these fractions by a combination of column chromatography
Key words (Sephadex LH-20 with MeOH or 70% aqueous MeOH as solvents),
preparative TLC [on microcrystalline cellulose with 15% acetic
Orthosiphon aristatus, Orthosiphonis acid in H20, on silica gel with EtOAc/HCOOH/CH3COOH/H20
folium, caffeic acid derivatives, flavonol glycosides, (100: 5 : 5: 13, v/v) as solvent system], and by low pressure re-
versed phase column chromatography on an RP-8 column (Lich-
lipophilic flavones, HPLC.
roprep, 40—63 xm. Merck, Darmstadt, FRG) with 70% aqueous
MeOH as solvent.

Plants of 0. aristatus were grown from shoots

Introduction that had originally been supplied from the Research Institute for
Spice and Medicinal Plants (BALLITTRO), Boqor, Indonesia. Fresh
Orthosiphon aristatus (Bl.) Miq. (syn. 0. leaves were dipped into acetone for 15—3Osec, the extract was
grandflorus Bold., syn. 0. spicatus (Thunb.) Bak., syn. 0. taken to dryness, redissolved in MeOH, and analysed for the
flavones by HPLC as described above.
stainineus Benth.) is a member of the Lamiaceae native to
tropical Asia that is currently under cultivation in In- The HPLC system consisted of a Rheodyne injec-
donesia, the main exporter of this medicinal plant (1—4). tion valve (20c1), a 2152 HPLC controller, a 2150 HPLC pump, a
Leaves and stems of 0. aristatus (Orthosiphonis folium DAB 11300 Ultrograd mixer driver, a 2151 HPLC variable wavelength
9) are used to prepare a diuretic tea which has also been re- monitor (all Pharmacia, LKB, Sweden), and a C-R3A Chromatopac
ported to be active against kidney and bladder inflamma- (Shimadzu, Japan). The separation was achieved by applying a
tions (1—4). The active plant constituents, however, are still linear gradient from 100% A (10% CH3CN, 90% H20 containing
basically unknown. To gain a better understanding of the 1 % H3P04 or alternatively 1 % CH3COOH) to 100% B (45% CH3CN,
secondary products from 0. aristatus that are present 55% H20 containing 1 % H3P04 or alternatively 1 % CH3COOH) in
20mm followed by 10mm isocratic at 100% B. The flow rate was
among the extractives of the herbal tea and hence may also 1.0 ml/min for the "short" column and 1.3 mI/mm for the long col-
be involved in the pharmacological effects observed, we umn, detection was at 340 nm. Two separation columns were
have now analysed the phenolic constituents of 0. aristatus employed: a "short" column (Novapak C-18, 125 x 4mm, 5km,
paying special attention to their quantitative composition. Waters Millip ore GmbH, Eschborn, FRG) and a "long" column
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Phenolic Constituents from Orthosiphon aristatus Planta Med. 57(7991) _!L?_

(Nucleosil C-18, 250 x 4mm, 5 urn, Macherey & Nagel, Dilren, In addition to the flavonoids, seven caffeic
FRG). For HPLC analysis 0.5 g of powdered plant material was ex- acid depsides (14—20) as well as free caffeic acid (13) and
tracted with 50 ml 80% aqueous MeOH for 24 h in the dark. Prior to the coumarin esculetin (12) were isolated from 0. aristatus.
HPLC analysis MeOH and H20 were added resulting in a total vol- None of these polar phenolic constituents except rosmarinic
ume of150 ml (MeOH/H20 1: 1, v/v) and 20 il were injected into the
HPLC apparatus. For the hot aqueous extract (herbal tea) 50 ml of
acid (14) (10) have previously been reported for this
boffing H20 was poured over 0.5 g of powdered plant material and species. The depsides included caffeoyl tartrate (15) as well
left at room temperature for 30 mm. Following filtration, cold H20 as dicaffeoyl tartrate (16). Both compounds are rare natural
and MeOH were added to the H20 extract resulting in a total volume products that were reported previously, for example, in
of 150 ml (MeOH/H20 1: 1, v/v) and 20 u1 were injected into the species from the genus Echinacea (Asteraceae) (11, 12).
HPLC apparatus. All extracts were centrifuged (10000 g for 5 mm) The stereochemistry at the asymmetric carbons of 15 and
prior to injection. Quantification was achieved by the external stan- 16 was not elucidated.
dard method with previously isolated and purified compounds.
The structural elucidation of the new com-
1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra were recorded in
DMS0-d6 (unless otherwise stated) on Bruker AM-300 or WM-400 pounds 17—20, deduced from the 1H- and 13C-NMR data
spectrometers, respectively. All 1D- and 2D-spectra were obtained (Tables 2 and 3, respectively), was somewhat more com-
using the standard Bruker software. Mass spectra (direct probe. El, plex and will be considered here in more detail. After H/D
70eV; negative ion FAB mass spectra, glycerol or triethanolamine exchange, 17 gave well resolved 1D- and 2D-1H-COSY
as matrix) were measured on a Finnigan MAT 8430 mass spec- spectra in DMSO-d6 from which the nature of the individual
trometer. The FAB mass spectrum of compound 17 (triethanol- aromatic and side-chain spin systems in the molecule could
amine as matrix) revealed the signal of[M + Na] at m/z = 741. No be determined. 1H-nOe difference spectra allowed the as-

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satisfactory FAR mass spectra could be obtained for compounds signment of the side chains to the appropriate aromatic sys-
18—20 due to the presence of an excess of salt. The GC-MS system
consisted of a Carlo Erba 5160 GC [equipped with a 15 m x tems to give four fragments corresponding to 1—9, 1'—9',
0.23mm i.d. fused silica glass capillary column coated with DB-1 1"— 9", and 1 "—9" in the final structure. A strong nOe to H-
(J&W scientific); conditions: temperature program 100—300°C; 7 and H-8 upon irradiation of H-8' suggested the relative ar-
6°C/mini that was coupled with the quadrupole mass spectrometer rangement of two aromatic moieties. Comparison of the
Finnigan MAT 4515. Spectra (El) were recorded at 70 eV in combi- data for 17 with literature data (13, 14) indicated that 17 is
nation with the Incos data system. a lithospermic acid derivative with an additional dihy-
drocaffeic acid substituent. The position of this moiety was
Results and Discussion deduced from the '3C-NMR spectrum in CD3OD (Table 3).

Twenty phenolic constituents including The presence of trace amounts of

nine flavone aglycones (1—9), two flavonol glycosides (10, paramagnetic material in the sample preparation caused
11), one coumarin (12), caffeic acid (13) as well as seven caf- selective broadening of several signals in the spectrum. Of
feic acid depsides (14—20) were isolated from 0. aristatus particular significance was the observation of broad signals
(Fig. 1). The flavones were methylated derivatives of scutel- for C-8" and C-8" and the almost complete absence of carb-
larein (5, 6, 7, 4'-tetrahydroxyflavone) as well as of 6-hy- oxylic acid carbonyl signals. This can only be rationalised if
droxyluteolin (5,6,7,3' ,4'-pentahydroxyflavone). Several both carboxylic acid residues of the two dihydrocaffeic acid
flavones including the well known major flavone sinensetin substituents corresponding to systems 1"—9" and 1"—9"
(9) were characterized by the presence of a methoxy group are available for complexation with paramagnetic ions.
at C-5, a structural feature usually rare in flavonoids (5). That such selective broadening occurred under these cir-
From the flavones isolated, compounds 3 and 4 had cumstances was tested with rosmarinic acid and the
hitherto not been reported for 0. aristatus (6—9). As the phenomenon has been observed previously for lithosper-
flavones 1—5 and 6—9 were isomers differing only in the mic acid isolated from natural sources (14). It should be
number and position of methoxy substituents their identifi- noted that C-8 and C-8', readily asigned from their charac-
cation especially by their 1H-NMR spectra was difficult. The teristic chemical shifts, were not affected.
structural assignments were thus based mainly on 1H-nOe
studies and on comparison of their UV and mass spectral Comparison of the 1H-NMR data of 19 and
data. For an overview, the 1H-NMR data of all flavones iso- 20 with 17 indicated the sequential replacement of the di-
lated are summarized (Table 1). hydrocaffeic acid moieties by dihydro-p-hydroxycinnamic
acid moieties. A second compound, 18, isomeric to 17 was
The flavones 1—9 were present exclusively isolated. Significant differences in the 1H-NMR chemical
as aglycones since hydrolysis of the aqueous fraction of the shifts to those of 17 were observed in DMSO-d6 (Table 2).
crude extract failed to detect even traces of liberated The exact nature of 18, however, could not be deduced from
flavones. Instead of flavones the ubiquituous flavonols the available data. It could either arise by isomerisation at
kaempferol and quercetin were present in the aqueous frac- one of the four asymmetric centres in 17 or through posi-
tion as 3-0-/3-glucosides (10, 11). Since the flavonols were tional change of one of the dihydrocaffeic acid moieties.
not present as aglycones a clear separation between
flavones accumulating exclusively as aglycones and A recent report claimed the occurrence of
flavonols present only as glycosides is observed. The methylripariochromene A in 0. aristatus comprising up to
flavones were recovered by a brief solvent wash of fresh 4% of the dry weight of the plant (15). However, we were
leaves (15—3Osec in Me2CO) suggesting their presence in not able to detect this chromene derivative even as a trace
epidermal cells or in glandular trichomes found on the leaf constituent in any of the collections of 0. aristatus available
surface. to us.
178 Planta Med. 57 (1991) Wahono Sumaryono et aL

R1' OH 0

OH 0
R' R2 R3 R'
1H H3C H H 10 11 12 13
2 H H3C H CH3
3H3C H H CH3
4 HC H3C H H 0
5 H3C
6 H

7 H
8 H3C
9 H3C H3C OCH3 CH3


14 15 16 OH

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17/18 R3 R R3 r R4 OH
19 R3 OH, R3 H
R3 H R' R3 OH
20 R3 R3 H, R R' OH Fig. 1 Structures of phenolic constituents from Orthosiphon ar/status.

Table 1 1H-NMR data of lipophilic flavones (1—9) from Orthosiphon ar/status.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

H-3 6.67 (s) 6.97(s) 6.63(s) 6.63 (s) 6.71c(s) 6.76 (s) 7.00(s) 6.57 (s) 6.78(s)
H-8 6.88 (s) 6.99(s) 7.08(s) 7.20 (s) 7.20 (s) 6.84 (s) 7.06(s) 7.145 (s) 7.18(s)
H-2' 7.83 ('d) 8.09 ('d") 7.99 ("d") 7.91 ('d") 8.01 ('d") 7.45 (d) 7.61 (d) 7.45 (d) 7.52 (s')
H-3' 6.65 ("d") 7.l3rd") 7.09rd') 6.92 ('d") 7.09 (d") — — — —

H-5' 6.65 ('d") 7.l3rd") 7.09rd") 6.92 (d') 7.09 ('d") 7.05 (d 7.15(d) 7.06 (d) 7.08(d)
H-6' 7.83 ("dO) 8.09 ('d") 7.99 ('d") 7.91 ('d") 8.01 ('d) 7.53 (dd) 7.74 (dd) 7.49 (dd) 7.63 (d')
5-OH — — — —
13.23(s) 12.88(s) 12.88 (s) 12.91 (s) —

3'-OH — — — — — — — —
9.44 (s)
5-OMe — — — — 3.76
3.72(s) 3.76 (s) 3.76 (s) (s) 3.76(s)
6-OMe — 3.79 (s) 3.79
3.72 (s) 3.73(s) 3.80 (5) 3.72 (s) 3.74(s) (s) 3.78(s)
7-OMe 3.91a(s) 3.93(s) 3.89(s) 394b(s) 3.g4d(s) 3.91(s) 3.95(s) 394h (s) 3.94(s)
3'-OMe — — — — — — —
3.90(s) 3.88(s)
4'-OMe — — 3.85
3.86(s) 3.85(s) 3.85e(s) 3869s) 3.86(s) (s) 3.83(s)
1: 'd = M' BB' system; J(2._3') + J(2'_5') = 8.9.
Irradiation at 7-OMe gave a flOe at H-8. 2: J2_ + J(2_5) = 9.0.3: J(2..3)+ i)2 = 8.7;
4: J(2._3)+J(2_5) = 8.8.
Irradiation at 7-OMe gave a n0e at H-8. 5: J(2_3)+ J2_5) = 8.9.
Irradiation at H-3 gave a flOe at H-2' and H-6'.
Irradiation at 7-OMe gave a n0e at H-8.
Irradiation at 4-OMe gave a n0e at H-3' and H-5'. 6: J(5_6') = 8.5; J(2'_6') = 0.8.
Irradiation at 7-OMe gave a n0e at H-8.
Irradiation at 4'-OMegave a n0e at H-5'. 7:J(5_6) = 8.6;J._6.) = 2.1.8: J(5' ..6') = 8.6;J(2_6.)= 2.1.
Irradiation at 7-OMe gave a n0e at H-8. 9: J (5'-6) = 8.6;
1)2_6') not observed.
Chemical shifts (ppm) are relative to TMS, coupling constants are in Hz.
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Phenolic Constituents from Orthosiphon aristatus Planta Med. 57(1991) 179

Table 2 'H-NMR data for compounds 17 to 20. Table 3 '3C-NMR data for compound 17 in CD3OD.

1P 17 18 l9 2o Shift' Assignment Shift Assignment

(DMSO-d6) (CD3OD) (DMSO-d6) (CD3OD) (CD3OD)
176.8 s" 9",9" 122.11 d 6
Chemical Shifts ó (ppm) 172.80 s 9' 121.91 d 6"
H-5 6.78 6.79 6.83 6.85 168.86 s 9 121.35 d 6"
H-6 7.12 7.11 7.17 7.12 7.10 148.95 s 3 118.36 d 6'
H-i 7.11 7.31 7.36 7.27 7.27 146.41 s J 3" 117.94 d 2"
H-8 6.16 6.16 6.19 6.14 6.14 146.31 s 1 3" 117.54 d 2"
H-2' 6.70 6.71 687 687g 145.74 s J 4" 117.13 dx 2 5,5'
H-5' 6.70 6.72 678g 679g 145.58 s 4" 116.51 d 5"
H-6' 6.55 678 67g 144.62 sx2 5 3',4 116.29 dx 2 5",8
H-7' 5.79 5.97 5.58 6.00 6.06 144.46 s (4' 113.53 d 2'
H-8 4.20 4.32 4.31 4.30 4.31 142.50 d 7 88.28 d 7'
H-2" 6.83 6.80 7.15 7.16 133.92 s 1 78.81 d" 5 8"
H-3" ——— ——— 6.76 676' 131.01 s 1' 77.88 d" (8"
6.42 "
J 7"
1 7"
H-7"A 2.95
H-7"B 2.74 2.97 2.84 3.00 2.98
H-8" 4.84 —c 4.90 C
'The multiplicities were determined from a 135' DEPT spectrum.
H-2" 6.40 6.48 6.45 6.71 "Very broad signal.
H-3'" ——— ——— ——— ——— 6.51 These signals are broad and Ca. 20% as high as the other doublets.

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H-5" 6.52 6.53 6.50 6.51
H-6" 6.22 6.28 6.27 6.25 6.71
H-7"A 3.01 3.07 2.92 3.12 3.19
H-7"B 2.54 2.75 2.73 2.71 2.79
H-8" 4.81 —c 4.96 C

Coupling Constants J(Hz)

(5—6) 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.5
(7—8) 15.9 16.1 15.9 16.0
(2'—6') 2.6 2.4
(5'—6') 8.1 8.1
(7'—8') 4.8 4.7 5.6 5.3
2.0 —2 ——— ———
——— 8.6 8.5 A(340flfi
8.0 7.9 ——— ———
(7"A—7"B) 14.1 —14 14.0 14.6
(7"A—8' 2.8 4.5
(7"B—8") 10.0 —9 9.7 9.9
2.2 2.1 1.9 ———
——— ——— 8.6
(lt 5t) ———
(5"—6") 8.1 8.2 8.0
(7"A—7"B) 14.0 —14 14.0 14.7
2.6 3.5 2
(7"B—8") 11.7 —10 11.1 11.2

aThe assignments in systems 1"—9"and 1"—9"' are interchangeable.

b6,856,65 (multiplet).
0 4 8 12 16 20 24frlifl
Under residual HDO signal.
dme broad signals preclude accurate determination of coupling constants.
a 6.58—6.54 (multiplet).
'The positions of the systems 1—9' and 1" —9" are interchangeable. Fig. 2 HPLC separation of a crude 80% aqueous MeOH extract from
Complex, three-spin system. Orthosiphon aristatus.

The aqueous MeOH extract of leaves and Rosmarinic acid (14) was the predominant
stems from 0. an status was subjected to HPLC analysis. All phenolic constituent in the aqueous MeOH extract amount-
compounds isolated except flavones I and 9 were separated ing to 22.2 tmo1Jg dry weight followed by 2,3-dicafTeoyl tar-
within 25mm employing a RP-18 column (125 x 4mm) trate (16) with 7.4tmo1Ig dry weight (Table 4). The flavones
(Fig.2). The critical pair I and 9 was only resolved by were by comparison only minor constituents. The major
switching to a longer HPLC column (250 x 4mm) which in- flavone sinsensetin (9) yielded only 5.3 (kmol!g dry weight.
creased the analysis time. As flavone I was only a minor The predominance of the caffeic acid depsides, compared to
component in all samples of 0. aristatus analysed the shor- the flavones, was even more pronounced when a hot water
ter separation column was favoured for routine analysis extract comparable to the herbal tea was analysed (Table
due to the increased speed of analysis. Several unknown 4). In the latter extract the caffeic acid derivatives com-
peaks in the 'flavone region" of the chromatogram may cor- prised almost 95 % of all soluble phenolic constituents
respond to further lipophilic flavones (e.g. cirsimaritin or whereas the concentrations of flavones declined sharply
rhamnazin) reported previously for 0. aristatus (6—9) that compared to the aqueous MeOH extract.
were not isolated in this study.
180 Planta Med. 57(1991) Wahono Sumaryono et aL

Table 4 Absolute amounts (in mol/g dry weight) and concentrations (in % of References
total soluble phenolics) of phenolic constituents from Orthosiphon aristatus.

80 % aqueous Me0H extract hot water extract

Hegnauer, R. (1966) Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Vol. 4, p. 314,
Compound ymol/g dry weight % mol/gdry weight % Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Stuttgart.
Wichtl, M. (1984) in: Teedrogen (Wichtl, M., ed), p. 244—246, Wis-
1 + + + + senschaftliche Verlagsgeseilschaft mbH, Stuttgart.
2 1.0 1.7 + + DAB-9 Kommentar (1986) (Hartke, K., Mutschler, E., eds.), Vol. 3, p.
3 + + + + 2607—2609, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart,
4 + + + + Govi-Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt.
5 2.5 4.2 0.3 + Wagner, H. (1982) Pharmazeutische Biologie: Drogen und ihre In-
6 5.5 9.2 0.5 0.1 haltsstoffe, 2nd Bdn., p. 49, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
7 3.2 5.4 + + Wollenweber, E. (1982) in: The Flavonoids: Advances in Research,
8 1.6 2.7 0.5 0.1 (Harhorne, J. B., Mahry, T. J., eds.), p. 189—259, Chapman and Ball,
9 5.3 8.9 1.3 2.5 London.
10 + + + + Bombardelli, E., Bonati, A., Gabetta, B., Mustich, G. (1972)
11 0.5 0.8 0.3 + Fitoterapia 43, 35—40.
12 + + + + Schneider, F., Tan, H. 5. (1973) Dtsch. Apth. Ztg. 113, 201—202.
13 1.5 2.5 1.9 3.6 Wollenweber, E., Mann, K. (1985) Planta Med. 459—460.
14 22.2 37.3 23.8 45.1 Malterud, K. E., Hanche-Olsen, I. M., Smith-Kielland, I. (1989) Planta
15 3.1 5.2 6.6 12.5 Med. 55, 559—560.
16 7.4 12.4 13.3 25.2 10
Nikonov, G. K., Savina, A. A. (1971) Farmatsiya (Moscow) 20, 29—
17 2.2 3.7 0.6 1.1 31.
18 2.1 3.5 2.9 5.5 Soicke, H., Al-Hassan, G., GOrier, K. (1988) Planta Med. 54, 175—

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19 0.7 1.2 0.8 1.5 176.
20 0.7 1.2 + + 12
Bauer, R., Remiger, P., Wagner, H. (1988) Dtsch. Apth. Ztg. 128,
Numbers of compounds follow from Fig. 1. + = 0.1. 13
Fukui, H., Yazaki, K., Tabata, M. (1984) Phytochemistry 10, 2398—
Kelley, C. J., Mahajan, J. R., Brooks, L. C., Neubert, L. A., Bre-
nemann, W. R., Carmack, M. (1975) J. Org. Chem. 40, 1804—1815.
Previously it has been proposed that the 11
Guerin, J. C., Reveillere, H-P., Ducrey, P., Toupet, L. (1989) J. Nat.
flavones are responsible for the observed resistance of Prod. 52, 171—173.
aqueous extracts of this plant to rotting caused by microor-
ganisms and hence can be expected to be among the active
constituents of a Orthosiphon tea against bacterial infec-
tions of the bladder or kidney (7, 9). The minute quantities
of flavones in hot aqueous extracts of 0. aristatus, however,
cast doubt on the importance of these compounds for the
antibacterial activity of the tea. In the search for phar-
macologically active compounds in 0. aristatus that are re-
sponsible for the diuretic properties and for antibacterial
activities the predominating caffeic acid derivatives should
be taken into consideration.

Financial support of this project was by a grant of
the DFG to P. P. and by a scholarship of the Overseas Fellowship
Program/World Bank (Ministry of Research and Technology, In-
donesia) to W. S. which are gratefully acknowledged. We further
thank C. Kakoschke (GBF) for technical assistance.

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