Princess Joy L. Ajero Bsent-C1 Product Commercialization Unit Ix

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1. Find out what is an ideal vector in product positioning? Why is it

important in product positioning?
Perceptual mapping is the ideal vector in product postioning. It is
a marketing research technique in which consumer's views about a
product are traced or plotted (mapped) on a chart. Perceptual mapping
allows businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers,
including who, why, where, how, and what they do. If a company is
regarded in an unfavorable light, more study is conducted to
determine what may be done to improve the situation. We can
understand the customer's share of mind for existing products and our
potential to develop a share of mind for vacant positions using this
mapping. Here we can see how our product compares to the
competition and how much of a share of mind each competitor has.

2. If we have already positioned the product why do we need to

reposition the product?
We need to reposition the product for a variety of reasons. One
explanation is that the product may need to be repositioned since it is
falling out of favor. Another factor to consider is competition, which
may force a marketer to reposition their ofering. Repositioning is also
required to make the product more relevant to customers and to
elevate the brand's status. It can also be utilized as a marketing tactic
to attract new customers in the targeted market. Repositioning also
distinguishes the brand from competitors, and it is required to adapt to
changing market conditions.

3. How often can we repositioned the product? What would happen if we

repositioned the product every year when we make a new
When you foresee a need or an opportunity to increase demand
for a product, you can reposition it. We all know that the world changes
and that the market isn't static, thus how often a product can be
repositioned is determined by the product's impact on the market. If
the product is impressive, it may not need to be repositioned, but if
sales begin to fall after a few months, it may be time to reposition. If
we advertise the product every year, we'll be able to reposition it. Due
to its high cost, this could result in a revenue loss. To save money,
time, and efort, the advertising team should consider when and how
to reposition the product.

4. When should we undertake the product the product positioning activity

during the product life cycle of the product and when should we
reposition the product, if needed during the product life cyle?
During the growth stage, when sales are increasing and the
product is beginning to have a value and a place in the market,
product positioning is done. The marketer will choose a position,
image, or brand that will set the product apart from the competition.
Repositioning the product can be done during the maturity stage,
when the market will be saturated and new marketing tactics will be
required to extend the product's life cycle.

5. What do you understand the product space? How does this space help
in product positioning?
The Product Space is a network representation of global market
products' relatedness or proximity. Product positioning is a type of
marketing in which you promote the benefts of your product to a
specifed target demographic. Marketers can use market research and
focus groups to determine which audience to target based on
favorable product responses.

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