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1. What is computer graphics?

2. What are the application areas of CG?
3. What is the difference between vector and raster graphics?
4. What are essential properties of display devices?
5. What is bitmap?
6. What is resolution?
7. What is aspect ratio?
8. What is frame buffer?
9. What is transformation?
10. What is translation?
11. What is rotation?
12. What is scaling?
13. What is reflection?
14. What is shearing?
15. What are the differences between raster and random displays
16. Define window and viewport
17. What is clipping?
18. What is the use of graphics.h, dos.h, stdlib.h?
19. What is the use of initgraph()?
20. What are the parameters used in initgraph()?
21. What is the use of gd and gm?
22. What is the use of cleardevie()?
23. What is the use of outtextxy(), setfillstyle(), pieslice(), getmax(), setcolor(),
closegraph(), bar()?
24. What is histogram?
25. What is meant by c:\\tc\\bgi(c:\\turboc3\\bgi) in initgraph function?

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