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A. How much do you know about these days and months?

Complete the
sentences in column A with information from column B. Then compare
with a partner.
(1) New Year’s Day is a day when … (b) people have parties with family and
(2) April Fools’ Day is a day when … (f) people sometimes play tricks on
(3) May and June are the months when … (c) many young adults choose to
get married.
(4) Valentine’s Day is a day when … (e) people express their love to
(5) Labor Day is a day when … (d) people in many countries honor workers.
(6) February is the month when … (a) Brazilians celebrate Carnival

B. Complete these sentences with your own information. Then compare

with a partner. winter is the season …
1. birthdays are days … when people celebration of person birth or the
anniversary of something starting or being found.
2. Spring is the time of year … when it is summer in the sun and winter in
the shade and time when many flowering plants bloom.
3. Mother’s Day is a day … when people celebration to honoring motherhood
that is observed in different forms throughout the world.
4. July and August are the months … when most people go on holiday.
5. A wedding anniversary is a time … for a couple marriage to celebrate
their love and the time they’ve spent together as man and wife.
A.What do you know about wedding customs in North America? Match
these phrases with the information below.

(1) Before a man and woman get married, they usually ... (f) “date” each other
for about a year
(2) When a couple gets engaged, the man often ... (d) Gives the woman a
diamond ring.
(3) Right after a couple gets engaged, they usually ... (e) Begin to plan the
(4) When a woman gets married, her family usually ... (a) Pays for the
wedding and reception
(5) When people are invited to a wedding, they almost always ... (c) Give the
bride and groom a gift or some money.
(6) Right after a couple gets married, they usually ... (b) Go on a short trip
called a 'honeymoon'.

Relative clause of time is used when we need to add information about

something in the previous sentence or main clause. It can be called by
temporal clauses. The time clause can be signaled by the use of ‘when’.
We use adverb clauses to form compound sentences and provide
descriptions of specific information about the timing of an event. Adverb
clauses can be formed using the following conjunctions:
Before (before the incident);
After (after the incident);
When (in a specific time);
While (at the same time as other events).
is used to form compound sentences and provide descriptions of specific
information about the timing of an event. This compound sentence
consists of two parts: the main sentence and the sub-sentence which is
connected by a liaison.
The conjunctions [connectors] that are used are: before, after, when and
The structure is:
Connector + clause +, + clause
Clause + connector + clause

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