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The geometry of elastic collisions and Heron’s law

Jerzy Kocika)
Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801
~Received 22 June 1998; accepted 13 October 1998!
Elastic collision of two balls on a line is discussed in terms of their configuration space. The
optical-mechanical analogy is analyzed in this context. In particular, the law of collision is
reinterpreted as Heron’s law of light reflection. © 1999 American Association of Physics Teachers.

I. INTRODUCTION mechanics. One may ask how far this analogy goes. In par-
ticular, if the masses of the particles differ, is the optical
One of the standard tricks used in describing physical sys- analogy still valid for elastic collision?
tems is construction of a configuration space. By definition, Remark: It was Heron of Alexandria who in the first cen-
a point in a configuration space corresponds to a configura- tury derived the ‘‘law of angles’’ from the minimum
tion of the system. The basic example concerns the many- principle—the position of the point of reflection from a mir-
body problem: k particles in R3 may equivalently be repre- ror minimizes the length of the light path from the source to
sented by one ‘‘particle’’ in R3n . Here R3 is a model of the the point of arrival ~his proof is purely geometrical!. This
‘‘visual space,’’ R3n is the ‘‘configuration space.’’ Thus the historical fact is well-known among mathematicians8 but is
low dimensionality of the visual space is traded for simplic- hardly acknowledged within the lore of the history of
ity ~one point!!. physics,9 despite the fact that it has served Fermat as the
In the following, we give a geometric description of the motivation for his ‘‘minimum principle’’ for optics, which
elastic collision of two particles on a line. Despite its sim- later led to Maupertuis’ principle,10 Hamilton’s method of
plicity, this example illustrates the idea of ‘‘dimensional characteristics, etc., becoming the source and the prototype
blow-up,’’ provides an interesting example of an optical- of the variational calculus in physics.
mechanical analogy, and illustrates the role of Euclidean ge- In the following, the law of equal angles for mirrors will
ometry in classical mechanics. be addressed simply as Heron’s law.
A matrix approach to analysis of elastic collisions was
introduced by Romer,1 and was employed later for related
problems.2,3 Other aspects of geometry of elastic collisions
are also investigated in Refs. 4–6. III. COLLISION MATRIX

Throughout this section we use the following notation:

Consider two particles on a line R. The configuration Particle A Particle B
space is a two-dimensional plane R2 . If x A and x B denote
Mass mA mB
positions of the first and second particles, then, in R2 , the Initial velocity vA vB
pair (x A ,x B ) stands for the single point ~say, a biparticle! Final velocity wA wB
that represents the system. Since particles cannot occupy the
same position at the same time, the diagonal set D We know that, given masses and initial velocities, the final
5 $ (x A ,x B ) u x A 5x B % must be excluded from the configura- velocities after an elastic collision are determined by the
tion space. laws of energy and of momentum conservation. In our case
We shall see that the elastic collision of two particles in R of a one-dimensional system, from
corresponds to reflection from the set D in R2 . Indeed, if two ~i! energy conservation: m A v 2A 1m B v 2B 5m A w 2A 1m B w 2B ,
particles have the same mass, a collision is just an exchange ~3.1!
of velocities ~see Fig. 1!. That is to say, if v A and v B are the ~ii! momentum conservation: m A v A 1m B v B
initial velocities on R, then the after-collision velocities are 5m A w A 1m B w B
w A 5 v B and w B 5 v A . In the configuration space R2 , this can
one gets the result:
be viewed as a reflection of a velocity vector v5( v A , v B )
from the ‘‘mirror’’ D with resulting vector w5(w A ,w B ). ~ m A 2m B !v A 12m B v B
This reflection of velocity is a linear transformation Tv w A5 ,
m A 1m B
5w, that in coordinates translates into:7 ~3.2!

~ m B 2m A !v B 12m A v A
wA 0 1 vA w B5 .
5 . ~2.1! m A 1m B
wB 1 0 vB
Notice that this is a linear transformation and can be written
As a motivational exercise, the reader is asked to interpret in matrix form ~cf. Ref. 1!

the events shown in Fig. 2.
According to the law of angles for reflection of light in a
mirror, the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.
It is interesting that in the construction of configuration space
1 m A 2m B
m A 1m B 2m A
2m B vA
m B 2m A v B

described above, a law of optics seems to replace laws of where

516 Am. J. Phys. 67 ~6!, June 1999 © 1999 American Association of Physics Teachers 516
allel to D @see Fig. 2# to avoid passing through it. But then
v A 5w A 5 v B 5w B holds all the time, and ~3.4! is trivially
satisfied. h
Now, a derivation of the formula for elastic collision ~3.2!
becomes painless. Let us first restate it in matrix form.
Law 2: ~Elastic collision! If vectors v5( v A , v B ) and w
5(w A ,w B ) represent velocities of two particles in R before
and after collision, respectively, then
w5Tv, ~3.5!
Fig. 1. A two-particle system on a line ~A! as a single particle in a plane ~B!.

where the matrix T is

m A 2m B 2m B
m A 2m B 2m B m A 1m B m A 1m B
m A 1m B m A 1m B T5 .
T5 ~3.3! 2m A m B 2m A
2m A m B 2m A m A 1m B m A 1m B
m A 1m B m A 1m B
Proof: The law of averaging velocities ~3.4! reduces the
will be called the collision matrix. Notice that T assumes the problem to a system of two linear equations that may be
form of ~2.1! if the masses are equal. solved almost instantly. Indeed, recall
Although ~3.1! involves quadratic equations, one can de-
rive ~3.2! without leaving the domain of linear algebra. We velocity averaging: w A 2w B 5 v A 2 v B ,
start by introducing the following:
Law 1: ~Law of averaging velocities! Elastic collision of momentum conservation: m A v A 1m B v B 5m A w A 1m B w B ,
two balls makes their average velocities equal:
which may be written in matrix form:
v A 1w A 5 v B 1w B . ~3.4!
Proof: Rewrite the law of energy conservation ~3.1i! in a
form of square differences:
F 1
21 w A
mB wB

m A v 2A 2m A w 2A 5m B w 2B 2m B v 2B . Since the left-hand-side matrix is nonsingular, one can write

This may be expressed in terms of products wA 1 21 21 1 vA
5 .
m A ~ v A 2w A !~ v A 1w A ! 5m B ~ w B 2 v B !~ v B 1w B ! . wB mA mB mA mB vB
In the general case, one may cancel out the law of momen- Thus the collision matrix is
tum conservation ~3.1ii! ~also in the form of differences! and
get ~3.4!. If v A 2w A 50 ~and consequently v B 2w B 50),
then such a cancellation is invalid. However, in this case,
collision cannot occur: Indeed, v A 5w A and v B 5w B imply
T5 F 1
mA mB
that the trajectory forms a straight line, which must be par-
1 mB
m A 1m B 2m A
1 21
m A 2m B
m A 1m B 2m A m B 2m A
2m B
which ends the proof. h
Remark 1: Notice that if one of the masses is negligible,
say m A 50, then the collision matrix does not depend on the
other mass and is

T5 F 21
G .

Thus, simply w B 5 v B ~the heavy particle is not affected by

the collision!, while w A 52 v A 12 v B ~the velocity of the
light particle is inverted in the reference system of the heavy
Remark 2: Notice that the triple of laws ~3.1i,ii! and ~3.4!,
i.e., energy conservation, momentum conservation, and ve-
locity averaging, form a system in which any two laws de-
termine the third one. One may imagine a civilization in
which Law 1 is the fundamental law of mechanics and ob-
Fig. 2. Heron’s law of elastic collisions. viates the need for the law of momentum conservation ~or

517 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 6, June 1999 Jerzy Kocik 517
maybe energy conservation! among fundamental principles.
What would the science of mechanics, and consequently
physics, look like?
Corollary 1: The collision matrix satisfies
T+T5I, det T521 Tr T50, ~3.6!
where I stands for identity matrix, and T represents reflection
in R2 . ~Note that reflection is not necessarily an orthogonal
Exercise 1: Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of T.
Determine a geometric method to find w, given v and masses
m A and m B .


What happened to the simplicity of Eq. ~2.1!? Is the col-
lision matrix T still a ‘‘mirror reflection’’ from the diagonal
in R2 ?
It is easy to find that the eigenvectors of T are

D5 FG 1
, N5 F G mB
2m A
~4.1! Fig. 3. The geometry of Heron’s law of collision.

with eigenvalues 1 and 21, respectively. The vector D de-

termines the orientation of the mirror D. ~If the biparticle associated with three images: the mechanics of collision of
slides along the mirror, no actual reflection, i.e., change of two masses, the geometry of ricochet of one point off a wall,
the velocity, occurs!. The other eigenvector, N, with eigen- and the optics of reflection of a ray from a mirror. The three
value 21, indicates that a system with initial velocity paral- laws of mechanics translate into the trigonometry of reflec-
lel to N will be reflected from D with exactly the opposite tion, and into Heron’s law of optics.
velocity. But N does not appear to be orthogonal to D, so ~1! The scalar product ~4.2! has the meaning of kinetic
Heron’s law seems to be violated for nonequal masses. energy of the system. In particular, the law of energy con-
Unless . . . servation ~3.1i! translates into
Definition: Define a metric tensor in R2 by

~ v,v! 5 ~ w,w! . ~4.5!
mA 0
g5 . ~4.2! Geometrically, this means that the length of incident and
0 mB reflected vectors are equal in terms of metric g. In optics, this
In terms of coordinates, (a,b)5m A a A b A 1m B a B b B replaces means that the speed of the light ray before and after reflec-
the standard product a–b. tion is the same.
Corollary 2: The reflection matrix T is orthogonal with ~2! Also, momentum conservation ~3.1ii! has a simple
respect to the metric g. geometric meaning. It can be written in the scalar product
Proof: An easy calculation shows that T T gT5g, which is
the condition for orthogonality of T.
Thus Heron’s law for elastic collisions is satisfied in the

general case, if the proper Euclidean structure, that of ~4.2!,

5 w,
. ~4.6!

is recognized! @Matrix ~4.2! of the metric appears in Romer’s This says that the tangent velocity, i.e., the component
analysis1 as a transformation to ‘‘u space’’#. However, the parallel to the mirror surface D, is conserved. Trigonometri-
form of Corollary 2 may be found to be too abstract—let us cally, this is Heron’s law in the form: sin a5sin b. Thus the
see Heron’s law more directly. First, notice that the eigen- law of momentum conservation can be interpreted as a law
vectors of T are mutually orthogonal, D'N: of optics: ‘‘the angle of an incident beam equals the angle of

the reflected beam.’’
1 mB
~ D,N! 5 , 5m A m B 2m b m A 50. ~4.3!
1 2m A
Table I. Correspondence between the different representations of collision.
To ensure that T obeys Heron’s law, we need to look more
closely at the geometry of the event of reflection: ~i! that the Mechanics Geometry Optics
final velocity w has the same length as the initial velocity v Two particles in R One particle in R2 Ray in R2
~measured in terms of g!; ~ii! that the component of velocity
parallel to the mirror D is preserved during the collision; as Collision Ricochet Reflection
well as ~iii! that the normal part of v is opposite to the nor- masses metric tensor transparency
Energy conserved (v,v)5(w,w) speed preserved
mal part of w. Briefly:
Momentum conserved (v,D)5(w,D) Heron’s law
~ i! u vu 5 u wu , ~ ii! vi 5wi , ~ iii! v' 52w' ~4.4! (sin a5sin b)
Velocities averaged (v,N)52(w,N) Heron’s law
~see Fig. 3!. These geometric requirements will clearly en- (cos a5cos b)
sure that the angle of incidence a equals the angle of reflec- ‘‘perfect collision’’ eigenvectors mirror orientation
tion b. But there is more than that. These three conditions are

518 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 6, June 1999 Jerzy Kocik 518
length ~in the sense of the metric g! of the incoming vector v.
This ellipse is similar ~rescaled and shifted! to the prototype
ellipse drawn at 0.
~3! Determine a line tangent to the ellipse through the end
point of vector v. Then, draw a parallel line through the
center of ellipse.
~4! The vector spanned along this line from the ellipse
center to the intersection with the ellipse is the postcollision
velocity vector w.
Note that by appropriately rescaling the axes in Fig. 4, say
x→x 8 5x Am A /m B , the ellipse can be transformed into a
Fig. 4. Geometric construction of the result of collision.
circle. Then the visual representation of the general case co-
incides with the equal-mass case, i.e., the incidence and re-
flection axes look equal, except the diagonal set D is skewed,
~3! The law of averaging velocities is geometrically dual i.e., is now x 8 Am B 5y Am A .
to that of momentum conservation. Indeed, it can be written Notice that the ellipse in the construction in Fig. 4 can be
as viewed as indicatrix for light propagation.11

2m A
52 w,
2m A
. ~4.7!
Electronic mail:
R. H. Romer, ‘‘Matrix description of collisions on an air track,’’ Am. J.
Phys. 35, 862–868 ~1967!.
But this is requirement ~4.4iii!! The trigonometric version 2
R. Garwin, ‘‘Kinematics of an ultraelastic rough ball,’’ Am. J. Phys. 37,
of ~4.7! is cos a5cos b, which is just another form of Her- 88–92 ~1969!.
on’s law. D. H. Towne and C. R. Hadlock, ‘‘One-dimensional collisions and Cheby-
A table of correspondence between these three pictures shev polynomials,’’ Am. J. Phys. 45, 255–259 ~1977!.
can thus be created ~see Table I!. The ‘‘perfect collision’’ in T. A. Walkiewicz and N. D. Newby, ‘‘Linear collisions,’’ Am. J. Phys. 45,
255–259 ~1977!.
the first column denotes a situation when the particles ~or 5
E. Piña, ‘‘Binary collisions in velocity space,’’ Am. J. Phys. 46, 528–529
balls! leave the collision preserving their original speeds ~1978!.
~with the same or inverted velocities!. 6
G. P. Ramsey, ‘‘A simplified approach to collision processes,’’ Am. J.
Solution to Exercise 1: Here is a simple geometric con- Phys. 65, 384–389 ~1997!.
struction of the final velocity w given the initial velocity v Note on notation: Vectors are to be understood in the coordinate system as
and masses m A and m B ~see Fig. 4!. columns, even if they appear as rows in regular text.
R. Courant and H. Robbins, What is Mathematics ~Oxford U.P., New
~1! As an initial exercise, draw in R 2 an ellipse that has the York, 1941!.
main axes along the coordinate axes, with points of intersec- 9
Consult, e.g., such basic textbooks as M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of
tion 6m 1/2
A along x and 6m B along y. This ellipse repre- Optics ~Pergamon, Oxford, 1975!, or R. K. Luneburg, Mathematical
sents a unit circle with respect to the metric g. In the optical Theory of Optics ~University of California Press, Berkeley, 1964!.
René Dugas, A History of Mechanics ~Dover, New York, 1988!.
interpretation, it determines points that would be reached by 11
For a detailed analysis of the interrelations between Huygens’ principle of
light propagating from a point ~0! in a unit time. optics and the Hamilton–Jacobi equation of classical mechanics see V. I.
~2! At the collision point of R2 , where the incoming bi- Arnold, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics ~Springer-Verlag,
particle strikes the mirror D, draw an ellipse of all vectors of New York, 1978!, Chap. 9.46.

Classical because it simplifies. It takes on only those problems that can be
solved by the known method. The entire scientific edifice, for all its hermetic inaccessibility to the
uninitiated, is a vast monument to simplification.

Bryan Appleyard, Understanding the Present—Science and the Soul of Modern Man ~Pan Books, London, 1992!, p. 150.

519 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 6, June 1999 Jerzy Kocik 519

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