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Mathematics in the

Modern World

(MATH 101)


Name of Student: MICOLOB, HARIES VI T.

Date: October 13, 2020

Exercise 1.3 - A


Answer the problem:

Can you definitely tell the truthfulness to the examples of inductive reasoning?

Write your arguments below:

1. Francis is a father

Francis is a policeman

Therefore, all father is policeman.

2. Jacob more here from tagum

Jacob wears glasses

Therefore, people from tagum wears glasses.

3. Our teacher gave us assignments in the last two classes

Therefore our teacher will give assignments today.

4. The chair in the living room is red.

The chair in the dining room is red.

Therefore, all the chairs in the house are red.

5. Francis have a computer set

Francis is a policeman

Therefore, all policeman has a computer set.

6. Haries is a male

Haries uses Mongol 2 pencil

Therefore, all males uses Mongol 2 pencil.

7. Granger has a car

Granger is a first college student

Therefore, all first year college student has a car.

Exercise 1.3 - B


Answer the problem:

Give your syllogism that manifest a real-life scenario. Explain the truthfulness of your major
premise. Write your answer on the spaces provided.

a. All men have sexual part that is called penis

Granger is a man
Therefore, Granger has a penis
b. All household owners pay utilities bills
Haries is a household owners
Therefore, Haries pays his utility bills
c. All body builder has a diet plan
Granger is a body builder
Therefore, Granger has a diet plan
d. All human has the ability to think
Francis is a human
Therefore, Francis has ability to think
e. Car owners has driver license.
Granger has a car.
Therefore, Granger has a driver license.

Exercise 1.3 - D


Solve the following problems using Polya’s Problems-Solving Steps.

1. There are four volumes of Shakespeare’s collected works on a shelf. The volumes are in order
from left to right. The pages of each volume are exactly two inches thick. The covers are each
1/6-inch thick. A bookworm started eating at page one of volume I and ate through to the last
page of Volume IV. What is the distance the bookworm travelled?
Understand the  What is the  This is a problem about a
problem. problem all about? bookworm pages of a volume.
 What is being  The task is to determine
asked? the distance of bookworm
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solve
 Use a variable and the page and the covers of
choose helpful each volume then multiply it
names for variables to four because it has four
or unknowns. volumes.
Carry out the  What is the solution  So the total distance from
plan. to the problem?
four volumes from left to right:
(We state in Algebraic

One volume

Four volumes

Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is

question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?
2. Suppose thirty-two students signed up for classes during an orientation session. If exactly
twenty of them signed up for Chemistry and exactly sixteen of them signed up for English, how
many of them signed up for both Chemistry and English?
Understand the  What is the  The problem is signed up
problem. problem all about? for both Chemistry and
 What is being English.
asked?  The task is to determine
how many signed of the books
Chemistry and English.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solve
 Use a variable and by analyzing first with the
choose helpful given problem and it variables
names for variables then after analyzing you can
or unknowns. add the variable subtract it to
get the final answer.
Carry out the  What is the solution Now there were 32 students
plan. to the problem? that signed up, then:
1. Chemistry only + English
only + both = 32.
2. Chemistry + both = 20
3. English + both = 16
If we put equation (3) in
equation (1), we get,
Chemistry only + (English +
both) = 32,
So Chemistry + 16 = 32, then
Chemistry only = 32-16 = 16.
Then using equation (2),
Chemistry + both = 20, so
now, 16 + both = 20. Then
both = 4.
So the answer is 4 signed up
for both. Or, the simpler way
is just, 20 + 16 - 32 = 4,
which is the same answer.
Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is
question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

3. A hunter left the camp and walked five miles south and two miles east. He shot a bear and
walked five miles north back to camp. What color was the bear?
Understand the  What is the  This is a problem hunter
problem. problem all about? scotch a bear and returning
 What is being for his camp.
asked?  The task is to determine the
color of the bear.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem
 Use a variable and can be solved by analyzing
choose helpful the given situation and using
names for variables logic and riddles.
or unknowns.
Carry out the  What is the solution  The problem can be solved
plan. to the problem? by analyzing the given
direction and using logic and
riddles strategy.
 Hunter starts at North Pole.
This means the
walks south for
a mile, but
when he heads
east for a mile
hunter just walking round in
part of a circle, and stays one
mile from the North Pole.
Therefore he only has to walk
a mile north to get back!

 So what is color of the

bear? It has to be a polar
bear, so it’s WHITE!
Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is
question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

4. Suppose Pat has eight shirts and four pairs of pants. How many different outfits can Pat make
by combining one shirt with one pair of pants?

Understand the  What is the  The problem is how many

problem. problem all about? outfits can be combined.
 What is being  The task is to combine the
asked? different outfits by part and
how many if can he combined
with one shirt with one pair of
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and using analyzation technique
choose helpful and operation of arithmetic
names for variables which is the multiplication.
or unknowns.

Carry out the  What is the solution  The problem can be solved
plan. to the problem? by determine by using the
one of operation arithmetic
which is the multiplication
with analyzation.
 Number of shirt is 8
 Number of pants is 4
Therefore 8 multiplied by 4
8x4= 32
 32 Different outfits.
Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is
question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

5. Six normal drinking glasses are standing in a row. The first three are full of water and the
following three are empty. By moving only one glass, can you change the arrangement so that no
full glass is next to another full glass and that no empty glass is next to an empty glass, and we
still have three full and three empty glasses?
Understand the  What is the problem The problem is moving one
problem. all about? glass so that you can change
 What is being the arguments.
asked?  The task is charge to
arguments so that to full glass
is next to another full glass.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and using analyzation and
choose helpful names imagining the situation/logical
for variables or explanation.
Carry out the  What is the solution
plan. to the problem?

 By moving the second glass

with water to fifth empty glass
and the problem has been
Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is
question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

6. Suppose you work at bowling alley. After work one day, you decide to line up bowling pins in
a triangular pattern with one pin in the first row, two pins in the second, three pins in the third,
and so on.
a. How many total pins would you need to use to complete four rows?
b. How many total pins would you need to use to complete ten rows?
c. How many total pins would you need to use to complete one hundred rows? How about one
thousand rows?
Understand the  What is the  The problem is dividing the
problem. problem all about? total pins of a, b, c.
 What is being  The task is how many total
asked? of the pins require to
complete a, b, c.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and by analyzing the given
choose helpful question and supported with
names for variables one of operation of arithmetic.
or unknowns.
Carry out the  What is the solution  The problem can be solved
plan. to the problem? by analyzing the given
question and applying
arithmetic progression.
a. to complete four rows.
1+2+3+4= 10
b. to complete ten rows.
Sn = n/2 (2a + (n-1) d) = 5
x (2+9) =55
c. to complete one
hundred rows
Sn = n/2 (2a + (n-1) d) =
50 x (2+99) =5050
c. II. to complete one
thousand rows.
Sn = n/2 (2a + (n-1) d) =
500x (2+999) =500500
Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is
question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

7. Pat and Kim bought the same item. Pat said he paid 20% less than the list price. Kim said that
if she had paid 25% more for the item, she would have paid the list price. Who paid the least?
Understand the  What is the problem  The problem is who paid for
problem. all about? least.
 What is being tasked?  The task is to know who
was paying for least.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and using analyzation,
choose helpful names mathematical model or a
for variables or concepts, and using different
unknowns. variables.
Carry out the plan.  What is the solution  Let's say that the list price
to the problem? is . This means that Pat had
paid because
she paid 20% less than the list
 Kim's payment can be
as becau
se given that she paid 25%
more for the item, then she
was actually paying for the list
 Manipulate Kim's payment
by dividing both sides by

This means that since Pat's

payment is expressed as
which is the same as Kim's
payment, then they paid the
same amount.
Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is
question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized so solving similar problems.
as to be useful for
future problems?

8. A family has seven children. If we list the possible genders of the children (for example
bbggbgb where b is a boy and g is a girl), how many lists are possible?
Understand the  What is the problem  This is a problem about the
problem. all about? list of possible genders of
 What is being children.
asked?  The task is to determine the
gender of does girl or boy.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and by names of expressively as
choose helpful names seven “Bits” of binary
for variables or (female= 1, male = 0).
Carry out the  What is the solution  The problem can be solve by
plan. to the problem? determining of the given 7 of 2
outcomes therefore it can
solve this through
 If we restrict usefulness to
binary genders (every child is
either strictly male or strictly
female) then there are two
possible gender, for each child.
The number of possible list is:
2⁷ = 128
Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is
question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

9. In a class of 25 students, 17 lived with both parents, 21 lived with their mothers, and 20 lived
with their fathers. How many lived with neither parent?
Understand the  What is the problem  This is a problem about the
problem. all about? students that live that live
 What is being with their parents.
asked?  The task is to determine the
number of students that might
live with their parents.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and by different operation of
choose helpful arithmetic and mathematical
names for variables analyzation.
or unknowns.
Carry out the  What is the solution  This problem can be solved
plan. to the problem? by using the two basic
operation of arithmetic which
addition and subtraction, also
analytical is thinking.
 Total number of
students: 25
Lived with both
parents: 17 (Intersection)
Lived with mothers: 21 Lived
with mothers only: (21-17)
= 4 Lived with fathers: 20
Lived with fathers only:
(20-17) = 3
Lived with neither parent:
Total students - (lived with
both parents + lived with
mothers only + lived with
fathers only)
= 25 - (17 + 4 + 3)
= 25 - (24)
1 student lived with
neither parent.

Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is

question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?
10. For each of the following statements, determine whether the statement is true or false. If the
statement is true, give two specific examples that illustrate the statement. If it is false, give
specific counter example.
a. If a < b, then a + c < b + c.
b. If a < b, then ac < bc.
c. If person X knows person Y and person Y knows person Z, then person X knows person Z.
Understand the  What is the  This is a problem about of
problem. problem all about? which are exact of given
 What is being statement.
asked?  To task is to determine what
is true or false.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and by mathematical formula,
choose helpful statements and examples.
names for variables
or unknowns.
Carry out the  What is the solution  The problem can be solved
plan. to the problem? through the means of
supporting statement with
meaningful examples.
 a. True A + C < B + C = 1 B
 b. Trues AC < BC A = 21 B
 c. False person x say know y
but not person 2 therefore, X
is the counter example for not
knowing 2
Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is
question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

11. How many forty-passenger buses are needed for a school field trip if 156 students and five
teachers will be going on the field trip? (They need to be legal for liability.)
Understand the  What is the problem  This is a problem about the
problem. all about? passengers that needs to ride
 What is being a bus.
asked?  The task is to determine
how many buses are needed
for the passengers.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and by mathematical arithmetic
choose helpful operation and analyzation.
names for variables That can convert the number
or unknowns. of student in to an even
Carry out the  What is the solution  The problem can be solved
plan. to the problem? by addition and analyzation.
That can convert the number
of student in to an even

156 student + 5 teachers =

161 passenger
161 passengers  40
passenger= 4.1R
1 can’t able to go and 4 buses
needed for field trip.
Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is
question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

12. A grocery store is having a special on cans of soup, which are normally priced at Php 45.00
per can. The advertisement reads 3 for Php 100.00. You buy only one can of soup. How much
does it cost?
Understand the  What is the  This is a problem about the
problem. problem all about? cost of can soup you buy for
 What is being one person.
asked?  The task is to determine
what cost will pay for a one
can soup of every person.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and using your own analyzation
choose helpful skills of buying a goods like
names for variables soup.
or unknowns.
Carry out the  What is the solution  The problem was already
plan. to the problem? solved base of the student
problem. It mentioned the
normally priced per can is 45
pesos and 3 cans of soup for
100 pesos is just their

Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is

question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

13. Bill and Sue both work a night shift. Bill has every seventh night off and Sue has every
fourth night off. If they both have night off, how many nights will it be before they are both off at
the same time again?
Understand the  What is the  This is a problem about the
problem. problem all about? number of nights that the
 What is being employee’s will encounter
asked? before they react the same
shift again.
 The task is to determine the
nights it will be before they
are both off at the same time
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and using a mathematical
choose helpful analyzation with one of
names for variables operational arithmetic.
or unknowns.
Carry out the  What is the solution  The problem can be solved
plan. to the problem? using multiplication of the off
of both employee’s.

 Mathematically, we have
7 = bills nights off
4 = sue nights off
7 x 4 = 28 total of their both
nights off.

Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is

question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized solving similar problems.
so as to be useful for
future problems?

14. How many different rectangles with an area of twelve square units can be formed using units
Understand the  What is the problem  This is a problem about
problem. all about? different rectangles that can
 What is being asked? be formed using unit squares.
 The task is to determine the
number of rectangles with an
area as twelve square units
can be formed using unit
Devise a plan. Draw pictures. The problem solved by
 Use a variable and putting down each areas of
choose helpful names square to formed a rectangle.
for variables or
Carry out the plan.  What is the solution  In total, these could be 4
to the problem? are possible rectangles
formed with an area of 12
square units.

1 sq²-12 sq²




Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is

question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized so solving similar problems.
as to be useful for
future problems?

15. Compare these two problems: (1) Kim made 1 out of 3 free throws on one day and 1 out of 4
free throws the next day. What fraction represents the portion of free throws Kim made over the
two days? (2) Kim ate 1/3 of a pie one day and ¼ of a pie the next day. What fraction represent
the amount of the pie Kim ate over the two days?
Understand the  What is the problem  This is a problem about the
problem. all about? representation of Kim made
 What is being asked? the four days using fraction
 The task is to determine the
amount of the pie Kim ate
over the two days.
Devise a plan. Draw pictures.  The problem can be solved
 Use a variable and using mathematical
choose helpful names analyzation and means of
for variables or fraction.
Carry out the plan.  What is the solution  The problem can be solved
to the problem? using means of fraction
between Kim and Kate pies.
1. 1/3 free throws
1/8 free throws next day
2. In addition, 1/3 at the price
Kim ate and 1/4 of price Kate
ate next day during practices.

Look Back.  Did you answer the  Yes. The question is

question? answered.
 Can the problem or  This method is required in
method generalized so solving similar problems.
as to be useful for
future problems?

Exercise 2


1. Present and analyze the Data using the bar Graph and pie chart
Electronic Equipments

CRT Tv's CRT Monitors

32.9 25.5 3.8 12.8 0.7 0.9 Printers, Keyboards, Desktop Computers
Laptop Computers Projection TV's
Cell Phones LCD Monitors


Electronic Equipments
LCD Monitors 0.09
Cellphones 0.07
Projection TV's 12.8
Laptop Computers 3.8 Electronic Equipment

Desktop Computers 25.5

Printers, Keyboards, Mice 32.9
CRT Monitors 38.8
CRT TV's 751.1

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

2. The mean salary of ten employees is Php 32,000, and the median is Php 30,000. The highest-
paid employee gets a Php 5,000 raise.
A. What is the new mean salary of the ten employees?

B. What is the new median salary of the ten employees?
3. The Department of Trade and Industry surveyed the price of unleaded gasoline at gas station in
Tagum City and Digos City. The raw data, in pesos per gallon, are given in the table below.
TAGUM CITY 48.25 49.25 48.65 50.10 47.80 49.10
DIGOS CITY 50.10 48.90 47.95 48.99 48.25 49.85
a. Find the mean price in each city. Which city has the lowest mean?
Tagum City = 48.94Digos City = 49.00
b. Find the standard deviation of prices in each city.
Tagum City = 1.69 Digos City = 2.14
c. Which city has the more consistently priced gasoline? Why?
- Digos City has more consistently price of gas because it has higher mean
od standard deviation unlike Tagum City.
Tagum City (x-x) (x-x) 2 Digos (x-x) (x-x) 2
(Pesos per City
gallon) (Pesos
47.80 -1.14 1.2996 per
48.65 -0.29 .0841
47.5 -1.05 1.1025
48.75 -0.19 .0361 4.
48.25 0.75 .5625
49.25 0.16 .0256
48.90 -0.1 .01
49.25 0.31 .0961
48.99 -0.01 1
50.10 1.16 1.3456
49.85 .85 .7225
293.65 ∑ ( x−x ) 2=2.88
x=¿ 50.10 1.1 1.21
6 Standard Deviation
¿ √ 2.8871 294.04 ∑ ( x−x ) 2=4.60
∑¿ =1.69 x=¿
= 48.94 6 Standard
(mean) ∑¿ ¿ √ 4.60
amount time between taking a pain reliever and = 49.00 =2.14
getting relief is normally distributed with a mean (mean)
of 25 minutes and a standard deviation of 3 minutes. Find the probability that the time between
taking the medication and getting relief is as follows.
a. At least 30 minutes
z= = 1.66
b. At least 20 minutes
x−n 20−25
z= ¿ = -1.66
3 3
5. All coming freshmen at a major university are given a mathematics diagnostic exam. The
scores are normally distributed with a mean of 120 and a standard deviation of 25. If a student
scores less than a certain score, he or she will have to undergo an intervention program. Find the
cutoff score at which 64% of the students would have to undergo the intervention program.
zσ =x−M
zσ + M =x

6. State whether the mean, the median, or the mode is being used and justify your answer.
a. In 2012, there as many people aged 25 and younger in the world as there were people aged 25
and older.

b. The majority of full-time students carry a load of 21 credit units per semester.
Units: 21 20 18 19 21 21 20 19 21

x= 21 Highest Frequency
c. The average annual return on an investment is 10.5%

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