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 Didn’t specify the approximate date of completion for technical calculations,

technical drawings, of and the submission the project
 Technical calculation is a part of technical drawing and thus should be
considered as one milestone
 Descriptions are clear and brief, they correctly describe each milestone
 Since the students were only doing this assignment during the course of this
project, giving 100% effort is realistic and justified.
 Unrealistically high prices for: helical gears, Bearings.
 Salaries of members are too low considering Saudi Arabian laws.
 The final project consisted of spur gears, However the financial plan only
mentions the helical gears.
 Overall price is on average, acceptable and affordable by client
 Minor language mistakes in writing
 Financial management description isn’t reflective of the process
 Descriptions are brief and clear
 Incorrect gear design calculation isn’t a future risk but rather a current
one(Issues), Risks are future events that could negatively impact the project
 The number of risks are too low which indicated that the team is
 Mitigating actions are reliable and will prevent the mentioned risks
2.5.2 Issues:

 Design of table is unreadable and
 Priority level for MITC contradicts the
impact level assigned in ‘Risks’
 Realistic issues, and proper actions to
solve the issue are listed in the table

 Assumptions are justified and are necessary in order to complete the project
 Final assumption requires additional cost from client

 Safety shouldn’t be imposed by the client but rather by the team itself, since
it is an essential aspect of any engineering project and must be accomplished
 Long lifetime parts aren’t necessary in the project of a gearbox, since this
product will have regular maintenance and thus the parts can be changed
regularly and thus shouldn’t be in the constraints section.
1.1 Executive Summary:
 The problem doesn’t seem to be strong/attractive enough to convince the
client to budget such a project.
 They correctly follow the guideline provided by the course and discusses
the: Problem, Solution and alternatives, and finally their implementation

1.2 Literature review:

Comments :
 Unnecessarily long introduction for literature review
 Referenced sources aren’t depicted in an organized method, Wagaj and
Kahraman [2] are mentioned simply for the sake of being mentioned rather
than being a useful element
 At least 3 different similar projects referenced in the literature review.

1.3 Situational Analysis:

 New technology trends aren’t properly explained, and don’t interpret the
effects on the client/society
 Very little details regarding the following: Client, Competitors, new
 The clients need for this product isn’t emphasized in any way
1.5.2 Specifications
 Lots of missing information regarding the specifications of the product

1.5.3 Realistic Constraints:

 Comments: properly identified musts and wants
 The constraints are realistic and justified

1.1 Executive summary:

One of the highest troubles that any factory confronts was regarding a speed intervention issue, where all
industries need to set a conservative action concerning this obstacle. Therefore, our intention at this operation was to
support this problem in order to reduce the speed with this problematic situation. Our purpose to this issue was to
create a source of power conveyance, that implement to solve the problem. This particular design was beneficial in
many variations, such as, economies money, supply lifetime of system and reinforce the quality of the product.
Initially, we overlooked through the internet and searched for other companies’ solutions to find out the best to
choose. By using numerous methodologies and steps due to what we had learned in certain courses, such as
MENG310 and MENG270. Based on these courses, the team members had a perfect background with a mechanical
mind, in order to target the significant people that were assigned to select the particular system.Using the alternative
solution was significant in our research, via this technique we can compare through the best alternative. Firstly, the
team had chosen a solution with a three stages spur gear reducer because it was the most suitable and recommended
design due to the team members voting. The three stages spur gear reducer had to contain six spur gears and four
shafts and eight bearings. Moreover, the motor was directly linked to the input shaft. And, the mechanism part
connected to the output shaft. Secondly, every gear and pinion were matched together making a stage with a total of 3
stages. This project contains four basic phases: initiation phase, planning phase, implementation phase and finally the
closure phase. The initiation phase includes the team formation, meetings with the project advisor and client to define
the problem. The planning phase was the planning for the project and dividing it into major and sub tasks. Project
management tools such as website was used to help the team and the client to track the progress of the
project. The implementation phase involves the start of the design calculations and the use of engineering software to
create a model for testing. After that, modifications and iterations were made, and manufacturing of the project was
implemented. The closure phase, which was basically submitting all deliverables to client for approval and
recommendations for further development. At the end, our team achieved goals and objectives of the project.
Moreover, we successfully finished the design by choosing one of the generated alternatives. Finally, the team was
very glad to see the final product and there were some ideas to enhance the system.

1.2 Literature Review:

The speed reducer system which contains gears and were critical components in the rotating machinery
projects. Multiple different research methods such as theoretical, numerical, and experimental had been
done throughout the years regarding gears. One of the reasons why theoretical and numerical methods
were preferred more than experimental testing because it can be very expensive. Thus, numerous
mathematical models of gears had been developed for different and multiple purposes in various situation.
In this part we will presents a brief review of papers recently published in the area of gear design. Some
investigators used the method of introducing stress risers to minimize the highest stress in the profile of
the gear tooth. The method of hole drilling was tried by Hebbel et al. [1]. They used a two-dimensional
finite element modeling of a gear drilled at each tooth centerline. They achieved a 20% reduction in the
contact stresses, but they obtained a 139% increase in the bending stress and the maximum deflection
increased by about 75%. A reduction of about 9% in the shear stresses was obtained by Wagaj and
Kahraman [2] when drilling several holes in the gear profile. Je`roˆmeBruye` et al. had evaluated the
impact of tolerance on gear quality, designers need to simulate the influences of tolerance with respect to
the functional requirements. To do so, they use AGMA or ISO tables, or they perform experimentations.
They had proposed an approach to analyze the tolerances [3].

1.3 Situational Analysis

The team members were asked to develop a system to solve the problem to develop a speed reducer for
their inclined screw conveyor. The system reducer consists of bearing, Key motor, gears, shafts that were
enclosed in a factory mounted housing. The gearbox reducer had two gears shafts one of the shafts were
connected to the power source (motor), In addition, the objective of the design was to improve a system
that can be manufactured locally at high quality to make the operating more efficiently. Halawani
industrial Company (HBC) is a Saudi Arabia company headquarters in Jeddah the largest Food field
company in the world with branch offices abroad. competitor for the ordinary gearbox reducer was
planetary gearbox reducer. the competition of products is always the biggest goal for new technologies.
Also, the competitor for the ordinary gearbox reducer was planetary gearbox reducer. The new
technologies in Improving the speed reducer system helped them to facilitate and finding a better way to
achieve a high level of efficiency of production, However, the principle was that the planets rotate around
the sun gear. The sun gear acts as the origin, that is, the input shaft gear of the motor drives the planet
gears of the planetary gearbox. however, designing the gearbox reducer had a positive impact on the
client in which it can reduce the speed and low price, so that the company extended in their production
and it got the benefit by receiving more customers.

1.4 Problem Opportunity:

 A brief description of the problem is explained correctly.
 The necessity of solving the problem is mentioned
 Negative impacts are mentioned along with positives to the client if the
problem is resolved accordingly

1.4 Problem Opportunity:

The Halawani industrial company which was in this case our client, they asked us to design a suitable
(compact design) system to solve the problem that they have. So the problem was that they had a high speed
electric motor with 1800 RPM with 4 kW output. So We going to design a system to be used to reduce the
high speed.
High speed was an obstacle in any factory because its lead to a lot of problems such as now our client was
facing it. High speed lead to high torque and increased the power and had cost them a lot of money. Some
operation in the industrial need high speed but the problem was not all the time we need this high speed.
By reduce the speed we got many benefits such as save money, time life of the system increased and high
quality of the product.
We worked on this project between 3 weeks that depended on many variables like available material in the
market and financial plan and team meetings for planning.
1.5 Problem analysis
1.5.1 Identify Needs:
 The team forgot to include that ‘compact design’ was one of the
requirements set by the client
 Unnecessarily mentions the problem in the beginning

1.5 Problem Analysis

1.5.1 Identify needs:
Halawani industrial company in Jeddah experienced financial waste in their power transmission system
by using system with high speed without need it.
Our team was required to design a new power transmission system to reduce the speed. The company
wanted a system that was high reliability, quality and had an acceptable design when compared to similar
imported products.
The speed reducer system was used with input motor speed 1800 rpm and consumed 4 KW power and
output rotational speed 40 rpm.
1.5.3 Realistic Constraints:

Table 2: Realistic Constraints

Realistic Design Parameter Must or Want
Constraints (weight)
Safety Select the factor of safety based Must
on standards or best practice.
Easy to Reduce the volume required to Want (15)
maintenance operate the system.
Cost Selection of low cost materials Want (15)
and leads
1.7 Recommended option
At this section, we set our intention to make the client reach the fulfilling agreement and by using
this technique in order to achieve the amount of desire that the client needs. Thus, via using “Kepner-
Tregue Decision Analysis” (KTDA) which was perfectly a genius method to apply the differences and
shows the comperes, in order to express the features of each point. As it shown in the table, we compare
between the three options in order to appear the applied Musts & Wants in the next column. In fact, If an
option does not fulfil a must, it will be eliminated, while the remaining options were to be evaluated by
their satisfaction of each want, and the one that gets the highest score will be selected.
Table 18: Kepner-Tregue Decision Analysis table

Musts Option 1 Opti Opti

on 2 on 3
Motor speed 1800 rpm. GO GO GO
Consumed power 4 kW. GO GO GO
Rotational speed 40 (±20%). GO GO GO

Safety GO GO GO

Wants Wight S W*S S W S W

c c * c *
o o S o S
r r r
e e e
Reliability 25 9 225 8 2 9 2
0 2
0 5
Quality 25 8 200 9 2 8 2
2 0
5 0
Compact design 25 8 200 8 2 5 1
0 2
0 5
Cost 15 8 120 6 9 3 4
0 5
Easy to maintenance 10 7 70 5 5 5 5
0 0
Total 100 815 765 645

So, we choose option 1.

2.1 Executive Summary
Halawani industrial company is an Arabic company headquartered in Jeddah and the largest industrial
manufacturing company in the world with branch offices abroad. The client aims to develop a complete
design by using a speed reducer system to limit the cost of the operation. Maintenance will be able to be
made then by the operator. The client will gain new revenue from the deliverables of this a project. By
increasing the amount of the material that was being transferred. The team’s objective was to satisfy the
client’s requirements in implementing this project by designing the product according to the client’s
requirements. In the end of this project, the team was asked to submit a soft and hard copy for all project
For this project, the client was Halawani industrial company which was represented by Eng. Rayan
Alamoudi and he’s interested in receiving the project deliverables before the deadline and within budget
limits. Professor Nidal Abu-Hamdeh was the team’s advisor where he was supervise over the team’s
progress. Each of the previously named stakeholders and the team had their own specific responsibilities
in the project.
The scope of the project had two main parts, the in scope and the out scope. This was acknowledging the
distinction between what the team was responsible for and what was not. First, the in scope. The team
was responsible for design speed reducer system and technical drawings, manufacturing process sheets
and provided design calculation. Second, the out scope. The team was generally not be responsible for
any modifications in the design after the project closure, manufacturing, assembly, and maintenance after
the project closure, transportation of product parts was not the team’s concern, any changes or
modifications in the design after the project closure was not be made by the team.
The project approach consists of four major phases, initiation, planning, execution and closure. The
initiation phase includes the formation, organization of the team, and defining the problem in hand, the
planning phase includes the business case and the project charter, the execution phase, which was basically
the design phase which includes the calculations, finite element analysis, technical drawings,
manufacturing process sheets and design iteration, and the closure of the project which includes submitting
the product to the client.
2.2 Project Definition
2.2.1 Vision:
To deliver a reliable speed reduction system with an acceptable cost.

2 .2.2 Objectives:
The objective in this project was to Halawani industrial Company (HBC) design a reliable speed
reduction system with a low cost, compared to the available system in the company. there were two types
of objectives, which were business objectives for client and the technological objectives for engineer.

- Business Objectives:

 Increasing the amount of the materials that was being transferred.

 Save time.

-Technological Objectives:

 To develop a complete design of a speed reducer system

 Increase the efficiency.

 Reducing required maintenance time.

2.3.2 Stakeholders:
Table 22: Stakeholders
Stakeholders Interested in
Eng. Rayan Alamoudi

Assistant Manager, Business Received the project deliverables before the deadline and
Development & Marketing, within budget limits.
Commercial Division
Dr. Mustafa Hamed Coordinator Achieving the engineering student outcomes
through a real-life project that provides the
comprehensive design experience to engineers
and introducing project management skills to
the team.
Prof. Nidal Abu-Hamdeh Supervision of the team’s work along with
Project Advisor providing support to meet the project

Hassan Baraqabh Leaded the team to success in this project with

(team leader) the offered things.
Hashem Makki
(team member)

Rayan Aloweiny
(team member)
Achieving the requirements from the team very
Abaad khalifa
(team member)

Ahmed Alamri
(team member)

Muhammad Ben khamis

(team member)
-Project Team Member
A Project Team member undertakes all tasks necessary to design, build and implement
the final solution.

Key responsibilities include:

● Undertaking all tasks allocated by the Project Manager (as per the Project Plan).
● Reporting progress of the execution of tasks to the Project Manager on a frequent
● Maintaining all documentation relating to the execution of allocated tasks.
Escalating risks and issues to be resolved by the Project Manager.

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