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Authors: Dr. Emad A. Abu-Aisheh

ABSTRACT Durability plans prepared by independent durability

specialist consultants are now a requirement for many
The exposure conditions of reinforced concrete in the major projects in several countries, including Australia.
Arabian Gulf region constitute a severe environment, Such plans provide the basis for durability design to
which makes reinforced concrete most vulnerable to ensure that the project structures and elements will
deterioration and the weakest link in terms of durability. achieve the design life requirements in the expected
The main factor affecting the durability of reinforced exposure conditions using the materials, construction
concrete structures in the Arabian Gulf is steel methods, workmanship, and maintenance proposed.
reinforcement corrosion due to chloride attack. Durability Plans cannot be prepared in isolation.
Around the world, infrastructure facilities are They need to take into account the proposed con-
designed and constructed on the basis of direct costs struction methods, element shape and orientation, long-
and minimum standard requirements, without explicit term exposure, maintenance methods, quality control,
consideration of maintenance and depreciation over its operating risks, and detailed design. Consequently, the
service life. Proper design, operation, and management Plan must be developed through interaction with the
of infrastructure must deal with every facet of its service client, designer, contractor and other sub-contractors.
life, including: feasibility studies, design, construction, At the start of the project it is necessary to lay out
operation, maintenance, repair and rehabilitation, and the process for the assessment of the durability during
finally decommissioning and disposal of the system; the entire project duration. The planning process
after it has outlived its useful life. involves four main stages: environmental exposure
Durability planning is a crucial process in the design assessment, determination of the likely modes and rates
of new infrastructure. It is the process that gives con- of degradation, selection of suitable materials of con-
fidence in the ability of the construction materials to meet struction, and operation and maintenance requirements
a nominated design life. This process involves four main for the design life.
stages; environmental exposure assessment, deter- The durability planning process utilizes a variety of
mination of the likely modes and the rates of degrade- local and international standards, physical site inspection
ation, selection of suitable materials of construction and and testing, extensive construction material testing, and
operation, and maintenance planning. also involves interaction with the design teams from all
This article discusses the basic concepts involved in engineering and science disciplines. On well planned
infrastructure durability and sustainability. The article projects, this process starts in the concept design phase
also looks at the processes involved in durability and usually continues throughout the design and
planning, the resources available for durability assess- construction and into the operation and maintenance
ments, and discusses a durability challenge from a phase. This article attempts to explain briefly the basis
recent mega-infrastructure project. behind sound durability planning for new infrastructures
to achieve sustainable infrastructures, focusing mainly
on concrete structures.
Reinforced concrete structures in the Arabian Gulf DURABILITY, SUSTAINABILITY AND
region show significant deterioration due to corrosion of DESIGN LIFE
reinforcement, sulfate attack, salt weathering, and non-
structural cracking . The poor durability performance of Durability is defined as the design of a structure or
concrete is attributed to several interactive factors. High facility to meet the design life requirement — by material
temperatures, wide daily and seasonal fluctuations of selection, degradation management, monitoring,
heat and humidity regimes, usually high prevalence of inspection and maintenance . A structure is considered
chloride and sulfate salts, inadequate specifications and durable when it performs satisfactorily and maintains an
poor construction practices, all act interactively to cause acceptable appearance as long as the owner and the
noticeable concrete degradation within an alarming short user need the structure.
span of 5-10 years. A commonly used definition of the design life of a


project element is the period of time after the date of
practical completion, during which the item is expected
to operate within its specified design parameters without
replacement, refurbishment or major maintenance . The
design life of all elements of an asset may not be the
same and often depends on the ease with which an
element of the structure may be replaced or refurbished
without significant disruption to the operation of the
For the everyday buildings and normal structures,
the national codes and regulations will have defined
society's service life requirements — often not explicitly
but implicitly through the standards and codified design
requirements. It is often forgotten that complying strictly
with the performance requirements stated in codes and
standards will only provide the minimum quality and
performance acceptable to society, and the assumed
service life — when strictly complying with the Australian Fig. 1a. Photo depicting the Southern Seawater Desalination
concrete standard AS 3500, the British standard BSI BS Plant in Western Australia.
EN 206-1, the European concrete standard Euorocode 2
and the Canadian concrete standard CSA A23.3-04 — is
generally only 40 to 50 years. For many special struc-
tures, additional requirements must be satisfied for truly
long-term performance and service life of the structures.
This aspect is often completely overlooked by owners
and clients.
The term ―sustainable‖ can be defined as ―avoiding
depletion of natural resources .‖ Sustainable structures
should strive to conserve natural resources and mini-
mize waste (be an efficient, minimalist design, avoiding
extravagant architectural statements), minimize the
embodied energy in the structure (appropriate selection
of materials and material sources for the functional
demands of the project), and have a long life with mini-
mal maintenance input. Sustainability objectives for
infrastructure projects are best accomplished by en-
suring durable structures with long service life and low
maintenance, which on a whole-of-life basis, minimizes
Fig. 1b. Photo of the Gateway Bridge Arterial crossing the
material consumption over the long-term. It is likely that Brisbane River in Queensland, Australia.
such a structure also has the lowest whole-of-life
economic cost.
in the construction and manufacture of the structure and
To illustrate this point, this article cites two recent
associated equipment — will remain serviceable for the
projects designed to have an extended life in an
duration of the life of the structure.
aggressive environment. The Southern Seawater
Desalination Plant, Fig. 1a, is required to last 100 years.
Coatings, metal roofs, electrical and mechanical DURABILITY PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND
elements have a substantially shorter design life, and IMPLEMENTATION
are expected to be replaced during the life of the bridge
asset . Figure 1b is the Gateway Bridge Arterial, Durability plan process and implementation involves
crossing the Brisbane River in Queensland, Australia. seven major steps:
Most elements of the new bridge are designed for and is
expected to last 300 years. Again, the road wearing 1. Durability Review Process
surface, noise and traffic barriers and bridge bearing 2. Verification of each Element‘s Durability
may have a substantially shorter design life, and are 3. Incorporation of Durability Requirements in the
expected to be replaced during the life of the bridge Design
asset . Elements with shorter design lives are required 4. Durability Requirements during Construction
to be designed for ease of maintenance or replacement 5. Operation and Maintenance Requirements
during the life of the asset. 6. Durability Plan – Project Works Report – Addendum
The purpose of durability planning is to provide 7. Birth Certificate
assurance to all stakeholders that all materials — used


The information gathered above can be summarized in a particulate dropout, pollution and UV radiation. Vertical
technical file or report called a Birth Certificate (step 7). walls generally receive less exposure to the prevailing
The Fédération Internationale du Béton (fib), New Model weather than the roof and suffer less deterioration, but
Code Chapter 2, defines a Birth Certificate as: A can still be subject to corrosion.
document, report or technical file (depending on the size Exposed areas that are subject to pollution and/or
and complexity of the structure concerned) containing deposition by marine salts but not washed by rain, such
engineering information formally defining the form and as wall relief and overhangs, will show increased
the condition of the structure after construction . corrosion. Typically, sheltered areas may also show
enhanced corrosion if they are subject to increased ―time
ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE of wetness‖ due to condensation, which is not controlled
by direct sunlight.
The first major step in durability planning is to under-
stand the environment for which the infrastructure is Atmospheric
being designed. It is also important to know if the
atmosphere contains aggressive species from nearby The atmospheric environment — whether an exposed
industries. The degree of degradation may vary from external, sheltered external or an internal atmospheric
insignificant to severe depending on the material environment, contains a multitude of elements,
exposed. It is important to fully understand which pollutants and varying levels of humidity — may
aggressive elements are present in each exposure zone. contribute to the degradation processes of exposed
Many of the standards used in the design of large materials. There are a few factors which predominantly
structures provide nominal classification of the affect the degradation of construction materials. The
environment. American Concrete standards typically use most common elements that affect concrete structures
classifications S0, S1, S2, S3 for Sulfate exposure, C0, are aerosol salt, usually chloride based salts, sulfur
C1 and C2 for corrosion protection of reinforcement; P0 dioxide (SO2) and carbon dioxide CO2. For all materials,
and P1 for low permeability requirements. But standards one of the crucial parameters in determining the extent
that deal with steel or other metal structures use terms of degradation is the time of wetness. The time of
like mild, moderate, and severe or designations like C1 wetness is essentially the period of each day in which
to C5. It should also be noted that the environmental there is sufficient moisture in the air to sustain the
classifications are not consistent between materials, and degradation processes occurring on the surface of the
for concrete elements the classification also varies with material. In a marine environment, chloride ions are the
the required design life. The difference in classification is most aggressive species.
a result of the reaction different materials have with an
environment. Buried
As an example, the interior columns, beams, and
slabs of an office building are subjected to an insigni- Buried environments are complex with no one element
ficant deterioration in accordance with ACI 318 exposure or property of the soil indicating how buried elements will
environments — exposure classifications that apply to react with the soil. The corrosivity of the buried environ-
this environment are S0, F0, P0, C0. Another example is ment for steel structures is primarily dependent on many
a pile in a marine structure subjected to seawater splash factors including: pH, chloride content, sulfate content,
— wetting and drying — in the Arabian Gulf. In this case, resistivity, oxygen concentration, water content of the
the pile is subjected to severe deterioration in accord- soil, presence of active sulfate reducing bacteria and the
ance with ACI 318 — exposure classifications that apply type of soil (e.g., organic content). For concrete
to this environment are P1, C2 (or C3), S2 (or S3) and structures, the aggressiveness of the soil is primarily
F0. dependent on a slightly different selection of factors
A single element of a structure may be exposed to a including: pH, chloride content, sulfate content, total
variety of environments. For example, a bridge pile in a alkalinity calcium content, magnesium content, Langelier
creek may be exposed to the atmosphere, the water, a Saturation Index, and the presence of acid sulfate soils
buried environment, and possibly a tidal zone depending or potential acid sulfate soils.
on the location of the creek. Often, the most aggressive In the buried environment it is necessary to
environment needs to be considered for the entire determine not only the concentration of aggressive
element to ensure that the element can be readily elements in the soil, but the replenishment rate or inflow
constructed. rate to enable a long-term as well as a short-term
The most important design rule for minimizing estimate of degradation rates. Where the buried
corrosion is to ensure that all water (whether from rain, elements form components of a tunnel structure, it is
splash, condensation and the like) can drain from the important also to assess the effect of water pressure.
element substrate and that there is no propensity for The affect of other aggressive substances on
‗―ponding.‖ Consequently, flat roofs or roofs with a low concrete are discussed in the German Standard DIN
7 8
slope are generally subject to the most severe corrosion 4030 and in the American Standard ACI 201.2R .
conditions as well as a significant level of damage from


Immersed For buried structures, including piles, pipelines and
basements of buildings, it is necessary to sample and
Immersed environments can range from relatively test both the soil and the groundwater at the depth at
benign to severely corrosive toward steel and concrete. which the structure will be buried.
The corrosivity depends on a number of factors
including: pH, dissolved salts (chlorides, sulfates), MODES OF DEGRADATION OF
dissolved carbon dioxide, flow rate, pollution, and
dissolved oxygen. In some environments, micro-
biological organisms can greatly accelerate the rate of
corrosion (e.g., accelerated low water corrosion). The The service environment places a durability ―loading‖ on
effect of these parameters is similar to those previously an asset and, depending on the construction materials,
listed. quality of workmanship during construction and the level
of ongoing maintenance, the asset undergoes pro-
External Influences gressive deterioration or degradation, until unacceptable
damage occurs. The mode of degradation is specific to
Aside from the physical aspects of the environment that the service environment and the construction material
cause degradation to materials, there are other under consideration.
influences — particularly within the buried and Reinforced concrete can degrade by reacting with
sometimes the immersed environment — that also affect the environment such that either the concrete matrix
the rate of degradation of materials. The most common loses cohesion and strength or the steel reinforcing rods
of these detrimental external influences are drainage corrode. The two most common modes of degradation
currents from Direct Current (DC) railways and are chloride ingress and carbonation, both result in
1, 9
tramways, and stray current from adjacent Cathodic corrosion of the steel reinforcement . Chloride induced
Protection (CP) systems. Stray current corrosion from corrosion predominantly occurs in splash and tidal zones
these two sources is most common in buried steel and to a lesser extent in the immersed zones of marine
structures, particularly pipelines, however, it has structures. Carbonation induced corrosion most com-
occasionally been observed in reinforced concrete monly occurs in the atmospheric zone of structures
structures. exposed to industrial pollution and road tunnel
Changes to the Exposure Environment The most important part of the structure protecting it
against ingress of aggressive substance is the concrete
The exposure environment may be changed in several cover. The quality of the concrete cover and the mini-
ways: mum concrete cover thickness are the values normally
used when calculating the expected service life — based
1. Mode of construction: The boring process for cast in- on assumptions regarding the penetration of de-passi-
situ pile in alluvial soil may expose potential acid vating and corrosive substance to the reinforcement. It is
sulfate soils (PASS) allowing conversion to evident that the quality of the outer concrete layer — or
aggressive acid sulfate soils (ASS). If a driven pile the concrete cover — and the cover thickness becomes
has been used in preference to the bored pile, the the one single most important quality determining
exposure to oxygen and the resultant conversion to parameter. This is the only rational way of performing a
ASS is less likely to occur. quantified service life design for new concrete structures
2. Operation or maintenance of the infrastructure: — and a residual service life design for existing
Example 1 – In a long road tunnel, the buildup of structures.
exhaust fumes may result in a drastic increase in Concrete can lose cohesion and strength through
CO2 levels, SO2 and other gases, which increase the chemical reactions with sulfates and acidic ground
corrosivity of the atmospheric environment. Example water, and contact with acid sulfate soil or soft flowing
2 – Chemical spills also cause a significant change ground water. The extent of degradation of the concrete
to the exposure environment. matrix from these causes can be difficult to estimate, so
3. Climate change – This is a large subject on its own the concrete mix is usually enhanced to prevent attack.
and will not be discussed here. The enhancement of the mix may include: An increased
cementitious content, lower water content, an increased
Physical Assessment of the Environment density or the addition of supplementary cementitious
materials. In addition to reacting with the environment,
Testing to confirm exposure conditions is an important the service life of the concrete can also be reduced by
part of the durability process. Testing must occur within thermal cracking during the construction process.
the corridors of the project at the location where the
structure is to be built. This is particularly important for RATE OF DEGRADATION
buried environments as soil is not particularly homo-
genous over large distances or with depth, so testing The next stage in the durability planning process is to
needs to be conducted at multiple locations within the determine the estimated rates of degradation that are
project boundaries. likely in each exposure category in which the structure is
exposed. Degradation rate information can be obtained
from published data from long-term in-situ monitoring or
from concrete predictive modeling used with a computer
model to increase accuracy in predicting future
Concrete durability and rate of degradation depends
largely on the ease (or difficulty) with which fluids in the
form of liquid (water), gas (carbon dioxide, oxygen) or
ions (chlorides, sulfates) can migrate through the
hardened concrete mass. Concrete is a porous material,
therefore, moisture movement can occur by flow,
diffusion or sorption. We are concerned with all three,
but generally the overall potential for moisture and ion
ingress in concrete by these three modes is referred to
as its permeability. The durability of concrete is influ-
enced or controlled by the type, number and size of
pores present . Fig. 2. Events related to the service life, and detailing of the
Low porosity/permeability/penetrability of concrete to propagation phase .
moisture and gas are the first line of defense against:
acid attack, sulfate attack, corrosion of steel embedment though minimal damage has occurred to the structure.
and reinforcements, carbonation, alkali-aggregate The damage escalates in the secondary propagation
reaction, frost damage, and efflorescence, just to name phase and the end of this phase is marked by the
a few of the most prominent concrete degradation longitudinal cracks reaching the aesthetic limit of 0.3 mm
mechanisms. in width. The damage further escalates during the final
When concrete is submerged, water ingress can propagation phase, spalling occurs and the unaccept-
also be assisted by an external head of water pressure. able loss of structural capacity occurs at the end of this
The rate of this pressure ingress is resisted by the phase.
density of the concrete. This property is measured by In the durability planning for a new structure the goal
testing the concrete's permeability (the property of of modeling is to ensure that during the design life period
saturated concrete). for the structure, the deterioration does not pass beyond
An excellent source of information is provided by the preliminary propagation phase (T 0). The available
existing structures adjacent to the project site and models for the deterioration of concrete resulting from
exposed to the environment of interest. Asset owners either chloride ion ingress or carbonation of the cover
may have sufficient information including as-built concrete only predict the duration of the initiation phase
drawings, duration of exposure and maintenance history, (T0). The period of preliminary propagation is usually
to enable estimation of corrosion rates in specific estimated based on corrosion rates of steel reinforce-
environments. Under exceptional circumstances, testing ment in specific environments. Moderately dry concrete
may be permitted on adjacent structures to gain exposed to high levels of CO2 may carbonate fairly
degradation rates. quickly but the rate of corrosion may be significantly
slow, to give in some circumstances, a T 1 period of 40-
Predictive Modeling for Concrete Structures 50 years. In marine environments, the T 1 period may be
as short as 10 years or less. Although significant
The standards governing concrete structure, specifically research is still required to provide sound modeling of
ACI 318-08 and ACI 350, only provide guidance on the T1 phase, using the initiation period to estimate the
requirements for durability for a number of general design life will produce an unnecessarily conservative
environments. Sufficient consideration must be given to design particularly in some carbonation environments.
a number of environments — encountered in the Modeling shall also be conducted to estimate the
durability planning processes — including: Chloride likely early age of the thermal cracking of sections of
contaminated soil or water (other than seawater), concrete due to the heat of hydration during the curing
atmospheres high in carbon dioxide, and hollow leg process. CIRIA C660 is a commercially available model
(water on one side and air on the other). The degrade- that can successfully be used to predict early age
ation caused by these environments includes chloride thermal cracking.
and carbonation induced corrosion.
The deterioration of concrete structures involves an Chloride Ingress Modeling
initiation phase (T0), a preliminary propagation phase
(T1), a secondary propagation phase (T 2) and a final Even though several transport mechanisms play a role in
propagation phase (T3), Fig. 2. The end of the pre- the ingress of chloride ions into concrete, the majority of
liminary propagation phase is the point at which the models for chloride ion penetration are based on Fick‘s
corrosion has resulted in initiation of longitudinal cracks Second Law of Diffusion for uncracked concrete. The


diffusion equation is modified to incorporate the time PROVISIONS TO ENHANCE THE
dependent changes that occur with the chloride diffusion DURABILITY OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES
coefficient. The goal of the modeling is to estimate the
depth of cover of concrete that will prevent the critical 1. Interaction between durability design and execution.
concentration of chloride ions diffusing to the depth of Already at the design stage, possible means of
the reinforcing steel during the design life of the construction shall be considered and fixed, as this
structure. For chloride modeling, the design life period is will influence the durability design.
equated to T0 as the propagation period is relatively 2. Concrete specification shall be performance based
short in comparison with the initiation period. to achieve the durability requirements for a specific
The critical concentration of chloride ions is typically project. Performance based specifications are
0.06% by weight of concrete. The critical concentration becoming more common and are quantified by the
is defined as the concentration at which corrosion is use or adaptation of test methods that measure the
initiated, independent from any damage to the structure. principal chloride/carbon dioxide transport mech-
Life 365 is commercially available software based on anism for specific exposure conditions .
ACI 365.1R for predicting service life of structures based 3. Robustness in design and construction. One of the
on chloride ingress and carbonation modeling . main obligations of the conscious designer is to
A key missing-point in research is the corrosion in adapt the design to the conditions under which the
RC flexural members (that normally include cracks) structure is to be constructed, operated and
subjected to chloride attacks. Ignoring cracks in research maintained to avoid structures being sensitive to
on reinforcement corrosion can only produce incomplete, variations in the assumed qualities. A degree of
flawed and in most cases, misleading results. A very robustness in the design can be very advantageous
representative example is the initiation of corrosion in with respect to the future performance and durability
RC flexural members in a chloride-laden environment, in of the structure.
which a misperception has been prevalent for a long 4. Selection of greater cover to reinforcement in
time that it takes 20 - 30 years for corrosion to start aggressive environments and the use of correct
(based on Fick‘s Second Law). There has been spacers. The spacer material should have a good
convincing evidence published , that in RC flexural bond to the concrete and should have similar hygro-
members subjected to chloride intrusion; the initiation of thermal deformation characteristics as concrete. In
reinforcement corrosion is a matter of short periods of this respect, plastic spacers are not compatible with
time, e.g., months, not years. the surrounding concrete.
5. The use of various good quality supplementary
Carbonation Modeling cementitious materials, such as pulverized-fuel ash
(PFA), ground granulated blast furnace slag
The rate of carbonation is dependent on a variety of (GGBS), microsilica (MS) (also known as silica
factors including the concentration of carbon dioxide, fume) and metakaolin (MK) refines the pore
moisture content of the concrete, concrete mix, curing structure of concrete, achieving less permeable and
process, exposure conditions, size and distribution of the chemical resistant concrete.
pore in the concrete and connectivity of the pores. Unlike 6. Provision of electrical continuity for reinforcement in
corrosion of reinforcement in chloride contaminated substructure elements in more aggressive
concrete, the rate of propagation of corrosion in environments, to enable future cathodic protection
carbonated concrete may be relatively slow. So the goal installation if required.
for the carbonation modeling is to estimate the cover 7. Good detailing to enable compaction of concrete,
required to prevent the propagation of corrosion along with good vibration and subsequent curing
exceeding T2 during the design life of the structure. As during construction, to ensure a dense layer of cover
the modeling only predicts the time to corrosion initiation, concrete.
a sound knowledge of the corrosion rates in carbonated 8. The use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a
concrete under various environmental exposure is concrete mix — where the placing and compaction
required. has minimal dependence on the available
Modified versions of Fick‘s Second Law of Diffusion workmanship on site — that would improve the
are usually used to estimate the corrosion initiation quality of the concrete in the final structure.
phase in carbonated concrete. A number of different 9. Use of controlled permeability form liners (CPFL).
models have been developed over the years. The most The most important part of the structure protecting it
appropriate model is the Comité Euro-International du against ingress of aggressive substance is the
Béton (CEB) model , which incorporates a number of concrete cover, also considered the "skin" of the
the factors that govern carbonation including mix design, structure. CPFL has proven effective in enhancing
curing and CO2 concentration . The CEB model the denseness of the outer mm and cm of the cover
provides a greater flexibility to adjust the model to suit by reducing the water-cement ratio and improving
the specific environment than other models that are the curing of this outer concrete layer.
available. 10. Use of permeability reducing admixtures. The use


of an admixture — characterized by hydrophobic concrete structures. This is a precondition for concrete
and pore-blocking ingredients (HPI) — appeared structures to increase competitiveness, and therefore
to considerably improve concrete durability with remain the solid and reliable foundation for future
respect to chloride induced corrosion in concrete societal prosperity.
mixtures. These admixtures could be one of the
solutions to chloride induced corrosion of steel ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
reinforcement in concrete structures in very
aggressive environments. The effectiveness of two The author would like to thank the management of
typical commercially available permeability re- Saudi Aramco for permission to publish this article. This
ducing admixtures, one characterized by crystal article was previously presented and published in the
growth and the other by an HPI, were recently proceedings of the International Conference on Future
studied . Experimental chloride concentrations of Concrete, Doha, Qatar, November 1-3, 2010, pp. 59-70.
concrete specimens exposed to a simulated
coastal environment were reported. The results
were in favor of using HPI, whereas the inclusion REFERENCES
of a crystal growth admixture seemed to have
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"Corrosion of Reinforcement in the Middle East,"
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Durability planning starts in the tender submission für Normung e. V., Berlin, Germany, 2008.
phase of a project and continues throughout the design 8. ACI 201.2R: ―Guide to Durable Concrete,‖ American
and construction phase. The majority of the durability Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2008.
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Finally, the competence to fully understand the (Building and Housing), Vol. 6, No. 5, 2005, pp.
durability related problem complex and to achieve 423-445.
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concrete structures will have to start with adapting this the-Art Report," American Concrete Institute,
into the engineering education curriculum. A new design Farmington Hills, MI, 2000.
paradigm is needed for the design and execution of 12. Li, C.Q.: "Corrosion Initiation of Reinforcing Steel


in Concrete under Natural Salt Spray and Service BIOGRAPHY
Loading – Results and Analysis," ACI Materials
Journal, Vol. 97, No. 6, 2000, pp. 690-697. Dr. Emad A. Abu-Aisheh joined
13. CEB: "A New Approach to Durability Design – An Saudi Aramco in February 2009 as a
Example for Carbonation Induced Corrosion," Structural and Civil Materials
Bulletin No. 238, Comité Euro-International du Engineer working in the Consulting
Béton, Lausanne, 1997. Services Department. Prior to joining
14. Gaal, G.C.M.: "Prediction of Deterioration of Saudi Aramco he was leading the
Concrete Bridges - Corrosion of Reinforcement concrete technology and structural
due to Chloride Ingress and Carbonation," DUP dynamics unit of WorleyParsons,
Science, Delft University, 2004. Australia. Emad also served as lecturer and research
15. Bickley, J.A., Hooton, R.D. and Hover, K.C.: scientist at the University of Melbourne, Victoria,
"Guide to Specifying Concrete Performance: Australia, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, Virginia
Phase II Report of Preparation of a Performance Tech, Blacksburg, VA and the Higher Colleges of
Based Specification for Cast-in-Place Concrete," Technology, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. He has over 22 years of
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, experience in structural engineering and concrete
Silver Springs, MI, 2008. technology split between academia, research and
16. Vinh, T.N.D., Peter, F.D., Peter, H.M. and Alan, industry.
H.C.: ―Performance of Permeability-Reducing Emad‘s specialty fields include: durability, concrete
Admixtures in Marine Concrete Structures,‖ ACI technology, structural engineering, repair and
Materials Journal, No. 107-M34, May-June 2010, waterproofing of concrete structures, liquid retaining
pp. 291-296. structures, modal testing of civil structures, structural
health monitoring, NDT of civil engineering structures,
and finite element modelling. He has 19 world-class
publications and over 40 technical engineering reports in
the areas of structural dynamics, durability, concrete
technology and NDT.
In 1986, Emad received his B.S. degree and in
1987, he received his M.S. degree, both in Civil
Engineering from the University of Mississippi, Oxford,
MS. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2003 in Civil
Engineering from the University of Melbourne, Victoria,
Emad is a member of several international
organizations, including the American Concrete Institute.


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