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Creating the Integration Definition Between EPM Cloud and the BI

Publisher Report Extract

Pre-requisites in Oracle Fusion GL:

▪ BIP Report should be created in the required format in Oracle Fusion GL
▪ BIP Report should be scheduled as an ESS job in Oracle Fusion GL

Steps to Integrate:
1. After Creating the BIP report, click on Navigate -> My Enterprise -> Tools -> Report and
Analytics in Oracle Fusion environment

2. Click on Browse Catalog.

3. Navigate to the location of BIP Report created. For eg. /shared/Financials/General
Ledger/Trial Balances

4. Click on More option in Trial Balance Extract and click on Properties, copy the parameters
required like ESS job Path, Report ID and Display Name for the Target application in FCCS
5. Click on Navigate-> My Enterprise -> Tools -> Scheduled New Process
6. To get the parameters of the report, Click on Schedule New Process and Search for your
BIP ESS job and schedule the same. It will list down all the parameters required
Click on Schedule New Process-> “Resubmit” the ESS job. You will get Warning dialog box
with all the parameters. Copy the parameters for the Target application in FCCS

7. Click on Republish and export the file to local Drive

8. Open Data Management in EPM application. Open setup and configure the Target
application. Defining the Target application is one time activity. Click on add button and
click on data source, select the Oracle ERP Cloud (Custom)

9. Upload the Saved file from Local Drive and Select the file which has uploaded then click
10. We can fetch the Dimension details from source file selected i.e., .csv

11. Click on Application Filters, define each segment like Connection Name, Execution
Method and other parameters as explained above:

o Ess job Path: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/commonModules/shared/common/outbound/
o Report Name: /Financials/General Ledger/Trial Balances/TrialBalanceExtract.xdo
o Parameter List: argument1 = 300000003640178; argument2 = 300000003640140;
argument3 = PTD; argument4 = Jan-23; argument5 = JPY; argument6 = T; argument8 =
NATURAL_ACCOUNT_SEG; argument9 = A; argument10 = GL_BALANCING; argument11 =
300000020880270; argument13 = 3001; argument19 = TrialBalanceExtract;
o Save the Target application
Note: If we define parameter list same as above example then every month we need
change the parameter list as per source ERP cloud. Instead of hardcoding, change to
change Dynamic Argument. Eg. $START_PERIODKEY[MMM-YY]$;
When Data Management executes the report it will use the Period (e.g. Apr-22) selected
in the POV to determine the month to use for the report.

12. Create the Import Format and assign the Target application. Select file type as Delimited
and Map the Source and Target dimensions

13. Create the Location and select import format as created in pervious step
14. Create Period and Category Mappings
15. Create the Data Load Rule and select the location, import Format
16. Create the Load Mappings as per Target Application
17. Run the Data Load Rule

Note: While executing the Data Load Rule it will triggers the BIP Report job in Source ERP

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