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What is branding?

Types of branding

Branding is a disciplined process used to build awareness and extend Co-branding: partnering with
another brand to achieve
customer loyalty. It requires a mandate from the top and readiness reach

to invest in the future. Branding is about seizing every opportunity to Digital branding: web, social
media, search engine
express why people should choose one brand over another. A desire optimization, driving
commerce on the web
to lead, outpace the competition, and give employees the best tools to
Personal branding: the way
reach customers are the reasons why companies leverage branding. an individual builds their
Cause branding: aligning your
brand with a charitable cause;
or corporate social
Country branding: efforts
to attract tourists and

Emotional branding is a

Victory belongs to the most persevering.

dynamic cocktail of
anthropology, imagination,
sensory experiences,
Napoleon Bonaparte and visionary approach
to change.

Marc Gobé
Emotional Branding

We continue to invest in
our core strengths. First, we
don’t skimp on understanding
the consumer. Second is
innovation. . . . And third is
branding. . . . We’re delivering
more messages to our
Copyright © 2012. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

A. G. Lafley
Business Week, 2009

Process: 1 : conducting 2 : clarifying 3 : designing

research strategy identity

Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity : An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from unisains-ebooks on 2018-04-27 22:14:04.
When to start the process

New company, new product Name change Revitalize a brand

I’m starting a new business. Our name no longer fits who we We want to reposition and renew
I need a business card and are and the businesses we are in. the global brand.
a website.
We need to change our name We need to communicate more
We’ve developed a new product because of a trademark conflict. clearly about who we are.
and it needs a name and a logo
Our name has negative We’re going global—we need
connotations in the new markets help to enter new world markets.
We need to raise millions of we are serving.
No one knows who we are.
dollars. The campaign needs to
Our name misleads customers.
have its own identity. Our stock is devalued.
We merged.
We’re going public in the fall. We want to appeal to a new and
We need a new name for the more affluent market.
We need to raise venture capital,
Chinese market.
even though we do not have our Our website doesn’t work on a
first customer. smartphone.

Revitalize a brand identity Create an integrated system When companies merge

We are a great company with We do not present a consistent We want to send a clear message
cutting-edge products. We look face to our customers. to our stakeholders that this is a
behind the times. merger of equals.
We lack visual consistency and
Will our identity work on we need a new brand archi­tecture We want to communicate that
the web? to deal with acquisitions. 1 + 1 = 4.
Our identity does not position us Our packaging is not distinctive. We want to build on the brand
shoulder to shoulder with our Our competitors look better equity of the merging companies.
competitors. than we do, and their sales are
We need to send a strong signal
going up.
We have 80 divisions and to the world that we are the new
inconsistent nomenclature. All of our marketing looks like it industry leader.
comes from different companies.
I am embarrassed when I give out We need a new name.
my business card. We need to look strong and
How do we evaluate our
communicate that we are one
Everyone in the world recognizes acquisition’s brand and fold it into
global company.
our icon, but admit it—she needs our brand architecture?
a face-lift. Every division does its own thing
Two industry leaders are merging.
when marketing. This is inefficient,
We love our symbol—it is known How do we manage our new
frustrating, and not cost-effective.
Copyright © 2012. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

by our market. The problem is you identity?

Everyone is reinventing the wheel.
cannot read our logotype.

4 : c reating 5 : managing
touchpoints assets

Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity : An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from unisains-ebooks on 2018-04-27 22:14:04.

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