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PART A) ONLY ONE Section (A): Caloulation AU, AN AW AA, The free energy change tor a revareilde raaelion a Lain (h) Poolive (3) Negalive wy! Ad, ANY Sor thie seaction Ay # Vig) Zyy W408 Kel, Wie = 2 cal mol 4 4" th) 4.6 Meal u (8) 66 boa 16) AG Moa Determine yiich of the tolling reanlione al eanielanl pte wypilom -: | ANH, (g) #79, (9) 9 MI ened COU) 2,9) a 6 lo, graphilay N09) rain i, ane ot HOLT) i,t the reaction ah WOK Hg) Ol, W2mdodN, Scanned with CamScanner ere (arr with nome aly, having thermally insulatad wall, THe tarnparalures Aplece of NH,CIis kopt inside a ballon tiled ‘kept just above sublimation tamparatura of NHC NHCI(0) 2 NH (a) eHCI (Q), Which of the following Is correct regarding this ; “ noulatod oxpandabio \ Hatioon ne » LL rensrn jn stove sttnaton I Tomporaturs of NEC ese] ® % ‘ A) Gans POBILIVO (B) AU © negative (C) we zoro (D) AU ® positive a Section (B) : Basics & Kirchoff's law B-, For which of tho following change AH y AE? (A) (0) ¥1,69) —+ 24119) (1) HOK{aq) + NaOH(aq) ——» NaCKag) + H,0(4 | (C) Cla) +0,) —+ co,@) (0) N,(9) *3H,(9) —-» 2NH (a) B.2_, Calculate the Standard intornal energy of formation ofiquid methyl acetate (CH,COOGH,) from its stan ‘enthalpy of formation, which in ~442,91 kJ mole? at 25°C, (a)-433 (8) 499 (©)-482.02, (0) 482.82. BS, 2C +0, ~+ 2CO; AH » -220kJ Which of the following statornont is correct for this reaction (A) Heat of combustion of carbon is 110k (3) Reaction is exothormic. (C) Reaction needs no initiation (D)Allof those are correct mm C(s) +0, (9) » CO, (9); AH = 94.3 keallmol 67.4 kcallmo! 4 ©0(9) + 5 0,(9) —» 60, (9) AH= 0,9) —> 20 (gy; AH = 117.4 keallmol 6019) —> C(g) +0(@); AH = 230.6 kcallrnot Calculate AH for C (s) ——» G (g) in kcalimol win (B)194 (or (0145 ion (C) : Enthalpy of formation & combustion Inthe reaction, CO,(g) + H,49) - CO(a) + H,0(9); OH 2.8 kd, AH represents (A)heat of reaction —_(B) haat of combustion (C) heat of formation —_(D) heat of solution, Given, 14(9) + Brg) —» 2HBr(g), AH®, and standard enthalpy of condensation of bromine is AH?,, standard enthalpy of formation of HBr at 25° is (A) AH, /2 (B)AH?,/2+ AHP, (C)AHY/2 AH, (D) (AH?,-aH?,)/2 For the following reaction, C (diamond) +0, —+ CO,(g) ; AH = 04.3 keallmol € (graphite) +0, ——» CO,(q) | AH = -97.6 kealimol ‘The heat required to change 1 g of C (diamond) —» © (graphite) is (A) 1.59 kcal (B) 0.1375 kcal (C) 0.55 kcal (0)0.275 keat HOUSE, 40, SNP Area, Near Sakchi Golchakkar Jamshedpur, Phone : 0657 -2231504 | Scanned with CamScanner 2 THERMOCHEMISTRY — [merwocuemsTey The standard heat of combustion of solid boron Is equal to C4. uel fo (A) AH", (B,0,) (8) 1/2.H",(B,0,) (CG) 2H, (B,0,) O04 ; tis 52a. The heat of combustion of sucrose (C,H, 0,1) I9 1360 kcal/mol Hom mich oom yy ) 17.1 gof sucrose is but ? rag (A) 67.5 kcal (8) 13.5 kcal (C) 40,5 keal (0)26,6 ey | C4 IS +0, —+ SO,, AH =~ 298.2 kd mole”! SO, + 1/20, —+ SO, AH = ~96.7 kd mole"! SO, + H,0 —+ H,SO,, AH =~ 130.2 kJ mole-t H, + 1/20, —+ H,0, AH = ~ 287.3 kJ mole”! the enthalpy of formation of H,SO, at 298 K will bo - (A)-814.4 kd mor! (8) +814.4 kd mole”! (C)~650.3kJ mole (0) ~ 433.7 kd mole! C7. When a certain amount of ethylene was combusted, $044 kd heal was ovolved, I heat o conta ethytene is 1411 kd, the volume of O, (at NTP) thal entered Into the reaction Ia : (A) 268.8 mi (8) 266.61, (C) 6226 22.41. (0)Z241. ©-8__Thevvalues of heat of combustion of ethane (C,H,) and ethyme (C,H,) are ~ A and ~ 310 Kal xpi Then which of the following is better fuel on mass basia ACH, CH, (C) Both (A) &(B) (1D) None of have Section (D) : Bond enthalpy method & Resonance energy Det. If enthalpy of dissociation of CH, and C,H), are 320 and 600 calories respectively then bond energy As bond is (A) 80 cal (8) 40 cal (C) (0) 120 cal D2 The bond dissociation energy of gaseous H,, Cl, and HCl are 104, 68 and 103 kcal mol" respectively. Te ‘enthalpy of formation for HCI gas will bo (A)=44.0 kcal (6) 22.0 kcal (C) 22.0 kcal (0) 44.0 keal D3. AB, A, and B, are diatomic molecules. If the bond enthal 2 iploa of A,, AB & B, aro in tho rao 4:10.5 and enthalpy of formation of AB from A and is 10Dkuool | ng the bond onthalpy thy (A) 400 kJ/mol (8)200kJImol (C) 100 kd/mot (0) 300 k.s/mot Section (E) : Enthalpy of Solution & Born Haber’s cyclo E+, One mole of anhydrous MgCl, dissolves in wator and ibrates 25 cl} ‘mol. Heat of dissolution of MgCl, H,0 is calle Of AH ay of MOC,» 20 (A) +5 calimol (8) -Scalimol (C) 56 calmot (0)-86 camo The enthalpy of solution of NaOH (s) in water is ~ E-2_ The ontapy ef solution of NaOH (sn wateris-41.8mole when NaOH Is clove war hon (A)Increase (2) Decrease (C)Do0s not change (0) Fluctuatos E-3._ The enthalpy change for the reaction of § iter of ethylone with 5 i AH =—0.5kJ, The value of AU will be : (1 atm Lt = 100 J) Meo Gee at 1.5 aim pressure is (A)-1.25 kd (B) + 1.25 kd (C)0.25ks (0)-0.26 5 E4_, Forwhich one ofthe following reaction doos the molar enthalpy change of a eee: Teaction conesponds to Laltice (A) Ker(s) —+ Ks) + 8r,(0) (8) KB1(g) —> Kia) + Bra) (c)KBr(s) —+ K(9) + Br-(g) (0) KBL(g) —-» K'(g) (a) 1504 Scanned with CamScanner ‘oie Hi Halton wry Far Hi J Ha) OTT) Lita) len iat AM HL HU ANNs (HLL 44 ISL) WB y WM; any ena iue at aL iat (P) Brthatiy af nutiatieation zune o iano af waited at the “ai sped = 19:0 ke Hota a ROH ej vain it M (OOOH WHHL HAO are niall Whe Heal of saith tan Nore Haitian 1A) tiara tivanie (Hy equal we (8) lew ole (Hy lowe than Hwa ol Mowndation uf OF {OOOOH 16 0. boalinitte Hien AM far He tenella» SHE,OOOI KOH) DHB 2001 1A) 14 beat (iy an) unl (0) 1A boat (by 1 /heal SPATE TIL MATCH THE COLUMN Halnnnt Holm N 0 (4, grail) 10g) 4 BOG) WAV ics Hla wih) UY) (HAW sr nia) Oa) 684 (AH Gg) + Bla) 4 ANI) (8) AM aan Scanned with CamScanner AIEEE PROBLEMS (PREVIOUS Yeig ‘onoxide (CO) from its elements at 298 Kis : We 9 PART - Il: JEE (MAIN) / (AH-AU) for the formation of carbon m = 8.314) K mot!) * ’ ii ie 78Jmol —_(2)~2477.57 Jmol" (3) 2477.57 J mol (4) 1238.78. ms +) at 398 K for methane, CH,,, is 74.8 kJ mol, Thy The standard enthalpy of formation (AH,*) a 4 nail required to determine the average energy’ for C- H bond aa would be ‘[AIEEE: mt (1) the dissociation energy of H, and enthalpy of sublimation of carbon (2)latent heat of vapourisation of methane : (3) the first four ionization energies of carbon and electron gain enthalpy of hydrogen (4) the dissociation energy of hydrogen molecule, H, [AIEEE 2009, 3145 (On the basis of the following thermochemical data : (4,G°H",,., = 0) H,0(¢)—> H" (aq) + OH: (aq.) ; AH = 57.32 kd HJ9)+ $0, (g) —>H,0 (0); 4H =-286.20 kd The value of enthalpy of formation of OH-ion at 25°C is. (1)-228.88 kJ (2) +228.88 kJ (3)-343.52 kd The standard enthalpy of formation of NH, is — 46.0 kJ mol". If the enthalpy of formation of H, from its atoms iS 436 kJ mol-" and that of N, is—712 kJ mol, the average bond enthalpy of NH bond in NH, is [AIEEE 2010, 4/144) (4) 1102 kJ mol" (4)-22.88 kd (1) -964 kd mor (2)+352kJmot (3) + 1056 kJ mol* The value of enthalpy change (AH) forthe reaction, C_H,OH)) + 30,4 -> 2004) + 3H,O,) at 27°Cis ~1966.5 kJ mof-'. The value of internal energy change for the above reaction at this temperature willbe [AIEEE 2011, 4/120] (1)-1369.0ks (2)-1364.0 kJ (3)-1361.5 ks (4)-1371.5kJ Consider the reaction: 4NOzi) + Oz -> 2N,O, * 19) * O24) > 2NO gq AH =—111 kd. !IN, Osis formed instead of N,O,. in the above reaction, the 4,H value will be: (given, AH of sublimation for NO, is 54 ki mol") (1) + 54ks (2)+219ks (3)-219ks (4)~ 165 ks (AIEEE 2011, 4/120) Proce 5 measured in bbc e264 47 Soyer ee peo AU of et Combustion, 4cH, forthe reaction willbe : (R= 8.314 ki mol-') TJEE\Oa eee (tessa Garr ashim “Heo cokes CEE) 84a) The est somixason of methane and ethane are 360 ‘kuin wavelength of ight capable of breaking he C-C bonis 91 8°4820 kdl, respectively The longest (A vogadro number = 6.02 x 10% h= 62 x16. (A vogadro number = 602» 102, n= 8.62» 10-415) nae ( 248" 1chom @)1AB*10Inm ——(3)249 10th ee) IS 41120) *10*nm The heats of combustion of carbon and carbon monoxide ar hea of fxmation (in ki) ocerbon monoxide permoleis: tM-28.5 ki mo respectively. rhe (16765 (2)-6765 (1105 friggin) 2016, 120) ” 15 Scanned with CamScanner PART - Il : ONLY ONE OPTION CURKEW! * 1" = properties are: (D)Allof the above mechanical energy losses (@ Two vehicles collide with each other ((w) Siding of legs on roof surface (3 (2 ” @ Viscosity (iv) Specific heat capacity (va) Specific gravity (vii) Dielectric constant es (7 (os s filed at pressure of 2 atm and temp of 300 K. in a balloon is kept in vacuum with in a larg ner wail of balloon is punchtured then container temperature = (C)Remain constant —_ (D) Unpredictable (D) Can not say directally lics processes & graph T,) 0B (P,, V,, T,), Bto C (P,, V,, T,) and finally from C {C)Isobaric process _ (D) Spontaneous process d thermofilask contains some ice cubes. This is an example of a- (8) Open system (D) Non-thermodynamic system Scanned with CamScanner Five moles ofa gas is pu trough a series of changes as shown graphicallayn a cyap = BS B Cand C-»Arespectively are Temperature (A) Isochoric, sobaric, Isothermal (@)|sobari, Isochorc, Isothermal (C)|sothermal, sobaric, Isochoric (0) |sochoric, Isothermal, Isobaric Acyele process ABCD is shown in P-V diagram for an ideal gas which ofthe diagram represent eo, Ba process. de y “ 6) xs T BS. The P-T graph as given below was observed fora process on an ideal gas, which ofthe following statement is tue Pf I~, T= (A)w=+ve, aH= +e (8)w=~ve, 4H= —ve (C)w=-ve, aH=+ve (O)w=+e, aH=-ve B4. Ina laboratory, quid in a thermally insulated container is stirred for one hr, by a me ‘surrounding, for this process / by a mechanical linkage to ain (A)W<0;q=0 (8) W<0;q>0 (C)W<0;q>0 (D)W>0;q= Section (C) : Work Calculation (C4. A thermodynamic system goes from states (i) P,, V to 2P,, V (ii) P, V, to P, 2V,. Then work done in the two cases is: (A)Zero, Zero (8) Zero, - PV, (C)-PV, Zero (0)-PV,,-P,V, Jamshedpur, Phone Scanned with CamScanner [barns SES ‘ergs for the reversible expansion fone mae So ‘fan al gas from a volume of TURNS 2D (A)~ 2.503» 298 0.082 fog? y ae (B)— 2S «10K 831 LDN gd (C)-2.503 x 288 « 0.082 19g0.5 ©) -83t = 107 298x 2 kgdS DB Aniseal gas istak ’ fates Tons MP ECRABCA as shown in FL dagram, The net work dane by the pas dung (A) 12PV, (8) BY, OPY, Section (D) : Heat & Internal eneray (D1. Freezing up quid ina system then (Aq=0 gro (aso (©) q>00rg <0 (depending on the nature of gud) For2mole of an eal gas; the relation between C, & C,(non-molar) are ()C,-C,=28 (@¢-c=R ‘Section (E) : First law of thermodynamics (soos (®)4005 nan isochoric process the increase in intemal energy is (A) Equalto the heat absorbed (8) Equalto the heat evoved (C)Equalto the work done (©) Equal tothe sum ofthe heat adsorbed and work done In an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas. ‘Select wrong statement (A) there is no change in the temperature of the gas B) there is no change in the internal energy of the gas (©) the work done by the gas is equal to the heat supplied to the gas {D) the work done by the gas is equal to the change in its intemal eneray _Assystem undergoes a process which absorbed 5 kJ of heat and undergoing an expansion against extemal Pp }of 1.atm, during the process change in internal energy is 300 J. Then predict the change in volume (8)2 3 Os Jmoles of Hydrogen atoms join together to form a mole of hydrogen molecules in a rigid vessel H(Q)+H(9) —— 4, (9) (B)AU=negatve — (C)q._=pesitve —_(D)q___ = negative isothermal, polytropic & free expansion processes )of the system decreases in an (8) Isothermal compression Scanned with CamScanner THER AIODY NAMI BY LAW Il Mitr te oypanvtod in rovoraible atiabate COMMON 10 MARA VOUS Ang i) Fee, T mioloot NHL ane at Final leniperatine ancl ark ane Fea (A) TRON B00 val rt) 180K, d00 Gal Bare Ave adiaballe Cunven for dwo different ganar Then A and A corresponds ja jootivaly ate (0) 280K, 1000.01 (D) 200, 100 eq) Fee li figuie, Aant t tw ie wey (ADAL anil He raspectively (Hi) Ho and H, reapectively (G)O, and HY, respectively (O) 1, and He reapeetively vi dol ga in [aatherinal, adiabatle & ieobarieroversyy HAY, |W, CW, ate niagniticle oF Work don off 0 fiat volume, Then eorrent order will be ts ‘expansion process (ont sie initial tag (a Many (AW, = Wy (BH) Wye WW, (O)W, Wye, (D) W, > Wy, Wy Seotion (G)) Enthalpy G4, Ghe mole of non ideal gas widtorgoes a change of atato (1,0 ati, 0.0 L, 200K) 10 (4,0 att, 6.0 b, 260 K) i @ change ln internal energy (AU) =40 Latin, The change in enttalpy of the prowens i Leal | (ayaa (nee (oye (D) None of these GS For the faothermal expansion of an Wdeal gan (A) Vand HH inoreanen (1) U Inoreanen but H decreases (0) Wand Hare unaliered (©) Hinoreaaee but U deoreaaes A vessel containg 100 litres of a liquid X, Heat ia auppliad to the fiquid in uel a faanion thal, Heat given» an joann by 2 hited, IFthe external pressure fi one alin, andl ohange in enthalpy. The voluinie of the liquid 202.6 Joules of heal were supplied then, (U > total internal eneray) (AAU =O, AH EO (MW) AU © #202 A), AMe #20200 (0) AUS 208,04, AN = 208.0) (D) AU 0, AN = + 202.4) Section (HM): Phage transition Hehe H,0(0) 9 1,0(0) T hia phane lranaition ia eartlad out al conatant fenyp and prowaure then work done during Ihe procens: (A) We 0 (Wed (Q)Weo (D) ean'tdetanined We ALT atin preasure freeing of 1 mote of water liquid (0°@) to ee(0%Q) than heat anater (AVIAN, (WAH (NG At (D) Mn, = PART «Ill; MATCH THE GOLUMN Scanned with CamScanner

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