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Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc.

Senior High School Department

The Impact of the Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Government of

Tagbakin, Atimonan, Quezon: An Evaluation

A Research Paper

Presented to the Senior High School Department

General Academic Strand

Leon Guinto Memorial College Inc.

Atimonan, Quezon

In partial fulfillment for Research Project

Kazzandra Erika J. Inoy

Paul Emanwell Necerio

May 2021

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Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc.
Senior High School Department




Waste Management is a social issue that undertakes the health and safety of the

community. It is the process and methods of how the population controls and dispose of

their waste in different types. It is how the waste is divided into specific groups. And

accomplishing by monitoring proper segregation in large communities.

Most of the population uses the method of segregating their scraps and garbage.

Also, this can affect the health of the community. Having many wastes in your

community might cause health problems. Especially to the elderly and vulnerable kids

who are exposed to these surroundings are prone to have diseases.

Solid waste management transpires in every community. It is an act of

segregating and managing waste. It requires the community to develop and maintain

proper segregation to avoid the effects that cause infliction to the people.

To handle this situation and further explanation, we have chosen this topic to

elaborate and clarify the handling of Solid Waste Management of Barangay Tagbakin of

Atimonan, Quezon.

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Senior High School Department

Background of the study

In Barangay Tagbakin, Atimonan Quezon. Every purok of the barangay collected

the recyclable bottles, and the SK members distribute to every purok a trash bin where

the bottles should be stored. In this way, the community is able to segregate and collect

plastic bottles. The aim of this project is to lessen the trash and use recyclable bottles in

other ways. Every garbage man will take action to pick up garbage in each of our

districts. And every Friday a sidecar would pick up the trash and segregate it to each

section where it belongs.

To conclude, the current study aims to exhibit the conclusions of significant

research into the Evaluation of the Impact of the Solid Waste Management Practices of

the Barangay Government of Tagbakin, Atimonan, Quezon.

Statement of the problem

This research study aims to fulfill the following statements:

1. What Is the Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 No. of years stayed

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Senior High School Department

2. What are the solid waste management practices of the Brgy. Tagbakin Atimonan,


3. What are the level of effectiveness of the waste management practices of Brgy.

Tagbakin in terms of:

3.1 Public Health

3.2 Environment

Significance of the study

The study will be beneficial to the following groups of people:

Community – The community will gain more information on how they should

suitably segregate their waste.

Barangay Officials - This can be their basis on how much they should improve

regarding this topic.

Municipality - This can be their guide to apply in different barangays of the

municipality, to have a uniform and organized society.

Future Researchers – Future researchers can use this thesis as a reference to aid

their inquiries that has similar premises with the study.

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Senior High School Department

Scope and limitations

The focal point of this research study is to adhere to the Impact of Solid Waste

Management on the Barangay Tagbakin, Atimonan, Quezon. To understand the forces

they are coping with, that the community should be practicing. And to avoid health issues

that can be caused by improper way of waste disposal.

The researchers used the Descriptive approach with a survey-type questionnaire.

The data collection is conveyed to each household in the barangay chosen. By these

tactics, the researchers can comprehend the different ways of the respondents from

households of the barangay concerning the Solid waste management.

Definition of terms

For the better understanding of the readers the researcher operationally defined

the following:

Barangay Government - The barangay is often governed from its seat of local

government; this leads the community within a small area.

Environment – the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives

or operates; the place you are surrounded with.

Health - the state of being free from illness or injury; person’s condition.

Solid waste management – means any garbage or refuse; consumed for every day basis.

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Senior High School Department



This chapter described literature used to acquire data for this research. This

involves studies that are thought to enhance the concepts. In addition, the section lays

forth the theoretical framework that proceeds to hypothesis formulation.

Solid Waste

Solid waste shall refer to all discarded household, commercial waste, non-

hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris,

agricultural waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.

The issuance of Guidelines and provisions of technical support in the

establishment and operation of Waste To Energy facilities will enhance the sustainability

of disposal system for municipal residual wastes to all provinces and highly urbanized

areas. The significant contribution of this project is expected to enhance the economic

development of the country through formalizing the waste collection and recycling, and

promotion of job opportunities. It also helps the economy to reduce reliance on imported

oils and increased in power generation.

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For 2018, the average volume of wastes generated within the region is about five

thousand six hundred ninety four tons per day (5,694 tpd). This is based on the submitted

10-year plans submitted by the LGUs. Below is the breakdown of different categories of

wastes based on latest Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS) of LGUs

stated in their 10-year SWM plans.

The bulk of waste generation is biodegradable wastes comprising of 41- 53% of

the total waste generation. The special wastes have the smallest volume which is around

1.24-3.40%. In terms of waste generation per capita, the average is 0.320 kg per head per

day. Below is the waste generation per capita per province in CALABARZON Region.

The province of Quezon has the smallest per capita waste generation in the region which

is 0.190 kg per capita while the province of Cavite has the largest at 0.385 kg per capita


“There is no material in this world, which is not useful in one-way or the other.

Alsothere is no material, which is created out of nothing. It is man’s ignorance that he

considers certain things as waste and other thing as useful. Just as types of wastes are

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Senior High School Department

changing, so mustthe attitude of people towards waste must change. People must realize

that the solution lies inusing waste as a resource rather than to be destroyed. Only due to

hazardous to human health,some of these undesirable substances cannot be directly

reused”.(Asmawati Desa, 2012).

Solid waste Management

Solid waste management shall refer to the discipline associated with the control of

generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal of solid

wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best principles of public health, economics,

engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and other environmental considerations, and that is

also responsive to public attitudes. Ecological solid waste management shall refer to the

systematic administration of activities which provide for segregation at source,

segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid

waste and all other waste management activities which do not harm the environment.

Theory of reasoned action (TRA) and theory planned behaviour (TPB) were used

in thissolid waste management programme as a framework in understanding, explaining

and predicting behaviour. These theories are also useful as a guide for designing

intervention strategies tomaintain or change a particular behaviour. The theory is based

on the assumptions that individual behavioural intentions are directly associated with

their attitudes. The theory of reasoned action views an individual’s intention to perform

or not to perform as an immediate determinant of theaction. (Asmawati Desa, 2012).

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Before the awareness and education programme can be conducted, two

differentresearches were carried out. The first study was to identify the current waste

collection and wastedata. Results showed it is estimated that the National University of

Malaysia produce an averagecollection of about 8 ton of solid waste per day. In order to

identify the type of waste produce bythe university, waste characterization study was

conducted. The method used can be referredfrom the study by Kian-Ghee Tiew, Stefan

Kruppa, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri and Hassan Basriof waste characterization research

team from Faculty of Engineering and Built Environmental.After sorting, the waste was

store in bins which were labeled for different items and later were weighed to determine

waste composition. The study has been successful in highlighting thecomposition and

characteristics of the solid waste produced at the university campus. Thus both physical

and chemical characteristics of the solid waste are important to determine the selectionof

the final method of waste disposal. Based on this findings the university provide

threedifferent bins for the separation at source activities. Each bin is coloured differently,

for examplegreen is for organic or biowaste, orange for recyclables and black for residual

waste. Before thisonly one bin is used for all waste. (Asmawati Desa, 2012).

The findings of Hines, Hugerford and Tomera also suggest that the level of

consistency between environmental attitudes and behaviour is affected by a person’s

knowledge andawareness, public verbal commitment and his/her sense of responsibility.

The transfer fromattitudes to behaviour can also be affected by lifestyle; many people,

while professing to “correct” attitudes to the environment, are not ready to change their

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Senior High School Department

lifestyle in ways that mightmean sacrificing certain forms of leisure and comfort for the

sake of the environment. Other study has also found a weak and inconsistent relationship

between environmental attitudes and behaviour; usually attributable to a reluctance to

give up the comforts of modern life. (Asmawati Desa, 2012).

The ecological solid waste management program is expected to assist

Local Government Units in implementing RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act particularly in the development of their 10 yr. SWM Plan, closure and

rehabilitation of dumpsites, establishment of Materials Recovery Facilities, and an

environmentally sound disposal system.

The Philippines has endeavored to improve its management of solid waste

through the passage of RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act that

provides for a systematic, comprehensive and ecological waste management program to

ensure the protection of public health and the environment. It mandates the bureau to

provide secretariat support to the National Solid Waste Management Commission in the

implementation of the solid waste management plans and prescribes policies to achieve

the objectives of the National Ecology Center that is in charge of information

dissemination, consultation, education and training of various local government units on

ecological waste management.

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Research Paradigm

Surveys and Survey Questionnaires

Demographic Profile of respondents
INPUT Financial Stability

Formulated a validated questionnaire

Interpret and Analyzed the data
PROCESS Create finding and draw conclusion

Imfomercial on proper segregating of waste


Figure 1.The Input-Process-Output (IPO) model in the topic: Assessment on the

Impact of the Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Government of

Tagbakin, Atimonan, Quezon.

Figure 1 shows the research paradigm of the study. The input is composed of the

researcher's ideas concerning the questionnaires for the topic. The process pertains to the

data gathered supported by the questionnaires regarded by the several households of

Brgy. Tagbakin, Atimonan, Quezon. The output serves as the ways and techniques on

proper waste disposal.

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Senior High School Department



In this chapter, the researchers described the method and systems, research

design, research locale, research population or the subject of the study, sampling design

and procedures, research instrument, data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment

of data.

Research Locale

The research questionnaires are distributed to twenty household in the Barangay.

And to have safe and lesser physical contact, the researchers gathered the data by

distributing the questionnaires and returned the papers to analyze the insights of every

household pertaining to Solid waste management.


The respondents were twenty household of the barangay Tagbakin, Atimonan,

Quezon. The study is focused on the Impact of Solid waste management in the chosen

barangay, wherein the respondents from the barangay were chosen as they experience

and benefit from the barangay's project about solid waste management.

Sampling Procedures

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A purposive sampling procedure is used in choosing the participants in this study.

This technique was employed to ensure an equal representation of the variables for the

research. The selection is based on the age, gender, and financial stability of every

household in the Barangay. And was achieved by distributing the questionnaires to

selected household.

Research Design

The research used a descriptive type of research. This method was used to

describe the characteristics of the population that is studied.

The descriptive type of research is used in this study to gather data, recognize

their experiences, manage and modify their opinion about the study since the study was

about the Impact of Solid Waste Management of Barangay Tagbakin.


The instrument used in this study is a survey type conducted and distributed to

chosen households. The draft of questionnaires was patterned based on the research topic

- The Impact of the Solid Waste Management Practices of Barangay Government of

Tagbakin, Atimonan, Quezon: An Evaluation.

In preparation for the questionnaires, the questionnaire consists of two parts. The

first part is the General Information, and the second part is the Solid Waste Management.

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Senior High School Department

Questions asked are regarding the Impact of Solid Waste Management on the barangay.

The researchers chose this set of questions to adequately and truthfully support the data

used in the study.

Table 1


Point Scale Range Description

Description Analysis

4 Strongly Agree SA

3 Agree A

2 Disagree D

1 Strongly Disagree SD

Data Gathering Procedure

The necessary validations and permits for the study were first secured and sent to

the office of the principal's approval. The day of the survey depending when the

respondents wanted to answer as long as it is valuable and meets the deadline.

Questionnaires proceeded to answer through distributed papers. And favorably followed

by the analysis and interpretation of data.

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Statistical Treatment

The data from the respondents will be gathered, tallied, tabulated, and analyzed

by the researchers. The following formula was used to obtain the needed data.

1. Percentage

The percentage formula was used to present the percentage of errors committed by

the respondents. Also, to show the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

age, gender, and financial stability.

P= × 100


P = percentage

f = total number of incorrect responses

N = total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean

The Weighted Mean formula was used to identify the experiences of Grade 11 GAS

students in online distance learning.

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f + 2 f +3 f + 4 f


Wm = weighted mean

f = frequency

N = number of respondents

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General Information

1. Sex: _______________
2. Age: _______________
3. How many people are currently living in this house? _______________
4. How long you lived in barangay Tagbakin? _______________

Direction: Encircle your answer.

5. 1.Have your ever Heard about solid waste management ?

6. If yes, in what way?(one or more answers)
*Over radio *On poster
*Over TV *In social media
*In public meeting *Other?
*In school
7. 2.have you ever been educated on proper waste disposal by the barangay?
8. Whar type of solid waste comes out from your house hold?(one or more answers)
*Paper and cartoon *Fiber bags
*Plastic (bags /bottles) *Glass
*Flood waste *Other?
*Tins /cans
9. In what type of container do you collect waste (one or more answers)
*Carton *Plastic bag
*Waste basket *Tin/can
*Old bucket *Others
10. How often is the waste container emptied?
*Once a day *Once a week
*Once in two days *Others
*Once in three days
11. Where do you usually put away collected wastes?
*In the public bin *In an open space

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*In the itinerant waste van *In a hole in own compound

*By the valley/lake side /river *Others
*By the road or street side
12. Are there any public bins near your houses?
13. If there are public bins,how often are the nearest public bins emptied?
*Once a week *Everyday
*Twice a week *Don’t know
*Thrice a week *Others
14. How can you describe the state of the public bin near your house?(one or more
answers )
*Rusting /routing *Don’t know
*In a good state *Not in a good condition
*Adequate size *Others
*In adequate
15. Do you know about environment impact of solid waste ?
16. Do you never notice waste in the road ,land or and public area?
17. Do you ever notice burning waste in public area?
18. Did you ever hear of health problems due to solid waste?
19. Would you personally say the solid waste is a major issue affecting our natural

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