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New rates #VALUE!
When requesting, please ask for all files you are able to translate. If you request just one, it may already have been assigned. -- Urgent files are in orange
Assignment Recording Links Pay
Length Pay per
(minutes minute for Value of
# of Start End of Transcript Format passing passing
Language Assignment status File name Part # parts time time recording) link Audio link example DE assign. DE assign.
— Find rows marked Available in your language.
— Click audio links and listen to a sample of the reocrdings to be sure you are comfortable doing it.
To get an assignment: — Email to request an assignment
— Include the filenames of all assignments you can work on, in case some are already assigned

— Note the deadline of your assignment and complete before the deadline.
— Download the audio recording and load it into a suitable audio player like Express Scribe.
— Open the additional materials link, download and read files.
— Open the format example.
— Open the transcript link. Please work in this online file, or paste work there when done.
— Note the assignment length (how long the assignment is in minutes of the recording).
Once you receive your
— Note the start and end times for the assignment. Start working at that part of the recording.
— Capture everything everyone says, translated into English.
— Follow the format example.
— Enter timestamps from recording at start and end of assignment, and every few minutes as you
see in the example.
— Email when finished.

— Babbletype reviews the quality (especially content accuracy and completeness) of all completed
assignments. Assignments which are accurate and complete pass, and those that are inaccurate or
incomplete fail.
Payment: — $1.50 per audio minute for passing assignments in Word processing / document format, $1.60
per audio minute for passing assignments in tabular (Sheets) format.
— $0.75 per audio minute for failing assignments (which require another translator to fix). $0.80 per
audio minute for failing tabular assignments requiring another translator to fix.
Forecasted volume, standard languages Updated KN 3/1/21
The most commonly used languages in market research are our standard languages. These are languages we actively work to build and maintain production capacity in, and that we can deliver most promptly.

Standard Language Format Files AM Length Total AM Internal use [1] Starting range Ending range
Japanese Word documents ( 16) ( 60) ( 960) 2/8/21 2/26/21
Mandarin Tabular format ( 24) ( 60) ( 1,440) 2/1/21
French Tabular format ( 7) ( 75) ( 525) 2/25/21 3/3/21
German Tabular format ( 7) ( 75) ( 525) 2/25/21 3/3/21
Mandarin Tabular format ( 8) ( 60) ( 480) 2/18/21 3/10/21
Japanese Word documents ( 8) ( 45) ( 360) 3/1/21 3/17/21
Spanish Word documents ( 10) ( 60) ( 600) 3/29/21 4/3/21
Portuguese (Brazilian) Available
Japanese Assigned
Korean Review Available
AA Available
On hold
[1] CS: limit to 2 & under. Alert AW if higher, or if adding additional files when we're backlogged on available
assignments tab.

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