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Prezentul continuu - Exercitii si teste

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la Prezentul continuu, in acord cu subiectul.
Ex.: "I ___ (to speak)" - am speaking

1. I ___ (to write)

2. You ___ (to swim)
3. We ___ (to walk)
4. He ___ (to walk)
5. They ___ (to read)
6. She ___ (to sing)
7. I ___ here (to play)
8. My father ___ here. (to come)
9. The birds ___ fast. (to fly)
10. The eagle __ very high. (to fly)
11. You ___ to the theater. (to go)
12. He ___ two books. (to have)
13. She ___ good to you. (to be)
14. I ___ a student. (to see)
15. You ___ a blue shirt. (to wear)
16. I ___ to live peacefully. (to choose )
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii prezentul continuu incepatori.

Trecutul continuu - Exercitii si teste

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la Trecutul continuu, in acord cu subiectul.
Ex.: "I ___ (to walk)" - was walking

1. I ___ (to write)

2. You ___ (to swim)
3. We ___ (to walk)
4. He ___ (to walk)
5. They ___ (to read)
6. She ___ (to sing)
7. I ___ over there (to play)
8. My cousin ___ here. (to come)
9. The swallows ___ fast. (to fly)
10. The eagle __ very high. (to fly)
11. You ___ to the theater. (to go)
12. He ___ two glasses. (to have)
13. She ___ good to you. (to be)
14. I ___ an orchid. (to see)
15. You ___ a nice shirt. (to wear)
16. I ___ two apples. (to choose )
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii trecutul continuu incepatori.

Viitor simplu - Exercitii si teste incepatori

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul viitor simplu, cu "will" (Future Tense), in
acord cu subiectul.

1. I ___ (to study)

2. You ___ (to start)
3. We ___ (to dance)
4. He ___ (to sing)
5. They ___ (to write)
6. She ___ (to cook)
7. It ___ here (to be)
8. My brother ___ tomorrow. (to leave)
9. The airplanes ___ fast. (to fly)
10. The painter __ a brush. (to get)
11. You ___ in the park. (to run)
12. It ___ three windows. (to have)
13. She ___ my homework. (to do)
14. I ___ some nuts. (to eat)
15. You ___ a green shirt. (to wear)
16. I ___ 2 hours. (to wait )
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii future tense incepatori.

Viitoru continuu - Exercitii si teste

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la Viitorul continuu, forma "will", in acord cu
Ex.: "I ___ (to learn)" - will be learning

1. I ___ (to write)

2. You ___ (to sit)
3. We ___ (to draw)
4. He ___ (to walk)
5. They ___ (to read)
6. She ___ (to plant)
7. I ___ over there (to go)
8. My father ___ here. (to come)
9. The whale ___ a lot. (to eat)
10. The crow __ very high. (to fly)
11. You ___ at the school. (to learn)
12. He ___ two cups. (to have)
13. She ___ tomorrow. (to train)
14. I ___ rose. (to see)
15. You ___ a blue t-shirt. (to wear)
16. I ___ next week. (to teach )
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii viitorul continuu incepatori.
Prezent perfect - Exercitii si teste
- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul Prezent perfect (Present perfect), in acord
cu subiectul.

1. I ___ (to learn)

2. You ___ (to walk)
3. We ___ (to travel)
4. He ___ (to learn)
5. They ___ (to eat)
6. She ___ (to sing)
7. It ___ here (to be)
8. My aunt ___ a bus. (to drive)
9. The helicopters ___ high. (to fly)
10. Your uncle __ a tree. (to paint)
11. You ___ here. (to work)
12. It ___ two plates. (to wash)
13. I ___ my homework. (to do)
14. They ___ some fruits. (to get)
15. You ___ the room. (to clean)
16. I ___ 2 stories. (to read )
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii present perfect incepatori.

Prezent perfect continuu - Exercitii si

teste incepatori
- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la Prezent perfect continuu, in acord cu subiectul.
Ex.: "I ___ (to learn)" - have been learning

1. I ___ (to teach)

2. You ___ (to stand up)
3. We ___ (to sit)
4. He ___ (to write)
5. They ___ (to read)
6. She ___ (to plant)
7. I ___ over there (to go)
8. My aunt ___ here. (to sleep)
9. The elephant ___ a lot. (to eat)
10. The balloon __ very high. (to fly)
11. You ___ in the classroom. (to read)
12. He ___ a book. (to draw)
13. She ___ for 3 hours. (to train)
14. I ___ it since this morning. (to see)
15. You lately ___ every evening. (to run)
16. I ___ for ages. (to travel)
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii prezent perfect continuu incepatori.
have been teaching, have been standing up, have been sitting, has been writing, have been
reading, has been planting, have been going, has been sleeping, has been eating, has been
flying, have been reading, has been drawing, has been training, have been seeing, have
been running, have been traveling
Scor ---

Trecut perfect - Exercitii si teste

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul Trecut perfect (Past Perfect), in acord cu

1. I ___ (to live)

2. You ___ (to work)
3. We ___ (to learn)
4. He ___ (to guide)
5. They ___ (to look for)
6. She ___ (to see)
7. It ___ here (to be)
8. My uncle ___ the meal before I came. (to finish)
9. The clown ___ twice. (to fall)
10. Your cousin __ a book. (to write)
11. You ___ when he worked. (to read)
12. It ___ three glasses. (to wash)
13. I ___ my homework before they came. (to do)
14. They ___ some greens. (to get)
15. You already ___ the cart. (to stop)
16. They never ___ before breakfast. (to run )
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii past perfect incepatori.

Trecut perfect continuu - Exercitii si teste

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul Trecut perfect continuu, in acord cu
Ex.: "I ___ (to learn)" - had been learning

1. I ___ (to walk)

2. You ___ (to look for)
3. We ___ (to work)
4. He ___ (to write)
5. They ___ (to read)
6. She ___ (to crochet)
7. I ___ over there (to go)
8. Your sisters ___ here. (to play)
9. The whale ___ a lot. (to eat)
10. The cheetah __ very fast. (to run)
11. You ___ in the street. (to laugh)
12. He ___ a book. (to buy)
13. She ___ for 3 hours. (to wait)
14. I ___ this morning. (to jog)
15. You ___ every evening. (to run)
16. We ___ all week. (to travel)
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii trecut perfect continuu incepatori.
had been walking, had been looking for, had been working, had been writing, had been
reading, had been crocheting, had been going, had been playing, had been eating, had
been running, had been laughing, had been buying, had been waiting, had been jogging,
had been running, had been traveling
Scor ---

Viitorul perfect - Exercitii incepatori

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul Viitorul Perfect (Future Perfect), in acord cu

1. I ___ (to watch)

2. You ___ (to work)
3. We ___ (to learn)
4. He ___ (to promise)
5. They ___ (to get in)
6. She ___ (to know)
7. It ___ there (to be)
8. My teacher ___ the lesson when I come. (to finish)
9. The child ___ . (to play)
10. Your mother __ vegetables. (to buy)
11. You ___ by Sunday. (to write)
12. It ___ the room. (to clean)
13. I ___ a book till they arrive. (to read)
14. They ___ some greens. (to plant)
15. You ___ a garden. (to draw)
16. They ___ before dinner. (to walk)
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii future perfect incepatori.

Viitor perfect continuu - Exercitii

- Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul Viitor perfect continuu, in acord cu
Ex.: "I ___ (to walk)" - will have been walking

1. I ___ (to learn)

2. You ___ (to take on)
3. We ___ (to work)
4. He ___ (to read)
5. They ___ (to run)
6. She ___ (to put in)
7. I ___ here (to sit)
8. Your sisters ___ there. (to go)
9. The gorillas ___ a lot. (to eat)
10. The boys __ every day. (to play)
11. You ___ at our school. (to teach)
12. He ___ a toy. (to buy)
13. She ___ for 2 hours. (to wait)
14. I ___ this morning. (to pray)
15. You ___ every evening. (to draw)
16. We ___ all week. (to travel)
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii viitor perfect continuu incepatori.

Verbe modale - Exercitii incepatori

- Recunoasteti si scrieti la fiecare proppozitie Verbul modal ce-l contine.

1. Can you be my friend? (Poti sa fii prietenul meu?)

2. I could run ten miles in my twenties. (Puteam sa alerg zece mile cand eram de
douazeci de ani.)
3. May I come in? (Imi permiteti [Pot] sa intru?)
4. He mihgt be there right now. (El s-ar putea sa fie acolo chiar acum.)
5. You must pray to the God.(Trebuie sa te rogi la Dumnezeu.)
6. Might I borrow the stapler? (Asi putea imprumuta capsatorul?)
7. You may sit now. (Poti sa stai jos acum.)
8. She must go to the school. (Ea trebuie sa mearga la scoala.)
9. It was late, but we could plant the flowers. (Era tarziu, dar am reusit sa plantam
10. He can speak two foreign languages. (El stie sa vorbeasca doua limbi straine.)

11. The children must eat many fruits. (Copii trebuie sa manance multe fructe.)

12. Can you read this? (Poti [Stii] sa citesti asta.)

13. The teacher might be late. (Profesorul ar putea intarzia.)
14. You may copy the lesson. (Ai voie sa copii lectia.)
15. Tom can help all his brothers. (Tom poate sa-si ajute toti fratii.)
16. She could run one kilometer more. (Ea ar fi putut alerga inca un kilometru.)

Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii verbe modale incepatori.

Verbe modale 2 - Teste incepatori

- Recunoasteti si scrieti pentru fiecare proppozitie Verbul modal ce-l contine.

1. They shall come on time. (Trebuie sa vina la timp.)

2. You should write to him. (Ar trebui să-i scrii.)
3. He ought be still at home. (S-ar cuveni să fie încă acasă.)
4. Will you come with me? (Vrei sa vii cu mine?)
5. I would like to rest. (Asi vrea sa ma odihnesc.)
6. He used to swim in the Danube. (El obisnuia sa inoate in Dunare.)
7. My brother is to come in a week's time. (Fratele meu e gata sa vina intr-o saptamana.)

8. We dare to ask. (Noi am indraznit sa intrebam.)

9. Where shall we put the flower? (Unde sa punem floarea?)
10. They should be in the classroom by now. (Ei ar trebui sa fie in clasa deja.)

11. Would you help me? (Ai vrea sa ma ajuti?)

12. Dan ought to exercise more. (Dan s-ar cuveni sa exerseze mai mult.)
13. I used to walk a lot. (Obisnuiam sa ma plimb mult.)
14. I shall take care of everything for you. (Trebuie sa ma ocup de toate pentru tine.)
15. He will sit on the bed for hours. (Obisnueste [Sta] in pat ore-n sir.)
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii verbe modale2 incepatori.

Prepozitii - Exercitii si teste engleza

- Recunoasteti si scrieti prepozitiile din urmatoaarele propozitii.

1. What photos are they looking at? (La ce fotografii se uita?)

2. This is a good firm to work with. (Aceasta este o firma buna cu care sa lucrezi.)

3. Many documents are kept within the drawer. (Multe documente sunt pastrate in
4. He is in school. (E in scoala.)
5. I am at home. (Sunt acasa.)
6. There is a book beside the bed. (E o carte langa pat.)
7. Mary is standing by the window. (Maria este in picioare la fereastra.)
8. The bookcase is against the wall. (Biblioteca este rezemata [lipita] de perete.)

9. The dog is under the chair. (Cainele este sub pat.)

10. The cat is over the roof. (Pisica este pe acoperiş.)
11. The book you need is underneath those papers. (Cartea de care aveti nevoie este sub
acele hartii.)
12. There is a tree in front of our house. (E un copac in fata casei noastre.)
13. There was a dictionary amoung these books. (Era un dictionar printre aceste carti.)

14. They went into the house. (Ei au mers in casa.)

15. They sailed across the ocean. (Au navigat peste ocean.)
16. She came out of the room. (Ea a venit din camera.)
Teste engleza, gramatica: exercitii prepozitii incepatori.

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