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443 Mabini Street, Zone II, Atimonan, Quezon

(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s. 1986

…teaching minds …changing lives …moving forward

TN: CODE Week 1 – 2

Junior High School Worksheet

Lesson 1- Using information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel
discussion, etc. in everyday conversations and exchanges

General instructions: Use extra papers in needed

Mission 1 (pp. 3 -4 )
Directions: Read an article in a newspaper or the internet and answer the questions that follow:

1. What is the article all about?

2. Do you agree or disagree with the opinions in the article read?
3. Are there any points you wish to clarify? If so, what are they?
4. Do you think that the information you have learned from the article is worth sharing? To whom
will you share this information read?

Mission 2: Watch and Learn!

Directions: Visit the link below and watch a short clip about persuasive speech , and take note of important point expressed by the
speaker as well as his/her ways of expressing. Write your observations on the space below by answering
the guide questions below, you may use extra sheet of paper if needed.

1. What is the idea of the speech?

2. What are the main points?
3. How did the speaker expressed her views?
4. Is her way of expressing her ideas persuading? How did you say so?

Lesson 2 Determining the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles,
nonlinear illustrations, etc. on understanding of a text.

Mission 2 (page 9-10)

Directions: Choose 3 words from the list below. Cline five synonyms for each word. Use the
boxes that follow. You can use extra papers if necessary.
1. Small
2. Afraid
3. Cold
4. Love (noun)
5. Little
Mission 3
Directions: Below is a C-E-R Diagram, read the selections presented (You can access the selections
either on our Group chat or in our Google classroom) and fill in the table below. Do this on a separate
sheet of paper.

Text 1 Text 2 Text 3
How can texts The Road Not Taken Life is About Choices and
help in expressing The Lady and the Tiger by By  Robe rt Fr ost the Decisions We Make
and resolving Frank Stockton
personal conflicts
with regards to (Short Story) (Poem) (Essay)
making decisions?

Answer: Answer: Answer:

Supporting text: Supporting text: Supporting text:

Reason: Reason: Reason:

Lesson 3 Appraising the unity of plot, setting, and characterization in a material

viewed to achieve the writer’s purpose.

Mission 2 ( pp13-14)
Directions: In the space provided, write the theme of the following selections and identify the
authors purpose and writing style.

1. Noli Me Tangere by Jose Rizal


2. Anabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe

3. The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant


Mission 3 (pg. 15)

Directions: Choose a selection from Mission 2 and give the structure of the selection by identifying its
setting, Characters and Plot. Then, tell how they highlight the theme and how these contributed in
achieving the author’s purpose

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